All Opus+ application and libraries can be downloaded from the table below. These are all independent components, licensed under the GNU GPL3 license, and contain all binaries pre-built as stand-alone, executable JAR files, all the source code and all relevant documentation. Please read the license agreement and the documentation, particularly the installation guide, before use.
Please note, installing Opus+ is simply a matter of unzipping files into a directory of your choice; typically this would be the directory from which you intend to use Opus+. Opus+ does NOT change anything on your computer without your knowledge. For example it does not read the Windows registry, set environment variables or in any way communicate across the web to other websites. It does not look for updates, or push you into upgrades. You can remove it from you system if you decide you don't want it by simply deleting everything that you unzipped
Package Description | Platforms (*) | Download File | Size | MD5 Checksum |
Opus+ Neos GUI | All | | 6.24 MB | 672b0af99da074abb6ac87515e84572e |
Opus+ Library | All | | 20.83 MB | 4ef2844fa004855cc30de5aad1a23ecc |
(*) Platforms can be Linux, Apple Mac, Windows etc. In short any computer that can run Java v1.6 or above.