Opus+ Version 1.0 Java API

Class LilypondOctavator

  extended by opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondOctavator

public class LilypondOctavator
extends java.lang.Object


Class encapsulates the processing required for auto-octavation for Lilypond output.

Adrian Marriott

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void printOctavation(java.io.PrintStream out, ClefType clefId, int[] pitches)
          Passed the clef id and an array of pitches, this method will print out the appropriate Lilypond octavation strings to the passed print stream according to the constraints specified in the SysParameters class and the current octavation level.
static void reset()
          Resets the octavator ready for the next stave.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LilypondOctavator()
Method Detail


public static void reset()
Resets the octavator ready for the next stave. Lilypond expects the current octavation to be zero at the start of a stave.


public static void printOctavation(java.io.PrintStream out,
                                   ClefType clefId,
                                   int[] pitches)
Passed the clef id and an array of pitches, this method will print out the appropriate Lilypond octavation strings to the passed print stream according to the constraints specified in the SysParameters class and the current octavation level.

Opus+ Version 1.0 Java API

Copyright © 2005-2010 Adrian Marriott.
All Rights Reserved.