Opus+ Version 1.0 Java API
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _


absolutePitchToNearestOffsetEqualOrAbove(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns the integer passed in unchanged.
absolutePitchToNearestOffsetEqualOrAbove(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Passed an absolute pitch, this function returns the offset of the note in this scale, relative to the 'starting note offset', which is equal to or just above the passed pitch.
absolutePitchToNearestOffsetEqualOrAbove(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Passed an absolute pitch, this function returns the offset of the note in this scale, relative to the 'starting note offset', which is equal to or just above the passed pitch.
absolutePitchToNearestOffsetEqualOrBelow(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns the integer passed in unchanged.
absolutePitchToNearestOffsetEqualOrBelow(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Passed an absolute pitch, this function returns the offset of the note in this scale, relative to the 'starting note offset', which is equal to or just below the passed pitch.
absolutePitchToNearestOffsetEqualOrBelow(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Passed an absolute pitch, this function returns the offset of the note in this scale, relative to the 'starting note offset', which is equal to or just below the passed pitch.
AccentType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Articulations which can be applied to any pitched element.
Accumulation - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Class that writes several fragments as an accumulating or dispersing musical mass across several staves starting at a specified stave/bar and time offset within that bar.
Accumulation() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.Accumulation
default no arg ctor will operate across all voices in accumulation mode by default.
Accumulation(VoiceSelector, boolean, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.Accumulation
Full-state ctor which sets the voices upon which this placement will operate, determines whether the musical mass will accumulate across the staves as the fragments are played or whether they gradually disperse into quiet and the time offset within the first bar at which placement will start.
ADAGIETTO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
ADAGIO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
ADAGISSIMO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
add(PF, T) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Adds the passed object independent of whether there is a match for the passed parameter frame.
add(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Inserts the passed parameter frame iff an identical one is not already present, and if the passed argument is not null.
add(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array containing the elements of arr2 added to those of arr1.
add(int[], int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array containing the elements of arr2 added to those of arr1.
add(NotatorBarRange) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Adds the passed notator bar range to the table.
addAll(PFSet) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Adds all the parameter frames from the passed PFSet into this assuming that they are not already held herein.
addDrumGroup(DrumScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Adds all the drums in the passed drum group to this scale.
addDrumSound(DrumId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Adds the passed drum to this scale.
addDrumSounds(DrumId[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Adds all the passed drum sounds to this scale
addDrumSounds(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Adds all the passed drum sounds to this scale
addLyFile(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.misc.LilypondRunner
Method checks each Lilypond file passed in to be sure that it exists.
addPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Appends the passed pitch to this chord.
addPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Appends the passed pitch to this graceNote and a default duration to the graceNote durations.
addPitch(int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Appends the passed pitch to this graceNote and the associated duration to the graceNote durations.
addPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Appends the passed pitch to this tuplet.
addPitches(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Adds all the pitches passed in the pitchList to meList, and at the same time offset within pitchList.
addRandom(Chord, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Returns the chord passed but with a note added the pitch of which is bounded by the specified range.
addRandomPitch(Chord, PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Tries to add a note to the passed chord consistent with all the constraints specified in the parameter frame.
addSection(int, Tempo) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Adds a new section to the configuration with the specified number of bars and at the specified tempo.
addSection(int, Tempo, TimeSignature) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Adds a new section to the configuration with the specified number of bars and at the specified tempo.
addSection(int, Tempo, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Adds a new section to the configuration with the specified number of bars and at the specified tempo.
addSection(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Adds a new section to the configuration with the number of bars, the tempo, and the time signature, which will be used for every bar in every voice in this section, drawn from the current settings within the passed parameter frame.
addSection(int, Tempo, TimeSignature, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Adds a new section to the configuration with the specified number of bars and at the specified tempo.
addStave(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed the name of either an instrument or a registered drum kit, this method adds a new blank stave of the correct type with the same number of sections as there are currently.
addStave(InstrumentId) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an instrument id, this method adds a new blank stave for this instrument with the same number of sections as there are currently.
addStave(DrumKitId) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed a drum kit id, this method adds a new blank stave for this drum kit with the same number of sections as there are currently.
addStave(DrumKit) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed a drum kit object, this method adds a new blank stave for this drum kit with the same number of sections as there are currently.
addStave(String, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed the name of either an instrument or a registered drum kit, and a parameter frame this method adds a new blank stave for this instrument with the same number of sections as there are currently.
addStave(InstrumentId, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an instrument id, and a parameter frame this method adds a new blank stave for this instrument with the same number of sections as there are currently.
addStave(DrumKitId, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an drum kit id, and a parameter frame this method adds a new blank stave for this drum kit with the same number of sections as there are currently.
addStave(DrumKit, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an drum kit object, and a parameter frame this method adds a new blank stave for this drum kit with the same number of sections as there are currently.
addStave(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed a parameter frame, this method adds a new blank stave for the specified instrument or drum kit with the same number of sections as there are currently.
addStavePart(StavePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.DrumStave
Adds a stave part to the end of this stave and internally ensures that it complies with certain restrictions, for example being of the correct sub-type.
addStavePart(StavePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStave
Adds a stave part to the end of this stave and internally ensures that it complies with certain restrictions, for example being of the correct sub-type.
addStavePart(StavePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStave
Adds a stave part to the end of this stave and internally ensures that it complies with certain restrictions, for example being of the correct sub-type.
addStavePart(StavePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Adds the passed StavePart object to the end of the stave
addToAll(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Adds an amount to all elements of the integer array
addVoice(Voice) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Adds a voice to this stave.
addVoicePart(VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Adds the passed VoicePart object to the end of the voice
adjustOctavationDown(PitchSpec) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchSharpRep
Lilypond represents the 'octavation' of a pitch with commas and apostrophes.
adjustOctavationUp(PitchSpec) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFlatRep
Lilypond represents the 'octavation' of a pitch with commas and apostrophes.
ALLEGRETTO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
ALLEGRO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
allIntegerStreamCtorsToString() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Useful debugging routine that returns all the integer streams used (since the last call to OpusLib.init()) along with all the arguments passed in their construction, as a string.
AllStaveSelector - Class in opusplus.core.composition.selector
Class which encapsulates the selection of all staves from the composition.
AllStaveSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.AllStaveSelector
Ctor which selects all staves from the composition
AllStaveSelector(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.AllStaveSelector
Ctor which selects a single stave from the composition.
AllStaveSelector(int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.AllStaveSelector
Ctor which selects two numbered staves from the composition.
AllStaveSelector(int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.AllStaveSelector
Ctor which selects a set of staves from the composition.
alternativeClef - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
and(Field[], Field[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns all those fields in both arrays.
ANDANTE - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
AnsweringPhrase - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Class that writes a fragment onto two different staves as an 'answering phrase' - that is one plays, and then another instrument immediately repeats it.
AnsweringPhrase() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.AnsweringPhrase
Default ctor which will operate across all voices by default
AnsweringPhrase(VoiceSelector, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.AnsweringPhrase
Full-state ctor which sets the voices upon which this placement will operate and the offset into the first bar that it will start from.
append(PF, T) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Pushes the passed object on to the front of this structure independent of any matching criteria for the passed parameter frame.
append(NoteLength[], NoteLength[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns a single array containing the elements of both arrays in order.
append(NoteLength[], NoteLength) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns a single array containing the passed note length appended to the end
append(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Appends the passed music elements to this fragment.
append(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Appends the passed music elements to this fragment.
append(double[], double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns a single array containing the elements of both arrays in order.
append(double[], double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns an array containing the elements of the passed array with the passed double appended to the end.
append(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a single array containing the elements of both arrays in order.
append(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array containing the elements of the passed array with the passed integer appended to the end.
append(long[], long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns a single array containing the elements of both arrays in order.
append(long[], long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns an array containing the elements of the passed array with the passed long appended to the end.
append(String[], String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a new array contain all the elements of arr with s appended on the end.
appendCol(int[][], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Appends the passed column to the 2D array.
appendColTrunc(int[][], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Appends the passed column to the 2D array.
appendMusicElement(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Adds the passed note, chord, rest or what-not to the end of this voice part.
appendMusicElements(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Appends all the passed music elements at the end of this voice part.
appendRow(int[][], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Appends the passed row to the 2D array.
appendRowTrunc(int[][], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Appends the passed row to the 2D array.
appendToDurationArray(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Complex internal method which appends a random arrangement of durations to the duration array, equalling the passed duration, using the DurationCombinationCalculator class.
appendToDurationArray(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedDurationCombinationStream
appendTransform(TransformFunctor) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Appends the passed transform to the end of the processing list
apply() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.NearestNeighbourIterator
Searches forward and backwards through the collection from the starting position to identify the first element that 'qualifies' by 'applying' the match() method of the passed functor.
arpeggio - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
ArpeggioTrillNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
This class writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
ArpeggioTrillNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.ArpeggioTrillNotator
Constructor which takes an integer stream, to handle decision points, a selection of voices, the start bar and a number of bars.
ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Articulations which can only be applied to chords.
ArpeggioType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Articulations which can only be applied to chords.
arrayToBin(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed an array of numbers, this function returns a binary number which has a bit set where any element in the array is greater than zero.
arrayToList(DrumId[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Converts a java array of DrumId objects to an ArrayList of same; returns null if passed a null.
arrayToList(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Passed an array, returns an ArrayList containing the same data
arrayToList(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Passed an array, returns an ArrayList containing the same data
arrayToList(T[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a list containing the same elements as the passed array in the same order
arrayToString(NoteLength[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns an array of NoteLengths as a single string.
arrayToString(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Calls toString on all the contents of an array and returns them as a single string to the caller.
arrayToString(Object[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Calls toString on all the contents of an array and returns them as a single string to the caller.
arrayToString(String[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Calls toString on all the contents of an array and returns them as a single string to the caller.
ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
This notator scans through a set of bars and fixes up incorrect articulation marks and ensures that spurious dynamics are removed.
ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator(IntegerStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
This notator scans through a set of bars and fixes up incorrect articulation marks and ensures that spurious dynamics are removed.
ArticulationAndDynamicsTypeStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
Returns a stream of articulations and dynamics according to the probabilities set in the constructor.
ArticulationAndDynamicsTypeStream(IntegerStream, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ArticulationAndDynamicsTypeStream
Full state ctor
assign(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamRef
Sets the integer stream targeted by this reference.
average(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the average or mean of a set of integer values
average(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the average or mean of a set of values
averageAbsoluteDeviation(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the average absolute deviation of a set of doubles.
averageIgnoreOutliers(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
This function returns an average of the passed data set but ignores outliers.


BalancedRandomIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
This class provides a source of integers that are random between 'min' and 'max' inclusive and guaranteed to be without repeats until all numbers within the range have been returned once.
BalancedRandomIntegerStream() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Ctor which seeds the random number generator from the default value in SysParameters, or if this is zero, from the system time.
BalancedRandomIntegerStream(long) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Ctor which seeds the random number generator using the passed value.
BalancedRandomIntegerStream(long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Ctor which seeds the random number generator using the passed value.
Bar - Class in opusplus.core.composition
This class represents a bar of music.
Bar(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Minimum states ctor that sets the bar number.
Bar(int, ArrayList) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Ctor that sets the stave parts
BarClearancePattern - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Defines a set of 'deletion patterns' used by the IntroNotator and the CadenceNotator in the first and last sections of the composition.
BarSteppingSpacer - Class in opusplus.lib.notator.stencil
Simple stencil spacing strategy which moves the position forward from the current position a fixed number of bars each time.
BarSteppingSpacer() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.BarSteppingSpacer
Default, no-arg ctor.
BarSteppingSpacer(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.BarSteppingSpacer
Constructor which sets the number of bars to jump forward each time.
beanToXML(Object) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Returns an XML representation of this bean object (e.g.
BeatIterator - Class in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
Complex iterator which returns the contents of a voice part beat-by-beat.
BeatIterator(VoicePart) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.BeatIterator
BifurcatingDurationStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
A duration stream which can guarantee a pattern of note durations which will exactly fit any given bar length.
BifurcatingDurationStream(IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Ctor that takes an integer stream to enable decisions, and a target duration for which rhythmic patterns must be generated.
BifurcatingDurationStream(IntegerStream, TimeSignature) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Ctor that takes an integer stream to enable decisions, and a time-signature which is used to calculate the bar-length, the duration of which rhythmic patterns must be generated.
BifurcatingDurationStream(IntegerStream, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Ctor that takes an integer stream to enable decisions, and a parameter frame which contains a time signature from which the duration of a bar can be calculated, and it is for this duration that the rhythmic will be created.
binaryArrayToInt(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed a binary array smaller than 32 elements in length, this method returns an integer containing the corresponding bit pattern.
binaryArrayToLong(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed a binary array smaller than 64 elements in length, this method returns a long containing the corresponding bit pattern.
binaryStringToInt(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Converts the passed 'binary' string containing 1 and 0 characters to an integer.
binaryStringToLong(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Converts the passed 'binary' string containing 1 and 0 characters to a long.
binToArray(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed a binary integer, this function returns an integer array which has an element set to 1 where any bit in the number is 1.
bottom() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Repositions the iterator onto the bottom stave of the current bar.
bottom() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Repositions the iterator onto the bottom voice of the current bar.


CacheRing - Interface in opusplus.lib.rings
A 'read-only' interface for cache rings, which provides minimal access to get the current, next and previous caches from a cache ring, and to get a list of all the cache rings.
CacheRingBase - Class in opusplus.lib.rings
Abstract base class for all cache rings which provides functionality common to all cache rings and mandates implementors define certain other methods.
CacheRingBase() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
CacheRingSelector - Interface in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Interface for strategy-objects which encapsulates when and how the current cache in a ring cache is altered.
CacheRingSelectorStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Biases the way in which the current cache in a cache ring are changed by the fragment notator.
CacheSelectorStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Biases the way in which items are selected from current cache by the fragment notator.
Cadence - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum that allows the programmer to specify cadence types easily within the code.
CadenceNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
This class has been designed to work on a composition the constraints of which has been specified in sections, and where the last section is expected to be dedicated to an ending of some description.
CadenceNotator(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.CadenceNotator
Full state ctor.
calculateAbsoluteFragmentDuration(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Passed a min or max fragment duration value, this method uses the current fragment duration units setting, to calculate the correct value in the time ticks used internally by Opus+.
calculateBarsToClear(IntegerStream, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Method examines the number of bars in the passed section and the number of instruments in the piece, and then calculates a pattern of bars to delete, and it uses the bar clearance weights from the parameter frame associated with the passed section to help with its machinations.
calculateDottedMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Calculates a dotted mask by using logical-OR operation on each of the dotted chord, dotted note, dotted rest and dotted tuplet masks.
calculateDoubleDottedMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Calculates a double-dotted mask by using logical-OR operation on each of the double-dotted chord, double-dotted note, double-dotted rest and double-dotted tuplet masks.
calculateFragmentDurationPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Passed a min or max fragment duration value as time ticks used internally by Opus+, this method uses the current fragment duration units setting, to calculate the correct value as a percentage suitable for internal storage.
calculateInitialNumberOfNotatorInstances() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategyBase
Method that calculates an initial number of notator instances to create based on the size of the composition i.e.
calculatePlainMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Calculates a plain mask by using logical-OR operation on each of the plain chord, plain note, plain rest and plain tuplet masks.
calculateRangeModulation(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Takes an array of integer values (pitches) which can be positive, zero or negative, and two other integers that together define a 'range'.
calculateTotalNumberOfParameters(PFExtensions) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Calculates the total number of distinct parameters in the union of 'this' and 'other' bearing in mind that unlike all the hard-coded parameters, these extensions are all optional.
capitalize(String, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an lowercase version of the string passed with only the first character set to uppercase (assuming its an alphabetic).
capitalizeEach(String, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a version of the passed string with each word that is separated by whitespace and that starts with a letter capitalized.
changeSection(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Changes the section at the specified index, to the specified number of bars.
changeSection(int, Tempo) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Changes the section at the specified index, to the specified tempo.
changeSection(int, TimeSignature) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Changes the section at the specified index to the passed time signature for every bar in every voice in this section.
changeSection(int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Changes the section at the specified index, to use the passed parameter frame to configure every voice in this section.
changeSection(int, int, Tempo, TimeSignature, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Changes the section at the specified index, to the specified number of bars and the specified tempo.
changeStave(int, String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed the name of either an instrument or a registered drum kit, this method changes the stave at the passed index.
changeStave(int, InstrumentId) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an instrument id, this method changes the stave at the passed index.
changeStave(int, DrumKitId) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an drum kit id, this method changes the stave at the passed index.
changeStave(int, DrumKit) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an drum kit object, this method changes the stave at the passed index.
changeStave(int, String, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed the name of either an instrument or a registered drum kit, and a parameter frame this method changes the stave at the specified stave index to use the specified noisy thing and the parameters passed.
changeStave(int, InstrumentId, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an instrument id, and a parameter frame this method changes the stave at the specified stave index to use the specified instrument and the parameters passed.
changeStave(int, DrumKitId, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed a drum kit id, and a parameter frame this method changes the stave at the specified stave index to use the specified drum kit and the parameters passed.
changeStave(int, DrumKit, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed a drum kit object, and a parameter frame this method changes the stave at the specified stave index to use the specified drum kit and the parameters passed.
changeStave(int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed a parameter frame, this method changes the stave for the specified instrument or drum kit at the specified stave index.
ChaoticIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Uses the Malthusian Difference equation to generate streams of long integers with varying degrees of regularity.
ChaoticIntegerStream() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Ctor that seeds the Malthusian Difference equation with the default values: start at 0.8, ratio of 3.6 and the precision multiplier set to 1,000,000,000,000,000.0 (a trillion).
ChaoticIntegerStream(double, double, double) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Ctor that seeds the Malthusian Difference equation with the passed arguments.
checkTies(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns true if all the tied elements in the passed list are correctly tied to the element in front, all the next and prev pointers are correct, and the elements are of the same music element type, otherwise false.
choosePitchOctave(int, int, int, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Passed a pitch, this method chooses the octave for this pitch from within the range specified by the maximum and minimum pitch thresholds specified in the passed parameter frame.
Chord - Class in opusplus.core.musicElements
A musical 'thing' with several concurrent pitches and duration.
Chord() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Ctor does nothing
Chord(int[], NoteLength) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Ctor that fully constructs a chord; its pitches, duration and its Lilypond representation.
ChordConvertOption - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
When converting a chord to a tuplet or fragment, the order of notes is not specified in the chord.
ChordFactory - Class in opusplus.lib.factories
There are two basic ways in which chords can be specified: by reference to a musical scale, and as a set of intervals.
ChordFactory() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
ChordFactory(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
ChordGenerationPostProcess - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum that determines how generated chords are processed afterwards.
ChordGenerationStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum that determines how chords are generated.
chordInversionDown(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Inverts the passed pitches as if they belonged to a chord by moving the treble note into the bass.
chordInversionUp(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Inverts the passed pitches as if they belonged to a chord by moving the bass note into the treble.
ChordNumber - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum that references chords at standard scale offsets.
ChordStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
This class encapsulates different ways of creating chords under various constraint regimes, which allows the user to influence the harmonic variety through parameter frame settings.
ChordStream(IntegerStream, PF, Scale) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ChordStream
Total state constructor which fully initializes this chord stream for use.
chordToFragment(Chord, ChordConvertOption, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Expands a chord into a fragment in various ways as specified by the conversion option.
chordTupletTransform(ArrayList, boolean, boolean, ChordConvertOption, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Spins through the given phrase converting chords and tuplets, in-situ
ChordTupletTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
Spins through the given phrase converting chords and tuplets, in-situ
ChordTupletTransform(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Minimal ctor which uses default settings, to wit: it converts tuplets to chords and vice versa, tuplets are created in ascending note order.
ChordTupletTransform(IntegerStream, boolean, boolean, ChordConvertOption, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Full-state ctor.
chordTupletTransform(ArrayList, boolean, boolean, ChordConvertOption, int[], IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Spins through the given phrase converting chords and tuplets, in-situ
ChromaticScaleFactory - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Factory for creating a (the) chromatic scale.
ChromaticScaleFactory() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.ChromaticScaleFactory
classify(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This function implements a complex idea which is difficult to name.
classnameToUpperCaseXMLTag(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Converts a class name in the capitalized form, into an underscore separated upper case XML tag name.
clean(PrintStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaLoader
Reads the XML file from _in and writes out a 'clean' version to the passed print stream which has the following qualities:
clear() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Removes all entries completely.
clear() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Removes all elements from the ring.
clear() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Clears all transforms in this group
clearCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
Clears only the current cache.
clearCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.FragmentCacheRing
Clears only the current cache.
clearCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.PlacementCacheRing
Clears only the current cache.
clearCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.TransformGroupCacheRing
Clears only the current cache.
clearCurrentSerialRow() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Clears the current serial row so that the next request to transform a fragment is guaranteed to start with a fresh row.
clearIntegerStreamList() - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
Clears the integer stream list.
clearIntegerStreamList() - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBaseExtent
Clears the integer stream list
clearNotatorList() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBase
Clears the notator list
clearPhraseMakerList() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseMakerBase
Clears the phraseMaker list
clearRange() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Convenience function for subclasses so they can clear existing musical material from the range without having to do this using a cutter while they iterate.
Clef - Class in opusplus.core.music
Represents a musical clef within Opus+
Clef(ClefType) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.music.Clef
Ctor that takes a single argument which determines the clef type.
Clef(ClefType, ClefOctave) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.music.Clef
Takes two arguments, the first specifies the type of clef, the second an optional modifier which moves the clef either an octave or two octaves, up or down.
ClefOctave - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Allows the user to specify the octave transposition for clefs in an unambiguous, compile-time type-safe manner.
clefOctave - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
ClefType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Specifies the musical clef unambiguously and contributes to compile-time type safety.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method, returns another pointer targetted at exactly the same time tick as this.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method, returns another range spanning across exactly the same time ticks as this.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method, returns another window spanning across exactly the same voices and time ticks as this.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PF
Deep-copy clone method
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Deep copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Bit-wise implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Need to be able to copy music elements as distinct objects from one bar to another.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Deep copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Deep copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Bitwise copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Bitwise copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Integer streams must be cloneable and return a deep copy of the current state such that repeated clones on the same instance will return copies which are IDENTICAL TO EACH OTHER (not necessarily identical to the current state of this).
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Bitwise copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomBooleanStream
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedBooleanStream
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Deep-copy clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.MirrorInvertTransform
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.NOPTransform
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RetrogradeTransform
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Bitwise-copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformFunctor
Deep copy implementation of the clone method.
clone() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
closestToAverage(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the value in the passed array closest to the average of the values in the array.
closestValueEqualOrAbove(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the closest value in the passed array equal to or greater than X.
closestValueEqualOrBelow(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the closest value in the passed array equal to or less than X.
closestValues(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the value in the passed array closest to the value of X.
closestValues(int[][], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Method compares the passed array with every candidate, and returns the candidate that is closest using a vector comparison.
closestVector(int[][], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Method compares the passed array with every candidate, and returns the candidate that is closest using Euclidean vector distance.
collect(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.Stats
Collect a sample
combFragment(ArrayList, int, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method takes a single fragment and produces a list of fragments each composed of elements of the original such that they each take it in turn to play parts.
combination(int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
The number of combinations of r things from n is given by n!/(r!(n-r)!) This function allows the caller random access to these, by passing in a decimal integer, k, between 0 and (n!/(r!(n-r)!))-1.
comboHermeneutics(int[][]) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
One of the best names for any method ever! Dead post-modern phraseology or wot!? Hermeneutics is the study of interpretation theory, and can be either the art of interpretation, or the theory and practice of interpretation.
combSort(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method takes an array and splits it into an equal number of N sorted sub-ranges, each of which take the nth value from a linear sort of the original array.
CommonPlacementBase - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Common implementation base class for all Placements
CommonPlacementBase() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
completeRestProcessing() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
This function spins through the entire composition, finishing off every partial bar by by appending rests as required, and then it spins through merging rests where possible.
completeRestProcessing(SmoothingLevel) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
This function spins through the entire composition, finishing off every partial bar by extending the last note or by appending rests as required, and then it spins through merging rests where possible.
Composer - Class in opusplus.lib
This class composes entire musical pieces using a technique called 'constrained random generation'.
Composer() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.Composer
Default no-arg ctor which will generate a composition according to the current settings of the system parameters and the state of the PFtable.
Composer(File) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.Composer
Ctor which takes the name of an XML parameters file.
Composer(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.Composer
Ctor which takes the name of an XML parameters file.
Composition - Class in opusplus.core.composition
A singleton that represents the composition being worked upon.
compress(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Compresses the contents for 'arr' into the specified range.
constructEquidistantValues(int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Strange method which divides the passed range, defined by min and max, into a number of equally spaced values, adjusted for rounding errors.
contains(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Returns true if this set already contains an identical parameter frame as judged by its contents.
contains(DrumId[], DrumId) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns true if the passed array contains the drum id, otherwise false.
contains(DrumKitId[], DrumKitId) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Returns true if the passed drum group array contains the drum group, otherwise false.
contains(DrumScaleId[], DrumScaleId) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns true if the passed drum scale array contains the drum scale, otherwise false.
contains(InstrumentId[], InstrumentId) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Returns true if the passed array contains the instrument id, otherwise false.
contains(NoteLength[], NoteLength) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns true if the passed array contains note length nl.
contains(double[], double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns true if the passed array contains double x
contains(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed array contains integer x
contains(long[], long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns true if the passed array contains long x
contains(ArrayList, T) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a true if the number of occurrences of 'ele' in 'list' is greater than zero.
contains(T[], T) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a true if the number of occurrences of 'ele' in 'arr' is greater than zero.
contains(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed four integers that specify two ranges, this method returns true if range 1 'contains' range 2,, otherwise false.
contains(ArrayList, Fragment) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns true if the fragment f0 is present in the passed list or false if not found.
containsIdentical(ArrayList, PF) - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Method which returns true if the passed array list contains a parameter frame with identical contents to the second argument.
containsIgnoreCase(String[], String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if string s is contained in the passed array arr at least once.
containsZero(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns true if the passed array contains at least one zero
containsZero(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed array contains at least one zero
containsZero(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns true if the passed array contains at least one zero
Continuo - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Class that writes a series of fragments, cyclicly, as a continuo starting at a specified stave/bar and time offset within that bar, and for a specified number of repeats.
Continuo() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.Continuo
Default ctor which will operate across all voices by default, and with no interval between each fragment, and it will repeat right to the end of the piece.
Continuo(VoiceSelector, int, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.Continuo
Full-state Ctor which sets the voices upon which this placement will operate , along with the number of repeats, the gap between each fragment in time ticks and the initial time offset into the first bar writing will commence.
copy(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns a cloned copy of the passed double array
copy(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a cloned copy of the passed int array
copy(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a cloned copy of the passed integer array list
copy(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns a cloned copy of the passed long array
copyCache(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCacheFiller
Copies the cache at the passed index into the current position.
copyCache(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCacheFiller
Copies the cache at the passed index into the current position.
copyCache(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCacheFiller
Copies the cache at the passed index into the current position.
copyDir(File, File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Copies the source directory and the entire contents thereof into the target directory.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed a root directory path and a file path, this method creates a new copy of the file in the passed directory iff there is no file by that name already.
copyFiles(File, File[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Copies all the files in the passed array into the target directory.
copyHashTables(PFExtensions) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Deep-copies the hash tables contents from 'other' into 'this'.
count(double[], double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Counts the number of occurrences of X in the passed array
count(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Counts the number of occurrences of X in the passed array
count(long[], long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Counts the number of occurrences of X in the passed array
count(ArrayList, T) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a count of the number of occurrences of 'ele' in 'list'.
count(T[], T) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a count of the number of occurrences of 'ele' in 'arr'.
count(String, char) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the number of occurrences of c in s.
countGreaterThan(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Counts the number of occurrences greater than X in the passed array
countLessThan(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Counts the number of occurrences less than X in the passed array
countNotes(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Counts the number of pitches in the passed array of music elements including all the notes in chords and tuplets.
countSilentBarsPerVoiceInSection(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Passed a section number this method returns an integer array with as many elements as there are voices in the composition.
covers(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed four integers that specify two ranges, this method returns true if range 1 'covers' range 2, otherwise false.
covers(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Predicate function that returns true if this notator bar range object 'covers' or includes the passed voice number and bar.
createBlackRow() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Create a row consisting of only the black piano keys
createCache(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
Creates a new cache and sets it as the current cache.
createCache(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.FragmentCacheRing
Creates a new cache and sets it as the current cache.
createCache(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.PlacementCacheRing
Creates a new cache and sets it as the current cache.
createCache(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.TransformGroupCacheRing
Creates a new cache and sets it as the current cache.
createCaches(PF[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCacheFiller
Creates new caches starting from the current cache and fills each in turn from the next parameter frame in the array
createCaches(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCacheFiller
Creates new caches starting from the current cache and fills each in turn from the next parameter frame in the list
createCaches(PF[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCacheFiller
Creates new caches starting from the current cache and fills each in turn from the next parameter frame in the array
createCaches(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCacheFiller
Creates new caches starting from the current cache and fills each in turn from the next parameter frame in the list
createCaches(PF[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCacheFiller
Creates new caches starting from the current cache and fills each in turn from the next parameter frame in the array
createCaches(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCacheFiller
Creates new caches starting from the current cache and fills each in turn from the next parameter frame in the list
createChord(ChordNumber, int, int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChord(int[], NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Does exactly what it says on the can!
createChord(IntegerStream, NoteLength, int, int, int, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Highly inefficient, very random chord construction function that blindly tries all the drums in the scale and only accepts those that are consistent with the passed constraints.
createChord(ChordNumber, int, int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChord(int[], NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a chord constructed from the note offsets passed in the integer array.
createChord(IntegerStream, NoteLength, int, int, int, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Highly inefficient, very random chord construction function that blindly tries all the pitches in the scale and only accepts those that are consistent with the passed constraints.
createChord(int[], NoteLength) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns a chord constructed from the note offsets passed in the integer array.
createChord(IntegerStream, NoteLength, int, int, int, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Highly inefficient, very random chord construction function that blindly tries all the pitches in the scale and only accepts those that are consistent with the passed constraints.
createChord(ChordNumber, int, int, NoteLength) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChord(int, NoteLength, MajMinChordSpec) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Convenience function which allows for easy creation of three-note chords with two similar intervals; either major-minor or minor-major.
createChord(int, NoteLength, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Creates a three note chord of the specified duration starting at the passed root pitch and consisting of the specified intervals.
createChord(int, NoteLength, SemitoneInterval, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Creates a 'pure' chord consisting of a single direct interval between all the notes of the chord.
createChord(int, NoteLength, int, DissonanceTritoneChordSpec) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Constructs an 'interesting' chord containing one direct dissonant interval either at the top or the bottom of the chord, and a series of randomly generated non-dissonant intervals piled above or below this dissonant interval.
createChord(int, NoteLength, PersichettiHarmony[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Creates a random chord with its direct intervals composed of intervals with the specified harmonic profile.
createChord(int, NoteLength, SemitoneInterval[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Creates a chord of a given duration, starting at the passed root pitch and consisting of the specified intervals.
createChord(NoteLength, int, int, int, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Highly inefficient, very random chord construction function that blindly tries all the pitches in the scale and only accepts those that are consistent with the passed constraints.
createChord(MusicalScale, NoteLength, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Creates standard chords using the passed scale but with probabilities to randomly determine the chords returned.
createChord(ArrayList, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Collapses the pitches in the passed fragment into a single chord of a given duration.
createChord(Chord) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Passed a chord, this function returns a chord with similar harmonic properties as the original as measured by the harmonic structure of the intervals within the chord and described by Persichetti in 20th Century harmony P.14.
createChordBy2nds(ChordNumber, int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChordBy2nds(ChordNumber, int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChordBy2nds(ChordNumber, int, NoteLength) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChordBy3rds(ChordNumber, int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChordBy3rds(ChordNumber, int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChordBy3rds(ChordNumber, int, NoteLength) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChordBy4ths(ChordNumber, int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChordBy4ths(ChordNumber, int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChordBy4ths(ChordNumber, int, NoteLength) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Callers can specify chord construction using the standard chord numbers (I, II, III etc.) as offsets into this scale.
createChordSequence(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Creates a sequence of chords from the pitches of the passed musical elements in the order they occur, and independent of their duration and relative position.
createDrumKit(DrumKitId) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Returns the requested drum kit object from those registered
createDrumKit(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Returns the requested drum kit object from those registered
createFlatRep() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFactory
Returns a copy of the pitches represented as flats to the caller
createFragment(PF, int, ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed a parameter frame, a duration and a scale ID, this method creates a random musical fragment based on the settings in the parameter frame for music element types, duration weights etc.
createFragment(PF, int, Chord) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed a parameter frame, a duration and a chord, this method creates a random fragment based on the settings in the parameter frame for music element types, duration weights etc.
createFragment(PF, int, Scale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed a parameter frame, a duration and a scale, this method creates a random fragment based on the settings in the parameter frame for music element types, duration weights etc.
createFragment(Fragment, TransformFunctor) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates a new fragment from the old fragment by applying the passed transform, or null if either of the passed arguments are null.
createFragment(Fragment, TransformGroup) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates a new fragment from the old fragment by applying the passed transform group, or null if either of the passed arguments are null.
createFragmentChain(PF, Fragment[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Appends the passed fragments in order, but each is modulated so that its first note follows either one note up or down from the last note in the preceding fragment.
createFragmentChain(PF, Fragment[], boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Appends the passed fragments in order but each is modulated so that its first note follows either one note up or down, depending on the value of the last argument, from the last note in the preceding fragment.
createFragments(PF, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Factory method which creates lists of what might be harmonically related fragments, depending on the choice from a variety of creation strategies.
createFragments(PF, int, int, Scale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed a parameter frame, a duration, a number of fragments and a scale, this method creates a list of random fragments based on the settings in the parameter frame for music element types, duration weights etc.
createFragmentSummary(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates a new fragment from the old fragment by extracting only the first and last music elements and those with the maximum and minimum pitches in order, or null if the passed argument is null.
createFragmentUsingIntervals(PF, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates a fragment of the passed duration using the intervals specified in the parameter frame.
createFragmentUsingIntervals(PF, Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates a fragment based on the durations and element types of the pattern fragment, but using the intervals specified in the parameter frame.
createGraceNote(int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a single-note grace note (which are by far the most common) with the (paradoxically) specified duration.
createGraceNote(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a single-note grace note (which are by far the most common) and let Lilypond decide how to represent it.
createGraceNote(int[], NoteLength[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a multi-note grace note.
createGraceNote(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a multi-note grace note.
createGraceNote(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a grace note of the specified note offset with a default duration representation
createGraceNote(int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a grace note with the specified note offset and duration representation.
createGraceNote(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a grace note from the note offsets passed in the integer array.
createGraceNote(int[], NoteLength[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a grace note from the note offsets passed in the integer array but typeset according to the integers in the durations array.
createGraceNote(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns a grace note of the specified note offset with a default duration representation
createGraceNote(int, NoteLength) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns a grace note with the specified note offset and duration representation.
createGraceNote(int[]) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns a grace note from the note offsets passed in the integer array.
createGraceNote(int[], NoteLength[]) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns a grace note from the note offsets passed in the integer array but typeset according to the integers in the durations array.
createLogicalAND(Chord, Chord, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Returns a chord constructed with the logical AND of the pitches in the two chords passed.
createLogicalOR(Chord, Chord, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Returns a chord constructed with the logical OR of the pitches in the two chords passed.
createLogicalXOR(Chord, Chord, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Returns a chord constructed with the logical XOR of the pitches in the two chords passed.
createMetronomeStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Method that creates a metronome stave.
createMetronomeStave(MetronomeType) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Method that creates a metronome stave.
createMusicalFragment(PF, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed a parameter frame and a duration, this method creates a random musical fragment based on the settings in the parameter frame for music element types, duration weights etc.
createNeighbourChord(IntegerStream, Chord, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns a random neighbour chord of the passed chord, consisting of the nearest drums drawn from the scale.
createNeighbourChord(IntegerStream, Chord, OuterVoiceChange) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a neighbour chord where the outer voices are guaranteed to move either OUT, IN, UP or DOWN by one drum in the scale, and the inner voices are also guaranteed to change either up or down at random as dictated by the integer stream.
createNeighbourChord(IntegerStream, Chord, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Applies the shifts to the beats of the chord starting from the bottom drum beat and working upwards towards the top.
createNeighbourChord(IntegerStream, Chord, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a random neighbour chord of the passed chord, consisting of the nearest notes drawn from the scale.
createNeighbourChord(IntegerStream, Chord, OuterVoiceChange) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Creates a neighbour chord where the outer voices are guaranteed to move either OUT, IN, UP or DOWN by one note in the scale, and the inner voices are also guaranteed to change either up or down at random as dictated by the integer stream.
createNeighbourChord(IntegerStream, Chord, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Applies the shifts to the notes of the chord starting from the bass and working upwards towards the treble.
createNeighbourChord(IntegerStream, Chord, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns a random neighbour chord of the passed chord, consisting of the nearest notes drawn from the scale.
createNeighbourChord(IntegerStream, Chord, OuterVoiceChange) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Creates a neighbour chord where the outer voices are guaranteed to move either OUT, IN, UP or DOWN by one note in the scale, and the inner voices are also guaranteed to change either up or down at random as dictated by the integer stream.
createNeighbourChord(IntegerStream, Chord, int[]) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Applies the shifts to the notes of the chord starting from the bass and working upwards towards the treble.
createNeighbourChord(Chord, int[], int[], int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Returns a neighbour chord of the passed chord where 'neighbourhood' is measured in semitones.
createNeighbourChord(Chord, OuterVoiceChange) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Creates a neighbour chord where the outer voices are guaranteed to move either OUT, IN, UP or DOWN by one note in the scale, and the inner voices are also guaranteed to change either up or down at random.
createNeighbourChord(Chord, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Applies the shifts to the notes of the chord starting from the bass and working upwards towards the treble.
createNewDir(File, File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed a root directory path and a file path, this method creates a new directory in the passed directory iff there is no file by that name already.
createNewFile(File, File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed a root directory path and a file path, this method creates a new file in the passed directory iff there is no file by that name already.
createNotator(NotatorType, int[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategyBase
Passed a type specifier, an array of voice numbers, the start bar and a number of bars this method creates and returns a notator, and sets its optional properties at random according to the dictates of the system parameters.
createNote(int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
createNote(int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns the nth note of this scale, either above or below the starting note, of the specified duration - e.g.
createNote(int, NoteLength) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the nth note of this scale, either above or below the starting note, of the specified duration - e.g.
createPairName(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Passed the name of a field (data member) which has either 'min' or 'max' therein, this creates the opposite corresponding field name using the same format as the original.
createPF() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFFactory
Creates a new parameter frame with randomly set values.
createPlacement(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.PlacementFactory
Passed a parameter frame, this method create a random placement based on the settings in the parameter frame.
createRandomIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.IntegerStreamFactory
Creates and returns a type of integer stream at random.
createRandomNotators() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorFactory
Unusual factory method that does not return the objects it creates.
createRandomNotators() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.DifferentialRangeNotatorCreationStrategy
createRandomNotators() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategy
Factory method that creates a random number of notator instances constrained by the settings in the system parameters and the size of the composition.
createRandomNotators() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.UncooperativeNotatorCreationStrategy
createRandomNotators() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.VoiceLinearNotatorCreationStrategy
createScale(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ChromaticScaleFactory
This method takes a single argument selected from the static constants defined in ScaleFactory specifying which scale to create.
createScale(DrumScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScaleFactory
This method takes a single drum scale identifier and returns a drum scale object.
createScale(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MajorScaleFactory
This method takes a single argument specifying which scale to create.
createScale(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MelodicMinorScaleFactory
This method takes a single argument selected from the static constants above specifying which scale to create.
createScale(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MinorScaleFactory
This method takes a single argument specifying which scale to create.
createScale(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns the requested musical scale object from those registered or null if not found.
createScale(DrumScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns the requested drum scale object from those registered or null if not found.
createScale(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns the requested scale object from those registered, by name
createScale(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Provides an easy way to create a 'scale' consisting of the letter names of the notes within a fragment.
createScale(String, PitchRepType, ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Provides an easy way to create a 'scale' consisting of the letter names of the notes within a fragment.
createScale(Chord) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Provides an easy way to create a 'scale' consisting of the letter names of the notes within a chord.
createScale(String, PitchRepType, Chord) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Provides an easy way to create a 'scale' consisting of the letter names of the notes within a chord.
createScale(String, PitchRepType, PitchSpec, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Provides a simple way to create a scale at runtime.
createScale(String, PitchRepType, PitchSpec, int[], KeySignature) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Provides a simple way to create a scale at runtime.
createSerialFragment(PF, int, Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method creates a fragment of the specified duration using the constraints specified in the passed parameter frame, but the pitches of the musical elements within the returned fragment are drawn from the pitches in the passed row.
createSerialFragment(PF, Fragment, Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method creates a new fragment using the duration patterns from the one passed in, and within the other constraints specified in the passed parameter frame.
createSerialFragment(PF, int, ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method creates a fragment of the specified duration using the constraints specified in the passed parameter frame, but the pitches of the musical elements within the returned fragment are drawn from the fragments in the passed row list.
createSerialFragment(PF, Fragment, ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method creates a new fragment using the duration patterns from the one passed in, and within the other constraints specified in the passed parameter frame.
createSerialFragmentStrict(PF, int, Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method creates a fragment of the specified duration using the constraints specified in the passed parameter frame, but the pitches of the musical elements within the returned fragment are drawn from the pitches in the passed row.
createSerialFragmentStrict(PF, Fragment, Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method creates a new fragment using the duration patterns from the one passed in, and within the other constraints specified in the passed parameter frame.
createSerialFragmentStrict(PF, int, ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method creates a fragment of the specified duration using the constraints specified in the passed parameter frame, but the pitches of the musical elements within the returned fragment are drawn from the fragments in the passed row list.
createSerialFragmentStrict(PF, Fragment, ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method creates a new fragment using the duration patterns from the one passed in, and within the other constraints specified in the passed parameter frame.
createSerialRow() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates a fragment containing 12 semi-breves each with a different semitone pitch from the single octave from middle-C upwards.
createSerialRow(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates a fragment containing a number of semi-breves each with a different semitone pitch from the single octave from middle-C upwards.
createSerialRows(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates a fragment containing up to 12 semi-breves depending on the row size passed in, each with a different semitone pitch from the single octave from middle-C upwards.
createSerialRows() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates a fragment containing 12 semi-breves each with a different semitone pitch from the single octave from middle-C upwards.
createSerialRows(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed the initial serial row, this method creates three other fragments based on this row: its inversion, the retrograde and the retrograde of the inversion, and returns all four in that order mentioned.
createSharpRep() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFactory
Returns a copy of the pitches represented as sharps to the caller
createSummaryChord(ArrayList, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Creates a four note 'summary' chord of the entire fragment using the first, last, maximum and minimum notes from the fragment.
createTitleString(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Creates an English title string for a composition from lists of instrument identifiers and drum kits.
createTransformGroup(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
Passed a parameter frame, this method create a random transform group based on the settings in the parameter frame.
createTransformGroup(PF, String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
Passed a parameter frame, this method create a random transform group based on the settings in the parameter frame.
createTriplet(int, int, int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a triplet with the given note offsets and for the specified duration.
createTriplet(int, int, int, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a triplet which lasts for the duration passed constructed from the note offset arguments 1,2 and 3.
createTriplet(int, int, int, NoteLength) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns a triplet which lasts for the duration passed constructed from the note offset arguments 1,2 and 3.
createTuplet(int[], NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a tuplet with the given note offsets and for the specified duration.
createTuplet(IntegerStream, NoteLength, int, int, int, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Highly inefficient, very random tuplet construction function that blindly tries all the pitches in the scale and only accepts those that are consistent with the passed constraints.
createTuplet(int[], NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a tuplet constructed from the note offsets passed in the integer array.
createTuplet(IntegerStream, NoteLength, int, int, int, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Highly inefficient, very random tuplet construction function that blindly tries all the pitches in the scale and only accepts those that are consistent with the passed constraints.
createTuplet(int[], NoteLength) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns a tuplet constructed from the note offsets passed in the integer array.
createTuplet(IntegerStream, NoteLength, int, int, int, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval, SemitoneInterval) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Highly inefficient, very random tuplet construction function that blindly tries all the pitches in the scale and only accepts those that are consistent with the passed constraints.
createWhiteRow() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Create a row consisting of only the white piano keys
current() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Returns the current music element from this voice
current() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Returns the current stave part targeted by this iterator.
current() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Returns the current voice part targeted by this iterator.
cut(int, int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentCutter
Cuts all musical material on the passed voice starting at a particular time offset within the passed bar, and proceeding until the passed total has been removed, or the end of the voice is reached.
cut() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentCutter
Cuts all musical material according to the state currently set in this instance.


debugTies(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Spins through the passed list printing out messages explaining which ties are incorrect, both forward and backward, and identifies whether these ties target objects within the list or outside the list.
dec() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeItrInterface
Decrements the iterator backward along the current voice by by a nominal amount.
dec() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Moves the pointer backwards the size of a single quanta.
dec() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Decrements the range backward along the current voice by the nominal width.
dec() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Decrements the window backward along the stave by the nominal width.
deepCopy(ArrayList) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns a copy of this array list with all its drum ids cloned.
deepCopy(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a copy of this array list with all its music elements cloned.
deepCopy(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a copy of this array list containing all the elements from the specified index, up to the end, with all its music elements cloned.
DEFAULT_ALTO_STRATA_MAX - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_ALTO_STRATA_MIN - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_BASS_STRATA_MAX - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_BASS_STRATA_MIN - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_MAX_ALTO_PITCH - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_MAX_BASS_PITCH - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_MAX_NOTES_IN_CHORD - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_MAX_TREBLE_PITCH - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_MIN_ALTO_PITCH - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_MIN_BASS_PITCH - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_MIN_NOTES_IN_CHORD - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_MIN_TREBLE_PITCH - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_TREBLE_STRATA_MAX - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
DEFAULT_TREBLE_STRATA_MIN - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
deleteSection(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Deletes the section at the specified index.
deleteStave(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Deletes the stave at the specified index.
DensitySensitiveSpacer - Class in opusplus.lib.notator.stencil
Semi-random spacer class which examines the current musical content and estimates the 'musical density', expressed as the percentage of sounded music out of the total duration, in order to decide where to move the spacer.
DensitySensitiveSpacer(IntegerStream, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.DensitySensitiveSpacer
Ctor that takes three arguments: a random integer stream, a time window which is the 'width' of the spacer, and a target density.
deref() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamRef
Returns the integer stream creating it if necessary.
deriveFile(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Given a file this function returns the same file name but with the current date/time appended to the end, but before the extension.
deriveFile(File, int, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Given a file with a name this function returns the same file name but with a version number appended to the end, but before the extension.
deriveFile(File, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Creates a file object at the same location as that passed with a different extension.
deriveLilypondFileNameFromTitle(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Passed the title string of a composition consisting of capitalized words separated by spaces, this returns a derivative string suitable for naming the Lilypond file.
deriveTitleFromLilypondFileName(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Passed the name of a lilypond file, this returns a string containing a simple phrase with underscores removed and replaced by spaces.
destroy() - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Singleton class.
destroy() - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.Score
Provide a destroy method so we can re-initialize this singleton as required.
destroy() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Clears down the current system parameters ready for a new configuration
destroy() - Static method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Clears the drum kit factory afresh.
destroy() - Static method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Destroys the current scale factory singleton so that the next call to get instance will access a new instance.
destroyAllCaches() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
Destroys all the caches held in the ring.
destroyCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
Destroys the current cache.
diff(TimePtr) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Returns the difference between the apparent positions of the two pointers.
diff(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a new array containing the subtraction of corresponding elements from arr1 and arr2, starting from the zero'th offset.
diff(Field[], Field[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns all those fields NOT in both arrays.
DifferentialRangeNotatorCreationStrategy - Class in opusplus.lib.factories.strategies
Random Notator creation strategy which tracks notator coverage patterns and ensures that no notator writes entirely over the work of another.
DifferentialRangeNotatorCreationStrategy(IntegerStream, IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.DifferentialRangeNotatorCreationStrategy
Full-state ctor that takes two integer streams.
diffs(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed an array of integers, this method returns an array, one less in length, containing the differences between the elements.
diffsAsXML(PF, int, int, String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PF
Returns an XML formatted string holding the name and value of every parameter that is different between two parameter frames.
DisorderedRandomIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Returns a stream of integers which are disordered and random.
DisorderedRandomIntegerStream() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Ctor which seeds the random number generator from the default value in SysParameters, or if this is zero, from the system time.
DisorderedRandomIntegerStream(long) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Ctor which seeds the random number generator to the passed value.
DissonanceTritoneChordSpec - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Persichetti characterizes chords into four families; those that have a sharp dissonance and/or a tritone.
distinctValues() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns an array of the distinct integer values, without repeats
distribute(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Elements within the passed array are distributed equally between the values min and max, but the values retain their relative order, and the intervals between the values retain their approximate proportion when compared to the minimum and maximum values within the array.
distribute(int[], int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Elements within the passed array are distributed equally between the values min and max, but the values retain their relative order.
DoubleArray - Class in opusplus.core.utilities.maths
A bunch of static methods for manipulating Java arrays of doubles.
DoubleArray() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
doubleMusicElementDurations(ArrayList, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Spins through and increases the duration of every music element in the list to double its original value.
doubleNote(Chord, int, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Doubles a note in the passed chord by adding a note with the same pitch as the note at the passed offset but either up or down one octave depending on the value of the passed boolean.
down() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Returns the stave part below the current one on the page.
down() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Returns the voice part below the current one on the page.
DrumId - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum that uniquely identifies over 70 different drum sounds that can be used within Opus+.
DrumKit - Class in opusplus.core.instruments
Holds a selection of drum sounds which act as a 'kit'.
DrumKit(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Creates a named, empty drum kit object containing no drums
DrumKit(String, DrumScale, DrumScale) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Creates a named drum kit object containing the drums scales specified
DrumKitFactory - Class in opusplus.core.instruments
Knows how to construct bespoke drum kit configurations.
DrumKitId - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
This enum uniquely identifies commonly used drum kits.
DrumScale - Class in opusplus.core.scales
A drum scale high-lights the similarity between percussive instruments and those that play pitches.
DrumScale(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a named, empty drum scale containing no drums sounds
DrumScale(String, DrumScaleId) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a named drum scale object containing the drums in the specified drum group.
DrumScale(String, DrumId[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a named drum scale object containing the drums in the passed array of drum identifiers
DrumScale(String, ArrayList) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Creates a named drum scale object containing the drums in the passed array of drum identifiers
DrumScaleFactory - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Creates a drum scale based on the identifier.
DrumScaleFactory() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScaleFactory
DrumScaleId - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
This enum uniquely identifies groups of drums that will commonly be used together in drum kits.
DrumStave - Class in opusplus.core.composition
Stave sub-class specifically for drums and percussion.
DrumStave(DrumKit) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.DrumStave
No-arg ctor for a drum stave.
DrumStavePart - Class in opusplus.core.composition
This class represents one bar of a drum stave.
DrumStavePart(PF[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.DrumStavePart
Ctor that is passed two parameter frames, one each for the high drums, such as hit-hat and cymbals, and the other for the low drum voice, such as snare and bass drum.
DrumStavePart(PF[], DrumStave, Bar) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.DrumStavePart
Ctor that is passed two parameter frames, one each for the high drums, such as hit-hat and cymbals, and the other for the low drum voice, such as snare and bass drum.
DrumStaveSelector - Class in opusplus.core.composition.selector
Class which selects a set of the drum staves in the composition.
DrumStaveSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.DrumStaveSelector
Ctor which selects all the drum staves from the composition
dumpKit() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Prints a representation of the kit useful for debugging purposes.
dumpScale() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Debug routine.
dumpScale() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a string representation of the complete scale; useful for debugging purposes.
dumpScale() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns a string representation of the complete scale; useful for debugging purposes.
dumpStr() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns a detailed string representation of the state of this object.
dumpStr() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Returns a detailed string representation of this object.
dumpString() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Dumps the full state of the window.
dumpString() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Dumps the full state of the range.
dumpString(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Dumps the full state of the window.
DurationCombination - Class in opusplus.core.durations
Holds data pertaining to combinations of durations which add exactly to whole bars.
DurationCombination(int, int[][]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombination
DurationCombinationCalculator - Class in opusplus.core.durations
Efficiently performs complex duration calculations on behalf of callers.
DurationCombinationCalculator() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
DurationCombinationStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
Class provides a stream of durations which are guaranteed to fit exactly within a given duration.
DurationCombinationStream(IntegerStream, TimeSignature) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Creates a duration stream that returns durations which exactly fill a bar of a length specified by the time signature.
DurationCombinationStream(IntegerStream, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Creates a duration stream that returns durations which exactly fill a bar of a length specified by the time signature contained in the passed parameter frame.
DurationCombinationStream(IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Creates a duration stream that returns durations which exactly fill a section of a length specified by the passed duration.
DurationCombinationVariant - Class in opusplus.core.durations
Holds data relating to the possible music element durations for a given bar duration.
DurationCombinationVariant(int, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationVariant
Ctor which takes a duration (in ticks) and a valid abc array of integer.
DurationMgr - Class in opusplus.core.durations
This singleton class encapsulates data about note lengths or durations, and how to print these to Lilypond.
DurationStream - Interface in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
Defines an interface for streams of music element durations.
DurationStreamType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Indicates the sub-type of a duration stream, and makes it easy for switch n'case, and random selection of stream types.
durationStringToValue(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationMgr
Passed a duration string in Lilypond format, this method returns the corresponding NoteLength or null if none is found.
Dynamics - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
These enums change the current volume at which the player operates.
DynamicsTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
Transform functor that can assign dynamics to a fragments.
DynamicsTransform(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Minimal ctor which uses default settings, to wit: it changes a fragment's dynamics with equal probability but with a bias towards doing nothing
DynamicsTransform(IntegerStream, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Full-state ctor.
dynamicsTransform(ArrayList, int[], IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Caller can control the probability that any particular dynamic is assigned to a fragment.


eliminateFractionalLastBeats(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
This method will 'meld' small duration pitched elements occurring in the last few beats of this voice part into single beat length elements, by way of a 'tidy ending' rather than any pretence at a cadence.
enhanceInterval(Chord, PersichettiHarmony, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Creates a new chord by searching through all the intervals in the passed chord and finding notes which contribute to the passed harmony (if there is one), and if so doubles this note either up or down.
ensureBinaryWeights(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method ensures that the weights array returned contains exactly 'size' elements all either zero or one.
ensureBinaryWeightsAllowAllZeros(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method ensures that the weights array returned contains exactly 'size' elements all either zero or one.
ensureExecutableFile(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed file is executable.
ensureForwardMovement() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Helper method that ensures that the new current position is after the previous one.
ensureMaximumBound(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
If x is greater than than max, then this method returns max, otherwise x.
ensureMinimumBound(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
If x is less than min, then this method returns min, otherwise x.
ensureNotEqual(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an array of two values containing the min and max of the passed values in that order.
ensureOutsideBounds(int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a result which is guaranteed to not lie between min and max inclusive.
ensurePercent(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a result which is guaranteed to be a bona fida percentage.
ensurePercentageElements(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Spins through the array ensuring that all elements are between 0 and 100 inclusive.
ensurePositiveBoundedPair(int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an array of two values containing the min and max of the passed values in that order and the values are guaranteed to be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to max.
ensureReadableDir(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed directory is readable.
ensureReadableFile(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed file is readable.
ensureReadableFileAnySize(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed file is readable.
ensureSelectionFrom(int, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
If x is a member of the passed set of options then it is returned, otherwise x is used as a modulus select into options and one of the values from options is returned.
ensureValidWeights(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Given a possibly invalid weights array, this method guarantees to alter it to one which is minimally valid.
ensureValidWeights(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method ensures that the weights array returned contains has elements all greater than or equal to minValue.
ensureValidWeights(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method ensures that the weights array returned contains exactly 'size' elements all greater than or equal to minValue.
ensureValidWeights(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method ensures that the weights array returned contains exactly 'size' elements all distributed between minValue and maxValue.
ensureValidWeights(int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method is passed three arrays.
ensureValidWeightsAllowAllZeros(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Given a possibly invalid weights array, this method guarantees to alter it to one which is minimally valid.
ensureValidWeightsAllowAllZeros(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method ensures that the weights array returned contains has elements all greater than or equal to minValue.
ensureValidWeightsAllowAllZeros(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method ensures that the weights array returned contains exactly 'size' elements all greater than or equal to minValue.
ensureValidWeightsAllowAllZeros(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method ensures that the weights array returned contains exactly 'size' elements all distributed between minValue and maxValue.
ensureValidWeightsAllowAllZeros(int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method is passed three arrays.
ensureWithinBounds(int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a result which is guaranteed to between min and max inclusive.
ensureWritableDir(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed directory is writable.
ensureWritableFile(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed file is writable.
equal(MusicElementIterator) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Returns true if both iterators are pointing at the same voice, bar and offset.
equals(DrumKit) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Equality definition for drum kits.
equals(KeySignature) - Method in class opusplus.core.music.KeySignature
Returns true if this equals the passed object.
equals(Tempo) - Method in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
Returns true if this equals the passed tempo object.
equals(TimeSignature) - Method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Returns true if this equals the passed time signature.
equals(NotatorBarRange) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Returns true if this range covers exactly the same region of voices and bars as the passed range.
execute() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondWriter
Operates the Lilypond writer.
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.Composer
Composes stuff! :-)
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArpeggioTrillNotator
execute(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
This notator scans through a set of bars and fixes up incorrect articulation marks and ensures that spurious dynamics are removed.
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
Operates this notator
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.CadenceNotator
Operates the cadence notator
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotator
Method which executes this notator according to its currently constructed state.
execute(StencilSpacer) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Operates the fragment notator
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.HarmonyNotator
Operates the harmony notator
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.IntervalWritingNotator
Operates the Interval Writing Notator
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.IntroNotator
Operates the intro-notator
execute() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Method which executes this notator according to its currently constructed state.
execute(VoiceSelector, int, int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Method which executes the current notator across the passed selection of voices for a number of bars starting at the passed bar number; this bar number is in fact a bar index i.e.
execute(VoiceSelector, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Method which executes this notator according to its currently constructed state.
execute(VoiceSelector, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorDummyBase
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.PassingNoteNotator
Operates the passing note notator
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.PitchRewritingNotator
Method which executes this notator according to its currently constructed state.
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.RandomPhraseNotator
Operates the random phrase notator
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SectionalNotator
Operates the sectional notator
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SerialismNotator
Operates the serialism notator
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SlowPhraseNotator
Operates the notator
execute(Fragment, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Applies every the transform from the first sub-array of transforms to the passed fragment, and then passes the resulting output fragment to the placement to be written into the stave, starting at the specified bar.
execute(Fragment, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Applies every the transform from the first sub-array of transforms to the passed fragment, and then passes the resulting output fragment to the placement to be written into the stave, starting at the specified bar and time offset.
execute(Fragment[], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Applies every the transform from the first sub-array of transforms to each fragment in the passed fragment array, and then passes the resulting output fragments to the placement to be written into the stave, starting at the specified bar.
execute(ArrayList, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Applies every the transform from the first sub-array of transforms to each fragment in the passed fragment array list, and then passes the resulting output fragments to the placement to be written into the stave, starting at the specified bar and time offset.
execute(Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Applies every the transform from the first sub-array of transforms to each fragment in the passed fragment array, and then passes the resulting output fragments to the placement to be written into the stave, starting at the specified bar and time offset.
execute(Fragment[][], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Processes each fragment sub-array using the corresponding transform sub-arrays.
execute(Fragment[][], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Processes each fragment sub-array using the corresponding transform sub-arrays.
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.WholeScoreNotator
Operates the notator
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ZoneNotator
Operates the Zone Notator
execute() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.OpusExecutable
Activates the Opus+ component to generate music of some description.
execute(OpusExecutable) - Method in class opusplus.lib.OpusExecutor
Runs the passed Opus+ executable component in its own processing thread, catches all java exceptions and watches for infinite loop behaviour.
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
execute(Fragment[], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Accumulation
Places an array of fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar.
execute(Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Accumulation
Places an array of fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar and time offset.
execute(VoiceSelector, Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Accumulation
Writes a fragment as an accumulation across all the passed staves and starting at the passed bar and at a particular time offset within that bar.
execute(Fragment[], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.AnsweringPhrase
Places a fragment on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar.
execute(Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.AnsweringPhrase
Places a fragment on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar and time offset.
execute(VoiceSelector, Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.AnsweringPhrase
Writes the fragment as an answering phrase on to the staves specified, starting at the passed bar number and time offset.
execute(Fragment[], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Continuo
Places an array of fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar.
execute(Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Continuo
Places an array of fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar and time offset.
execute(VoiceSelector, Fragment[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Continuo
Writes an array of fragments as a variegated continuo starting at the passed stave number and bar, and at a particular time offset within that bar.
execute(Fragment[], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Harmony
Places multiple fragments on the set of voices determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar.
execute(Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Harmony
Places multiple fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar and time offset.
execute(VoiceSelector, Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Harmony
Writes the fragments at a particular time offset of the passed bar on all the staves specified.
execute(Fragment[], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.InterleavedContinuo
Places an array of fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar.
execute(Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.InterleavedContinuo
Places an array of fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar and time offset.
execute(VoiceSelector, Fragment[], int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.InterleavedContinuo
Writes an array of fragments as an interleaving continuo bouncing between several instruments, first one instrument plays while the others remain silent, then the next, and so on each in turn while the others remain silent.
execute(Fragment[], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetContinuo
Places an array of fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar.
execute(Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetContinuo
Places an array of fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar and time offset.
execute(VoiceSelector, Fragment[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetContinuo
Writes an array of fragments as an belated variegated continuo bouncing between several instruments, first one instrument plays while the others remain silent, then the next, and so on each in turn while the others remain silent.
execute(Fragment[], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetPhrase
Places fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar.
execute(Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetPhrase
Places fragments on the set of staves determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar and time offset.
execute(VoiceSelector, Fragment[], int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetPhrase
Writes the fragment at a particular time offset of the passed bar on all the staves specified.
execute(Fragment[], int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
Execute a placement pattern which will write a number of music fragments into a set of staves according to the constraints specified by the particular instance of the implementing class, starting at the passed bar.
execute(Fragment[], int, int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
Execute a placement pattern which will write a number of music fragments into a set of staves according to the constraints specified by the particular instance of the implementing class.
execute(int, ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Writes a musical phrase into one or more places on a set of voices, controlled by the pattern info list.
execute(int, Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Writes a musical fragment into one or more places on a set of voices, controlled by the pattern info list.
execute(int, Fragment[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Writes a musical fragment into one or more places on a set of voices, controlled by the pattern info list.
execute(Fragment[], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.SinglePhrase
Writes the fragments in succession on the stave determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar.
execute(Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.SinglePhrase
Writes the fragments in succession on the stave determined by the internal state of this instance, starting at the passed bar and time offset.
execute(VoiceSelector, Fragment[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.SinglePhrase
Writes the fragments in succession at a particular time offset in the passed bar on the stave specified.
execute() - Method in class opusplus.lib.Replayer
Accesses the notator list and re-executes all notators found there in order.
execute(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Executes the transform list on the passed fragment
execute(Fragment[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Processes each fragment in the passed array using every transform.
extendAllLastElements(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Fill the remaining duration of every bar on every stave by extending the duration of the last element on every bar, where possible.
extendLastElement(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Fills the remaining duration of this voice part by extending the duration of its last element.
extensionDiffsAsXML(PFExtensions, String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns an XML formatted string of all the extensions in 'this' that are different, or in addition to, the extensions held in the 'other'.
extensionToJava(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns an XML formatted string of all the extension parameters in 'this' frame
extensionToXML(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns an XML formatted string of all the extension parameters in 'this' frame
extract(VoicePart, VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
Returns a fragment containing music elements contained in the first voice part and up to, but not including, the second voice part.
extract(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
Returns a fragment containing music elements from the passed voice in the start bar and up to, but not including, the end bar.
extract(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
Returns a fragment containing music elements from the passed voice in the start bar, from the start offset, and up to and including, the end bar, but only up to the end offset.
extract() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
Runs the extract procedure using a MusicElementIterator and then returns the Fragment extracted.
extractBassVoice(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Spins through the passed set of music elements and extracts the bottom voice from all the chords contained therein.
extractChordPitches(Chord, ChordConvertOption, int[], IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Method will return an integer array of the pitches within the passed chord in an order determined by a combination of the tuplet option, the note order array and the passed integer stream.
extractFirstPitch(Fragment) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Does what it says on the can ...
extractFirstPitch(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Does what you expect ...
extractFragments(ArrayList, int, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Convenience function which when passed an array list containing chords will extract a set of fragments by slicing through them horizontally using a variety of extraction strategies implemented in this class (and described in FragmentCreationStrategy enum).
extractIndexedVoice(ArrayList, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Spins through the chords extracting the note specified by the passed index and inserts this into the fragment returned.
extractInnerVoices(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Spins through the passed set of music elements and extracts the inner voices from all the chords contained therein.
extractLastPitch(Fragment) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the last pitch of this fragment as an integer.
extractLastPitch(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the pitch of the last music element as an integer.
extractMinFieldsOnly(Field[][]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Passed a 2D array of max/min field pairs, this function returns only the field minimums.
extractMinMaxPairs(Field[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns a 2D array of fields which form min/max pairs extracted from the passed field array.
extractNonMinMaxInstanceFields(Class, Field[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns all the instance fields (data members) in the passed array class which are not min/max fields
extractPseudoVoicesLeadingRandomDistinct(ArrayList, int, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This function uses recursion to find all the 'pseudo leading voices' through the chords within the passed fragment, from which it then selects at random.
extractTrebleVoice(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Spins through the passed set of music elements and extracts the very top voice from all the chords contained therein.
extractVoicesInRange(ArrayList, int, int, TupletExtractionStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Spins through the passed fragment and extract all the music element that fall within a certain pitch range.
extractVoicesLeadingLongest(Scale, ArrayList, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This function uses recursion to find all the 'leading voices' through the chords within the passed fragment, which it then sorts, and returns the first N longest found.
extractVoicesLeadingRandom(Scale, ArrayList, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This function uses recursion to find all the 'leading voices' through the chords within the passed fragment, from which it then selects at random, independent of the length of the fragments.
extractVoicesMultiBarrelUseAll(ArrayList, int, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed a music element list containing chords, this method slices the chords into separate fragments and returns them in a list.
extractVoicesSingleBarrelOrdered(ArrayList, int, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed a music element list containing chords, this method slices the chords into separate fragments and returns them in a list.
extractVoicesSingleOrdered(ArrayList, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed a music element list containing chords, this method slices the chords into separate fragments and returns them in a list.
extractVoicesSingleRandomUseAll(ArrayList, int, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed a music element list containing chords, this method slices the chords into separate fragments and returns them in a list.
extractVoicesSingleRandomUseAny(ArrayList, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed a music element list containing chords, this method slices the chords into separate fragments and returns them in a list.


factorial(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Recursive factorial function
factorialArray(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array of the factorials up to the nth term.
factorizeDuration(NoteLength, int, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationMgr
Passed a legal long duration, this function returns an array containing the minimum number of legal durations that fill it.
factorizeDuration(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationMgr
Passed a legal long duration, this function returns an array containing the minimum number of legal durations that fill it.
FermataType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Articulations which can be applied to any music element.
FibonacciIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Uses variants of the Fibonacci series to generate a stream of long integers.
FibonacciIntegerStream() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Default ctor
FibonacciIntegerStream(long, long, double) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Ctor that sets the numbers on which this Fibonacci series starts.
fieldsToMemberNames(Field[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Converts an array of field objects to an array of strings containing the data member names of the fields.
FileDataIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
This stream reads the data from the passed file and returns this as the values of the number stream.
FileDataIntegerStream() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Ctor which uses the file specified in the system parameters or, if null, it attempts to find a random file to work with.
FileDataIntegerStream(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Ctor which reads the passed file from the beginning and returns these values found therein as the values of the stream.
FileDataIntegerStream(File) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Ctor which reads the passed file from the beginning and returns these values found therein as the values of the stream.
FileDataIntegerStream(String, long) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Ctor which reads the passed file from the passed offset and returns these values found therein as the values of the stream.
FileDataIntegerStream(File, long) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Ctor which reads the passed file from the passed offset and returns these values found therein as the values of the stream.
FileDataIntegerStream(String, long, long) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Ctor which reads the passed file from the passed offset up to the passed endOffset and returns these values found therein as the values of the stream.
FileDataIntegerStream(File, long, long) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Ctor which reads the passed file from the passed offset up to the passed endOffset and returns these values found therein as the values of the stream.
FileVersioningStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum for the algorithm used in Lilypond file versioning.
fillAllWithRests() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Fills the remaining duration of every bar on every stave with rests
fillCache(FragmentCache, PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCacheFiller
Fills the passed cache using the setting in the parameter frame.
fillCache(PlacementCache, PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCacheFiller
Fills the passed cache using the setting in the parameter frame.
fillCache(TransformGroupCache, PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCacheFiller
Fills the passed cache using the setting in the parameter frame.
fillCaches(PF[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCacheFiller
Fills caches starting from the current cache using each parameter frame in turn.
fillCaches(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCacheFiller
Fills caches starting from the current cache using each parameter frame in turn.
fillCaches(PF[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCacheFiller
Fills caches starting from the current cache using each parameter frame in turn.
fillCaches(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCacheFiller
Fills caches starting from the current cache using each parameter frame in turn.
fillCaches(PF[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCacheFiller
Fills caches starting from the current cache using each parameter frame in turn.
fillCaches(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCacheFiller
Fills caches starting from the current cache using each parameter frame in turn.
fillMonotonically(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Fills the passed array from zero upwards
fillWith(double[], double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Fills the passed array with the passed double
fillWith(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Fills the passed array with the passed integer
fillWith(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Fills the passed array with the passed integer up to the passed index.
fillWith(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Fills the passed array with contents of the second array.
fillWith(int[], int, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Fills the passed array with contents of the second array, starting at the passed offset in the first array.
fillWith(int[][], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Fills the passed 2D array with the passed integer
fillWith(long[], long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Fills the passed array with the passed long
fillWithRests() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Fills the remaining duration of this voice part with rests.
findAllTiePositions(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns an array list containing the indexes of every music element that is correctly tied forward to the next element in the passed array list, such that those elements are both of the same type.
findClassSourceFile(Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Uses reflection to find and open the source file of an existing class within this project.
findClassSourceFile(File, Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Uses reflection to find and open the source file of an existing class within the passed project.
findExeFileOnDisc(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Method returns the first occurrence of an executable file named as specified that occurs searching all sub-directories from the root directory downwards.
findExeFileOnPath(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Method returns the first occurrence of an executable file named as specified that occurs directly on the current path (i.e.
findFile(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Opus+ files can really only be found in two places: the first is in the current working directory, and the second is in the working dir specified in the system parameters.
findFirstTwoWithDiff(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array of two integers which give the positions of the first two elements in the passed array with the a difference of diff.
findIndexesOfDownwardlyMonotonicRanges(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Function returns pairs of numbers in an array giving the starts of ranges within the passed array that are monotonically increasing by one in an upward direction, along with the number of elements in that range.
findIndexesOfSalientElements(ArrayList, int, VoicePart) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Identifies the position of the N most 'musically salient' elements within the passed list with respect to the key signature, and other parameters, in the passed PF.
findIndexesOfUpwardlyMonotonicRanges(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Function returns pairs of numbers in an array giving the starts of ranges within the passed array that are monotonically increasing by one in an upward direction, along with the number of elements in that range.
findIndexOfFirstGreaterThanOrEqualTo(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the index of the first element greater than the passed 'x' found AFTER index 'start' - or a negative number if none are greater than 'x'
findIntervalIndex(SemitoneInterval[], PersichettiHarmony) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Method which finds the position in the array of passed intervals of the first one which has a harmony type, as described to Persichetti, of that passed.
findMaxPitchPositions(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a list of the positions of all the pitched music elements in the passed list which contain the maximum pitch, whatever that is found to be.
findMinMaxPairs(Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns a 2D array of fields which form min/max pairs.
findMinPitchPositions(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a list of the positions of all the pitched music elements in the passed list which contain the minimum pitch, whatever that is found to be.
findNearestInKeyPitch(int, Scale, Boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Passed a candidate pitch, this method uses the scale to find the PITCH therein closest in pitch to that passed.
findNearestInKeyPitch(int, Scale, Boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Passed a candidate pitch, this method uses the scale to find the PITCH therein closest in pitch to that passed.
findNearestInKeyScaleOffset(int, Scale, Boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Passed a candidate pitch, this method uses the scale to find the NOTE OFFSET therein closest in pitch to that passed.
findNearestInKeyScaleOffset(int, Scale, Boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Passed a candidate pitch, this method uses the scale to find the NOTE OFFSET therein closest in pitch to that passed.
findNearestOctavePoint(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Passed a pitch in semitones and a boundary pitch, this method returns the pitch nearest to the boundary which has the same semitone name as the original.
findNearestPitchedMusicElement(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Find the nearest non-rest music element (i.e.
findNextIncompleteBar(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Finds the next incomplete bar on the passed voice, starting its search forward from the passed bar number.
findNextLilypondFileVersion(File, String, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Examines the file system to determine the next version of the Lilypond file with the passed root name, such that no file name clash will occur.
findNonMinMaxInstanceFields(Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns all the instance fields (data members) in the passed class which are not min/max fields
findNumExtensionDifferences(PFExtensions) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the number of differences in the extension hashtables between 'this' and the passed object 'other'.
findNumExtensionSimilarities(PFExtensions) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the number of similarities in the extension hashtables between 'this' and the passed object 'other'.
findPitchPositions(ArrayList, MusicElementType) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a list of the positions of all the music elements in the passed list which are of the specified type, or null if there are none.
findPitchPositions(ArrayList, MusicElementType[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a list of the positions of all the music elements in the passed list which are of the specified types, or null if there are none.
findPitchPositions(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a list of the positions of all the pitched music elements in the passed list in order, or null if there are none.
findPosOfFirstMatch(int[], int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the first position where both arrays have the value x, or -1 if not found.
findPosOfLongest(ArrayList, MusicElementType) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the position of those elements of the specified type with the longest duration.
findPosOfLongest(ArrayList, MusicElementType[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the position of those elements that are one of the specified types, with the longest duration.
first(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.BeatIterator
Returns the first 'beats worth' of music elements in the passed array.
first() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Returns the first element from the voice, bar and offset where the iterator was constructed or according to the last jump call.
first() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Returns the first stave part from the current stave.
first() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Returns the first voice part from the current voice.
first() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.BarSteppingSpacer
Returns this spacer to the beginning of the stave.
first() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.DensitySensitiveSpacer
Rewinds this spacer to the start of the composition.
first() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomJumpingSpacer
Resets the number of calls tracked by this spacer to zero so it can be reused in another iteration.
first() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomSteppingSpacer
Rewinds this spacer to the start of the composition.
first() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Returns the spacer to its 'first' position.
first() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.TimeSteppingSpacer
Rewinds this spacer to the start of the composition.
firstPrintableSubString(String, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the first non-whitespace character sequence in s1 is s2.
fit(VoicePart, Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentFitter
Method that starts fitting the passed fragment in the passed voice part appending to any existing phrase and working forwards therefrom.
fit(VoicePart, ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentFitter
Method that starts fitting the passed array list of music elements in the passed voice part, appending to any existing phrase and working forwards therefrom.
fit(int, int, Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentFitter
Method that starts fitting the passed fragment on the passed voice appending in the passed bar and working forwards therefrom.
fit(int, int, int, Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentFitter
Method that starts fitting the passed fragment on the passed voice starting in the passed bar at the passed time offset, and working forwards therefrom.
fit(int, int, int, ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentFitter
Method that starts fitting the passed array list of music elements on the passed voice starting in the passed bar at the passed time offset, and working forwards therefrom.
fitLongDurationMusicElement(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Method that 'fits' a music element into the remaining space in the voice even if it is necessary to split and tie it.
fixupArticulationAndDynamics(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Spins through the entire composition fixing up incorrect articulation marks, such as glissnado's onto rests, and removing spurious dynamic changes such as two adjacent fff's.
flatten() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Decrements the pitch of this note by a semi-tone.
flatten(int[][]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed an array of array of integers, this routine 'flattens' it to a single array of integers containing all the elements in their original order.
flatten(ArrayList>) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed an array of array of integers, this routine 'flattens' it to a single array of integers containing all the elements in their original order.
flatten(Field[][]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Flattens a 2D array of fields into a single dimensional array.
floorLog2(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Return the floor of log{base 2}(n).
focus(Section) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Focuses the iterator so that it only ranges over the passed section rather than the entire composition.
focus(Bar, Bar) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Focuses the iterator so that it only ranges between the bars passed rather than the entire composition.
focus(Section) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Focuses the iterator so that it only ranges over the passed section rather than the entire composition.
focus(Bar, Bar) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Focuses the iterator so that it only ranges between the bars passed rather than the entire composition.
focus(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Focuses the iterator so that it only ranges between the bar numbers passed in rather than the entire composition.
format(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Like C-printf which outputs an arbitrary string in a fixed width field padded with spaces with the option of having it positioned either left or right.
format(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Like C-printf which outputs an integer in a fixed width field padded with spaces with the option of having it positioned either left or right.
format(long, int, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Like C-printf which outputs a long value in a fixed width field padded with spaces with the option of having it positioned either left or right.
formatDate(Date) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Formats the passed date as a string.
formatTime(Date) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Formats the passed date object as a time
Fragment - Class in opusplus.core.fragment
Fragments are essentially ordered lists of musical elements.
Fragment() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Default ctor
Fragment(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Ctor which creates a fragment containing only rests for the specified duration
Fragment(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Ctor which takes some Lilypond markup as a string and creates a fragment for it.
Fragment(ArrayList) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Ctor which is initialized with an array list of musical elements.
Fragment(MusicElement[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Ctor which is initialized with an array of musical elements.
Fragment(ScaleId, int[], NoteLength[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Factory constructor for easy creation of simple 'tune' fragments containing only notes.
Fragment(Scale, int[], NoteLength[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Factory constructor for easy creation of simple 'tune' fragments containing only notes.
Fragment(ScaleId, int[][], NoteLength[], MusicElementType[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Factory constructor for easy creation of complex fragments containing notes, chords, tuplets and rests.
Fragment(Scale, int[][], NoteLength[], MusicElementType[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Factory constructor for easy creation of complex fragments containing notes, chords, tuplets and rests.
FragmentCache - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache
This class holds a collection of named fragments that can be used throughout the composition at different points.
FragmentCache(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Construct a fragment cache supplying an integer stream so it can also return random selections of fragments.
FragmentCacheFiller - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache
Class which creates a number of fragment caches using a list of parameter frames, essentially one parameter frame for each of the fragment caches.
FragmentCacheFiller() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCacheFiller
No arg ctor
FragmentCacheFiller(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCacheFiller
Full state ctor
FragmentCacheRing - Class in opusplus.lib.rings
This singleton class holds a collection of fragment caches in a collection called a 'ring'.
FragmentCacheRing() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.FragmentCacheRing
FragmentCacheRingSelector - Interface in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Interface which all fragment cache ring selectors should implement.
FragmentCreationStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum which determines how the fragment are created.
FragmentCutter - Class in opusplus.core.fragment
This class clears fragments of music out of sections of the stave/voice.
FragmentCutter() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentCutter
Default no-arg ctor.
FragmentCutter(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentCutter
Ctor where the caller can supply the voice and start bar, along with the time offset within the bar to start cutting, and the total duration to remove.
FragmentExtractor - Class in opusplus.core.fragment
Service class which can be used to extract arbitrary musical fragments from a voice, starting at any bar or bar-and-offset, and finishing on the same voice but at any point ahead of the start point.
FragmentExtractor() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
Ctor that provides an extractor which will return every type of music element between the bounds specified to the extract method.
FragmentExtractor(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
Ctor that allows the caller to filter which elements types are returned when extract is called.
FragmentFactory - Class in opusplus.lib.factories
Factory class for creating fragments in various ways.
FragmentFactory() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Construct a fragment factory that uses the default integer stream
FragmentFactory(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Construct a fragment factory supplying an integer stream so it can spontaneously create new decisions.
FragmentFitter - Class in opusplus.core.fragment
This class takes a fragment of music and attempts to fit it into the passed voice part.
FragmentFitter() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentFitter
No argument ctor
FragmentNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
This class writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
FragmentNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotator
Full-state ctor which takes an integer stream, to enable decisions to be made at random, a selection of voices, and a range of bars specified by the start bar, (an index where the first bar is bar zero), and the number of bars.
FragmentNotatorTemplate - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
A fragment notator helper class which is an example of the 'template pattern'.
FragmentNotatorTemplate(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, FragmentSelector, TransformGroupSelector, PlacementSelector) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Partial-state constructor that does not use the cache rings during operation
FragmentNotatorTemplate(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, FragmentSelector, FragmentCacheRingSelector, TransformGroupSelector, TransformGroupCacheRingSelector, PlacementSelector, PlacementCacheRingSelector) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Full-state constructor
FragmentRemover - Class in opusplus.core.fragment
This class clears fragments of music out of sections of a voice.
FragmentRemover() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
No arg constructor
FragmentSelector - Interface in opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector
Interface for fragment selection strategies.
freeCombinations() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationVariant
This method releases the memory taken up by these huge combination arrays.
fromString(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Convenience function for rendering string representations of double arrays back into double arrays.
fromString(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Convenience function for rendering string representations of integer arrays back into integer arrays.
fromString(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Convenience function for rendering string representations of long arrays back into long arrays.
funnelSort(int[], boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method takes an array of integers and re-arranges them such that the most extreme values occur first, and it slowly progresses to those with the least difference at the end.
furthestValueEqualOrAbove(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the value furthest above or equal to X.
furthestValueEqualOrBelow(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the value furthest below or equal to X.
furthestValues(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the value in the passed array furthest from the value of X.
fuzzyMatch(String, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the percentage match between the two passed strings.


GaussianIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
This Gaussian integer stream uses a standard deviation of one (1) around a mean of zero (0) to distribute random values.
GaussianIntegerStream() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Ctor which seeds the random number generator from the default value in SysParameters, or if this is zero, from the system time.
GaussianIntegerStream(long, long) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Ctor which seeds the random number generator with the passed seed and spread values.
generateJavaCode() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
Method writes the total system state out as Java code such that there is enough information to reproduce the same composition again....
get() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Returns the unique list of parameter frames by reference, so inserts and sorts on the returned collection can damage the integrity of this class.
get(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Returns the parameter frame at the passed index by value, or null if not found.
get(InstrumentId, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the parameter frame specified instrument/section index/voice number.
get(DrumKitId, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the parameter frame specified drum kit/section index/voice number.
get(DrumKit, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the parameter frame specified drum kit/section index/voice number.
get(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the parameter frame specified by the stave index/section index/voice number tuple.
get(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Safe array access function which guarantees to return something from the passed array assuming that the array itself actually contains something and is not null.
get() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Returns the element at the current position or null if the ring is empty.
get_maxProbabilityPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFFactory
Returns the percentage probability that any particular parameter value will be changed.
getAbreviatedName() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns an abbreviation for this instrument printed at the start of every stave except the first.
getAccent() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
getAccent() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the type of accent (e.g.
getAccent() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
getAccent() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
getAccent() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
getAccentPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter specifies the percentage probability of using accents.
getAccentPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getAccentWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the weights array used to determine the type of accent to be used should they in fact actually be used.
getAccentWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getAccessorMethods(Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns all the 'getter' methods on the passed class sorted in alphabetical order.
getAccumulationPlacementDispersePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Accumulation placement writes a number of fragments or phrases as an accumulating or dispersing musical mass across several voices starting at a specified bar and time offset within that bar.
getAccumulationPlacementDispersePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getAccumulationPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies an integer weights array that influences the probability of various time quantization granularities being used for the initial time offset of placements.
getAccumulationPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getAccurateDateTimeNow() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a date time string represented in two different formats, a nice easily readable version and a millisecond accurate international format which is less easily readable.
getAdjacencyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Returns the adjacency percentage which effects how the phrase shape is perturbed.
getAestheticBrightness() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Returns an integer measure of the subjective darkness or brightness of these modes according to Persichetti (20th Century Harmony P.35).
getAllCaches() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRing
Returns all the caches held in the ring as a list
getAllCaches() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
Returns all the caches held in the ring as a list
getAllDeclaredMethods(Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns a sorted list of declared method names without duplicates.
getAllDrumKits() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Returns an array list of all drum kits
getAllIntervals(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the complete set of intervals between the passed note and all other notes in the chord.
getAllIntervals() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the complete set of intervals between all notes comprising this chord and all other notes in this chord.
getAllIntervalsByNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the complete set of intervals between all notes comprising this chord and all other notes in this chord.
getAllSectionPFs() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns a PFSet object containing all the default parameter frames for each section in the PFTable.
getAllStavePFs() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns a PFSet object containing all the default parameter frames for each stave in the PFTable.
getAllUniquePFs() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns one of each type of parameter frame within the entire hierarchy of stave configuration and stave-section configuration data.
getAlternativeClef() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns an alternative clef to use with this instrument or null if none is suitable.
getAnsweringPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An answering phrase placement writes a fragment or phrase into two different voices as an 'answering phrase' - that is one plays, and then another instrument immediately repeats it.
getAnsweringPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getAppStrategy() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SerialismNotator
Sets the voice application strategy, which determines how these serial rows are used across the various voices written by this notator.
getArpeggio() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
getArpeggio() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
If called on a chord element, and this attribute is set this will return the type of arpeggio, otherwise null.
getArpeggio() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
getArpeggio() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
getArpeggio() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
getArpeggioDownPitchPatternResuseWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioDownPitchPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioDurationPatternResuseWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioDurationPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioNoteDurationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioNoteDurationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the percentage probability that an arpeggio will be used.
getArpeggioPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioPitchChainingPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioPitchChainingPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioPrincipalPitchWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioPrincipalPitchWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioTrillPlacementWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioTrillPlacementWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioTrillProbabilityWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioTrillProbabilityWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioTripletNotePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioTripletNotePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioUpPitchPatternResuseWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getArpeggioUpPitchPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getArpeggioWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the weights array used to determine the type of arpeggio to be used assuming that arpeggios have been selected for use.
getArpeggioWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getBalancedRandomIntegerStreamSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the seed used to initialize all instances of the BalancedRandomIntegerStream class.
getBar(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the bar object or null if not found, i.e.
getBar() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Returns the bar currently targeted by this pointer including all quantization effects.
getBar() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Returns the bar containing this stave part.
getBarClearPatternWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Into Notator has been designed to work on a composition the constraints of which has been specified in sections, and where the first section is expected to be dedicated to an intro of some description.
getBarClearPatternWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getBarDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Returns the duration of a bar with this time signature.
getBarNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Returns the number of this bar from the start of the composition.
getBarNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Convenience function that returns the index of the bar containing this voice part.
getBarNumber() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Returns the bar number of the current position.
getBarNumber() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Returns the current bar number for this spacer.
getBarNumberSafely(VoicePart) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the bar# as a string or "null" if the passed voice part object is null.
getBarNumbersWithCoverageCountsBelow(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns an array containing the numbers of all bars which currently have a coverage count below the passed threshold
getBarPatternCacheSize() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the size of the Bar Pattern Cache used by the Duration Combination Stream.
getBarPatternCacheSizeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getBarRangeEnd() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
For when large compositions are broken down into separate Lilypond files this returns the end of the bar range held in this file.
getBarRangeList() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns a list of bar ranges currently held by this table.
getBarRangeStart() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
For when large compositions are broken down into separate Lilypond files this returns the start of the bar range held in this file.
getBars() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns all the bars in the composition as an ordered list.
getBars() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Section
Returns all the bars in this section
getBarsPerSeparateInstrumentScoreFile() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Large compositions can be generated into multiple Lilypond files to enable Lilypond to successfully process them.
getBarsPerSingleScoreFile() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Large compositions can be generated into multiple Lilypond files to enable Lilypond to successfully process them.
getBarStepSize() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.BarSteppingSpacer
Returns the number of bars moved forward each time this spacer re-calculates its position.
getBassOnFirstBeatCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getBeatDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Returns the length of a beat in ticks of this time signature.
getBespokeDrumScaleNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns an array of the names all the currently registered bespoke drum scales sorted in ascending order.
getBespokeKitNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Returns an array of the names all the currently registered bespoke drum kits sorted in ascending order.
getBespokeMusicalScaleNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns an array of the names all the currently registered bespoke musical scales sorted in ascending order.
getBespokeScaleNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns an array of the names all the currently registered bespoke musical and drum scales sorted in ascending order.
getBespokeSharpsAndFlats() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.KeySignature
Returns null for standard key signatures, but for bespoke key signatures created with an array of KeySpec objects, this method returns said array.
getBooleanParameter(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the value of the named parameter which is of type boolean, or null if not found.
getBooleanParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getBottomWeights() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Returns an integer array of three elements giving weights that determine the relative probability of the top note in a chord going down, remaining the same or going up, respectively.
getBPM() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
Returns the tempo of the piece in beats-per-minute
getCadence(ChordNumber, ChordNumber) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Given the chord numbers for the penultimate and last music elements, this method returns the cadence that these represent or null if not found.
getCadence(ScaleDegree, ScaleDegree) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Given the scale degrees for the penultimate and last music elements, this method returns the cadence that these represent or null if not found.
getCadence(int, int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Given the chord numbers/scale degrees as integers for the penultimate and last music elements, this method returns the cadence that these represent or null if not found.
getCallCounts() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Returns all the call counts for the associated parameter frame.
getCannonicalPath(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the canonical path of this file with all redundant ./ and ../ removed.
getCapitalizedName(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns a capitalised name derived from the field (data member) name suitable for use in function names.
getCategories(InstrumentId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentCategoryInfo
Returns an array of all the categories the passed instrument id is in, or null if it is in none.
getChaoticIntegerStreamMultiplier() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
The multiplier affects the volatility of the chaotic integer sequence.
getChaoticIntegerStreamRatio() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Specifies the value of the ratio used to produce chaotic number sequences.
getChaoticIntegerStreamStart() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Gives the starting value for the chaotic integer stream.
getCharacteristicNoteOffset() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
This method returns the note which, together with the tonic (offset 0), helps to identify the character of the mode to the listener.
getChordGeneration2nd3rd4thWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
These weights control the musical intervals used when generating standard chords, i.e.
getChordGeneration2nd3rd4thWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationChordSizeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Influences the size of all chords created.
getChordGenerationChordSizeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationDissonanceTritoneChordSpecWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Persichetti characterizes chords into four families; those that have a sharp dissonance and/or a tritone or neither.
getChordGenerationDissonanceTritoneChordSpecWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Chord generation post-processing which emphasises particular semitone intervals by searching through all the intervals in the passed chord and finding notes which contribute to the passed harmony profile, and if found doubles this note either up or down.
getChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Chord generation post-processing which emphasises particular semitone intervals by searching through all the intervals in the passed chord and finding notes which contribute to the passed harmony (if there is one), and if so doubles this note either up or down.
getChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationHarmonicProfileWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Six integer weights which control the chances of constructing chords with a particular harmonic profile.
getChordGenerationHarmonicProfileWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationInKeyCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationInvertDownPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls an aspect of chord generation post-processing.
getChordGenerationInvertDownPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationInvertOffsetPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls an aspect of chord generation post-processing.
getChordGenerationInvertOffsetPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationInvertUpPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls an aspect of chord generation post-processing.
getChordGenerationInvertUpPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationMajMinChordSpecWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights which control the probability of particular 3 note chords consisting of the major and minor of intervals of the same degree; either minor above and major below or vice versa.
getChordGenerationMajMinChordSpecWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationMixedIntervalLowerWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights which control the probability of mixed interval 3 note chords, with this parameter concerned with the lower interval of the chord.
getChordGenerationMixedIntervalLowerWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationMixedIntervalUpperWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights which control the probability of mixed interval 3 note chords, with this parameter concerned with the upper interval of the chord.
getChordGenerationMixedIntervalUpperWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationMultiIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the creation of chords with any number of notes between the minimum and maximum allowed, and these weights will influence the *direct* intervals used between each of the notes of the chord.
getChordGenerationMultiIntervalWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationNeighbourChordShiftVector() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Involved in the creation of new chords from the previous chord by the application of a 'shift vector' which shifts the pitches of the notes in the old chord.
getChordGenerationNeighbourChordShiftVectorCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationNeighbourChordWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls how chords are generated from pre-existing chords - so called neighbour chords - where the pitches in the new chord vary by at most one semitone (or scale offset) from the previous chord.
getChordGenerationNeighbourChordWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationNumberedChordWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Influences the creation of chords in the standard positions i.e.
getChordGenerationNumberedChordWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationPostProcessingWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
These weights bias the chances of chord generation post-processing.
getChordGenerationPostProcessingWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationPureIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights which determine the chances of using an particular semitone interval when generating 'pure interval' chords i.e.
getChordGenerationPureIntervalWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationSolidifyAddFifthPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Strengthening the sonic presence of the bass note in a chord, by adding the bass note an octave below, has the effect of adding 'harmonic solidity'.
getChordGenerationSolidifyAddFifthPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationSpreadMaxPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Spreading chords over various pitch ranges is a post-processing option after generation.
getChordGenerationSpreadMaxPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationSpreadMinPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Spreading chords over various pitch ranges is a post-processing option after generation.
getChordGenerationSpreadMinPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationSpreadProportionalPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
When spreading chords over octaves, this can be achieved using two different algorithms; namely spread the pitches as evenly as possible, or in proportion to the intervals in the original chord.
getChordGenerationSpreadProportionalPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordGenerationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
These weights determine the likelihood of using a particular strategy for creating chords.
getChordGenerationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordNumbers() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns the appropriate chord sequence to use to construct this cadence.
getChordNumbersForAllCadencesAsIntegers() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns the chord numbers for every cadence, formatted something like the following:
getChordTupletTransformChordNoteOrderArray() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
When converting a chord to a tuplet, the order of notes is not specified in the chord, whereas a tuplet requires some order.
getChordTupletTransformChordNoteOrderArrayCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordTupletTransformConvertChordPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the probability that chords will be converted to tuplets.
getChordTupletTransformConvertChordPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordTupletTransformConvertTupletPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the probability that tuplets will be converted to chords.
getChordTupletTransformConvertTupletPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getChordTupletTransformTupletOptionWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
When converting a chord to a tuplet, the order of notes is not specified in the chord, whereas a tuplet requires some order.
getChordTupletTransformTupletOptionWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getClassesInPackage(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns all classes which belong to the given package and any sub-packages by examining the java *source* code.
getClassesInPackage(File, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns all classes which belong to the given package and any sub-packages by examining the java *source* code.
getClef() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStave
Override this method in the base class so we can take account of the case when this instrument stave needs to be displayed on a compound stave, in which case we need to return a treble clef independent of the actual setting for this stave.
getClef() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Returns the clef used by the stave
getClef() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns an actual clef object as specified by this parameter frame.
getClefCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getClefOctave() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the octave transposition of the clef.
getClefOctave() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns the octave of the preferred clef for this instrument
getClefOctave() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.Clef
Returns the ClefOctave enum giving the octave of this clef.
getClefOctaveCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getClefType() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the clef type used on a given stave
getClefType() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.Clef
Returns the clef type enum for this clef
getClefTypeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getCombination(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationVariant
Passed a single 'offset' , this method returns a two dimensional array with three rows.
getCombinationVariant(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
Function that returns a particular combination variant object at offset 'off'.
getCompliment(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed an array containing a set of, typically unique, numbers (although unique is not necessary), this returns an array containing all the numbers not in the passed array up to and including the value 'max'.
getCompliment(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed an array containing a set of, typically unique, numbers (although unique is not necessary), this returns an array containing all the numbers not in the passed array from 'min' up to, and including, the value 'max'.
getComposer() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Gets the name of the composer as printed at the top of the music.
getContainingVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the voice part containing this chord, or null if it is not contained in a voice part
getContainingVoicePart() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the voice object containing this musical element
getContainingVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the voice part object containing this note, or null if it is not contained in a voice part
getContainingVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns the voice part object containing this rest, or null if it is not contained in a voice part
getContainingVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns the voice part object containing this tuplet, or null if it is not contained in a voice part
getContinuoPlacementGapQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Fragments or phrases can be placed within a continuo with caesure (silent breaks or time gaps) between them.
getContinuoPlacementGapQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A continuo placement writes a series of fragments or phrases, cyclicly, as a continuo starting at a specified bar and time offset within that bar, and for a specified number of repeats.
getContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The maximum number of repeated fragment within the continuo.
getContinuoPlacementMaxRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getContinuoPlacementMinRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The minimum number of repeated fragment within the continuo.
getContinuoPlacementMinRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getCopyrightText() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusVersion
Returns the copyright text verbatim
getCounts() - Method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.Stats
Returns the counts collected as an array
getCoverCountPerBar() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
For each bar in the table this returns the number of voices covered for that bar.
getCoverCountPerVoice() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
For each voice in the table this returns the number of bars covered for that voice.
getCreateArpeggioTrillPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getCreateArpeggioTrillPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getCreationTime() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the date-time now in ISO format where the lexicographical order of the representation corresponds to chronological order.
getCurrentBar() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Returns the current bar targeted by this iterator.
getCurrentBar() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Returns the current bar targeted by this iterator.
getCurrentBeatsRemainingDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the duration from the end of the phrase currently held by this voice to the beginning of the next beat in this bar.
getCurrentCache() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRing
Returns the current 'singleton' cache instance or null if there are no caches held within the ring.
getCurrentCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
Returns the current 'singleton' cache instance or null if there are no caches held within the ring.
getCurrentNoteGroupsRemainingDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the duration from the end of the phrase currently held by this voice to the beginning of the next note group in this bar.
getCurrentOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Returns the current position within the file.
getCurrentSection() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Returns the section object containing the current bar.
getCurrentSection() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Returns the section object containing the current bar.
getCurrentWidth() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns the current width of this range in ticks
getCurrentWidth() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Returns the current width of this range in ticks
getCurrentWidth() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Spin through the specified voices and find the maximum width.
getCutPoints() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Return the cut points array, or null if not set.
getCutter() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Returns the cutter object used by this placement pattern during execution
getDateNow() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the system date now as a string.
getDateTimeNow() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the system date-time now as a string.
getDedication() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns to whom (or what) the piece is dedicated as printed at the top of the music.
getDefaultDrumVoice() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
This method returns the default drum voice for this drum id.
getDefaultIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Provides a global point of access to an integer stream for deeply nested classes that might need an integer stream where there isn't one supplied in that context by default.
getDefaultMaxFragmentDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the DEFAULT maximum fragment size which is four times the duration of the current bar size, as specified by the time signature in this frame.
getDefaultMaxFragmentDurationCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDefaultMinFragmentDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the default minimum fragment size which is half the duration of the current bar size, as specified by the time signature in this frame.
getDefaultMinFragmentDurationCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDefaultMusicElementDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the duration of the 'default note duration' of this voice as specified by its time signature.
getDefaultPF() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Section
Returns the default parameter frame for this section of the composition.
getDefaultRandomSeedsAsString() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the random seeds held in the system parameters at the point of the call.
getDefaultSectionPF(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the default parameter frame for the section at the specified index, or null if it is not present, or if the index is greater than the current number of sections.
getDefaultStavePF(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the default parameter frame for the stave at the specified index, or null if it is not present or if the index is greater than the current number of staves.
getDiminishedTriad() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
In each mode there lurks a diminished triad; this is a difficult chord because its diminished 5th tends to suggest the dominant 7th of the major key with the same number of sharps or flats as the mode in question.
getDirectIntervals() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the direct intervals between the notes comprising this chord.
getDisorderedRandomIntegerStreamSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the seed used to initialize all instances of the DisorderedRandomIntegerStream class.
getDottedChordMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getDottedChordMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDottedDurationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Returns the weights used to constrain the generation of dotted durations by components such as the Weighted Duration Combination Stream.
getDottedDurationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDottedMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
Returns the duration filter mask for dotted durations.
getDottedNoteMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getDottedNoteMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDottedRestMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getDottedRestMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDottedTupletMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getDottedTupletMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDottedValues() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns an array of the dotted values from DOTTED_HEMI_DEMI_SEMI_QUAVER up to DOTTED_SEMI_BREVE
getDoubleArrayParameter(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the value of the named parameter which is of type double, or null if not found.
getDoubleArrayParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDoubleDottedChordMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getDoubleDottedChordMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDoubleDottedDurationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Returns the weights used to constrain the generation of double-dotted durations by components such as the Weighted Duration Combination Stream.
getDoubleDottedDurationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDoubleDottedMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
Returns the duration filter mask for double-dotted durations.
getDoubleDottedNoteMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getDoubleDottedNoteMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDoubleDottedRestMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getDoubleDottedRestMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDoubleDottedTupletMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getDoubleDottedTupletMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDoubleDottedValues() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns an array of the double-dotted values from DOUBLE_DOTTED_HEMI_DEMI_SEMI_QUAVER up to DOUBLE_DOTTED_SEMI_BREVE
getDoubleParameter(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the value of the named parameter which is of type double, or null if not found.
getDoubleParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDrumIds() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns an array of drum ids which comprise this drum scale.
getDrumIds() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Returns an array list of the drum identifiers that comprise this kit.
getDrumKit() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the drum kit registered by this name with the drum kit factory, or null if not found.
getDrumKitCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDrumKitId() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Not all drum kits have an id.
getDrumKitName() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the name of the drum kit to use.
getDrumKitNameCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDrumScaleId() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Not all drum scales have a drum scale id.
getDrumScaleId() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Always returns null because this class represents musical scales.
getDrumScaleId() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the drum scale id object iff this is a drum scale that is known at compile time.
getDrumSounds() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Method returns null.
getDrumSounds() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns the drum sounds in this drum scale
getDrumSounds() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Always returns null because this class represents musical scales.
getDrumSounds() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns an array of drum sounds comprising this drum scale, or null if this is a musical scale
getDrumStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns an array of drum stave objects which each contain all the drum stave parts used in this composition.
getDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationVariant
Returns the duration that these combinations concern.
getDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Returns the duration of this fragment
getDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the duration of the chord (i.e.
getDuration() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the time span of this music element as an enum.
getDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the length of the note (i.e.
getDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns the length of the rest (i.e.
getDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns the total duration of the tuplet (i.e.
getDuration(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the total duration of all the music elements in the passed collection
getDurationBarStartToMusicElementStart(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Passed a music element, which is already inserted in this voice, this function returns the duration in ticks from the start of the bar to its start.
getDurationCalculator() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationMgr
Returns the duration calculator
getDurationMusicElementStartToBarEnd(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Passed a musical element, which is already inserted in this voice, this function returns the duration in ticks from its start to the end of the bar.
getDurations() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationMgr
Returns an array the different durations of notes.
getDurations(NoteLength, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationMgr
Returns an array of NoteLengths between min and max.
getDurations(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the durations of all the music elements in the passed list as an integer array
getDurationStreamTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Biases the choice of duration stream on the fly between different bars in the composition.
getDurationStreamTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDynamics() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
getDynamics() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the level (type) of dynamics associated with this music element, (e.g.
getDynamics() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
getDynamics() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
getDynamics() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
getDynamicsPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter influences the percentage probability that a change in dynamics level will occur (i.e.
getDynamicsPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getDynamicsWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Determines the type of dynamics that can occur.
getDynamicsWeights() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Return the integer weights that influence how this transform is applied.
getDynamicsWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getElement() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.RingNode
Returns the element at this node
getEndBar() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Section
Returns the last bar in this section, or null if there are none.
getEndBar() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Returns the end bar of the range.
getEndOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Returns the offset of the final file read position.
getEndSequenceValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
A convenience method used to confirm the value returned to indicate that a reset call is required by the user.
getErasers() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns an array containing the types which are erasing notators.
getExt(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the file extension i.e.
getExt(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the file extension i.e.
getExtensionCallCounts() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Returns the underlying hashtable holding the counts of calls to read extension parameters from this frame.
getExtensionParameterCount(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Returns the number of times the named extension parameter has been accessed in this frame.
getExtensionPropertyNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
This returns the names of all the extension parameters counted in sorted order.
getExternalIntervals(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns an array containing the intervals between the pitches of this chord and those in the passed musical element.
getExternalIntervals(MusicElement) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns an array giving the intervals between this and the passed music element.
getExternalIntervals(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns an array containing the intervals between the pitch of this note and the passed musical element.
getExternalIntervals(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Always returns null because there can be no interval between a rest and any other thing since a rest has no pitch.
getExternalIntervals(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns an array containing the intervals between the last pitch of this tuplet and the passed musical element.
getFermata() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
getFermata() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the type of fermata, or null if not set.
getFermata() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
getFermata() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
getFermata() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
getFermataPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A fermata is a 'pause mark' over a note or rest which must be lengthened by an unspecified amount.
getFermataPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFermataWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A fermata is a 'pause mark' over a note or rest which must be lengthened by an unspecified amount.
getFermataWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFibonacciIntegerStreamMultiplier() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
The multiplier is used to affect the rate at which the generated fibonacci series diverges.
getFibonacciIntegerStreamSeed1() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
The Fibonacci sequence requires two starting 'seeds', and these can be specified by the user.
getFibonacciIntegerStreamSeed2() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
The Fibonacci sequence requires two starting 'seeds', and these can be specified by the user.
getFieldValue(Object, Field) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Passed an example instance and the field of interest, this method returns the value of the field as an Object.
getFile() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Returns the file object used by this integer stream as the source of all the numbers returned.
getFileDataIntegerStreamData() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the default data file used by the FileDataIntegerStream as its input source.
getFillers() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns an array containing all the filler notators i.e.
getFirstVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns the first voice part of this voice
getFitCandidates(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns all the ranges where we can fit the requested number of voices and bars.
getFitCandidates(int[], int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns all the ranges where we can fit the requested voices and number of bars.
getFitCandidates(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns all the ranges where we can fit the requested number of voices between the specified start and end bars.
getFitCandidates(int[], int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns all the ranges where we can fit the requested number of voices between the specified start and end bars.
getFitter() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Returns the fitter object used by this placement pattern during execution
getFragementCreationBarrelFallingPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If the parameter 'falling' is true then 'barrelling' scans the chords from top to bottom, if false, then barrelling occurs from the bass note of the chord upwards.
getFragementCreationBarrelFallingPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragment(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Returns a copy of the fragment registered under the passed number, or null if none found.
getFragment(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Returns a copy of the fragment registered under the passed name, or null if none found.
getFragmentCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentCacheRingSelectorWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentCacheRingSelectorWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentCacheSelector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Returns the fragment cache selector which determines the strategy used by this notator to select the next fragment cache.
getFragmentCreationCombPattern() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The 'comb' algorithm generates a random fragment, and then applies a comb algorithm to separate it out into a number of fragments each of which is playing, for a short time, a section of the original fragment alone.
getFragmentCreationCombPatternCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentCreationDistributeRestPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
When creating fragments from a series of chords using the 'barrelling' algorithm some fragments may need to have rests inserted in place of notes.
getFragmentCreationDistributeRestPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentCreationLeadingVoiceClosestPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
When creating fragments from a series of chords using the pseudo-leading voices algorithm, this percentage sets the chances of a boolean which if true, uses the closest note from neighbouring chords, otherwise it attempts to find the one farthest away in pitch.
getFragmentCreationLeadingVoiceClosestPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentCreationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An array of 11 integer weights which affect the strategies used to create the fragments used to initially fill the fragment caches.
getFragmentCreationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentDuration(IntegerStream, PF) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a fragments duration as constrained by the passed parameter frame.
getFragmentDurationUnits() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the units used to interpret the min and max fragment duration attributes.
getFragmentDurationUnitsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentLengthQuantization() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Determines the quantization of fragment lengths.
getFragmentLengthQuantizationCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentName(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Converts the fragment number to its name, or returns null if not found.
getFragmentNotatorDensitySensitiveWindowWidthInBars() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentNotatorDensitySensitiveWindowWidthInBarsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentNotatorMaxBarStep() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentNotatorMaxBarStepCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentNotatorMaxRandomJumps() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentNotatorMaxRandomJumpsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentNotatorMaxTargetDensity() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentNotatorMaxTargetDensityCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentNotatorMinBarStep() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentNotatorMinBarStepCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentNotatorMinRandomJumps() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentNotatorMinRandomJumpsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentNotatorMinTargetDensity() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentNotatorMinTargetDensityCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentNotatorSpacerTimeQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentNotatorSpacerTimeQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentNotatorSpacerWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentNotatorSpacerWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentNotatorTimeStepTickSize() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentNotatorTimeStepTickSizeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFragmentNumber(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Converts the fragment name to its number, or returns a number less than zero if not found.
getFragmentSelector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Returns the fragment selection strategy.
getFragmentSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getFragmentSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getFreeBarCountPerVoice() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns an array holding the number of free bars per voice
getFreeVoiceCountPerBar() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns an array holding the number of free voices per bar
getFromScale() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Returns the scale from which any fragment will be transformed.
getFullPackageName(Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns the full package name holding this class
getGap() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
The gap between successive fragments.
getGap() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PatternInfo
getGap() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
The gap between successive fragments.
getGaussianIntegerStreamSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the seed used to initialize all instances of the GaussianIntegerStream class.
getGaussianSpread() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Effects the shape, width and height of the Gaussian Bell-curve used during some random number generation.
getGenerationTime() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns a string showing the precise date and time the lilypond was written.
getGetMethodName(Field) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Generates the name of the getter method for the passed field.
getGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the grace note associated with this object, or null if there is none.
getGraceNote() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the grace note associated with this object, or null if there is none.
getGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the grace note associated with this object, or null if there is none.
getGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns null because a rest can never own a grace note.
getGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns the grace note associated with this object, or null if there is none.
getGraceNoteOnDottedChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
getGraceNoteOnDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNoteOnDottedNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
getGraceNoteOnDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNoteOnDottedTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
getGraceNoteOnDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
getGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
getGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
getGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNoteOnPlainChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
getGraceNoteOnPlainChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNoteOnPlainNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
getGraceNoteOnPlainNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNoteOnPlainTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
getGraceNoteOnPlainTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNotePercentageBias(MusicElementType, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Convenience function which, passed a music element type and a duration returns the corresponding percentage bias for attaching grace notes thereupon.
getGraceNotePercentageBiasCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNotesEnabledCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGraceNotesInKeyCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getGroupCacheSelector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Returns the strategy used to select the transform group cache.
getGroupName(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Converts the transform group number to its name, or returns null if not found.
getGroupNumber(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Converts the transform group name to its number, or returns a number less than zero if not found.
getHarmonicProfile() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns a harmonic profile giving a count of the different harmonies created by all the intervals contained in this chord.
getHarmonies(SemitoneInterval[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Converts an array of semitone intervals to their corresponding Persichetti harmonies
getHarmonizingTransformHarmonizeLowerPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the probability that harmonies will be written above or below the existing phrase.
getHarmonizingTransformHarmonizeLowerPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getHarmonizingTransformInKeyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that harmonies will be generated in key.
getHarmonizingTransformInKeyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getHarmonizingTransformIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A set of weights determining the probability of choosing a particular harmonizing interval.
getHarmonizingTransformIntervalWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getHarmony() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns an enum which represents the character of this interval as described in Persichetti's book 20th Century Harmony (P.14).
getHarmonyNotatorCadenceTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
getHarmonyNotatorCadenceTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getHarmonyNotatorChordSequenceTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
getHarmonyNotatorChordSequenceTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getHarmonyNotatorDurationPatternTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
getHarmonyNotatorDurationPatternTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getHarmonyNotatorReplaceChordSequencePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
getHarmonyNotatorReplaceChordSequencePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getHarmonyNotatorReplaceDurationPatternPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
getHarmonyNotatorReplaceDurationPatternPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getHarmonyNotatorVoiceExtractionStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
getHarmonyNotatorVoiceExtractionStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getHarmonyPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A harmony placement writes a multiple fragments or musical phrases on to two or more voices at a particular bar and time offset within that bar.
getHarmonyPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getHash(T) - Method in class opusplus.core.utilities.NiceHash
Similar to hashCode() returns an integer that uniquely identifies the passed object which will always be the same.
getHighAltoOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 8va ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the alto clef.
getHighBassOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 8va ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the bass clef.
getHighestAltoOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 15ma ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the alto clef.
getHighestBassOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 15ma ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the bass clef.
getHighestPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns the highest written pitch for this instrument.
getHighestTrebleOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 15ma ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the treble clef.
getHighTrebleOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 8va ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the treble clef.
getHomePitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns null.
getHomePitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns the homePitch, or the staring note, of this scale.
getHomePitch() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the homePitch, or the staring note, of this scale.
getId() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns the instrument identifier
getId() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Returns the unique identifier for this stream object.
getId() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
Returns the unique identifier for this stream object.
getIndexOfMostSimilar(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Returns the index of the PF held ahead in this collection that is most similar to the PF at the passed index.
getInfiniteLoopTimeout() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
The composition process is run in a dedicated thread so we can interrupt processing at any time should we wish to.
getInfo() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusVersion
Returns a string describing the version of this application.
getInfoLine() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusVersion
Returns a string describing the version of this application on a single line
getInitialOffset() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PatternInfo
getInitialTimeOffset() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
The offset into the bar of the first fragment placed.
getInitialTimeOffset() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
The offset into the bar of the first fragment placed.
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Singleton class.
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.Score
Returns only instance of this class
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Singleton class.
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationMgr
Returns only instance of this class
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Returns the only instance of this factory
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFactory
This class is a singleton and this method returns the only instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns the only instance of this factory
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MetaStreamInitializer
Returns the one-and-only....
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusExecutor
Returns the singleton instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
A single 'eternal' object that only has a default constructor (i.e.
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusMessageMgr
Returns the singleton instance of this manager class.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusMessageMgr
Returns the singleton instance of this manager class.
getInstance(File) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusMessageMgr
Returns the singleton instance of this manager class.
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.rings.FragmentCacheRing
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.rings.PlacementCacheRing
getInstance() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.rings.TransformGroupCacheRing
getInstanceField(Class, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns the named instance field from the passed class, or null if not found.
getInstanceFields(Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns all the fields (data members) in the passed class sorted in alphabetical order.
getInstrument() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStave
Returns the instrument playing this stave.
getInstrument() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStave
Returns the instrument playing this stave.
getInstrument() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.PitchedStave
Returns the instrument playing this stave.
getInstrument() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns a newly constructed instrument object directly based on the instrument identifier, or null if not set.
getInstrumentAndOrDrumKitName() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns a string containing either the instrument or the drum kit name - if this PF has been reconciled to hold either - or both if it has not been reconciled.
getInstrumentAndOrDrumKitNameCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getInstrumentCategoryWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
When choosing instruments at random this allows the user to bias the choice to particular categories, such as Jazz, Classical, Rock or Folk.
getInstrumentCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getInstrumentData(InstrumentId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentInfo
Passed an instrument id, this method returns all that this program knows about that instrument.
getInstrumentId() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the instrument used to play this stave.
getInstrumentIdCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getInstrumentName() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns the name for this instrument as printed on the first stave of the score
getInstrumentName(InstrumentId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentInfo
Static which allows callers to find the name of an instrument given its id without having to create one.
getInstrumentName() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns the name of the instrument playing this music.
getInstruments() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Gets a description of the instruments that the piece is for, as printed at the top of the music.
getInstrumentStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns an array of instrument stave objects which each contain all the instrument stave parts used in this composition.
getInstrumentSuffix() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns the instrument suffix string which distinguishes different instances of the same instrument playing in the same composition.
getIntegerArrayParameter(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the value of the named parameter which is of type int[], or null if not found.
getIntegerArrayParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getIntegerParameter(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the value of the named parameter which is of type Integer, or null if not found
getIntegerParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Returns the integer stream used by this voice selector to randomize selections, or null if not set.
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ChordStream
Returns the integer stream for this chord production
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Returns the integer stream used by this factory
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Returns the integer stream used by this factory to generate random fragments
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
Returns the integer stream used by this cache to generate random transform groups
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.CadenceNotator
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Returns the integer stream used by this notator
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.IntroNotator
getIntegerStream() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Returns the integer stream used by this notator
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Returns the integer stream used by this notator
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.DensitySensitiveSpacer
Returns the integer stream used by this instance.
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomJumpingSpacer
Returns the integer stream used by this instance.
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomSteppingSpacer
Returns the integer stream used by this instance.
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.WholeScoreNotator
Returns the integer stream used herein.
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
Returns the integer stream used by this instance.
getIntegerStream() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
Returns the integer stream used by this instance.
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Returns the integer stream used by this cache to select random fragments
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Returns the integer stream used by this cache to select random placements
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Returns the integer stream used by this cache to select random transform groups
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Returns the integer stream used by this transform
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Returns the integer stream used by this transform.
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Returns the integer stream used by this transform
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Returns the integer stream used by this class to make random decisions
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Returns the integer stream used by this transform
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Returns the integer stream associated with this transform.
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Returns the integer stream used by this transformer
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Returns the integer stream used by this transformer
getIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Returns the integer stream used by this transformer
getIntegerStreamList() - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
Returns a list of all the integer streams constructed in the current process.
getIntegerStreamList() - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBaseExtent
Returns a list of all the integer streams constructed in the current process.
getInterleavedContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An interleaved continuo placement writes several fragments as a continuo on multiple voices starting at a specified bar and time offset, but each fragment of the continuo is interleaved; each phrase is played by one instrument, and then the next phrase is played by the another, and so on in rotation.
getInterleavedContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getInterleavedContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The maximum number of repeated fragment within the interleaved continuo.
getInterleavedContinuoPlacementMaxRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getInterleavedContinuoPlacementMinRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The minimum number of repeated fragment within the interleaved continuo.
getInterleavedContinuoPlacementMinRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getInternalIntegerStream() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Returns the underlying integer stream, or null if there is none.
getInternalIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
Default implementation that return null.
getInternalIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Returns the wrapped integer stream used internally here.
getInternalIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Returns the underlying integer stream
getInternalIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Returns the underlying integer stream
getInternalIntervals() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the direct intervals between the notes comprising this chord.
getInternalIntervals() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns an array giving the intervals internal to this object.
getInternalIntervals() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Always returns null because notes have no internal intervals
getInternalIntervals() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Always returns null because rests have no internal intervals
getInternalIntervals() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns the intervals between the notes comprising this tuplet.
getInternalMax() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Returns the internal maximum used by this stream.
getInternalMin() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Returns the internal minimum used by this stream.
getInterval() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Returns the modulation interval
getIntervalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
getIntervalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getIntervalNotatorDownWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
getIntervalNotatorDownWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getIntervalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
getIntervalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getIntervalNotatorIgnoreChordsPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
getIntervalNotatorIgnoreChordsPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getIntervalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
getIntervalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getIntervalNotatorUpWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
getIntervalNotatorUpWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getIntervals() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
This method returns an array of the sub-octave semitone intervals that have the quality of the current enum.
getIntervals() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns null.
getIntervals() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns the array of semitone intervals used to create this scale.
getIntervals() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the array of semitone intervals used to create this scale.
getIntervals(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the intervals between all the music elements in the passed list as an array of integer arrays.
getIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Get the current set of interval weights.
getInversion(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns the inversion of the passed interval.
getInvertTransformPivotMaxNoteOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Positive integer which determines the maximum offset within the phrase-to-be-inverted of the pivot note used by the invert transform as the 'axis' around which to invert the rest of the phrase.
getInvertTransformPivotMaxNoteOffsetCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getInvertTransformPivotMinNoteOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Positive integer which determines the minimum offset within the phrase-to-be-inverted of the pivot note used by the invert transform as the 'axis' around which to invert the rest of the phrase.
getInvertTransformPivotMinNoteOffsetCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getJavaFileVersioningStrategy() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the java file versioning strategy which determines whether any java code files generated by Opus+ are over-written or have extra characters appended to their names to ensure they are unique.
getKeySignature() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Drum scales have no key signature so this returns null.
getKeySignature() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns the key signature object for this scale.
getKeySignature() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the key signature object for this scale.
getKeySpec() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.KeySignature
Returns the key specification for this key.
getKeyType() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.KeySignature
Returns the type of this key, either MAJOR or MINOR as defined in the KeyType enum, or null if this is a modern bespoke key signature.
getKit() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.DrumStave
Returns the drum kit playing this stave.
getKitName() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Returns the unique name of the kit.
getKitSize() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Get kit size returns the number of drum sounds in this kit
getKthPermutation(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
The number of permutation of n different elements is given by n! This function allows the caller random access to these, by passing in a decimal integer between 0 and n!-1.
getLastVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns the last voice part of this voice
getLeftBarNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns the bar number of the left bound.
getLeftBarNumber() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Returns the bar number of the left bound.
getLeftBarNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Spin through the ranges and return the minimum (left-most) bar number that is greater than or equal to zero.
getLeftOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns the offset of the left bound.
getLeftOffset() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Returns the offset of the left bound.
getLeftOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Spin through the ranges and return the offset of the left-most bar number that is greater than zero.
getLeftQuantization() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns the current quantization level of the left side of this range.
getLeftQuantization() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Returns the current quantization level of the left side of this range.
getLeftQuantization() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Returns the quantization level of the left edge of this window.
getLicenseText() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusVersion
Returns the summary license text verbatim.
getLicenseTextAsComment() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusVersion
Returns the summary license text as a program comment suitable to write directly at the top of a source file.
getLilypondCmdString() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the path to the Lilypond executable which is invoked during processing.
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
This method returns the Lilypond string representation for a beat from this drum
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Returns the Lilypond representation of this enum object according to its current value
getLilypondString(NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationMgr
Passed the length of the note this method returns the Lilypond representation.
getLilypondVersion() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the supported Lilypond version
getLineBreaks() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the number of bars between explicit line-breaks used in Lilypond generation.
getLowAltoOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 8va bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the alto clef.
getLowBassOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 8va bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the bass clef.
getLower() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Returns the lower number of the time signature
getLowerDrumScale() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Returns the lower drum scale which comprises part of this drum kit
getLowerVoice() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStave
Returns the lower piano voice object i.e.
getLowerVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.DrumStavePart
Returns the lower voice part of this drum stave part
getLowerVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStavePart
Returns the lower (left-hand) voice part of this piano stave part
getLowestAltoOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 15ma bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the alto clef.
getLowestBassOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 15ma bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the bass clef.
getLowestPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns the lowest written pitch for this instrument.
getLowestTrebleOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 15ma bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the treble clef.
getLowTrebleOctavationThreshold() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the pitch at which 8va bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the treble clef.
getLyFile() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the name of the Lilypond output file as a File object.
getLyFileVersioningStrategy() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the Lilypond file versioning strategy which determines whether Lilypond files are over-written or have extra characters appended to their names to ensure they are unique.
getLyFileVersionNumberWidth() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the field width in characters of the version number used for monotonic file Lilypond versioning.
getMatchingPF(PFMatchFunctor, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Similar to the match function but this returns the parameter frame key
getMaxAltoPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the maximum alto pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
getMaxAltoPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxApplications() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomJumpingSpacer
Returns the maximum number of times that calls to next() will succeed such that a call to more() will return true.
getMaxArpeggioPitchJump() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMaxArpeggioPitchJumpCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxArpeggioPitchReverseJump() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMaxArpeggioPitchReverseJumpCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxBassPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the maximum bass pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
getMaxBassPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxChordInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives the maximum interval in semitones between adjacent notes in any chord used by this parameter frame.
getMaxChordIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxDistancePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFFactory
Returns the percentage distance that any parameter within the new frame can be altered by this factory from its default value.
getMaxFragmentCaches() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the maximum number of fragment caches that should be created and filled by the fragment cache filler.
getMaxFragmentDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the maximum duration of any fragment created for this composition.
getMaxFragmentDurationCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxFragmentsPerCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter is used primarily by the FragmentCacheFiller to fill global fragment caches at random ready for use by the FragmentNotator.
getMaxFragmentsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxGraceNoteIntervalAbove() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Sets the maximum interval that a grace-note can be above the pitch of its owning music element in semitones.
getMaxGraceNoteIntervalAboveCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxGraceNoteIntervalBelow() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Sets the maximum interval that a grace-note can be below the pitch of its owning music element in semitones.
getMaxGraceNoteIntervalBelowCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxHairpinLength() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives maximum crescendo/decrescendo hairpin length in 'music elements'.
getMaxHairpinLengthCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaximumOctavesRepresented() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFactory
This returns the maximum number of octaves above AND below middle C for which pitch representations are constructed.
getMaxIncrement() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomSteppingSpacer
Returns the integer maximum that bounds the size of any step forward along the voices.
getMaxInstrumentCategories() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
When choosing instruments at random this constrains the number of different categories that can be drawn upon.
getMaxNotatorBarRangePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Together with the corresponding minimum these parameters bound the min and max bar range used by randomly created notators.
getMaxNotatorVoiceSelectionPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Some notators write to multiple voices in parallel.
getMaxNoteOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns the maximum note offset that can be used without being saved by modulo math.
getMaxNoteOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns the maximum note offset value supported by this scale.
getMaxNoteOffset() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the maximum note offset value supported by this scale.
getMaxNoteOffsetJumpDown() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter is used when a retentive note offset stream is active and it sets the maximum interval between successive pitches generated in a downwards direction.
getMaxNoteOffsetJumpDownCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxNoteOffsetJumpUp() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter is used when a retentive note offset stream is active and it sets the maximum interval between successive pitches generated in a upwards direction.
getMaxNoteOffsetJumpUpCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxNotesInArpeggio() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMaxNotesInArpeggioCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxNotesInChord() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The maximum number of notes in any chord used by this parameter frame
getMaxNotesInChordCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxNotesInGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This rather paradoxically named parameter specifies the maximum number of notes that can occur in a grace-note! Grace notes can actually be small phrases, but this parameter defaults to one, and should never be set smaller than one.
getMaxNotesInGraceNoteCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxNotesInTrill() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMaxNotesInTrillCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxNotesInTuplet() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the maximum number of notes in a tuplet used by this parameter frame.
getMaxNotesInTupletCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxNumberBarsPerSection() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Specifies the maximum number of bars in any randomly generated section.
getMaxNumberDifferentArpeggioNoteDurations() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMaxNumberDifferentArpeggioNoteDurationsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxNumberDifferentTrillNoteDurations() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMaxNumberDifferentTrillNoteDurationsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxNumberInitialNotatorInstances() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategyBase
An arbitrary upper bound to the number of notators created before creation strategy algorithms starts switch to a more responsive mode where they start to fill in any space left.
getMaxNumberNotatorTypes() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Bounds the number of notator types used in a randomly created notator list.
getMaxNumberOfDrumKits() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
This parameter returns the maximum number of drum kits that can be generated for this composition.
getMaxNumberOfInstruments() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
This parameter returns the maximum number of instruments that can be generated for this composition.
getMaxNumberOfSameInstrument() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
This parameter determines whether instrument types are unique if they are randomly selected.
getMaxNumberOfSections() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Specifies the maximum number of sections that can be generated at random during a composition.
getMaxPassingNotes() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getMaxPassingNotesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the maximum pitch based on the current clef setting in this frame.
getMaxPitch(ClefType) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the maximum pitch based on the passed clef type, and the current parameter settings in this frame for the maximum treble, alto and bass clefs.
getMaxPitch() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Returns the maximum pitch defining the target range
getMaxPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxPitchValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchDrumRep
Returns the maximum pitch value supported.
getMaxPitchValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFlatRep
Returns the current maximum pitch value supported
getMaxPitchValue() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.PitchRep
Returns the current maximum pitch value supported
getMaxPitchValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchSharpRep
Returns the current maximum pitch value supported
getMaxPlacementCaches() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the maximum number of placement caches in this composition
getMaxPlacementsPerCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An Opus+ Placement enables users to write a number musical fragments or phrases across multiple instruments in a variety of spatial/temporal arrangements.
getMaxPlacementsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Returns the maximum possible number of repeats, which defaults to zero.
getMaxRetries() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
The maximum number of times Opus+ will attempt to restart the composition process in a new thread.
getMaxSingleFragmentCacheFillerStrategyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the maximum number of fragments that can be added to any fragment cache using a particular invocation of a fragment creation strategy, in terms of the min and max fragments per cache.
getMaxSingleFragmentCacheFillerStrategyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxSpacerIterationMultiplier() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Controls the maximum number of times a fragment notator spacer can be used.
getMaxSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.RandomCacheSelector
Returns an integer giving the maximum switch interval for fragment cache selection.
getMaxTransformGroupCaches() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the maximum number of transform group caches in this composition
getMaxTransformGroupsPerCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An Opus+ Transform Group is essentially a list of transforms which can be applied one after another to a fragment, or a collection of fragments, to produce new fragments; they are similar to mathematical transforms.
getMaxTransformGroupsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxTransformsPerGroup() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Constrains the maximum number of transforms allowed in a group.
getMaxTransformsPerGroupCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxTreblePitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the maximum treble pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
getMaxTreblePitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxTrillPitchDown() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMaxTrillPitchDownCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxTrillPitchUp() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMaxTrillPitchUpCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxTupletInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the maximum interval in semitones between successive notes in any tuplet for this parameter frame.
getMaxTupletIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxTupletSpan() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Bounds the 'total span' of a tuplet which limits the interval between the lowest and the highest note in the tuplet as a whole; default value is one octave.
getMaxTupletSpanCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMaxVoicesFromConstraints() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategyBase
Returns the maximum number of voices based on the constraints set in the system parameters and the current settings in the PFtable.
getMaxZoneNotatorFragmentNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Constrains the maximum number of fragment zones when these are randomly created.
getMaxZoneNotatorTransformGroupNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Constrains the maximum number of transform group zones when these are randomly created.
getMessageLevel() - Method in class opusplus.lib.OpusMessageMgr
Returns a number between 0 and 3 inclusive giving the level of detail displayed by Opus+ messages as composition generation is undertaken.
getMeter() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Gets a string describing the meter of the piece as printed at the top of the music.
getMeterWithBPM() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Gets a string describing the meter of the piece as printed at the top of the music and includes the BPM information appended in square brackets
getMethodName(Field, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Service function that generates either 'getter' or 'setter'function names from the passed field (data member) name, depending on the passed prefix (either 'get' or 'set').
getMetronome() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns an enum indicating the type of metronome stave generated
getMetronomeStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Method that returns the metronome track or null if none was created.
getMidiName() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns the name of the MIDI voice used for this instrument by Lilypond
getMIDIName(InstrumentId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentInfo
Static which allows callers to find the MIDI name of an instrument given its id without having to create one.
getMidiVoice() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the current MIDI voice for this stave (attached to this chord), or null, which means use the currently established MIDI voice
getMidiVoice() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the current MIDI voice for this stave (attached to this musical element), or null, which means use the currently established MIDI voice
getMidiVoice() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the current MIDI voice for this stave (attached to this note), or null, which means use the currently established MIDI voice
getMidiVoice() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns null.
getMidiVoice() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns the current MIDI voice for this stave (attached to this tuplet), or null, which means use the currently established MIDI voice
getMinAltoPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the minimum alto pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
getMinAltoPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinBassPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the minimum bass pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
getMinBassPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinChordInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives the minimum interval in semitones between adjacent notes in any chord used by this parameter frame.
getMinChordIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinFragmentCaches() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the minimum number of fragment caches which cannot be less than 1, (the default) and if max is less than min Opus+ will use the number of sections in the composition as the max.
getMinFragmentDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the duration of the smallest fragment used by this composition, as an absolute value in time ticks used by Opus+.
getMinFragmentDurationCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinFragmentsPerCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter is used primarily by the FragmentCacheFiller to fill global fragment caches at random ready for use by the FragmentNotator.
getMinFragmentsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinHairpinLength() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives minimum crescendo/decrescendo hairpin length in 'music elements'.
getMinHairpinLengthCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinimumBarsPerScoreFile() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
When splitting large compositions into multiple Lilypond files, this parameter controls the size of the 'left overs'.
getMinNotatorBarRangePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Together with the corresponding maximum these parameters bound the min and max bar range used by randomly created notators.
getMinNoteOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
getMinNoteOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns the minimum note offset value supported by this scale.
getMinNoteOffset() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the minimum note offset value supported by this scale.
getMinNotesInArpeggio() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMinNotesInArpeggioCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinNotesInChord() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The minimum number of notes in any chord used by this parameter frame
getMinNotesInChordCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinNotesInGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This strangely named parameter specifies the minimum number of notes that can occur in a grace-note!? However, grace notes can actually be small phrases and this parameter defaults to a value of one.
getMinNotesInGraceNoteCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinNotesInTrill() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMinNotesInTrillCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinNotesInTuplet() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the minimum number of notes in a tuplet used by this parameter frame.
getMinNotesInTupletCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinNumberBarsPerSection() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Specifies the minimum number of bars in any randomly generated section.
getMinNumberNotatorTypes() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Ensures the minimum number of notator types used in a randomly created notator list.
getMinNumberOfDrumKits() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
This parameter returns the minimum number of instruments that can be generated for this composition.
getMinNumberOfInstruments() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
This parameter returns the minimum number of instruments that can be generated for this composition.
getMinNumberOfSections() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Specifies the minimum number of sections that can be generated at random during a composition.
getMinPassingNotes() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getMinPassingNotesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the minimum pitch based on the current clef setting in this frame.
getMinPitch(ClefType) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the minimum pitch based on the passed clef type, and the current parameter settings in this frame for the maximum treble, alto and bass clefs.
getMinPitch() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Returns the minimum pitch defining the target range
getMinPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinPitchValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchDrumRep
The minimum DrumId value - this is zero.
getMinPitchValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFlatRep
Returns the current minimum pitch value supported
getMinPitchValue() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.PitchRep
Returns the current minimum pitch value supported.
getMinPitchValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchSharpRep
Returns the current minimum pitch value supported
getMinPlacementCaches() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the minimum number of placement caches.
getMinPlacementsPerCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An Opus+ Placement enables users to write a number musical fragments or phrases across multiple instruments in a variety of spatial/temporal arrangements.
getMinPlacementsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Returns the minimum possible number of repeats, which defaults to zero.
getMinSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.RandomCacheSelector
Returns an integer giving the minimum switch interval for fragment cache selection.
getMinTransformGroupCaches() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the minimum number of transform group caches.
getMinTransformGroupsPerCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An Opus+ Transform Group is essentially a list of transforms which can be applied one after another to a fragment, or a collection of fragments, to produce new fragments; they are similar to mathematical transforms.
getMinTransformGroupsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinTransformsPerGroup() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Constrains the minimum number of transforms allowed in a group.
getMinTransformsPerGroupCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinTreblePitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the minimum treble pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
getMinTreblePitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMinTupletInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the minimum interval in semitones between successive notes in any tuplet for this parameter frame.
getMinTupletIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMixedArpeggioNoteDurationPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMixedArpeggioNoteDurationPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMixedTrillNoteDurationPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getMixedTrillNoteDurationPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getMode() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns null because drum scales do not have modes.
getMode() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns the current mode of this scale.
getMode() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the current mode of this scale.
getModulateTransformIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Set of interval weights to bias the modulation interval.
getModulateTransformIntervalWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getModulateTransformModulationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Biases the strategy used by the modulation transform when modulating fragments (or phrases).
getModulateTransformModulationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getModulationStrategy() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Returns the current modulation strategy.
getModulationStrategy() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Returns the current modulation strategy.
getModulationStrategy() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Returns the current modulation strategy.
getMonotonicIntegerStreamMax() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Specifies the maximum of the internal number stream used by the Monotonic Integer Stream class.
getMonotonicIntegerStreamMaxRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If a value is repeated in the monotonic sequence, this gives the maximum number of times that the value will be repeated.
getMonotonicIntegerStreamMin() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Specifies the minimum of the internal number stream used by the Monotonic Integer Stream class.
getMonotonicIntegerStreamMinRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If a value is repeated in the monotonic sequence, this gives the minimum number of times that the value will be repeated.
getMonotonicIntegerStreamRepeatPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Determines the chances of the current value within a monotonic sequence being repeated.
getMonotonicIntegerStreamRepeatWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Should the current value within a monotonic sequence be repeated this biases the likelihood of any specific number of repeats occurring.
getMostDrumKits() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Returns a list of all drum kits except those used for metronome tracks.
getMultiplier() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Returns the multiplier used to control how fast this series diverges.
getMusicElementBoundaryTimeOffsets(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns all the time offsets at the boundaries of musical elements currently held within this voice.
getMusicElementContainingTimeOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
This method returns the music element in this bar that 'covers' the passed time offset into the bar.
getMusicElementContainingTimeOffset(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This method returns the music element in the passed list that 'covers' the passed time offset thereinto.
getMusicElements() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the music elements in this voice part.
getMusicElements() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Returns the array of musical elements which comprise this fragment
getMusicElementsFromTimeOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
This method returns a list of all the music elements in this bar after the passed time offset.
getMusicElementsFromTimeOffset(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This method returns a list of all the music elements in the passed collection after the passed time offset.
getMusicElementsInBeat(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
This method returns a list of all the music elements that fall within a certain 'beat' of this bar.
getMusicElementsInTimeInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
This method returns a list of all the music elements in this bar that are fully contained in the interval bounded by the duration interval start-end.
getMusicElementsInTimeInterval(ArrayList, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This method returns a list of all the music elements in the passed music element list that are fully contained in the interval bounded by the duration interval start-end.
getMusicElementsOverlapingTimeInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
This method returns a list of all the music elements in this bar that overlap the interval bounded by the duration interval start-end.
getMusicElementsOverlapingTimeInterval(ArrayList, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This method returns a list of all the music elements in the passed collection that overlap the interval bounded by the duration interval start-end.
getMusicElementStartingAtTimeOffset(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the music element starting at the specified time offset or null if not found.
getMusicElementsToTimeOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
This method returns a list of all the music elements in this bar before the passed time offset.
getMusicElementsToTimeOffset(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This method returns a list of all the music elements in passed list before the passed time offset.
getMusicElementTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights used to constrain how music element types are generated consisting of four integer elements: CHORD, NOTE, REST or TUPLET respectively.
getMusicElementTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getName() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns the unique name of the scale.
getName() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns the name of the scale.
getName() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the name of the scale.
getName() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Returns the name of the transform group
getNearestPlainLengthBelow(NoteLength) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns the nearest plain note length to the one passed in.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Returns the next stave part in this stave or null if there is no successor.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the next voice part in this voice or null if there is no successor.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds.
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds.
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds.
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds.
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Unlike many other integer streams this method is not a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong().
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Returns a random array of integers with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds.
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Returns the next 32 bit integer from the stream.
getNext(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Returns a random array of integers with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNext(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MetaStreamInitializer
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds, but it won't be because of the wonders of modulo arithmetic.
getNext(long, long, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MetaStreamInitializer
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds.
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds.
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds.
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomBooleanStream
Returns the next boolean value in the sequence.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds.
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedBooleanStream
Returns the next boolean value in the sequence.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around a call to getNextLong() which mercilessly casts the value down to an integer with not so much as a by your leave! It will assert if the value is out of bounds.
getNext(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
This method is a cheap wrapper around getNextLong(size) which returns the results as an array of integers, rather than longs.
getNext() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.RingNode
Returns the next node along from this node
getNextBooleanWeighted(IntegerStream, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedBooleanStream
Functionally equivalent static alternative to the instance method getNext() which allows callers who just need a single weighted decision to avoid the cost of constructing a stream - only to then throw it away and exercise the garbage collector for no good reason.
getNextCache() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRing
This sets the current ring position forward to the next cache and then returns it.
getNextCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
This sets the current ring position forward to the next cache and then returns it.
getNextDouble() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MetaStreamInitializer
Returns the next double between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
getNextIntWeighted(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Functionally equivalent static alternative to the instance method getNext() which allows callers who just need a single weighted decision to avoid the cost of constructing a stream - only to then throw it away and exercise the garbage collector for no good reason.
getNextIntWeighted(IntegerStream, int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Functionally equivalent static alternative to the instance method getNext() which allows callers who just need a single weighted decision to avoid the cost of constructing a stream - only to then throw it away and exercise the garbage collector for no good reason.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Returns the next random integer in the sequence or an end-of-sequence value if the end of the sequence has been reached and the auto-reset attribute is false.
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Returns the next number in this sequence.
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Returns the next random number within the current range, as specified by the private _min and _max data members
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Returns the next Fibonacci number in the sequence.
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Returns the next random number within the current range, as specified by the private _min and _max data members
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Returns the next random number within the current range, as specified by the private _min and _max data members
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Returns the next 64 bit integer from the stream.
getNextLong(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MetaStreamInitializer
Returns the next random number within the passed range.
getNextLong(long, long, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MetaStreamInitializer
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements with the value of each element is constrained by the passed bounds.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Returns the next number within the current range, as specified by the private _min and _max data members
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Returns an array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Returns the next random number within the current range, as specified by the current settings of 'min' and 'max'.
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Returns the next prime number in the sequence.
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Returns the next random number within the current range, as specified by the private _min and _max data members
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLong() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Returns the next integer from the stream, with a probability according to the current weights setting.
getNextLong(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Returns a random array of longs with 'size' elements from the integer stream.
getNextLongWeighted(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Functionally equivalent static alternative to the instance method getNextLong() which allows callers who just need a single weighted decision to avoid the cost of constructing a stream - only to then throw it away and exercise the garbage collector for no good reason.
getNextLongWeighted(IntegerStream, int[], long, long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Functionally equivalent static alternative to the instance method getNextLong() which allows callers who just need a single weighted decision to avoid the cost of constructing a stream - only to then throw it away and exercise the garbage collector for no good reason.
getNextTie() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the element forward from this to which this element is tied.
getNextTie() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the element forward from this to which this element is tied.
getNextTie() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the element forward from this to which this element is tied.
getNextTie() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Always returns null because rests cannot be tied.
getNextTie() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Always returns null because tuplets cannot be tied in Opus+.
getNominalWidth() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns the nominal width of the range.
getNominalWidth() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Returns the nominal width of the range.
getNominalWidth() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Returns the nominal width of the window.
getNotator() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Returns the notator which operates across this range of voices and bar numbers or null if none is assigned.
getNotator() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.WholeScoreNotator
Returns the Notator instance that does the dirty work.
getNotatorCreationStrategySelectionWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Biases the strategy used by the notator factory to create sets of notators.
getNotatorList() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorFactory
Returns the list of notators created during the current process.
getNotatorList() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBase
Returns a list of all the Notator objects constructed in the current process.
getNotatorSelectionWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
An eleven integer array that biases the random creation of notators.
getNoteGroups() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This is an integer array which determines how the beats within a bar are 'grouped'.
getNoteGroupsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getNoteOffsetStreamType() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls which note offset stream type is used to generate musical phrases
getNoteOffsetStreamTypeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getNoteOrder() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Returns an array which determines the order in which the notes of the chord are used to create the tuplet.
getNth(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Returns the Nth element in the ring from the head.
getNthCache(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
Returns the Nth cache from the head of the ring.
getNthPFLoaded(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaLoader
Returns the Nth parameter frame loaded from file or null if not found.
getNumBars() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Determines the number of bars which will be used in the the current section
getNumBars() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Returns the number of bars (i.e.
getNumBars() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
getNumBars() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.CadenceNotator
getNumBars() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.IntroNotator
getNumBars() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Returns the number of bars that this notator will scan across from the start bar when executed.
getNumBars() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Returns the number of bars that this notator will scan across from the start bar when executed.
getNumBars() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorDummyBase
getNumBarsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getNumberRegisteredFragments() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Returns the number of registered fragments
getNumberRegisteredPlacements() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Returns the number of registered placements
getNumberRegisteredTransformGroups() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Returns the number of registered transform groups
getNumCombinations() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationVariant
Returns the number of combinations of top-level durations which can be created from this particular abc variant.
getNumCombinationVariants(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
Function that returns the number of variant objects for a given duration.
getNumerologyIntegerStreamRadix() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Sets the default radix used to generate the integer stream using the arithmetic of numerology.
getNumRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PatternInfo
getNumShuffleParts() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Returns the number of shuffle parts
getNumVariantObjects() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombination
Returns the number of combination variant objects for this duration.
getNumVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Returns the number of voices on this stave
getNumVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Returns the number of voices in this stave part.
getOctavateTransformDownPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Returns the chance of randomly creating an octavation transform that moves the fragment up or down an octave.
getOctavateTransformDownPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getOctavateTransformModulationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Returns the octavation transform modulation strategy weights.
getOctavateTransformModulationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Returns the offset into the bar currently targeted by this pointer including all quantization effects.
getOffsetContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An offset continuo placement writes an array of fragments as a continuo on two or more voices starting at a specified bar and time offset, but the continuo fragments are offset with respect to time; each phrase is played by one instrument, and then before it finishes, another will start in another voice.
getOffsetContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getOffsetContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The maximum number of repeated fragment within the offset continuo.
getOffsetContinuoPlacementMaxRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getOffsetContinuoPlacementMinRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The minimum number of repeated fragment within the offset continuo.
getOffsetContinuoPlacementMinRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getOffsetContinuoPlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An offset continuo placement writes an array of fragments as a continuo on two or more voices starting at a specified bar and time offset, but the continuo fragments are offset with respect to time; each phrase is played by one instrument, and then before it finishes, another will start in another voice.
getOffsetContinuoPlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getOffsetPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An offset phrase placement writes fragments on to two or more different voices with one offset in time with respect to the other - that is one plays, and then before this finishes, another instrument immediately begins to play the next fragment, and so on for all the fragments.
getOffsetPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getOffsetPhrasePlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An offset phrase placement writes fragments on to two or more different voices with one offset in time with respect to the other - that is one plays, and then before this finishes, another instrument immediately begins to play the next fragment, and so on for all the fragments.
getOffsetPhrasePlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getOrigin() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Returns the starting value of the series when it was constructed.
getOriginalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Returns the original weights with which 'this' was constructed.
getOwningMusicElement() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Returns the music element object owning or holding this graceNote.
getParas() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns a parameter frame containing all the constraint values that limit the musical content of this voice part.
getParentSection() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Returns the parent section
getPassingNoteOnDottedChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNoteOnDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNoteOnDottedNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNoteOnDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNoteOnDottedTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNoteOnDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNoteOnPlainChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNoteOnPlainChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNoteOnPlainNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNoteOnPlainNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNoteOnPlainTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNoteOnPlainTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNotePatternWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNotePatternWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNotePercentageBias(MusicElementType, NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Convenience function which, passed a music element type and a duration returns the corresponding percentage bias for attaching passing notes thereupon.
getPassingNotePercentageBiasCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNotePhraseFromChordModulationAxisWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNotePhraseFromChordModulationAxisWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNotePitchZoneWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNotePitchZoneWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNotesInKeyCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPassingNoteTupletInterleavePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
getPassingNoteTupletInterleavePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPatternList() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Returns the voice pattern list used during execution.
getPermuteMargin() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Controls the degree of similarity expected between the harmonic profiles of large chords i.e.
getPermuteMax() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Determines the maximum number of different permutations that will be considered to find chords with the same harmonic profile as another.
getPerturbParameterGroupsDistancePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Percentage weights for the parameter groups that are used for perturbation purposes during random composition generation.
getPerturbParameterGroupsProbabilityPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Percentage weights for the parameter groups that are used for perturbation purposes during random composition generation.
getPF() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
getPF(String, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the parameter frame specified instrument or drum kit, and section index.
getPF(String, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the parameter frame specified instrument or drum kit, section index and voice number.
getPF(InstrumentId, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the parameter frame specified instrument/section index.
getPF() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ChordStream
Returns the current parameter frame used by this chord stream
getPF0() - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
Returns the parameter frame used for generating phrases for the only (or top) voice, depending on whether a multi-voiced instrument has been chosen.
getPF0() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
Returns the parameter frame used for generating phrases for the only (or top) voice, depending on whether a multi-voiced instrument has been chosen.
getPF1() - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
Returns the parameter frame used for generating phrases for the second voice when a multi-voiced instrument, such as a piano or drum kit, has been chosen.
getPF1() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
Returns the parameter frame used for generating phrases for the second voice when a multi-voiced instrument, such as a piano or drum kit, has been chosen.
getPFTable() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the current Parameter Frame Table for this composition.
getPFXMLCompressionStrategy() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Specifies how parameter frames are saved as XML to file.
getPhraseDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the current duration of the contents of this voice.
getPhraseMakerList() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseMakerBase
Returns a list of all the PhraseMaker objects constructed in the current process.
getPhraseOffset() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetContinuo
Returns the offset between the start of the fragments written on to the various staves by this placement
getPhraseOffset() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetPhrase
Returns the offset between the start of the fragments written on to the various staves by this placement
getPhraseShaperTransformAdjacencyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the adjacency percentage which effects how the phrase shape is perturbed by the PhraseShaper transform.
getPhraseShaperTransformAdjacencyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPhraseShaperTransformSwapPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives the swap percentage which effects how the phrase shape is perturbed by the PhraseShaper transform.
getPhraseShaperTransformSwapPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPhraseShaperTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies an integer array which controls the chances of a particular phrase shape being selected for use by a PhraseShaper transform at each call to execute it.
getPhraseShaperTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPhraseShapeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Returns an integer array which controls the chances of a particular phrase shape being selected for use by this transform at each call to execute it.
getPianoAutoChangeDownThresholdPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
The pitch below which a voice, currently on the upper piano stave, must fall before it will switch to the lower stave.
getPianoAutoChangeUpThresholdPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
The pitch above which a voice, currently on the lower piano stave, must rise before it will switch to the upper stave.
getPianoStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns an array of piano stave objects which each contain all the piano stave parts used in this composition.
getPianoStaveSeparation() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
A positive integer here will change the default separation between piano staves.
getPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the pitch value of this note as the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C - which itself equals zero.
getPitchedStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns an array of pitched stave objects which each contain all the harmonic stave parts used in this composition.
getPitches() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the pitch values of this chord as an array of the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C.
getPitches() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Returns the pitch values of this graceNote as an array of the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C.
getPitches() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the pitch values of this entity in an array, each will be an integer giving the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C - which itself equals zero - if this element is in a pitched context, or the offset into a drum scale if its in a percussive context.
getPitches() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the pitch value of this note as the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C in an array of integers containing a single element.
getPitches() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns null.
getPitches() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns the pitch values of this tuplet as an array of the number of semitones above or below Middle C.
getPitches(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the pitches of all the music elements in the passed list as an array of integer arrays.
getPitchPrintString(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchDrumRep
Uses modulo math to ensure that a legal drum sound string is returned.
getPitchPrintString(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFlatRep
Passed a signed integer value, this method returns the correct absolute Lilypond string representing this note.
getPitchPrintString(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.PitchRep
Returns the correct Lilypond string representation for this pitch value.
getPitchPrintString(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchSharpRep
Passed a signed integer value, this method returns the correct absolute Lilypond string representing this note.
getPitchRep() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns an object that knows how to render this chord for Lilypond based on the stave type the chord is inserted in.
getPitchRep() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Returns an object that knows how to render this grace note for Lilypond based on the stave type the music element owning the grace note.
getPitchRep() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the object that knows how to render this musical element for Lilypond correctly, in the given context.
getPitchRep() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns an object that knows how to render this note for Lilypond based on the stave type the note is inserted in.
getPitchRep() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns null.
getPitchRep() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns an object that knows how to render this tuplet for Lilypond based on the stave type the tuplet is inserted in.
getPitchRep() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns the pitch representation object for this drum scale.
getPitchRep() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns the pitch representation object
getPitchRep() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the pitch representation object for this scale
getPitchRepType() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchDrumRep
Returns the pitch representation type DRUM.
getPitchRepType() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFlatRep
Returns the type of the underlying pitch spec
getPitchRepType() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.PitchRep
Returns the type of the underlying pitch representation; either sharp, flat or drum
getPitchRepType() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchSharpRep
Returns the type of the underlying pitch spec
getPitchRewritingProfileFollowModePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
getPitchRewritingProfileFollowModePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPitchShiftTransformModulationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Must be passed an array of seven integers which control the relative probability of using a particular modulation strategy for the pitch shift transform.
getPitchShiftTransformModulationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPitchShiftTransformShiftVector() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Allows the user to specify the precise shift vector.
getPitchShiftTransformShiftVectorCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPitchStrataInKeyCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPitchStrataMax() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Organises whole fragments into layers of pitch called 'pitch strata'.
getPitchStrataMaxCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPitchStrataMin() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the minimum strata pitch in semitones
getPitchStrataMinCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPitchStrataOnCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPitchWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the weights that bias how pitches are produced.
getPitchWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPitchWidenTransformIgnoreChordPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that pitch widen/compression operations will ignore chords.
getPitchWidenTransformIgnoreChordPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPitchWidenTransformInKeyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that pitch widen/compression operations will ensure the resulting pitch will be in key.
getPitchWidenTransformInKeyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPitchWidenTransformWidenPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that pitch widen/compression operations will widen, as opposed to narrowing, the phrase intervals.
getPitchWidenTransformWidenPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPivotNoteOffset() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
Returns the offset of the element around which this transform would invert a fragment if/when applied.
getPlacement(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Returns a copy of the placement registered under the passed number, or null if none found.
getPlacement(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Returns a copy of the placement registered under the passed name, or null if none found.
getPlacementCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getPlacementCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlacementCacheRingSelectorWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getPlacementCacheRingSelectorWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlacementCacheSelector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Returns the strategy objects used to select placement caches.
getPlacementName(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Converts the placement number to its name, or returns null if not found.
getPlacementNumber(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Converts the placement name to its number, or returns a number less than zero if not found.
getPlacementSelector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Returns the strategy object used to select placements.
getPlacementSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getPlacementSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlacementTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies an integer weights array which biases the choice of placements as prescribed by the PlacementType enum.
getPlacementTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlaces() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Returns the number of shift-places currently set.
getPlainChordMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getPlainChordMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlainDurationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Returns the weights used to constrain the generation of plain durations by components such as the Weighted Duration Combination Stream.
getPlainDurationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlainMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
Returns the duration filter mask for plain durations.
getPlainNoteMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getPlainNoteMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlainRestMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getPlainRestMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlainTupletMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
getPlainTupletMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getPlainValues() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns an array of the plain values from HEMI_DEMI_SEMI_QUAVER up to BREVE
getPlayChords() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Return the number of simultaneous notes that can be sounded from this instrument.
getPrecisionMultiplier() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Returns the multiplier used to displace the double produced by the difference equation, which lies between 0 and 1, to a much higher integer value.
getPreferredClef() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns the preferred clef for this instruments.
getPreferredStaveType() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns the stave type that is typically used for writing music for this instrument.
getPrettyIntervalsString(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Pretty prints the intervals between the pitches in the passed array into a string which is then returned
getPrettyPitchesString(int[], ScaleId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Pretty print the pitches in the passed array into a string which is then returned
getPrev() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.RingNode
Returns the previous node
getPrevious() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Returns the previous stave part in this stave or null if there is no precursor.
getPrevious() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the previous voice part in this voice or null if there is no precursor.
getPreviousCache() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRing
This sets the current ring position back to the previous cache and then returns it.
getPreviousCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
This sets the current ring position back to the previous cache and then returns it.
getPreviousChord() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ChordStream
Returns the previous chord generated by this stream, or null if there is none.
getPreviousPreviousChord() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ChordStream
Returns the previous chord but one generated by this stream, or null if there is none.
getPreviousTie() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the element behind this, which is tied to us
getPreviousTie() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the element behind this, which is tied to us
getPreviousTie() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the element behind this, which is tied to us
getPreviousTie() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Always returns null because rests cannot be tied.
getPreviousTie() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Always returns null because tuplets cannot be tied in Opus+.
getPrimaryChords() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
The distinctive flavour of the modes is best exploited by employing harmonic progressions in which the characteristic step occurs often.
getPrimeIntegerStreamStart() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Gives the default starting point in the prime integer sequence.
getPrintedName(ClefType) - Static method in class opusplus.core.music.Clef
Returns the printed string name of the clef passed.
getProbability() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticCacheSelector
Returns the current probability of the cache being switched as a percentage.
getPropertyNames() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Returns all the method/property names in sorted order.
getQuantization() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Returns the quantization used when this pointer is positioned.
getQuantization() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Returns the quantization which governs the positions returned by this spacer.
getQuantization() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Returns the quantization used by this spacer.
getRadix() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Returns the number base used to calculate the theosophic addition.
getRandomBooleanStreamSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the seed used to initialize all instances of the BooleanIntegerStream class.
getRandomIntegerStreamSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the seed used to initialize all instances of the RandomIntegerStream class.
getRandomObject() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MetaStreamInitializer
Returns the underlying random object that might be useful in some initialization scenarios.
getRandomSeedsUsedAsString() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This method returns the java code necessary to set the random seeds and other 'seed' parameters in the SysParameters class in order to get 'repeatable behaviour' based on the actual seeds used to construct the integer streams that were actually used.
getRatio() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Returns the ratio which determines how quickly this series bifurcates, and whether it settles down to a single value.
getRawMaxFragmentDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the raw, uninterpreted max fragment duration as held in the PF object.
getRawMinFragmentDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the raw, uninterpreted min fragment duration as held in the PF object.
getReconcileStrategy() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the strategy used during PFTable reconciliation; when the parameter frame table is rendered operationally consistent.
getRegisteredDrumScaleNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns an array of all the currently registered drum scale names sorted in ascending order.
getRegisteredFragmentNames() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Returns an array list of the names of all the registered fragments sorted in alphabetical order
getRegisteredFragmentNumbers() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Returns a sorted list of the numbers of registered fragments.
getRegisteredKitNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Returns an array of all the kit names.
getRegisteredMusicalScaleNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns an array of all the currently registered musical scale names sorted in ascending order.
getRegisteredPlacementNames() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Returns an array list of the names of all the registered placements sorted in alphabetical order
getRegisteredScaleNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns an array of all the currently registered scale names sorted in ascending order.
getRegisteredTransformGroupNames() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Returns an array list of the names of all the registered transform groups sorted in alphabetical order
getReliablePatternedFillers() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns those notators which can fill voices and ranges of bars reliably, in the sense they are not rewriters, and with some sense of pattern.
getReliableUnpatternedFillers() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns an array containing the notator types which will reliably fill a range of bars, but not with anything which is obviously patterned.
getRemainingDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the un-used duration of this voice part.
getRepeatPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Returns the percentage probability of any value between 'min' and 'max' being repeated.
getRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
The number of applications of the placement
getRepeats() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
The number of applications of the placement
getRepeatWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Returns the repeat weights used to bias how long the repeat sequences are.
getRestType() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns the type of this rest; either spacer, normal or full bar as described in the documentation for the RestType enum.
getRetryPause() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Pause in milliseconds between retries (i.e.
getRewriters() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns an array containing the types which are pitch re-writing notators.
getRightBarNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns the bar number of the right bound.
getRightBarNumber() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Returns the bar number of the right bound.
getRightBarNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Spin through the ranges and return the maximum (right-most) bar number that is greater than zero.
getRightOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns the offset of the right bound.
getRightOffset() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Returns the offset of the right bound.
getRightOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Spin through the ranges and return the offset of the right-most bar number that is greater than zero.
getRightQuantization() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns the current quantization level of the right side of this range.
getRightQuantization() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Returns the current quantization level of the right side of this range.
getRightQuantization() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Returns the quantization level of the right edge of this window.
getRootName() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns the root name of the Lilypond file.
getRootName(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the root name from a file INCLUDING any version number information should their be any.
getRootName(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the root name from a file INCLUDING any version number information should their be any.
getRootNameOfVersionedFile(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the root name from a file EXCLUDING any version number information should their be any.
getRootNameOfVersionedFile(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the root name from a file excluding any version number information should their be any.
getRootPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the lowest note in the chord
getRotateTransformMaxLeftPlaces() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the maximum number of places that a phrase will be rotated to the left.
getRotateTransformMaxLeftPlacesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getRotateTransformMaxRightPlaces() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the maximum number of places that a phrase will be rotated to the right.
getRotateTransformMaxRightPlacesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getRowList() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SerialismNotator
This method returns a list of four fragments.
getRunningInversionTransformIgnoreChordPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that running inversion operations will ignore chord elements.
getRunningInversionTransformIgnoreChordPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getRunningInversionTransformInKeyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that running inversion operations will move pitches in-key with respect to the current scale.
getRunningInversionTransformInKeyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getRunningInversionTransformReverseDirectionPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that running inversion operations will move pitches in the opposite direction to that in the original phrase.
getRunningInversionTransformReverseDirectionPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getScale() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the scale object according to the context of the voice part.
getScale() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ChordStream
Returns the current scale used for in-key generation
getScale(PF) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Debug function which returns a scale object based on the name of the musical scale in the PF.
getScale() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Returns the current scale used by this transform.
getScale() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Returns the current scale used by this transform.
getScale() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Returns the current scale used by this transform.
getScale() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Returns the current scale used by this transform.
getScale() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
Returns the musical scale used by this transform.
getScale() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
Returns the scale used by this transform
getScaleAsString() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Debug routine.
getScaleAsString() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a string showing each note in the scale
getScaleAsString() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns a string showing each note in the scale
getScaleChangerTransformFromScale() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter forms one of a pair: the other specifying scale-to information.
getScaleChangerTransformFromScaleCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getScaleChangerTransformMoveUpPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that the scale change will be up in pitch as opposed to down lower.
getScaleChangerTransformMoveUpPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getScaleChangerTransformToScale() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter forms one of a pair: the other specifying scale-from information.
getScaleChangerTransformToScaleCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getScaleDegree(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Passed a note offset, this method works out which degree of the scale this represents, i.e.
getScaleDegree(Note) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Passed a note offset, this method works out which degree of the scale this represents, i.e.
getScaleDegrees() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns the appropriate scale degrees to use to construct this cadence.
getScaleDegreesForAllCadencesAsIntegers() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns the scale degrees for every cadence, formatted something like the following:
getScaleDegreeValue(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Passed a note offset, this method works out which degree of the scale this represents, i.e.
getScaleId() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Always returns null because this is a drum scale
getScaleId() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Not all scales have a scale id.
getScaleId() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Not all scales have a scale id.
getScaleLength() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns the number of drum sounds in this scale
getScaleLength() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns the length of the repeating interval of the scale.
getScaleLength() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns the length of the repeating interval of the scale.
getScaleMode() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives the mode of the scale used here (i.e.
getScaleModeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getScaleName() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives the name of the musical scale used by this parameter frame.
getScaleNameCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getScoreSection(Instrument) - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.ScoreInfo
Passed an Instrument this function returns one of the ScoreSection enums which tell the caller which stave group on the score this instrument should be printed in.
getScoreSection(InstrumentId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.ScoreInfo
Passed an Instrument id this function returns one of the ScoreSection enums which tell the caller which stave group on the score this instrument should be printed in.
getScoreSection() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StaveGroup
Returns the score section for this stave group
getScoreSectionInstruments(ScoreSection) - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.ScoreInfo
Returns an array of the instrument identifiers within a particular score section, and these are in the correct order within that section.
getScoreSectionsInOrder() - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.ScoreInfo
Returns an array of the score sections in the correct order from the top of the score to the bottom.
getSecondaryChords() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
The distinctive flavour of the modes is best exploited by employing harmonic progressions in which the characteristic step occurs often.
getSection(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the numbered section object or null if not found, i.e.
getSectionalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Sectional Notator is a high level notator which iterates across a series of sections one voice at a time and fills each voice-section with a single random fragment created according to the constraints specified by the parameter frame in that voice section.
getSectionalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSectionalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Sectional Notator is a high level notator which iterates across a series of sections one voice at a time and fills each voice-section with a single random fragment created according to the constraints specified by the parameter frame in that voice section.
getSectionalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSectionalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Sectional Notator is a high level notator which iterates across a series of sections one voice at a time and fills each voice-section with a single random fragment created according to the constraints specified by the parameter frame in that voice section.
getSectionalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSectionNumber(Section) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the 'number' of the passed section.
getSectionNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Section
Returns the section number for this section.
getSectionNumberOfBars(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the number of bars in this section or a negative number if the section index is out of bounds.
getSections() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns all the sections of this composition as an ordered list.
getSectionTempo(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the tempo of this section or null if the section index is out of bounds.
getSectionTimeSignature(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the time signature of this section or null if the section index is out of bounds, or if the time signature is unset.
getSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Returns the current seed used to initialize this stream
getSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Returns the current seed used to initialize this stream
getSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Returns the current seed used to initialize this stream
getSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MetaStreamInitializer
Returns the current seed used to initialize this object.
getSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomBooleanStream
Returns the current seed used to initialize this stream
getSeed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Returns the current seed used to initialize this stream
getSeed1() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Returns the current seed 1.
getSeed2() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Returns the current seed 2.
getSelector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
Returns the object which determines which voices are used by the placement.
getSelector() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
Returns the object which determines which voices are used by the placement.
getSerialismVoiceApplicationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Serialism Notator rewrites the pitches over a set of voices between two specified bars using algorithms of a serial nature.
getSerialismVoiceApplicationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSerialRowLengthWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Serialism Notator rewrites the pitches over a set of voices between two specified bars using algorithms of a serial nature.
getSerialRowLengthWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSerialRowModulationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Serialism Notator rewrites the pitches over a set of voices between two specified bars using algorithms of a serial nature.
getSerialRowModulationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSetMethodName(Field) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Generates the name of the setter method for the passed field.
getSettingsXMLFile() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the name of the XML settings file.
getShiftVector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Returns the vector of shifts that will be used during execution.
getShuffleTransformCutPoints() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Allows the caller to specify precise cut points used by this shuffle transform.
getShuffleTransformCutPointsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getShuffleTransformNumShuffleParts() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Positive integer specifying the number of cut points to be used in this shuffle transform.
getShuffleTransformNumShufflePartsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMaxPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that the shuffle cut points will be near or at a pitch maxima in the shuffled phrase.
getShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMaxPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMinPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that the shuffle cut points will be near or at a pitch minima in the shuffled phrase.
getShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMinPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSinglePhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A single phrase placement writes fragments in succession once each, one after another, starting at a specified voice, bar and time offset within that bar.
getSinglePhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSlowPhraseDoublingWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Slow Phrase Notator is a specialized notator class which writes long, slow, tied phrases such as those used in continuo or ostinato.
getSlowPhraseDoublingWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSlowPhraseNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Slow Phrase Notator is a specialized notator class which writes long, slow, tied phrases such as those used in continuo or ostinato.
getSlowPhraseNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSlowPhraseNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Slow Phrase Notator is a specialized notator class which writes long, slow, tied phrases such as those used in continuo or ostinato.
getSlowPhraseNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSlowPhraseNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Slow Phrase Notator is a specialized notator class which writes long, slow, tied phrases such as those used in continuo or ostinato.
getSlowPhraseNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSoloPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Sectional Notator is a high level notator which iterates across a series of sections one voice at a time and fills each voice-section with a single random fragment created according to the constraints specified by the parameter frame in that voice section.
getSoloPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSoloWeights(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the solo percentage from the PF in the passed bar in each voice in order as an array of integers.
getSpread() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
This Gaussian function uses a standard deviation of one (1) around a mean of zero (0) to distribute random values.
getStart() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Returns the starting value of the series if called before the stream is used.
getStart() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Returns the number on which this series starts.
getStartBar() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Section
Returns the first bar in this section, or null if there are none.
getStartBar() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Returns the start bar of the range.
getStartBar() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
getStartBar() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.CadenceNotator
getStartBar() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.IntroNotator
getStartBar() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Returns the number of the bar where execution will start.
getStartBar() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Returns the number of the bar where execution will start.
getStartBar() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorDummyBase
getStartOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Returns the offset of the starting file read position.
getStave(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the stave object corresponding to the passed stave number.
getStave(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelector
Returns the stave object with the passed stave number if it is currently within this selection, otherwise null.
getStave(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelectorBase
getStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Returns the stave of which this stave part is a member
getStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns the stave object that contains this voice
getStaveNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Each stave is assigned a unique number at construction time, and this never changes.
getStaveNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns the stave number for this instrument or a negative number if not set.
getStaveNumbers() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelector
Returns the stave numbers of the staves referenced by this selector
getStaveNumbers() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelectorBase
Returns all the stave numbers referenced by this selection as an array
getStavePart(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Returns the nth stave part in this stave or null if the passed bar number is out of range.
getStavePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the parent stave part containing this voice part.
getStaveParts() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Returns all the stave parts in this bar, in order down the page.
getStaveParts() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Returns all the stave parts for this stave
getStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns an array of stave objects which each contain all the stave parts used in this composition.
getStaves() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelector
Returns an array list containing the staves of interest
getStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelectorBase
Returns the selected piano staves
getStaveType() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Returns a StaveType which indicates the number of voices and the type of music elements that can be held on this stave.
getStaveType() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the type of the stave specified
getStaveTypeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getStemDirection() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns the note stem direction to be used for this voice.
getStrictSerialismPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Serialism Notator rewrites the pitches over a set of voices between two specified bars using algorithms of a serial nature.
getStrictSerialismPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getStringParameter(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the value of the named parameter which is of type String, or null if not found.
getStringParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSubtitle() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the sub-title of the piece
getSuffixString(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns the numbered suffix string.
getSwapPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Returns the swap percentage which effects how the phrase shape is perturbed.
getSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.SimpleRepeatingCacheSelector
Returns an integer giving the switch interval for fragment cache selection.
getSyncopateTransformTiesAllowedPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that note ties will be allowed when syncopating phrases by merging music element together.
getSyncopateTransformTiesAllowedPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSyncopateTypeTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights array which sets the probability of different syncopation operations as defined by the SyncopateOp enum i.e.
getSyncopateTypeTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getSystemPath() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns those directories specified on the environment variable $PATH or %PATH% as an array of File objects.
getTargetDensity() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.DensitySensitiveSpacer
Returns the target density as a percentage.
getTempo() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Section
Returns the tempo of this section
getTempo() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the tempo of the next section to be created
getTempoCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTempoString(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
Returns the musical term representing the passed tempo as a string
getThickeningTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The 'thickener' transformer 'thickens up' a musical fragment by removing rests.
getThickeningTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getThinningTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The 'thinning' transformer 'thins out' a musical fragment by replacing existing musical elements with rests, or by halving their duration and inserting a new rest.
getThinningTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTiedElements() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Called on any music element within a tied collection of elements, this method returns the entire set of tied elements as a collection, in order from the first.
getTiedElements() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Called on any music element within a tied collection of elements, this method returns the entire set of tied elements as a collection, in order from the first.
getTiedElements() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Called on any music element within a tied collection of elements, this method returns the entire set of tied elements as a collection, in order from the first.
getTiedElements() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Called on any music element within a tied collection of elements, this method returns the entire set of tied elements as a collection, in order from the first.
getTiedElements() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Called on any music element within a tied collection of elements, this method returns the entire set of tied elements as a collection, in order from the first.
getTimeNow() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the system time now as a string
getTimeOffset() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Returns the time offset into the bar at the current position.
getTimeOffset() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Returns the current time offset for this spacer.
getTimePtrAtStartOfCurrent() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Returns a time pointer to the beginning of the current music element but only if this iterator is current working on the composition rather than an arbitrary music element list.
getTimeSignature() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns a time signature object represented by this parameter frame.
getTimeSignatureCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTimeSignatureLower() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An integer giving the note length of each beat in the time signature.
getTimeSignatureLowerCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTimeSignatureUpper() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An integer giving the number of beats in the time signature used by this parameter frame
getTimeSignatureUpperCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTimeStepSize() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.TimeSteppingSpacer
getTimeWarpTransformShrinkPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that the time warp transform will shrink a phrase to half its duration, as opposed to doubling its duration.
getTimeWarpTransformShrinkPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTimeWarpTransformTiesAllowedPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that stretching a phrase will allow ties to be introduced for very long sounding notes.
getTimeWarpTransformTiesAllowedPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTimeWindowWidth() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.DensitySensitiveSpacer
Returns the width of the time window in 'ticks'.
getTitle() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Gets the title of the piece as printed on the score
getTonicPitchValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Return the offset of the lowest drum in the scale
getTonicPitchValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Gets the current tonic pitch value
getTonicPitchValue() - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Gets the current tonic pitch value
getTopPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the highest note in the chord
getTopWeights() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Returns an integer array of three elements giving weights that determine the relative probability of the top note in a chord going down, remaining the same or going up, respectively.
getToScale() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Returns the scale to which any fragment will be transformed.
getTotalAccentPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalAccentWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalAccumulationPlacementDispersePercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalAccumulationPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalAnsweringPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioDownPitchPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioDurationPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioNoteDurationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioPitchChainingPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioPrincipalPitchWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioTrillPlacementWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioTrillProbabilityWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioTripletNotePercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioUpPitchPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalArpeggioWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalBarClearPatternWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalBarPatternCacheSizeCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalBars() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the number of bars in the composition
getTotalbars() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Section
Returns the number of bars in this section
getTotalBars() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the total number of bars in the composition
getTotalBassOnFirstBeatCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalBooleanParameterCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalCaches() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRing
Returns the number of caches
getTotalCaches() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
Returns the number of caches in this ring
getTotalCallCounts() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Returns the total of all call counts for the every parameter frame used on the last run.
getTotalChordGeneration2nd3rd4thWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationChordSizeWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationDissonanceTritoneChordSpecWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationHarmonicProfileWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationInKeyCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationInvertDownPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationInvertOffsetPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationInvertUpPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationMajMinChordSpecWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationMixedIntervalLowerWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationMixedIntervalUpperWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationMultiIntervalWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationNeighbourChordShiftVectorCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationNeighbourChordWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationNumberedChordWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationPostProcessingWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationPureIntervalWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationSolidifyAddFifthPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationSpreadMaxPitchCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationSpreadMinPitchCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationSpreadProportionalPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordGenerationStrategyWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordTupletTransformChordNoteOrderArrayCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordTupletTransformConvertChordPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordTupletTransformConvertTupletPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalChordTupletTransformTupletOptionWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalClefCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalClefOctaveCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalClefTypeCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalContinuoPlacementGapQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalContinuoPlacementMaxRepeatsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalContinuoPlacementMinRepeatsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalCreateArpeggioTrillPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDefaultMaxFragmentDurationCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDefaultMinFragmentDurationCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDottedChordMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDottedDurationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDottedNoteMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDottedRestMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDottedTupletMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDoubleArrayParameterCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDoubleDottedChordMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDoubleDottedDurationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDoubleDottedNoteMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDoubleDottedRestMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDoubleDottedTupletMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDoubleParameterCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDrumKitCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDrumKitNameCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDrumStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the number of drum staves in the composition
getTotalDrumStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the number of drum staves in the composition.
getTotalDrumVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the total number of percussion voices in the composition.
getTotalDurationStreamTypeWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDynamicsPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalDynamicsWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalExtensionCallCounts() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Returns the underlying hashtable holding the total counts of calls to read extension parameters from any frame.
getTotalExtensionParameterCount(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Returns the number of times the named extension parameter has been accessed from any frame.
getTotalFermataPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFermataWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragementCreationBarrelFallingPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchIntervalCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchIntervalCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentCacheRingSelectorWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentCreationCombPatternCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentCreationDistributeRestPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentCreationLeadingVoiceClosestPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentCreationStrategyWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentDurationUnitsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentLengthQuantizationCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentNotatorDensitySensitiveWindowWidthInBarsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentNotatorMaxBarStepCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentNotatorMaxRandomJumpsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentNotatorMaxTargetDensityCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentNotatorMinBarStepCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentNotatorMinRandomJumpsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentNotatorMinTargetDensityCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentNotatorSpacerTimeQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentNotatorSpacerWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentNotatorTimeStepTickSizeCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalFragmentSelectorPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNoteOnDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNoteOnDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNoteOnDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNoteOnPlainChordPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNoteOnPlainNotePercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNoteOnPlainTupletPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNotePercentageBiasCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNotesEnabledCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalGraceNotesInKeyCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalHarmonizingTransformHarmonizeLowerPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalHarmonizingTransformInKeyPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalHarmonizingTransformIntervalWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalHarmonyNotatorCadenceTypeWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalHarmonyNotatorChordSequenceTransformWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalHarmonyNotatorDurationPatternTransformWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalHarmonyNotatorReplaceChordSequencePercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalHarmonyNotatorReplaceDurationPatternPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalHarmonyNotatorVoiceExtractionStrategyWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalHarmonyPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalInstrumentAndOrDrumKitNameCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalInstrumentCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalInstrumentIdCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalInstrumentStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the number of instrument staves in the composition.
getTotalInstrumentStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the number of staves that are of type 'instrument' (i.e.
getTotalInstrumentVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the total number of instrument voices in the composition.
getTotalIntegerArrayParameterCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalIntegerParameterCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalInterleavedContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalInterleavedContinuoPlacementMaxRepeatsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalInterleavedContinuoPlacementMinRepeatsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalIntervalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalIntervalNotatorDownWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalIntervalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalIntervalNotatorIgnoreChordsPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalIntervalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalIntervalNotatorUpWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalInvertTransformPivotMaxNoteOffsetCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalInvertTransformPivotMinNoteOffsetCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxAltoPitchCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxArpeggioPitchJumpCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxArpeggioPitchReverseJumpCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxBassPitchCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxChordIntervalCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxFragmentDurationCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxFragmentsPerCacheCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxGraceNoteIntervalAboveCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxGraceNoteIntervalBelowCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxHairpinLengthCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxNoteOffsetJumpDownCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxNoteOffsetJumpUpCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxNotesInArpeggioCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxNotesInChordCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxNotesInGraceNoteCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxNotesInTrillCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxNotesInTupletCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxNumberDifferentArpeggioNoteDurationsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxNumberDifferentTrillNoteDurationsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxPassingNotesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxPitchCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxPlacementsPerCacheCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxSingleFragmentCacheFillerStrategyPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxTransformGroupsPerCacheCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxTransformsPerGroupCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxTreblePitchCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxTrillPitchDownCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxTrillPitchUpCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxTupletIntervalCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMaxTupletSpanCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinAltoPitchCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinBassPitchCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinChordIntervalCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinFragmentDurationCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinFragmentsPerCacheCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinHairpinLengthCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinNotesInArpeggioCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinNotesInChordCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinNotesInGraceNoteCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinNotesInTrillCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinNotesInTupletCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinPassingNotesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinPitchCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinPlacementsPerCacheCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinTransformGroupsPerCacheCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinTransformsPerGroupCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinTreblePitchCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMinTupletIntervalCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMixedArpeggioNoteDurationPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMixedTrillNoteDurationPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalModulateTransformIntervalWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalModulateTransformModulationStrategyWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalMusicElementTypeWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalNominalDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the total duration of the composition according to the time signature specified in each bar of the top voice.
getTotalNominalDuration(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the total duration of the composition according to the time signature specified in each bar of the specified voice.
getTotalNominalDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns the duration in ticks of the entire voice as specified by the time signatures of each of its bars
getTotalNominalDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the total duration of this voice part according to the time signature used here.
getTotalNoteGroupsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalNoteOffsetStreamTypeCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalNumBarsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalOctavateTransformDownPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalOctavateTransformModulationStrategyWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalOffsetContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalOffsetContinuoPlacementMaxRepeatsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalOffsetContinuoPlacementMinRepeatsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalOffsetContinuoPlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalOffsetPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalOffsetPhrasePlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNoteOnDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNoteOnDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNoteOnDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNoteOnPlainChordPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNoteOnPlainNotePercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNoteOnPlainTupletPercentagesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNotePatternWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNotePercentageBiasCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNotePhraseFromChordModulationAxisWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNotePitchZoneWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNotesInKeyCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPassingNoteTupletInterleavePercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPFObjectsLoaded() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaLoader
Returns the number of parameter frames loaded by this loader
getTotalPhraseShaperTransformAdjacencyPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPhraseShaperTransformSwapPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPhraseShaperTransformWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPianoStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the number of piano staves in the composition
getTotalPianoStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the number of staves that are of type piano (i.e.
getTotalPianoVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the total number of piano voices in the composition
getTotalPitchedStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the number of pitched staves in the composition.
getTotalPitchedStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the number of staves that hold melody
getTotalPitchedVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the total number of pitched musical voices in the composition.
getTotalPitchRewritingProfileFollowModePercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPitchShiftTransformModulationStrategyWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPitchShiftTransformShiftVectorCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPitchStrataInKeyCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPitchStrataMaxCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPitchStrataMinCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPitchStrataOnCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPitchWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPitchWidenTransformIgnoreChordPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPitchWidenTransformInKeyPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPitchWidenTransformWidenPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlacementCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchIntervalCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchIntervalCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlacementCacheRingSelectorWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlacementSelectorPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlacementTypeWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlainChordMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlainDurationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlainNoteMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlainRestMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalPlainTupletMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalRotateTransformMaxLeftPlacesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalRotateTransformMaxRightPlacesCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalRunningInversionTransformIgnoreChordPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalRunningInversionTransformInKeyPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalRunningInversionTransformReverseDirectionPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalScaleChangerTransformFromScaleCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalScaleChangerTransformMoveUpPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalScaleChangerTransformToScaleCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalScaleModeCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalScaleNameCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSectionalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSectionalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSectionalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSections() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the number of sections in the composition
getTotalSections() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the current number of sections.
getTotalSelectionCandidates() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.FragmentSelector
Returns the maximum number of different fragments that could be selected
getTotalSelectionCandidates() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.MonotonicFragmentSelector
Returns the maximum number of different fragments that could be selected from the current cache.
getTotalSelectionCandidates() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.RandomFragmentSelector
Returns the maximum number of different fragments that could be selected from the current cache.
getTotalSelectionCandidates() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.MonotonicPlacementSelector
Returns the maximum number of different placements that could be selected from the current cache.
getTotalSelectionCandidates() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.PlacementSelector
Returns the maximum number of different placements that could be selected
getTotalSelectionCandidates() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.RandomPlacementSelector
Returns the maximum number of different placements that could be selected from the current cache.
getTotalSelectionCandidates() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.MonotonicTransformGroupSelector
Returns the maximum number of different transform groups that could be selected from the current cache.
getTotalSelectionCandidates() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.RandomTransformGroupSelector
Returns the maximum number of different transform groups that could be selected from the current cache.
getTotalSelectionCandidates() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.TransformGroupSelector
Returns the number of different candidate transform groups that could be selected.
getTotalSerialismVoiceApplicationStrategyWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSerialRowLengthWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSerialRowModulationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalShuffleTransformCutPointsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalShuffleTransformNumShufflePartsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMaxPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMinPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSinglePhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSlowPhraseDoublingWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSlowPhraseNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSlowPhraseNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSlowPhraseNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSoloPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalStaveParts() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Returns the number of stave parts in this bar.
getTotalStaveParts() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Returns the number of 'bars' currently held in this stave
getTotalStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the number of staves in the composition,
getTotalStaves() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelector
Returns the number of staves referenced by the selector
getTotalStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelectorBase
Returns the number of selected piano staves
getTotalStaves() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the current number of staves.
getTotalStaveTypeCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalStrictSerialismPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalStringParameterCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSyncopateTransformTiesAllowedPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalSyncopateTypeTransformWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTempoCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalThickeningTransformWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalThinningTransformWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTimeSignatureCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTimeSignatureLowerCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTimeSignatureUpperCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTimeWarpTransformShrinkPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTimeWarpTransformTiesAllowedPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTransformGroupCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchIntervalCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchIntervalCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTransformGroupCacheRingSelectorWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTransformGroupSelectorPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTransformRepeatMaskCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTransformTypeWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillDurationPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillNoteDurationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillPitchChainingPercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillPitchPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillPrincipalPitchWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillTripletNotePercentageCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillTypeWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalTrillWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalUseCompoundStaveCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Returns the number of elements used so far on this stream, from the point of construction.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MetaStreamInitializer
Returns the total number of values pulled from this instance since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalValuesUsed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Returns the total number of values pulled from this stream since it was created.
getTotalVoiceParts() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns the number of 'bars' currently held in this voice
getTotalVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the total number of voices in the composition.
getTotalVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Returns the total number of selected voices
getTotalVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Returns the number of voices in the composition according to the number and types of stave here in the PF table.
getTotalZoneNotatorActionWeightsCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalZoneNotatorFragmentNameCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalZoneNotatorLeaveNullNamesAsEmptyPercentCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTotalZoneNotatorTransformGroupNameCount() - Static method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTransformGroup(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Returns a copy of the transform group registered under the passed number, or null if none found.
getTransformGroup(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Returns a copy of the transform group registered under the passed name, or null if none found.
getTransformGroupCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getTransformGroupCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTransformGroupCacheRingSelectorWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getTransformGroupCacheRingSelectorWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTransformGroupSelector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Returns the strategy object used to select transform groups.
getTransformGroupSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
getTransformGroupSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTransformRepeatMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This mask is applied after each transform is added to the group.
getTransformRepeatMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTransforms() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Return an array of the transform objects in the order they are applied to fragments.
getTransformTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Determine the probability of choosing any particular transform.
getTransformTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrill() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
getTrill() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Called on note elements this will return the type of trill articulation (including glissando) present, or null if not set.
getTrill() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
getTrill() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
getTrill() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
getTrillDurationPatternResuseWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getTrillDurationPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrillEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getTrillEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrillNoteDurationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getTrillNoteDurationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrillOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getTrillOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrillPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A musical trill is a rapid alternation of sung or played notes.
getTrillPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrillPitchChainingPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getTrillPitchChainingPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrillPitchPatternResuseWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getTrillPitchPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrillPrincipalPitchWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getTrillPrincipalPitchWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrillTripletNotePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getTrillTripletNotePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrillTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
getTrillTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTrillWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A musical trill is a rapid alternation of sung or played notes.
getTrillWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getTupletOption() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Returns an enum describing how chords will be converted to tuplets.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns an enum which identifies the most derived type of this object
getType() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns an enum which identifies the most-derived type of the music element.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns an enum which identifies the most derived type of this object
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns an enum which identifies the most derived type of this object.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns an enum which identifies the most derived type of this object.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Returns an enum indicating the most derived stream sub-type.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
getType() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationStream
Returns an enum indicating the most derived stream sub-type.
getType() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.NoteOffsetStream
Returns the sub-type of the offset stream so it can be used easily in switch n'case
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.RetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Returns an enum indicating the most derived sub-type of this stream.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.SimpleNoteOffsetStream
Returns an enum indicating the most derived sub-type of this stream.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedDurationCombinationStream
Returns an enum indicating the most derived sub-type of this stream.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedNoteOffsetStream
Returns an enum indicating the most derived sub-type of this stream.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedRetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Returns an enum indicating the most derived sub-type of this stream.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.DifferentialRangeNotatorCreationStrategy
getType() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategy
Returns the type of the creation strategy, which can ease the way for those programmers who still like and use switch n' case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.UncooperativeNotatorCreationStrategy
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.VoiceLinearNotatorCreationStrategy
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArpeggioTrillNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.CadenceNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.HarmonyNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.IntervalWritingNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.IntroNotator
getType() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Returns an enum identifying the type of the notator.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.PassingNoteNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.PitchRewritingNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.RandomPhraseNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SectionalNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SerialismNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SlowPhraseNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ZoneNotator
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Accumulation
Returns the type of the placement as an enum.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.AnsweringPhrase
Returns the type of the placement as an enum.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Continuo
Returns the type of the placement as an enum.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Harmony
Returns the type of the placement as an enum.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.InterleavedContinuo
Returns the type of the placement as an enum.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetContinuo
Returns the type of the placement as an enum.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetPhrase
Returns the type of the placement as an enum.
getType() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
Returns the type of the placement as an enum.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.SinglePhrase
Returns the type of the placement as an enum.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.MirrorInvertTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.NOPTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RetrogradeTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getType() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformFunctor
Returns the type of the transform, which make life easier for programmers who like switch n'case.
getUnreliablePatternedFillers() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns an array containing the notator types which are unreliable patterned fillers; they are unreliable in the sense that there is a relatively high probability of long silent passages within their coverage area.
getUnusedBarNumbers() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns an array containing the numbers of all bars which currently have no coverage
getUnusedVoiceNumbers() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns an array containing the numbers of all voices which currently have no coverage
getUpdaterMethods(Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns all the 'setter' methods on the passed class sorted in alphabetical order.
getUpper() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Returns the upper number of the time signature
getUpperDrumScale() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Returns the upper drum scale which comprises part of this drum kit
getUpperVoice() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStave
Returns the upper piano voice object i.e.
getUpperVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.DrumStavePart
Returns the upper voice part of this drum stave part
getUpperVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStavePart
Returns the upper (right-hand) voice part of this piano stave part
getUsageStats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatsHolder
Returns the parameter frame usages statistics which record the number of times each property held in the parameter frame is read during the process of composition.
getUseCompoundStaveCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getValidLowers() - Static method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Returns the set of valid numbers that can be used in time signatures by Opus+.
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordConvertOption
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationPostProcess
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefOctave
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DissonanceTritoneChordSpec
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DurationStreamType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FileVersioningStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FragmentCreationStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentCategory
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InversionType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeyType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MajMinChordSpec
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MetronomeType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ModulationStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorCreationStrategyType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteOffsetStreamType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ParameterGroup
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFTableReconciliationStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PhraseShape
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchRepType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchSpec
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PlacementType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.RestType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScoreSection
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SmoothingLevel
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StaveType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SyncopateOp
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TransformType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TupletExtractionStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoiceType
Returns the value associated of this enum
getValue() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ZoneNotatorActions
Returns the value associated of this enum
getVariantObject(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombination
Returns the DataCombinationData object at offset 'off'.
getVarName(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Creates and returns a string that can be used as a variable name derived from the field (data member) name.
getVersion() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns the version number of this Lilypond file
getVersionNumber(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the version number from a file name of the form: . or _. or even _v. In the first case zero is returned, in the second, the number is extracted from between the '_' and the '.' character and in the third it is extracted from between the '_v' and the '.' character.
getVersionNumber(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the version number from a file name of the form: . or _. or even _v. In the first case zero is returned, in the second, the number is extracted from between the '_' and the '.' character and in the third it is extracted from between the '_v' and the '.' character.
getVersionNumber() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusVersion
Returns the Opus+ library version number
getVoice(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns the voice object corresponding to the passed voice number.
getVoice(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Returns the voice object with the passed voice number if it is currently within this selection, otherwise null.
getVoice() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the voice containing this voice part
getVoiceNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Returns the voice number this pointer is targeted at.
getVoiceNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns the current voice number
getVoiceNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Each voice is assigned a unique number at construction time, and this never changes.
getVoiceNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the voice number which is the absolute offset of this voice from the top of the score.
getVoiceNumber() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
getVoiceNumber() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PatternInfo
getVoiceNumbers() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Returns an integer array containing the voice numbers of the selected voices.
getVoiceNumberSafely(VoicePart) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the bar# as a string or "null" if the passed voice part object is null.
getVoiceNumbersWithCoverageCountsBelow(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns an array containing the numbers of all voices which currently have a coverage count below the passed threshold
getVoicePart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStavePart
Returns the single voice on this stave
getVoicePart(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Returns the nth voice part specified by index.
getVoicePart(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns the nth voice part in this voice or null if the passed bar number is out of range.
getVoicePartIndex(VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Returns the index of the passed voice part if its held in this StavePart, or a negative number if not present.
getVoicePartIndex() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns the index of the passed voice part which is defined as the offset of this object in the array of voice parts held by its parent stave part.
getVoiceParts() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns all the voice parts for this voice
getVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns an array list of all the instrument, piano and drum voices in order down the page
getVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Returns the voices considered by this time window.
getVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Returns a collection of the selected voices
getVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Returns the voices held within this stave
getVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Returns the list of voices in this stave part.
getVoices() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Returns the voice numbers covered by this object
getVoices() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Returns the voices considered by this spacer.
getVoices() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Returns the voices considered by this spacer.
getVoiceSelector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Returns the strategy object used to select voices.
getVoiceSelector() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Returns the voices selected by this notator.
getVoiceSelector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Returns the voices selected by this notator.
getVoiceSelector() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorDummyBase
getVoiceType() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns a VoiceType which indicates the relative position of this voice within it's containing stave and the type of music elements that can be held on this voice.
getVoiceType() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns a enum indicating the type of this voice.
getVPToPFReferenceStrategy() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns an enum describing how voice part objects within the composition aggregate object reference their PF object.
getWeightIndex(NoteLength) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns the index of the weight within a weights array associated with the passed note length.
getWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.MusicElementTypeStream
Returns the current weights array.
getWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Returns the current weights array.
getWeights() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Returns the weights array containing five, non-zero, positive integers.
getWeights() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Returns the weights array containing two integers that weight the chances of any particular rest being filled.
getWeights() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Returns the weights array containing three integers to weight the chances of any particular element remaining untouched, being replaced, or being halved in duration.
getWidth() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns the number of zeros used as padding for the version number in the Lilypond file name.
getWorkingDir() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns the working directory of this process.
getZoneNotatorActionWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Zone Notator works by the user specifying 'zones' across the different sections of the composition.
getZoneNotatorActionWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getZoneNotatorFragmentName() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Zone Notator works by the user specifying 'zones' across the different sections of the composition.
getZoneNotatorFragmentNameCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getZoneNotatorLeaveNullNamesAsEmptyPercent() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Zone Notator works by the user specifying 'zones' across the different sections of the composition.
getZoneNotatorLeaveNullNamesAsEmptyPercentCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
getZoneNotatorTransformGroupName() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Zone Notator works by the user specifying 'zones' across the different sections of the composition.
getZoneNotatorTransformGroupNameCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
glissando - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
GraceNote - Class in opusplus.core.musicElements
A thing with several sequential pitches which take no theoretical time.
GraceNote() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Ctor does nothing
GraceNote(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Convenience ctor that constructs a graceNote with a single pitch it leaves the duration representation up to Lilypond.
GraceNote(int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Ctor that constructs a graceNote; passed its pitches it leaves the duration representation up to Lilypond.
GraceNote(int[], NoteLength[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Ctor that fully constructs a graceNote; its pitches, duration and its Lilypond representation.
GRAVE - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
greaterThanAll(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the true if the passed argument x is greater than each of the entries in the passed array, otherwise false
greaterThanOrEqualAll(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the true if the passed argument x is greater than or equal to each of the entries in the passed array, otherwise false


halveMusicElementDurations(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Spins through and reduces the duration of every music element in the list to half its original value.
harmonics - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
harmoniesToRandomIntervals(PersichettiHarmony[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Converts an array of Persichetti harmonies to random corresponding semitone intervals with the correct quality.
harmonizeTransform(ArrayList, int[], boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Transformer that changes the passed fragment to a harmony of itself.
harmonizeTransform(ArrayList, int[], boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Transformer that changes the passed fragment to a harmony of itself.
HarmonizingTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
Transformer that changes the passed fragment to a harmony of itself.
HarmonizingTransform(IntegerStream, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Ctor which takes an integer stream, to provide a decision procedure as necessary, and an array of weightings which should consist of twelve integers zero or above.
HarmonizingTransform(IntegerStream, int[], Scale) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Ctor which takes an integer stream, to provide a decision procedure as necessary, an array of weightings, which should consist of twelve integers zero or above, and the scale from which to choose the harmony.
Harmony - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Class that writes a multiple fragments on to two or more staves at a particular bar and time offset within that bar.
Harmony() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.Harmony
Ctor which writes the harmony across all voices by default.
Harmony(VoiceSelector, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.Harmony
Full-state ctor which sets the voices upon which this placement will operate and the offset into the first bar that it will start from.
HarmonyNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
Harmony aware notator that writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
HarmonyNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.HarmonyNotator
Full state ctor.
harmonyToRandomInterval(PersichettiHarmony) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Passed a Persichetti harmonic enum, this method returns a semitone interval with that quality.
hasDrumStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns true if the composition has at least one drum stave.
hasExtensions() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns true if there is at least one extension parameter - otherwise false.
hasGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Return true if this object owns a grace note otherwise false
hasGraceNote() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Return true if this object owns a grace note otherwise false
hasGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Return true if this object owns a grace note otherwise false
hasGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Always returns false, because a rest can never own a grace note.
hasGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Return true if this object owns a grace note otherwise false
hasInstrumentStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns true if the composition has at least one instrument stave.
hasMethod(Class, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns true if the passed class has a method of the given name.
hasMetronomeStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Method that returns true if the composition has a metronome stave
hasNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.BeatIterator
Returns true if there are more beats to examine
hasNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Returns true if this stream can return another duration for the current bar.
hasNext() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Returns true if this stream can return another duration for the current bar.
hasNext() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationStream
Returns true if this stream can return another duration for the current bar.
hasNotators() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBase
Returns true if there are notators, otherwise false (i.e.
hasNotatorType(NotatorType) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBase
Returns true if the notator list contains a notator of the specified type, otherwise false.
hasParameter(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns true if there exists a parameter by this name.
hasPianoStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns true if the composition has at least one piano stave.
hasPitchedStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Returns true if the composition has at least one instrument stave.
hasRepeats(NoteLength[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns true if the passed array of note lengths contains two elements of equal duration, otherwise false.
hasRepeats(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns true if the passed array of doubles does not contain any repeats, otherwise false.
hasRepeats(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed array of integers does not contain any repeats, otherwise false.
hasRepeats(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns true if the passed array of longs does not contain any repeats, otherwise false.
hasValuesBetween(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed array consists of only values between min and max
haveIdenticalExtensions(PFExtensions) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
This method returns true if the data members declared in the PFExtensions (i.e.
head(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the first element of the list
highestPitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
holdByValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
This fragment holds these musical elements by reference, so changes to the fragment will effect the passed fragment unless this method is invoked, in which case every music element is cloned and this fragment owns these elements.
HTMLReviewFileWriter - Class in opusplus.lib.file
Write an HTML file which embeds the .pdf and .midi files generated by Lilypond into an HTML file so it is easier for the user to review the generated material.
HTMLReviewFileWriter(File, ArrayList) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.HTMLReviewFileWriter
Ctor which takes the name of the HTML file to create and a list of Lilypond files from which to derive the HTML.


id - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
inc() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeItrInterface
Increments the iterator forward along the current voice by a nominal amount.
inc() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Moves the pointer forward the size of a single quanta.
inc() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Increments the range forward along the current voice by the nominal width.
inc() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Increments the window forward along the stave by the nominal width.
incAccentPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incAccentWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incAccumulationPlacementDispersePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incAccumulationPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incAnsweringPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioDownPitchPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioDurationPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioNoteDurationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioPitchChainingPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioPrincipalPitchWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioTrillPlacementWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioTrillProbabilityWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioTripletNotePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioUpPitchPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArpeggioWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incArray(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This function treats each element of the passed array 'arr' as a single, similar to how digits are processed in a normal integer.
incBarClearPatternWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incBarPatternCacheSizeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incBassOnFirstBeatCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incBooleanParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGeneration2nd3rd4thWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationChordSizeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationDissonanceTritoneChordSpecWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationHarmonicProfileWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationInKeyCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationInvertDownPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationInvertOffsetPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationInvertUpPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationMajMinChordSpecWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationMixedIntervalLowerWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationMixedIntervalUpperWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationMultiIntervalWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationNeighbourChordShiftVectorCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationNeighbourChordWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationNumberedChordWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationPostProcessingWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationPureIntervalWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationSolidifyAddFifthPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationSpreadMaxPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationSpreadMinPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationSpreadProportionalPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordGenerationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordTupletTransformChordNoteOrderArrayCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordTupletTransformConvertChordPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordTupletTransformConvertTupletPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incChordTupletTransformTupletOptionWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incClefCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incClefOctaveCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incClefTypeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incContinuoPlacementGapQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incContinuoPlacementMaxRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incContinuoPlacementMinRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incCreateArpeggioTrillPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDefaultMaxFragmentDurationCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDefaultMinFragmentDurationCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDottedChordMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDottedDurationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDottedNoteMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDottedRestMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDottedTupletMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDoubleArrayParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDoubleDottedChordMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDoubleDottedDurationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDoubleDottedNoteMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDoubleDottedRestMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDoubleDottedTupletMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDoubleParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDrumKitCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDrumKitNameCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDurationStreamTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDynamicsPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incDynamicsWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incExtensionParameterCount(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Counts extension parameter accesses by name
incFermataPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFermataWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragementCreationBarrelFallingPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentCacheRingSelectorWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentCreationCombPatternCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentCreationDistributeRestPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentCreationLeadingVoiceClosestPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentCreationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentDurationUnitsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentLengthQuantizationCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentNotatorDensitySensitiveWindowWidthInBarsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentNotatorMaxBarStepCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentNotatorMaxRandomJumpsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentNotatorMaxTargetDensityCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentNotatorMinBarStepCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentNotatorMinRandomJumpsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentNotatorMinTargetDensityCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentNotatorSpacerTimeQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentNotatorSpacerWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentNotatorTimeStepTickSizeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incFragmentSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNoteOnDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNoteOnDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNoteOnDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNoteOnPlainChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNoteOnPlainNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNoteOnPlainTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNotePercentageBiasCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNotesEnabledCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incGraceNotesInKeyCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incHarmonizingTransformHarmonizeLowerPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incHarmonizingTransformInKeyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incHarmonizingTransformIntervalWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incHarmonyNotatorCadenceTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incHarmonyNotatorChordSequenceTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incHarmonyNotatorDurationPatternTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incHarmonyNotatorReplaceChordSequencePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incHarmonyNotatorReplaceDurationPatternPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incHarmonyNotatorVoiceExtractionStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incHarmonyPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incInstrumentAndOrDrumKitNameCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incInstrumentCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incInstrumentIdCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incIntegerArrayParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incIntegerParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incInterleavedContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incInterleavedContinuoPlacementMaxRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incInterleavedContinuoPlacementMinRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incIntervalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incIntervalNotatorDownWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incIntervalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incIntervalNotatorIgnoreChordsPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incIntervalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incIntervalNotatorUpWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incInvertTransformPivotMaxNoteOffsetCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incInvertTransformPivotMinNoteOffsetCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxAltoPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxArpeggioPitchJumpCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxArpeggioPitchReverseJumpCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxBassPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxChordIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxFragmentDurationCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxFragmentsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxGraceNoteIntervalAboveCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxGraceNoteIntervalBelowCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxHairpinLengthCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxNoteOffsetJumpDownCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxNoteOffsetJumpUpCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxNotesInArpeggioCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxNotesInChordCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxNotesInGraceNoteCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxNotesInTrillCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxNotesInTupletCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxNumberDifferentArpeggioNoteDurationsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxNumberDifferentTrillNoteDurationsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxPassingNotesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxPlacementsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxSingleFragmentCacheFillerStrategyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxTransformGroupsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxTransformsPerGroupCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxTreblePitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxTrillPitchDownCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxTrillPitchUpCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxTupletIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMaxTupletSpanCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinAltoPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinBassPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinChordIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinFragmentDurationCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinFragmentsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinHairpinLengthCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinNotesInArpeggioCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinNotesInChordCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinNotesInGraceNoteCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinNotesInTrillCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinNotesInTupletCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinPassingNotesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinPitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinPlacementsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinTransformGroupsPerCacheCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinTransformsPerGroupCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinTreblePitchCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMinTupletIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMixedArpeggioNoteDurationPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMixedTrillNoteDurationPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incModulateTransformIntervalWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incModulateTransformModulationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incMusicElementTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incNoteGroupsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incNoteOffsetStreamTypeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incNumBarsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incOctavateTransformDownPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incOctavateTransformModulationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incOffsetContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incOffsetContinuoPlacementMaxRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incOffsetContinuoPlacementMinRepeatsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incOffsetContinuoPlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incOffsetPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incOffsetPhrasePlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNoteOnDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNoteOnDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNoteOnDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNoteOnPlainChordPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNoteOnPlainNotePercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNoteOnPlainTupletPercentagesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNotePatternWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNotePercentageBiasCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNotePhraseFromChordModulationAxisWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNotePitchZoneWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNotesInKeyCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPassingNoteTupletInterleavePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPhraseShaperTransformAdjacencyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPhraseShaperTransformSwapPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPhraseShaperTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchRewritingProfileFollowModePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchShiftTransformModulationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchShiftTransformShiftVectorCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchStrataInKeyCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchStrataMaxCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchStrataMinCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchStrataOnCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchWidenTransformIgnoreChordPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchWidenTransformInKeyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPitchWidenTransformWidenPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlacementCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlacementCacheRingSelectorWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlacementSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlacementTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlainChordMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlainDurationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlainNoteMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlainRestMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incPlainTupletMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incRotateTransformMaxLeftPlacesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incRotateTransformMaxRightPlacesCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incRunningInversionTransformIgnoreChordPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incRunningInversionTransformInKeyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incRunningInversionTransformReverseDirectionPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incScaleChangerTransformFromScaleCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incScaleChangerTransformMoveUpPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incScaleChangerTransformToScaleCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incScaleModeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incScaleNameCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSectionalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSectionalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSectionalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSerialismVoiceApplicationStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSerialRowLengthWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSerialRowModulationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incShuffleTransformCutPointsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incShuffleTransformNumShufflePartsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMaxPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMinPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSinglePhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSlowPhraseDoublingWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSlowPhraseNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSlowPhraseNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSlowPhraseNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSoloPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incStaveTypeCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incStrictSerialismPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incStringParameterCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSyncopateTransformTiesAllowedPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incSyncopateTypeTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTempoCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incThickeningTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incThinningTransformWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTimeSignatureCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTimeSignatureLowerCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTimeSignatureUpperCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTimeWarpTransformShrinkPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTimeWarpTransformTiesAllowedPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTransformGroupCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchIntervalCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTransformGroupCacheRingSelectorWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTransformGroupSelectorPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTransformRepeatMaskCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTransformTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillDurationPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillNoteDurationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillOffsetQuantizationWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillPitchChainingPercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillPitchPatternResuseWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillPrincipalPitchWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillTripletNotePercentageCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillTypeWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incTrillWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incUseCompoundStaveCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incZoneNotatorActionWeightsCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incZoneNotatorFragmentNameCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incZoneNotatorLeaveNullNamesAsEmptyPercentCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
incZoneNotatorTransformGroupNameCount() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
indexesEqualTo(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array of all the indexes of those elements within the passed array equal to x.
indexesGreaterThan(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array of all the indexes of those elements within the passed array greater than x.
indexesLessThan(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array of all the indexes of those elements within the passed array less than x.
indexOf(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Passed a music element within this voice, this function returns its zero-based offset within the underlying array list, or a negative value if not found.
indexOf(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Returns the offset of the passed parameter frame if found, otherwise a negative number.
indexOf(T[], T) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the index of the first occurence of 'ele' in 'arr', or a negative value of not found.
indexOf(ArrayList, Fragment) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the index of the first fragment identical to the test fragment (f0) in the passed list or an index less than zero if not found.
indexOfFirstDiff(int[], int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the index of the first elements in the passed arrays which have a different value starting the comparison at position 'start'.
init() - Method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
Undertakes all necessary initialization to use the Opus+ library.
initCombinations() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationVariant
This method initializes the full set of combinations from the data contained in the _abc array.
initDefaultPitchConstraints() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Unsets all those parameters that have values which can be set according to the instrument identifier from data is held in the InstrumentInfo class.
initInstrumentPitchConstraints() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the maximum and minimum pitches and the allowed chords sizes based on the current setting of the instrument id held in this parameter frame.
inKey(ArrayList, MusicalScale, Boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Forces the pitches of the passed phrase into those nearest in the passed scale.
inKey(ArrayList, MusicalScale, Boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Forces the pitches of the passed phrase into those nearest in the passed scale.
inKey(MusicElement, MusicalScale, Boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Ensures that the pitches of the passed music element are in the key of the scale passed.
inKey(MusicElement, MusicalScale, Boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Ensures that the pitches of the passed music element are in the key of the scale passed.
insert(DrumStave) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StaveGroup
Inserts the passed stave into the group in the correct position according to the order that the instruments for this group, i.e.
insert(PitchedStave) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StaveGroup
Inserts the passed stave into the group in the correct position according to the order that the instruments for that group appear in the ScoreInfo class.
insert(PFMatchFunctor, PF, T) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Only inserts the passed object if there is no match for the passed parameter frame under the predicate operation encapsulated in functor.
insertCache(T) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
Can insert a new cache into the cache ring at the current position.
insertMusicElement(int, MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Inserts the passed note, chord, rest or what-not at the specified position of this voice.
insertMusicElements(int, ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Splices the passed music elements into this voice starting at specified position.
insertOrReplace(PFMatchFunctor, PF, T) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Replaces the first matching object, or if there is none inserts a new element containing the passed object keyed on the parameter frame.
insertSection(int, int, Tempo) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Inserts a new section to the configuration at the specified index, with the specified number of bars and at the specified tempo.
insertSection(int, int, Tempo, TimeSignature) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Inserts a new section to the configuration at the specified index with the specified number of bars and at the specified tempo.
insertSection(int, int, Tempo, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Inserts a new section to the configuration at the specified index with the specified number of bars and at the specified tempo.
insertSection(int, int, Tempo, TimeSignature, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Inserts a new section to the configuration at the specified index with the specified number of bars and at the specified tempo.
insertStave(Stave) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Score
Passed a stave object, this method ascertains its correct stave group, and its correct position within that group and inserts a reference thereto so they are easily retrieved in the correct order as needed by the caller.
insertStave(int, String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed the name of either an instrument or a registered drum kit, this method inserts a new blank stave at the passed index, of the correct type with the same number of sections as there are currently.
insertStave(int, InstrumentId) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an instrument id, this method inserts a new blank stave at the specified stave index for this instrument with the same number of sections as there are currently.
insertStave(int, DrumKitId) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed a drum kit id, this method inserts a new blank stave at the specified stave index for this drum kit with the same number of sections as there are currently.
insertStave(int, DrumKit) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed a drum kit object, this method inserts a new blank stave at the specified stave index for this drum kit with the same number of sections as there are currently.
insertStave(int, String, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed the name of either an instrument or a registered drum kit, and a parameter frame this method inserts a new blank stave at the specified stave index for this instrument with the same number of sections as there are currently.
insertStave(int, InstrumentId, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an instrument id, and a parameter frame this method inserts a new blank stave at the specified stave index for this instrument with the same number of sections as there are currently.
insertStave(int, DrumKitId, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an drum kit id, and a parameter frame this method inserts a new blank stave at the specified stave index for this drum kit with the same number of sections as there are currently.
insertStave(int, DrumKit, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed an drum kit object, and a parameter frame this method inserts a new blank stave at the specified stave index for this drum kit with the same number of sections as there are currently.
insertStave(int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Passed a parameter frame, this method inserts a new blank stave for the specified instrument or drum kit at the specified stave index with the same number of sections as there are currently.
Instrument - Class in opusplus.core.instruments
Class which encapsulates information pertaining to over 100 different instruments.
Instrument(InstrumentId) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
InstrumentCategory - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enumerates arbitrary instrument groupings by which users can refer to types of instrument without fully specifying anything precisely.
InstrumentCategoryInfo - Class in opusplus.core.instruments
Records which instruments are in which categories, and enables callers to select from them randomly.
InstrumentCategoryInfo() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentCategoryInfo
InstrumentData - Class in opusplus.core.instruments
Plain-Old-Data which holds all the characteristics of instruments together in a single record.
InstrumentData(InstrumentId, String, String, ClefType, ClefOctave, ClefType, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
InstrumentId - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
This enum uniquely identifies 128 instruments that can be used with Opus+.
InstrumentInfo - Class in opusplus.core.instruments
Holds data in records, one instrument per line.
InstrumentInfo() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentInfo
instrumentName - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
InstrumentStave - Class in opusplus.core.composition
Represents a 5-line stave of music, played by a single instrument.
InstrumentStave(Instrument, ClefType) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStave
Ctor that takes a instrument object which is one of the single-voiced instruments, for example an oboe or trumpet.
InstrumentStavePart - Class in opusplus.core.composition
Represents one bar of pitched instrument with a single voice.
InstrumentStavePart(PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStavePart
Ctor that takes a single parameter frame used for the single voice part created by this pitched stave part.
InstrumentStavePart(PF, InstrumentStave, Bar) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStavePart
Ctor that takes a single parameter frame used for the single voice part created by this pitched stave part.
InstrumentStaveSelector - Class in opusplus.core.composition.selector
Class which selects a set of the staves according to the instruments playing them.
InstrumentStaveSelector(InstrumentId) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.InstrumentStaveSelector
Ctor that selects the single stave played by the passed instrument.
InstrumentStaveSelector(InstrumentId[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.InstrumentStaveSelector
Ctor that selects the staves played by the passed array of instruments.
IntArray - Class in opusplus.core.utilities.maths
A bunch of static methods for manipulating Java arrays of integers.
IntArray() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
IntArray2D - Class in opusplus.core.utilities.maths
A bunch of static methods for manipulating 2D Java arrays of integers.
IntArray2D() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
IntegerStream - Interface in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Common interface for all number streams
IntegerStreamBase - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Abstract base class which acts a little like a mix-in class in that it provides IntegerStreams with a unique identifier.
IntegerStreamBase() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
Default ctor which assigned the unique stream identifier to each instance and manages the extent of integer stream objects.
IntegerStreamBaseExtent - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Abstract base class which provides an extent of all the sub-classes that inherit from it.
IntegerStreamBaseExtent() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBaseExtent
Default ctor which assigned the unique stream identifier to each instance and manages the extent of integer stream objects.
IntegerStreamFactory - Class in opusplus.lib.factories
Factory for creating integer streams at random
IntegerStreamFactory() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.IntegerStreamFactory
No-arg ctor
IntegerStreamRef - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Class that can be used for integer stream members in high level Opus+ classes that ensures that any integer streams used are initialized iff they are used, and logs the stream state to the log4J logger of the host class.
IntegerStreamRef(Logger) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamRef
Only ctor that takes the log4J logger ofd the host class, so messages produced here are turned on when those of the host class are.
interleave(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Knits the elements from each array in turn to form a single array, starting with the first element of arr1 and, assuming they are of equal length, ending with the last element of arr2.
InterleavedContinuo - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Class that writes several fragments as a continuo on multiple staves starting at a specified stave/bar and time offset, but each fragment of the continuo is interleaved; each phrase played by one instrument, and then the next phrase is played by the another, and so on in rotation.
InterleavedContinuo() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.InterleavedContinuo
Ctor which writes across all voices by default, and with no intervals or offsets between the fragments
InterleavedContinuo(VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.InterleavedContinuo
Full-state Ctor which sets the voices upon which this placement will operate, along with the number of repeats, and the initial time offset into the first bar writing will commence.
interleaveFragments(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed two lists of music elements, this method uses the first as a set of base pitches to modulate copies of the second 'pattern' into the returned fragment.
interleaveFragments(ArrayList, ArrayList, MusicalScale, ModulationStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Passed two lists of music elements, this method uses the first as a set of base pitches to modulate copies of the second 'pattern' into the returned fragment.
intersects(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed four integers that specify two ranges, this method returns true of the ranges intersect, otherwise false.
intervalInversion(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Applies a standard inversion to every pitch in the array accept the first based on the existing interval between them; i.e.
intervalInversionReverse(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Applies a standard inversion to every pitch in the array accept the first based on the existing interval between them; i.e.
IntervalWritingNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
This class writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
IntervalWritingNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.IntervalWritingNotator
Ctor which takes an integer stream, a voice selection, a start and end bar number.
IntroNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
This class has been designed to work on a composition the constraints of which has been specified in sections, and where the first section is expected to be dedicated to an introduction of some description.
IntroNotator(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.IntroNotator
Full state ctor.
intToBinaryArray(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an integer array containing ones and zeros in the same pattern as the N least significant bits in the passed integer.
InversionType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
There are five types of musical inversion; the first is for chords where the notes of the chord are re-ordered so bass notes are moved to the treble or, secondly, vice versa.
invert(int[], InversionType) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Inverts the passed pitches using the algorithm by the inversion type.
invert(Chord, int, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Inverts the passed chord by moving the note at the passed offset either up or down one octave depending on the value of the passed boolean.
invertDown(Chord, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Inverts the passed chord by repeatedly taking the top note, and subtracting an octave from it, until either all the notes have been processed once, or inversionNumber is reached.
invertExternalIntervals(MusicElement, InversionType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
This method is unusual, in that it is an updater, but does not change the state of 'this'.
invertExternalIntervals(MusicElement, InversionType) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
There are three types of musical inversion; the first is for chords where the notes of the chord are re-ordered so bass notes are moved to the treble or vice versa.
invertExternalIntervals(MusicElement, InversionType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
This method is unusual, in that it is an updater, but does not change the state of 'this'.
invertExternalIntervals(MusicElement, InversionType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Method is a no-op because a rest has no external intervals
invertExternalIntervals(MusicElement, InversionType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
This method is unusual, in that it is an updater, but does not change the state of 'this'.
invertInternalIntervals(InversionType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Method inverts each interval between the pitches comprising this tuplet.
invertInternalIntervals(InversionType) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
There are three types of musical inversion; the first is for chords where the notes of the chord are re-ordered so bass notes are moved to the treble or vice versa.
invertInternalIntervals(InversionType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Method is a no-op because a note has no internal intervals
invertInternalIntervals(InversionType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Method is a no-op because a rest has no internal intervals
invertInternalIntervals(InversionType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Method inverts each interval between the pitches comprising this tuplet using the specified inversion algorithm.
invertTransform(ArrayList, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This transform inverts the fragment around one of its notes.
InvertTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This transform inverts the fragment around one of its notes.
InvertTransform() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
InvertTransform(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
Ctor that takes the 'pivot pitch' as an element offset into the fragment
invertTransform(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This transform inverts the fragment around one of its notes.
invertUp(Chord, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Inverts the passed chord by repeatedly taking the bottom note, and adding an octave to it, until either all the notes have been processed once, or inversionNumber is reached.
invoke() - Method in class opusplus.lib.misc.LilypondRunner
This method invokes the remote Lilypond process on the file(s) with which this object was constructed.
invoke(String, File, String) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.misc.ProcessRunner
Method which can run a command as if it were typed at the command line.
isAcciaccatura() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Returns true if this grace note is an acciaccatura, otherwise false.
isAccidental(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Returns true if this drum scale does NOT contain this drum sound, or the passed value is not the value of a valid DrumId enum, otherwise false.
isAccidental(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns true if this scale does not contain the passed pitch, otherwise false
isAccidental(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Returns true if this scale does not contain the passed pitch, otherwise false
isAllChords(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Predicate that returns true if the entire array list contains chords, otherwise false.
isAllEqual(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed array holds repeats of the same value.
isAllLower(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed string consists entirely of lowercase characters otherwise false.
isAllRests(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Predicate that returns true if the entire array list contains rests, otherwise false.
isAllUpper(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed string consists entirely of uppercase characters otherwise false.
isAppoggiatura() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Returns true if this grace note is an appoggiatura, otherwise false.
isApproximatelyIdentical(int[], int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if all the elements in each array are almost equal i.e.
isArpeggio() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns true if this instrument can do arpeggios
isAscension() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Accumulation
If this returns true, the default, then the musical mass will accumulate across the staves.
isAssembled() - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Predicate function that returns true if the composition has been assembled.
isAutoOttava() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns true if auto ottava is on.
isAutoReset() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Returns true if the stream automatically resets itself when it has returned every value in the range to the user at least once.
isAutoReshuffle() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Returns true if the random number stream is reshuffled during auto-reset operations.
isAutoTie() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Determines whether Lilypond will automatically calculate ties across bars when output is generated.
isBarCheck() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns true if bar checking is enabled when Lilypond output is generated.
isBassOnFirstBeat() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If set to true, the first drum in the kit will always be used to sound the first beat in the lower voice.
isBinary(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed array consists of only zero's or 1's
isBlank(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the string consists entirely of whitespace.
isChordGenerationInKey() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter is set to true if the chord generation is guaranteed to be in-key, i.e.
isChromatic() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns true if this scale id is for a chromatic scale, otherwise false.
isContainedIn(MusicElementType[]) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Returns true if this type is contained in the passed array of types, otherwise false.
isConvertChords() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
If true, (the default), then this notator will convert chords to tuplets as they are encountered.
isConvertTuplets() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
If true, (the default), then this notator will convert tuplets to chords as they are encountered.
isCorrectlyGrouped(int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns true if all music elements in the bar range of the voice specified are correctly grouped according to the note group array passed.
isCreateFileContainingAllPhrases() - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
Returns true if the phrase maker will create a single file containing all the generated phrases.
isCreateFileContainingAllPhrases() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
Returns true if the phrase maker will create a single file containing all the generated phrases.
isCreateIndividualPhraseFiles() - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
If set to true the phrase maker will create each phrase in its own dedicated file.
isCreateIndividualPhraseFiles() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
If set to true the phrase maker will create each phrase in its own dedicated file.
isCreateSeparateInstrumentScores() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true then separate scores will be produced - one for each instrument playing in the composition.
isCreateSingleScore() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true then a single score for the entire composition will be produced containing the music for all instruments laid out down the page in the same sequence as a standard orchestra score.
isDefaultIntegerStream() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Returns true if 'this' is the default integer stream, otherwise false.
isDefaultIntegerStream() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
isDisplayAsCompoundStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStave
If true, this instrument will be written across a compound treble and bass stave much like that used for the piano, but joined with a single line rather than the curly braces.
isDistinct() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Debug routine which checks that every music element in each stave part is distinct, we don't want multiple references to identical music elements, because if we change the duration or pitch of one, then it would effect the other also.
isDistinct(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Checks for elements that have repeated references thereto within the passed list.
isDotted(NoteLength) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns true if the passed note length is a dotted duration.
isDotted() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns true if this note length is a dotted duration.
isDoubleDotted(NoteLength) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns true if the passed note length is a double-dotted duration.
isDoubleDotted() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns true if this note length is a double-dotted duration.
isEmpty() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns true if this voice contains no music elements, even rests.
isEmpty() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Returns true if the ring is empty, otherwise false.
isEraser() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns true if this enum represents an eraser notator type.
isFiller() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns true if this enum represents a notator type which is a filler.
isFirst() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Predicate that returns true if the bar is the first bar in the composition
isFirstInSection() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Predicate that returns true if the bar is the first bar in a section.
isFlat(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFlatRep
Returns true if the passed pitch value is represented by a flat, such as A-flat or G-flat
isGenerateExampleJavaCode() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true, then whenever a composition is created, a small example java file will be created that would reproduce the same output.
isGlissando() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns true if this instrument can do glissando
isGraceNotesEnabled() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If this parameter is false this guarantees that no grace notes will occur in the composition.
isGraceNotesInKey() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If true all grace notes will be generated in-key, if false then some may be accidentals.
isHarmonicMinor() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns true if this scale id is for a harmonic minor scale, otherwise false.
isHarmonics() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns true if this instrument can play harmonics
isHarmonizeLower() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Returns true if the harmony interval is subtracted from the main pitch; it returns false, if the interval is added.
isHeldByValue() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Returns true if the music elements in this fragment are held by value
isIdentical(TimePtr) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Returns true if this and the 'other' pointer refer to identical time ticks at the same bar and offset.
isIdentical(TimeRange) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns true if the left and right edges of the two ranges are identical.
isIdentical(TimeWindow) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Returns true if the left and right edges of the two windows are identical.
isIdentical(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PF
Deep-equality method.
isIdentical(DrumId[], DrumId[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns true if all the elements in each array are identical.
isIdentical(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Provide a 'deep' equality test so we can compare fragments for identity according to the musicality of their contents.
isIdentical(MusicElement, boolean, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
This does not override the standard equality test so it will not affect how these chords are stored in hash tables etc.
isIdentical(GraceNote) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
This does not override the standard equality test so it will not affect how these grace notes are stored in hash tables etc.
isIdentical(MusicElement, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
This does not override the standard equality test so it will not affect how these are stored in hash tables etc.
isIdentical(MusicElement, boolean, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
This does not override the standard equality test so it will not affect how these are stored in hash tables etc.
isIdentical(MusicElement, boolean, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
This does not override the standard equality test so it will not affect how these are stored in hash tables etc.
isIdentical(MusicElement, boolean, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
This does not override the standard equality test so it will not affect how these are stored in hash tables etc.
isIdentical(double[], double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns true if all the elements in each array are identical.
isIdentical(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if all the elements in each array are identical.
isIdentical(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Returns true if the passed 2D arrays contain exactly the same number of sub-arrays which in turn have exactly the same integers, otherwise false.
isIdentical(long[], long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns true if all the elements in each array are identical.
isIdentical(String[], String[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if all the strings in each array are identical.
isIgnoreChords() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
If true, then chords will be ignored, or skipped, by this iterator.
isIgnoreChords() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
If true, then chords will be ignored, or skipped, by this extractor.
isIgnoreChords() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
If true, this method will ignore all chords.
isIgnoreChords() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
If true, this method will ignore all chords.
isIgnoreFirstPosition() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.NearestNeighbourIterator
If true, the element at the very start of the search will not be matched.
isIgnoreNotes() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
If true, then notes will be ignored, or skipped, by this iterator.
isIgnoreNotes() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
If true, then notes will be ignored, or skipped, by this extractor.
isIgnoreRests() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
If true, then rests will be ignored, or skipped, by this iterator.
isIgnoreRests() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
If true, then rests will be ignored, or skipped, by this extractor.
isIgnoreTuplets() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
If true, then tuplets will be ignored, or skipped, by this iterator.
isIgnoreTuplets() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
If true, then tuplets will be ignored, or skipped, by this extractor.
isInKey() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
If set to true, each element is harmonized using the supplied scale object.
isInKey() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
If true, then the inversion process guarantees that all notes that were originally 'in key' (i.e.
isInKey() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
If true, then the inversion process guarantees that all notes that were originally 'in key' (i.e.
isInKeyStrategy() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Predicate function that returns true if this chord generation strategy can be used to generate chords which are guaranteed to be in key, i.e.
isInPitchedContext() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Refers to current stave, should there be one, to determine whether this object is in a pitched context or not.
isInPitchedContext() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Refers to owning music element, should there be one, to determine whether this grace note object is in a pitched context or not.
isInPitchedContext() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns true if this music element is in a melodic stave context, otherwise false.
isInPitchedContext() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Refers to current stave, should there be one, to determine whether this object is in a pitched context or not.
isInPitchedContext() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Refers to current stave, should there be one, to determine whether this object is in a pitched context or not.
isInPitchedContext() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Refers to current stave, should there be one, to determine whether this object is in a pitched context or not.
isInSelection(StavePart) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelector
Returns true if the passed stave part is held within one of the selected staves, otherwise false.
isInSelection(StavePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelectorBase
Returns true if the passed stave part is held within one of the selected piano staves, otherwise false.
isInSelection(VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Returns true if the passed voice part is contained within the selected voices, otherwise false.
isIntegerString(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed string consists only of digit characters optionally preceded by a minus sign, otherwise false.
isLast() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Predicate that returns true if the bar is the last bar in the composition
isLastInSection() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Predicate that returns true if the bar is the last bar in a section.
isMajor() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns true if this scale id is for a major scale, otherwise false.
isMarkedForSave() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.FragmentCacheRing
If true then the contents of the fragment cache are saved out to the Lilypond file as XML, and will have appropriate code generated when java code output is requested.
isMarkedForSave() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.PlacementCacheRing
If true then the contents of the placement cache are saved out to the Lilypond file as XML, and will have appropriate code generated when java code output is requested.
isMarkedForSave() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.TransformGroupCacheRing
If true then the contents of the transform group cache are saved out to the Lilypond file as XML, and will have appropriate code generated when java code output is requested.
isMelodicMinor() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns true if this scale id is for any melodic minor scale, either ascending or descending, otherwise false.
isMelodicMinorAscending() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns true if this scale id is for a melodic minor ascending scale, otherwise false.
isMelodicMinorDescending() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns true if this scale id is for a melodic minor descending scale, otherwise false.
isMetronomeSuppressed() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
If true, then this score will NOT have a metronome track output to the Lilypond file.
isMonotonic(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed array is filled with monotonically increasing values staring with the value 'start' at the zero'th index of the array.
isMonotonicIntegerStreamRandomInit() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If set to true, (the default), all the system parameters pertaining to the Monotonic Integer Streams will be set randomly.
isMoveUp() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Returns the boolean which determines how the pitches of accidentals are read from the source scale and mapped in the target scale.
isMutes() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns true if this instrument is capable of playing muted notes.
isNearBridge() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns true if the timbre of the instrument can be changed by playing near the bridge.
isNovelKeyTimeTempo() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true then all new parameter frames created by the composer in situations where the key, the time signature and the tempo are unspecified, will have these three values set randomly at the point of frame creation.
isOnlyDigits(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed string consists only of digit characters.
isOnlyNumber(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns true if the passed string consists only of digit characters, and optionally a minus sign and a single decimal point, otherwise false.
isPadWithRests() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentCutter
In the event that the start bar is empty, or already contains a phrase which is shorter than the start time offset, this option, if true, will pad this voice part with rests to ensure that the cut section is exactly located where it is expected.
isPassingNotesInKey() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
isPerturbPFTableOnReplay() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true then before any reloaded Lilypond file is executed, all the parameter frames in each cell in the PFTable are deleted, and all the PF's at the head of sections and at the beginning of rows are perturbed according to the settings of the probability and distance percentage arrays.
isPianoNoteStemsOpposing() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If set to true then the note stems of the upper voice will all go up, and those of the lower voice will go down.
isPianoStaveAutoChange() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns true if voices will move automatically between piano staves when using extreme pitches.
isPitchStrataInKey() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If the pitch strata spans an octave or more, then the fragment is guaranteed to remain in its original key.
isPitchStrataOn() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Answers the question as to whether pitch stratification is currently operative.
isPizzicato() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns true if the instrument is one that can play pizzicato
isPlain(NoteLength) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns true if the passed note length is neither dotted or double dotted.
isPlain() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns true if this note length is neither dotted or double dotted.
isPreferBreakScoreFilesAtSectionBoundaries() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true, then when splitting large compositions across multiple Lilypond files the bar ranges chosen for each file will break at section boundaries where possible as long as other constraints allow.
isPreferNearPitchMax() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Returns true if the cut points will be located near pitch maximums in any fragment, otherwise false (the default)
isPreferNearPitchMin() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Returns true if the cut points will be located near pitch minimums in any fragment, otherwise false (the default)
isPrime(long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Returns true if passed integer p is prime, otherwise false.
isProfileFollowMode() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.PitchRewritingNotator
Returns true if this notator is in profile following mode (the default) otherwise false, which means it uses a simple modulo strategy when fitting integers into local pitch ranges.
isRaggedLastBar() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns true if a ragged last bar is allowed when Lilypond output is generated.
isRegistered(DrumKitId) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Returns true if a drum kit with this identifier has been registered for use.
isRegistered(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Returns true if a drum kit with this name has been registered for use.
isRegistered(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns true if a scale with this id has been registered for use.
isRegistered(DrumScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns true if a drum scale with this id has been registered for use.
isRegistered(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Returns true if a scale with this name has been registered for use.
isRegistered(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Returns true if a fragment by this name has been registered.
isRegistered(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Returns true if there is a fragment by this number registered.
isRegistered(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Returns true if a placement by this name has been registered.
isRegistered(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Returns true if there is a placement by this number registered.
isRegistered(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Returns true if a transform group by this name has been registered.
isRegistered(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Returns true if there is a transform group by this number registered.
isReliablePatternedFiller() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns true if this enum represents a notator type which is a reliable patterned filler.
isReliableUnpatternedFiller() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns true if this enum represents a notator type which is a reliable un-patterned filler
isReSeedOnReplay() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true, then before any reloaded Lilypond file is executed, all the integer streams have their seeds re-set at random, so a new composition is created but using the parameters of the old one.
isResetFragment() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
If this method returns true, then as the placement pattern operates and moves between voices, the fragments in the fragment array will be re-used again from the beginning.
isReverseDirection() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
If true, the default, then intervals that originally descended in pitch will be inverted to ascend in pitch, and vice versa.
isRewriter() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns true if this enum represents a notator type which is a rewriter
isRunLilypondAutomatically() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true (the default) then Lilypond process is automatically run on all the Lilypond files produced by Opus+ as the last processing step.
isSaveParameterFramesToFile() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true, the default, all parameter frame information will be saved to the .ly file along with the Lilypond mark-up.
isSharp(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchSharpRep
Returns true if the passed pitch value is represented by a sharp, such as A# or G#
isShrink() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Returns true if the next call to transform will shrink a fragment, otherwise false.
isSilent() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns true if this voice contains only rests or is empty.
isSounded() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Always returns false.
isStretch() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Returns true if the next call to transform will stretch a fragment to twice its duration, otherwise false.
isStrict() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SerialismNotator
Returns true if the serial algorithm is applied strictly, i.e.
isSubOctaveInterval(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns true if the passed interval is greater than zero and less than an octave.
isSuppressMetronomeForSingleInstrumentScores() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true, then single instrument scores will NOT have a metronome track output to the Lilypond file.
isSustain() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Returns true if the instrument can play sustained notes.
isTied() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns true if this chord is tied to another
isTied() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns true if this musical element is tied forwards to another
isTied() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns true if this note is tied to another
isTied() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns false because rests cannot be tied.
isTied() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns false because tuplets cannot be tied.
isTiedTo() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns true if this chord is tied to by another
isTiedTo() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns true if this musical element is tied to from the element behind.
isTiedTo() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns true if this note is tied to by another
isTiedTo() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns false because rests cannot be tied
isTiedTo() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns false because tuplets cannot be tied
isTiesAllowed() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
If true, then music elements can be tied to fulfil merge or extension operations.
isTiesAllowed() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Returns true if stretching a fragment in time can result in ties between notes/chords
isTriangular(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed a triangular number this returns true if X is triangular
isUnreliablePatternedFiller() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns true if this enum represents a notator type which is an unreliable patterned filler; they are unreliable in the sense that there is a relatively high probability of long silent passages within their coverage area.
isUseArticulations() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Generates articulation marks, e.g.
isUseCadenceNotator() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true (the default) then the CadenceNotator will be executed to give a slightly more palatable exit to the composition.
isUseCompoundStave() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If true, and this PF is the default for an instrument stave, then the instrument stave will be displayed as compound bass/treble stave rather like a piano.
isUseDynamics() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Generates volume dynamics information, e.g.
isUseIntroNotator() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
If true (the default) then the IntroNotator will be executed to give a semblance of an introductory musical passage to the piece.
isUseShortDrumNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Returns true of short Lilypond drum names are used, otherwise false (the default).
isUseShortInstrumentNames() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
By default the instrument names are printed at the start of each stave.
isUseShortNames() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns true of short Lilypond drum names are used, otherwise false (the default).
isUseSystemParameterXMLReference() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
When generating multiple Lilypond files if this is set to true then rather than saving the system parameters explicitly in every file, the XML is written to one of the files and all the others will hold a reference to that file.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.DrumStave
Returns true if this stave has a valid internal structure.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.DrumStavePart
Return true if this object has the bare-bones validity of a drum stave part i.e.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStave
Returns true if this stave has a valid internal structure.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStavePart
Return true if this object has the bare-bones validity of a pitched stave part i.e.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Returns true if the pointer is valid.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Returns true if one or other of the bounds of the range is valid.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Returns true if any of the underlying ranges for any of the voices covered by this window is valid.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStave
Returns true if this stave has a valid internal structure.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStavePart
Return true if this object has the bare-bones validity of a piano stave part i.e.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Returns true if this stave has a valid construction for its type.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Returns true if the underlying sub-type is correctly structured
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Checks the validity of the system parameters.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationVariant
Returns true if this object is fully initialized and ready to use.
isValid(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationMgr
Returns true if the passed duration can be used to represent a valid note, i.e.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns true if the name of the file is well-formed.
isValid() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Returns true if the resulting position is a VALID position within the total number of bars of the composition, otherwise false.
isValid() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Returns true if the resulting position is a VALID position within the total number of bars of the composition, otherwise false.
isValidLongDuration(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationMgr
Passed an integer this method returns true if it is a valid duration, which means that it is completely divisible by the NoteLength duration constants.
isValidLower(NoteType) - Static method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Returns true if the passed note type can be validly used as the lower number of a time signature
isValidLower(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Returns true if the passed integer can be validly used as the lower number of a time signature
isValueMonotonicToIndex(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if every value in the array is less than the index at that point.
isVibrato() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
returns true if the instrument is one which can play vibrato.
isWiden() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
If true, then execution will widen the phrase, which will emphasise its shape.
iterator() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Score
Returns an iterator which runs through the stave groups in the correct order.
iterator() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Returns an iterator over all the stave part objects in this stave.
iterator() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StaveGroup
Returns an iterator which runs through the stave in this group in the correct order.
iterator() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns an iterator over all the voice part objects in this voice.


JavaWriter - Class in opusplus.lib.file
Visitor class that writes out java code based on the current state of the Opus+ composition.
JavaWriter(File) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
Ctor that takes an output file
JavaWriter(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
Ctor that takes an output file name
JavaWriter(PrintStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
Ctor that takes a PrintStream so that System.out can be passed as an argument and output can be easily directed to the console.
jump(VoicePart, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Repositions the iterator at the passed voice part and offset.
jump(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Repositions the iterator at the passed voice number, bar and offset.
jump(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Jumps to the stave and bar passed.
jump(StavePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Sets the iterator at the passed stave part, allowing easy initialization of the iterator from any given stave part.
jump(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Jumps to the voice and bar passed.
jump(VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Sets the iterator at the passed voice part, allowing easy initialisation of the iterator from any given voice part.


keys() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Returns list of all the keys in order.
KeySignature - Class in opusplus.core.music
Constructing key signatures appears to work most excellently.
KeySignature(KeySpec[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.music.KeySignature
Default ctor for when you need to create your own modern key signatures.
KeySignature(KeySpec, KeyType) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.music.KeySignature
Passed a key specification constant, and a scale type constant (major/minor), both enums, a key signature is constructed for any of the standard major or minor scales.
KeySpec - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Allows the user/programmer to specify the standard keys quickly and unambiguously.
KeyType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Used in combination with the KeySpec enum to specify the standard key signatures.


LARGHETTO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
LARGO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
last() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Returns the last stave part from the current stave.
last() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Returns the last voice part from the current voice.
last(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the last element of the list
LENTO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
lessThan(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the true if the each element in arr1 is less than the corresponding element in arr2.
lessThanAll(double[], double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns the true if the passed argument x is smaller than each of the entries in the passed array, otherwise false
lessThanAll(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the true if the passed argument x is smaller than each of the entries in the passed array, otherwise false
lessThanAll(long[], long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns the true if the passed argument x is smaller than each of the entries in the passed array, otherwise false
lessThanOrEqual(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the true if the each element in arr1 is less than or equal the corresponding element in arr2.
lessThanOrEqualAll(double[], double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns the true if the passed argument x is smaller than or equal to each of the entries in the passed array, otherwise false
lessThanOrEqualAll(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the true if the passed argument x is smaller than or equal to each of the entries in the passed array, otherwise false
lessThanOrEqualAll(long[], long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns the true if the passed argument x is smaller than or equal to each of the entries in the passed array, otherwise false
lilypondComments(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Changes Lilypond comment mode.
LilypondFileHandle - Class in opusplus.core.lilypond
The file naming scheme is encapsulated in this class.
LilypondFileHandle(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Ctor that parses the details of the Lilypond file name out of the passed string.
LilypondFileHandle(File) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Ctor that parses the details of the Lilypond file name out of the passed java.io.File object.
LilypondOctavator - Class in opusplus.core.lilypond
Class encapsulates the processing required for auto-octavation for Lilypond output.
LilypondOctavator() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondOctavator
LilypondParser - Class in opusplus.core.lilypond
Class that parses the simple Lilypond generated and handled by Opus+
LilypondParser() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondParser
LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger - Class in opusplus.core.lilypond
Class encapsulating the piano stave 'auto' changing of Lilypond.
LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger
LilypondRunner - Class in opusplus.lib.misc
Class that encapsulates executing Lilypond on multiple Lilypond files and managing the external process.
LilypondRunner(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.misc.LilypondRunner
Ctor for processing a single Lilypond file.
LilypondRunner(File) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.misc.LilypondRunner
Ctor for processing a single Lilypond file object.
LilypondRunner(ArrayList) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.misc.LilypondRunner
Ctor for batch processing a whole list of Lilypond files in one go.
LilypondWriter - Class in opusplus.core.lilypond
This class uses a stave iterator to visit every element within the composition and writes it out in Lilypond format.
LilypondWriter(File) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondWriter
Convenience ctor to output to a particular file.
LilypondWriter(PrintStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondWriter
Ctor to write Lilypond data out to any print stream - for example the console.
LilypondWriter() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondWriter
Default ctor that uses the working directory and the Lilypond output file name specified in the system parameters.
limitMaxMin(MusicElement, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Method that limits pitches which fall outside the specified bounds in one central place.
limitMaxMin(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Method that limits pitches which fall outside the specified bounds in one central place.
limitMaxMin(int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Method that limits pitches which fall outside the specified bounds in one central place.
limitNonZeroWeights(IntegerStream, int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed a set of weights and two integer arguments specifying the minimum and maximum number of non-zero values that the resulting array should contain, this method selects a random number between the two inclusive and then returns an array of the same size containing only this number of the original positive values, all the others having been set to zero.
lineCompareFiles(File, File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Method which compares two files for similarity line-by-line and returns true if they are identical, false otherwise.
lineCompareFiles(String, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Method which compares two files for similarity line-by-line and returns true if they are identical, false otherwise.
listFiles(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a list of the file objects in the passed directory.
listSubDirectories(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a list of the sub-directory objects in the passed directory.
listToArray(ArrayList) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Converts an ArrayList of DrumId objects to an array of same; returns null if passed a null.
listToArray(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Passed an ArrayList, returns a double array containing the same data
listToArray(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Passed an ArrayList, returns a long array containing the same data
listToArray(ArrayList, Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an array containing the same elements as the passed list in the same order.
listToArray(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Converts an array list of objects into a java array thereof.
load() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaLoader
Reads the XML file from _in and sets the SysParameters accordingly.
loadOpusPlusSettingsFile() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
Loads the data from the file OpusPlusSettings.xml
loadOpusSettings() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaLoader
Method reads the global Opus+ settings to a file normally called OpusPlusSettings.xml, found in either the current directory or the default working directory.
logicalAND(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array of ones and zeros which represent a logical AND of the data in the passed arrays.
logicalANDValues(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array which represent a logical AND of the values in the passed arrays.
logicalOR(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array of ones and zeros which represent a logical OR of the data in the passed arrays.
logicalORValues(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array which represent a logical OR of the values in the passed arrays.
logicalXORValues(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array which represent a logical XOR of the values in the passed arrays.
logVoicePartInfo() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Debug routine that prints voice part information for every voice part in the composition.
logVoicePartInfo(Logger, VoicePart) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Debug routine that writes out information, such as stave type, stave and voice number, instrument, bar number, the instrument, the scale and the pitch representation type, for the passed voice part.
logVoicePartInfo(PrintStream, VoicePart) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Debug routine that writes out information, such as stave type, stave and voice number, instrument, bar number, the instrument, the scale and the pitch representation type, for the passed voice part.
LongArray - Class in opusplus.core.utilities.maths
A bunch of static methods for manipulating Java arrays of longs.
LongArray() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
longArrayToIntArray(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Converts an array of longs to an array of ints.
longestMatch(String, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the longest matched substring between s1 and s2.
longTimeToDateString(long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed a long containing the milliseconds since the epoch, this function returns a nicely formated date string.
longToBinaryArray(long, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an integer array containing ones and zeros in the same pattern as the N least significant bits in the passed long.
lowestPitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData


Main - Class in opusplus.programs
The main Opus+ entry point.
Main() - Constructor for class opusplus.programs.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class opusplus.programs.Main
MajMinChordSpec - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum which allows for easy creation of three-note chords with two similar intervals; either major-minor or minor-major.
MajorScaleFactory - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Factory class which creates all the major scales.
MajorScaleFactory() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.MajorScaleFactory
match(ArrayList, int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MatchFunctor
This method tests the element at position 'index' of list and returns true if the match succeeded, else false.
match(PFMatchFunctor, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
If this map contains a match for the passed parameter frame on application of the passed match functor, the object at this slot is returned, otherwise null is returned.
match(PF, PF) - Method in interface opusplus.core.config.PFMatchFunctor
This method tests the passed parameter frame in any way desired by the caller to determine whether it is a 'hit' or not.
matchAll(PFMatchFunctor, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Returns a collection of all the objects that have a match for the passed parameter frame on application of the passed match functor; if nothing matches an empty list is returned.
MatchFunctor - Interface in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
Defines the interface that is required by the functor passed to classes such as the nearest neighbour iterator.
max(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the maximum value found in this array
maxDown() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns the maximum semitone modulation interval downwards defined here.
maxUp() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns the maximum semitone modulation interval upwards defined here.
md5Checksum(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
md5Checksum(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
MelodicMinorScaleFactory - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Creates melodic minor scales.
MelodicMinorScaleFactory() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.MelodicMinorScaleFactory
memberNamesToFields(Class, String[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Converts an array of data member names to an array of the corresponding field objects
memberNamesToFields(Class, ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Converts an array of data member names to an array of the corresponding field objects
memberNameToXMLTag(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Converts a member name in the capitalized form, into a simple XML tag name, by removing the underscore prefix and capitalizing the first letter i.e.
MetaStreamInitializer - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Singleton that is used to initialize some IntegerStream classes when their no-arg constructors are used.
MetronomeType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Allows the caller to specify a metronome type unambiguously.
midiName - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
MIDIVoice - Class in opusplus.core.music
This class is used to assign MIDI voices to individual notes, that change the current MIDI instrument voice used for this stave until another note has a non-null MIDI voice.
MIDIVoice(InstrumentId) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.music.MIDIVoice
min(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the minimum value found in this array
minimalReinitialize() - Method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
Erases some of the current composition state, destroys caches, re-seeds integer streams, destroys singleton objects, and reverts many components back to their initial state.
MinorScaleFactory - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Factory class which creates all the harmonic minor scales.
MinorScaleFactory() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.MinorScaleFactory
mirrorInversion(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Applies a simple mirror inversion to every pitch in the array (accept the first) based on the existing interval between them.
mirrorInvertTransform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
A mirror inversion transform suitable for inverting serial rows.
MirrorInvertTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
A mirror inversion transform suitable for inverting serial rows.
MirrorInvertTransform() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.MirrorInvertTransform
No-arg default ctor.
mirrorInvertTransform(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
A mirror inversion transform suitable for inverting serial rows.
Misc - Class in opusplus.core.utilities
Miscellaneous useful things, but none are concerned with any specifically musical material
Misc() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
MODERATO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
modulate(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Modulates the chord by the passed interval.
modulate(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Modulates the grace note by the passed interval.
modulate(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Modulates the music element by the passed interval.
modulate(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Modulates the note by the passed interval.
modulate(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
This method is a no-op.
modulate(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Modulates the tuplet by the passed interval.
modulateTransform(ArrayList, SemitoneModulation) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Returns a fragment containing the passed phrase modulated by the passed semitone interval.
modulateTransform(ArrayList, int, MusicalScale, ModulationStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method returns a fragment modulated by the passed interval, and in a manner according to the modulation strategy passed; the argument 'interval' can be interpreted as semitones or as scale offsets.
ModulateTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
Transform functor that can modulate a given fragment or array list of music elements by a given interval.
ModulateTransform(SemitoneModulation) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Ctor which modulates in absolute semitones, with no guarantee that the resulting fragment will remain in key.
ModulateTransform(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Ctor which modulates in absolute semitones, with no guarantee that the resulting fragment will remain in key.
ModulateTransform(SemitoneModulation, Scale, ModulationStrategy) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Ctor which modulates in a manner according to the modulation strategy passed.
ModulateTransform(int, Scale, ModulationStrategy) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Ctor which modulates in a manner according to the modulation strategy passed.
modulateTransform(ArrayList, SemitoneModulation) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Returns a fragment containing the passed phrase modulated by the passed semitone interval.
modulateTransform(ArrayList, int, Scale, ModulationStrategy, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This method returns a fragment modulated by the passed interval, and in a manner according to the modulation strategy passed; the argument 'interval' can be interpreted as semitones or as scale offsets.
ModulationStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Determines how modulation transform operates.
MonotonicFragmentSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector
Returns fragments from the current fragment cache in rotation order.
MonotonicFragmentSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.MonotonicFragmentSelector
MonotonicIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
This integer stream simply returns values between 'min' and 'max' that are greater than or equal to the previous value returned, and then cycles back to do the same again.
MonotonicIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Ctor which constrains the range of the values to the single value zero.
MonotonicIntegerStream(IntegerStream, long, long, long, long, int, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Ctor which constrains the range of the values returned between 'min' and 'max' inclusive.
MonotonicPlacementSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector
Returns placements from the current placement cache in rotation order.
MonotonicPlacementSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.MonotonicPlacementSelector
MonotonicTransformGroupSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector
Returns transform groups from the current transform group cache in rotation order.
MonotonicTransformGroupSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.MonotonicTransformGroupSelector
more() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.BarSteppingSpacer
Returns true if there is still more work to do in the current iteration.
more() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.DensitySensitiveSpacer
Returns true if there is still more work to do in the current iteration.
more() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomJumpingSpacer
Returns true if there is more work to do in this iteration.
more() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomSteppingSpacer
Returns true if there is still more work to do in the current iteration.
more() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Returns true while there is more of the stave to iterate across.
more() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.TimeSteppingSpacer
Returns true if there is still more work to do in the current iteration.
most(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns everything BUT the LAST element of the list
mostCommon(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the most common values in the passed array.
moveBy(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeItrInterface
Moves the iterator either forward or backward along the current voice relative to its current position.
moveBy(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Moves the pointer forward by the passed time interval, relative to its current position.
moveBy(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Moves the range either forward or backward along the current voice relative to its current position.
moveBy(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Moves the window either forward or backward along the stave relative to its current position.
moveTo(int, int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeItrInterface
Moves the iterator to the specified bar and offset on the current voice.
moveTo(int, int, int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeItrInterface
Moves the iterator to the specified bar and offset and changes the current voice.
moveTo(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Moves the pointer to the absolute bar number and offset.
moveTo(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Moves the pointer to the absolute voice, bar number and offset.
moveTo(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Moves the left side of the range to the specified bar and offset on the current voice.
moveTo(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Moves the left side of the range to the specified bar and offset and changes the current voice.
moveTo(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Moves the left side of the window to the specified bar and offset.
moveToBar(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeItrInterface
Moves the iterator to the start of the specified bar on the current voice.
moveToBar(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Moves the pointer to the start of the passed bar number.
moveToBar(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Moves the left side of the range to the start of the specified bar on the current voice.
moveToBar(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Moves the left side of the window to the start of the specified bar.
multiply(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a new array containing the multiples of corresponding elements from arr1 and arr2, starting from the zero'th offset.
multiplyAllBy(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Multiplies all elements of the integer array by the passed amount
MusicalScale - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Represents a musical scale.
MusicalScale(PitchSpec, int[], PitchRep, ScaleId, KeySignature) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
This ctor is passed a scale id parameter, among others, so it can only be used to construct scales which are known at compile time, i.e.
MusicalScale(PitchSpec, int[], PitchRep, String, KeySignature) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
This ctor is passed the scale name as a string, among others, so it can be used to construct any conceivable scale at runtime.
MusicElement - Interface in opusplus.core.musicElements
This class represents a music element which can be interpreted as either a musical note or a drum beat depending on its context, i.e.
MusicElementIterator - Class in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
This class is a forward-only iterator which is positioned on a particular voice part at a particular offset.
MusicElementIterator(int, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Constructor which takes a voice number and a start bar/offset which positions this iterator on a particular voice part at a particular note offset.
MusicElementIterator(VoicePart, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Constructor which positions this iterator on a particular voice part at a particular note offset.
MusicElementIterator(Fragment) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Constructor that positions the iterator at the start of a fragment.
MusicElementIterator(Fragment, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Constructor that positions the iterator at the offset position of a fragment.
MusicElementIterator(ArrayList) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Constructor that positions the iterator at the start of an arbitrary list of music elements
MusicElementIterator(ArrayList, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Constructor that positions the iterator at an offset in an arbitrary list of music elements
MusicElementStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
Returns a series of music elements according to the dictates of the various music streams from which it is composed.
MusicElementStream(IntegerStream, PF, Scale) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.MusicElementStream
Ctor which takes an integer stream, to create novelty, and a parameter frame to constrain that creation.
MusicElementType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enumerated type used to disambiguate the sub-class of music elements quickly and easily; particularly useful in switch statements (if that's the sort of programming you're into...
MusicElementTypeStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
A stream which returns one of several type specifiers with a weighted probability.
MusicElementTypeStream(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.MusicElementTypeStream
Ctor that returns one of four music element type specifiers with equal probability: CHORD, NOTE, REST or TUPLET.
MusicElementTypeStream(IntegerStream, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.MusicElementTypeStream
Ctor that returns one of four music element type specifiers with weighted probability: CHORD, NOTE, REST or TUPLET.
mutes - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData


nearBridge - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
NearestNeighbourIterator - Class in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
Passed an ArrayList, a starting position and a functor object, this iterator will progressively search forward and backwards through the collection to identify the first element that 'qualifies'.
NearestNeighbourIterator(ArrayList, int, MatchFunctor) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.NearestNeighbourIterator
Passed an ArrayList, a starting position and a functor object, this iterator will progressively search forward and backwards through the collection to identify the first element that 'qualifies'.
next(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.BeatIterator
Returns the next 'beats worth' of music elements in the passed array.
next() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
Returns the next unfiltered music element from this voice, or null if none are found.
next() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Returns the next stave part from the current stave.
next() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Returns the next voice part from the current voice.
next() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Returns the next duration for the current bar.
next(NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ChordStream
Returns the next chord of the requested duration from this stream.
next() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Returns the next duration for the current bar.
next() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationStream
Returns the next duration for the current bar.
next(NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.MusicElementStream
Returns the next fully constructed music element
next() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.MusicElementTypeStream
Returns the next music element type from the stream, with a probability according to the current weights setting.
next() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.NoteOffsetStream
Returns the next pitch from the stream
next() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.RetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Returns the next pitch from the stream
next() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.SimpleNoteOffsetStream
Returns the next pitch offset from the stream.
next() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedNoteOffsetStream
Returns the next pitch offset from the stream.
next() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedRetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Returns the next pitch offset from the stream.
next() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.BarSteppingSpacer
Method that moves this spacer on by a fixed number of bars.
next() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.DensitySensitiveSpacer
Moves the spacer to a new position depending on the density of the music found up ahead.
next() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomJumpingSpacer
Moves this spacer to a random position on the stave.
next() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomSteppingSpacer
Walks the spacer forward by a random number of bars between zero and a 'maximum increment'.
next() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Method that calculates the next position for stencil application.
next() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.TimeSteppingSpacer
Moves the spacer forward a fixed time offset
next() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Returns the next element in the ring and increments the current position, or returns null if the ring is empty.
nextBar() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Sets the stream ready to return a new bar's worth of durations.
nextBar() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Sets the stream ready to return a new bar's worth of durations.
nextBar() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationStream
Sets the stream ready to return a new bar's worth of durations.
nextBinaryCombination(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed an array containing all 1's and 0's, this method ascertains how many 1's there are and then returns a new array containing the next combination of 1's with the same number of bits set.
nextTonalCenter() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedNoteOffsetStream
Returns a pitch offset which is one of the tonal centres according to the weights passed.
NiceHash - Class in opusplus.core.utilities
Utility class which converts the hashCode of a number of objects into a monotonic set of integers which are only dependent on the call-order.
NiceHash() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.utilities.NiceHash
Default no-arg ctor which ensures that calling getHash(null) will always return zero.
NOPTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
Transform that leaves the fragment passed entirely unchanged.
NOPTransform() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.NOPTransform
No-arg ctor
normalize(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Ensures that the passed string is in a known state and that if null is returned as the empty string "".
normalizeWeightArray(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Steps out the weights array across the entire range min to max, and then returns a new weights array which works for the range between min and max.
notAllZero(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed array is not null and not all zero.
Notator - Interface in opusplus.lib.notator
Common execution interface for all notators.
NotatorBarRange - Class in opusplus.lib.factories
Simple class which holds a record of notaor related information; specifically the voices and the range of bars over which it will operate.
NotatorBarRange(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Ctor which creates a record of a range without any notator assigned.
NotatorBarRange(Notator, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Full state ctor.
NotatorBarRangeTable - Class in opusplus.lib.factories
Relatively simple data structure which has fairly complex behaviour.
NotatorBarRangeTable(int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Sole ctor which takes two integer arguments: the total number of voices in the pending composition and its total duration in bars
NotatorBase - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
NotatorBase() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBase
NotatorBaseState - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
Abstract base class for all notators, except those which write across the entire score.
NotatorBaseState(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Full-state ctor which takes an integer stream, to enable decisions to be made at random, a selection of voices, and a range of bars specified by the start bar, (an index where the first bar is bar zero), and the number of bars.
NotatorCreationStrategy - Interface in opusplus.lib.factories.strategies
Interface for a strategy pattern for creating sets of cooperating and mutually supportive notators in different ways.
NotatorCreationStrategyBase - Class in opusplus.lib.factories.strategies
Abstract factory class which provides useful method for all sub-classes implementing the NotatorCreationStrategy interface.
NotatorCreationStrategyBase(IntegerStream, IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategyBase
The ctor here takes two integer streams.
NotatorCreationStrategyType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Specifies the strategy used by the NotatorFactory to create notators at random.
NotatorDummyBase - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
Dummy base class which has default NOP implementations of parts of the Notator interface that are not really applicable to some classes of Notator.
NotatorDummyBase() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorDummyBase
NotatorFactory - Class in opusplus.lib.factories
Factory class which creates groups of notators according to various 'creation strategies'.
NotatorFactory(NotatorCreationStrategy) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorFactory
Full-state ctor which initializes this factory to use the passed creation strategy.
NotatorFactory(IntegerStream, IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorFactory
The ctor here takes two integer streams.
NotatorFactory(IntegerStream, IntegerStream, NotatorCreationStrategyType) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorFactory
The ctor here takes two integer streams and a type specifier for the creation strategy.
NotatorType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Specifies the types of notator in a compile-time type-safe format.
Note - Class in opusplus.core.musicElements
A musical 'thing' with pitch and duration.
Note() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Ctor does nothing
Note(int, NoteLength) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Ctor that fully constructs a note; its pitch, duration and its Lilypond representation.
NoteLength - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum which can be used to specify the duration of any music element, not just notes, where the value of each enum bears an exact integer relation to the proportion of time that the music element should occupy.
noteOffsetInScaleToAbsolutePitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Converts between scale offsets to absolute 'pitch' - which in this case is the drum sound value.
noteOffsetInScaleToAbsolutePitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Passed an offset into the scale, this method returns the pitch of the note at that offset.
noteOffsetInScaleToAbsolutePitch(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Passed an offset into the scale, this method returns the pitch of the note at that offset.
NoteOffsetStream - Interface in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
Defines an interface for streams of music element pitch information.
NoteOffsetStreamType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Allows the user to unambiguously specify the music element stream type used for composition.
NoteType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
There are two different constants of entities such as CROTCHET and QUAVER.
nthHighest(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the nth highest value found in this array.
nthLowest(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the nth lowest value found in this array.
nthMostCommon(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the values in the passed array that are the Nth most common.
NUM_DOTTED_NOTE_LENGTHS - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
NUM_DOUBLE_DOTTED_NOTE_LENGTHS - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
NUM_PLAIN_NOTE_LENGTHS - Static variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
numCols(int[][]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Returns the number of columns in the passed 2D array
numCombinations(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the number of ways to select r things from n i.e.
NumerologyIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Wraps any other integer stream in a filter which performs 'theosophic addition' on every number value generated from the other stream.
NumerologyIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Ctor that takes another integer stream as the source of its values.
NumerologyIntegerStream(IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Ctor that takes another integer stream as the source of its values, and a radix used for theosophic addition.
numPermutations(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the number of ways to arrange n things i.e.
numPermutations(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the number of arrangements of r things out of n, where n > r > 0.
numRows(int[][]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Returns the number of rows in the passed 2D array.


octavationTransform(ArrayList, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method requires two integers which together define a target range.
octavationTransform(ArrayList, int, int, MusicalScale, ModulationStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method requires two integers which together define a target range.
OctavationTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This functor modulates fragments into pitch ranges such that they remain pitch invariant.
OctavationTransform(int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Ctor which takes two integers which together define a target range.
octavationTransform(ArrayList, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This method requires two integers which together define a target range.
octavationTransform(ArrayList, int, int, Scale, ModulationStrategy, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This method requires two integers which together define a target range.
octaveAdjust(int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Adjusts the octave of the pitch such that it falls between the values of min and max, or very nearby.
OffsetContinuo - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Class that writes an array of fragments as a continuo on two staves starting at a specified stave/bar and time offset, but the continuo fragments are offset with respect to time; each phrase played by one instrument, and then before it finishes, another will start.
OffsetContinuo() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetContinuo
Ctor which writes across all voices by default, with a zero offset and to the end of the stave.
OffsetContinuo(VoiceSelector, int, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetContinuo
Full-state ctor which determines the voices, the number of repeated instantiations and the offset between each phrase.
OffsetPhrase - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Class that writes fragments on to two different staves with one offset in time with respect to the other - that is one plays, and then before this finishes, another instrument immediately begins to play the next fragment, and so on for all the fragments.
OffsetPhrase() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetPhrase
Default ctor which writes across every voice by default with a zero offset between each phrase.
OffsetPhrase(VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetPhrase
Full-state ctor, which determines the voices involved in the placement the offset between the phrases and the initial time offset into the first bar where writing starts
onespace(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the passed string but with any white space reduced to a single space character and with leading and trailing spaces trimmed.
OpusExecutable - Interface in opusplus.lib
Top-level interface for Opus+ components that create music.
OpusExecutor - Class in opusplus.lib
This class provides a 'bullet-proof' (or rather 'a more robust') execution environment for Opus+ composition processing.
OpusLib - Class in opusplus.lib
The top level class for all library access.
OpusMessageMgr - Class in opusplus.lib
This class is a singleton and controls the configuration of Opus+ log messages.
opusplus.core.composition - package opusplus.core.composition
opusplus.core.composition.iterator - package opusplus.core.composition.iterator
opusplus.core.composition.selector - package opusplus.core.composition.selector
opusplus.core.config - package opusplus.core.config
opusplus.core.config.perturb - package opusplus.core.config.perturb
opusplus.core.constants - package opusplus.core.constants
opusplus.core.durations - package opusplus.core.durations
opusplus.core.fragment - package opusplus.core.fragment
opusplus.core.instruments - package opusplus.core.instruments
opusplus.core.lilypond - package opusplus.core.lilypond
opusplus.core.music - package opusplus.core.music
opusplus.core.musicElements - package opusplus.core.musicElements
opusplus.core.scales - package opusplus.core.scales
opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams - package opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams - package opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
opusplus.core.utilities - package opusplus.core.utilities
opusplus.core.utilities.maths - package opusplus.core.utilities.maths
opusplus.lib - package opusplus.lib
opusplus.lib.factories - package opusplus.lib.factories
opusplus.lib.factories.strategies - package opusplus.lib.factories.strategies
opusplus.lib.file - package opusplus.lib.file
opusplus.lib.misc - package opusplus.lib.misc
opusplus.lib.notator - package opusplus.lib.notator
opusplus.lib.notator.stencil - package opusplus.lib.notator.stencil
opusplus.lib.placement - package opusplus.lib.placement
opusplus.lib.rings - package opusplus.lib.rings
opusplus.lib.rings.cache - package opusplus.lib.rings.cache
opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector - package opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector - package opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector
opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector - package opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector
opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector - package opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector
opusplus.lib.transforms - package opusplus.lib.transforms
opusplus.programs - package opusplus.programs
OpusVersion - Class in opusplus.lib
Holds Opus+ version information
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordConvertOption
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationPostProcess
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefOctave
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DissonanceTritoneChordSpec
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DurationStreamType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FileVersioningStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FragmentCreationStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentCategory
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InversionType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeyType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MajMinChordSpec
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MetronomeType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ModulationStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorCreationStrategyType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteOffsetStreamType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ParameterGroup
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFTableReconciliationStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PhraseShape
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchRepType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchSpec
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PlacementType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.RestType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScoreSection
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SmoothingLevel
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StaveType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SyncopateOp
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TransformType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TupletExtractionStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoiceType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
ordinalToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ZoneNotatorActions
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their declared position.
OuterVoiceChange - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Outer and inner voices within a chord are distinct and they should be treated differently.
overlaps(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed four integers that specify two ranges, this method returns true of the ranges overlap, otherwise false.
overlaps(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Predicate function that returns true if the passed voice number and bar range overlaps with the range held by this object.
overlaps(NotatorBarRange) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Returns true if this bar and voice range overlaps with the 'other'.


packageNameToDirectoryName(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Passed a package name - returns its directory name.
padOrPrune(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Forces the duration of the phrase in this bar to the passed value by either padding it with rests, or by cutting the existing phrase back to the target value.
ParameterGroup - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum that allows the programmer to specify groups of parameters for perturbation easily and reliably.
parse(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondParser
Parses simple Lilypond strings such as those representing single fragments.
parseAbsolutePitchReferenceString(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFactory
Given a string of the form "F# three octaves above middle C" or something like "Db 2 below mid C" this method will return the absolute pitch as an integer in the form used by this program.
partialReinitialize() - Method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
Erases most of the current composition state, destroys caches, re-seeds integer streams, destroys singleton objects, and reverts nearly everything back to the initial program state.
PassingNoteNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
Notator which examines existing musical material over a number of bars for a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
PassingNoteNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.PassingNoteNotator
Constructor which takes an integer stream, to handle decision points, a selection of voices, the start bar and a number of bars.
PatternInfo - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Simple plain-old-data object (POD) which groups together parameters used by the generalized placement pattern.
PatternInfo(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.PatternInfo
Full state ctor.
paws() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Utility function which when called forces the current thread to wait for the user to press return.
percentage(double, double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a double precision number giving the percentage of the passed value.
percentage(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an integer giving the percentage of the passed value.
percentDifference(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PF
Percentage difference method which gives an approximate measure of the difference between two parameter frames.
permutation(int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
The number of permutation of n different elements is given by n! This function allows the caller random access to these, by passing in a decimal integer, k, between 0 and n!-1.
PersichettiHarmony - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum which represents the character of various intervals as described in Persichetti's book 20th Century Harmony (P.14).
perturb(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs all parameter values in all 26 groups.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordConvertOption
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationPostProcess
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefOctave
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DissonanceTritoneChordSpec
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DurationStreamType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FileVersioningStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FragmentCreationStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentCategory
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InversionType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeyType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MajMinChordSpec
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MetronomeType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ModulationStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorCreationStrategyType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteOffsetStreamType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ParameterGroup
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFTableReconciliationStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PhraseShape
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchRepType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchSpec
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PlacementType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.RestType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScoreSection
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SmoothingLevel
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StaveType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SyncopateOp
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TransformType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TupletExtractionStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoiceType
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturb(IntegerStream, int, int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ZoneNotatorActions
Returns a 'randomly perturbed' enum based on the current value of 'this'.
perturbAccentPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbAccentWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbAccumulationPlacementDispersePercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbAccumulationPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbAnsweringPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioDownPitchPatternResuseWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioDurationPatternResuseWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioNoteDurationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioPitchChainingPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioPrincipalPitchWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioTrillParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 33 PF members in the 'ArpeggioTrill' parameter group.
perturbArpeggioTrillPlacementWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioTrillProbabilityWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioTripletNotePercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioUpPitchPatternResuseWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArpeggioWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbArrayValues(IntegerStream, int[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Method which spins through the array and first of all uses the probability percentage to decide if any perturbation should occur; if not then the element is left unchanged.
perturbArrayValues(IntegerStream, int[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Method which spins through the array and first of all uses the probability percentage to decide if any perturbation should occur; if not then the element is left unchanged.
perturbArrayValues(IntegerStream, int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Method which spins through the array and first of all uses the probability percentage to decide if any perturbation should occur; if not then the element is left unchanged.
perturbArrayValues(IntegerStream, int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Method which is designed for perturbing binary arrays by flipping their values with a specified probability, so ensuring that the result only contains 1's and 0's.
perturbBarClearPatternWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbBarPatternCacheSize(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbBassOnFirstBeat(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbBooleanValue(IntegerStream, boolean, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the opposite boolean value to the one passed with a probability defined by the passed probabilityPercentage
perturbCacheParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 7 PF members in the 'Cache' parameter group.
perturbChordGeneration2nd3rd4thWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationChordSizeWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
perturbChordGenerationDissonanceTritoneChordSpecWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationHarmonicProfileWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationInKey(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationInvertDownPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationInvertOffsetPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationInvertUpPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationMajMinChordSpecWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationMixedIntervalLowerWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationMixedIntervalUpperWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationMultiIntervalWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationNeighbourChordShiftVector(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationNeighbourChordWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationNumberedChordWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationPostProcessingWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationPureIntervalWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationSolidifyAddFifthPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationSpreadMaxPitch(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationSpreadMinPitch(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationSpreadProportionalPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordGenerationStrategyWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 5 PF members in the 'Chord' parameter group.
perturbChordTupletTransformChordNoteOrderArray(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordTupletTransformConvertChordPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordTupletTransformConvertTupletPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbChordTupletTransformTupletOptionWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbClefOctave(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbClefType(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbContinuoPlacementGapQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbContinuoPlacementMinRepeats(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbCreateArpeggioTrillPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDottedChordMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDottedDurationParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 5 PF members in the 'DottedDuration' parameter group.
perturbDottedDurationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDottedNoteMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDottedRestMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDottedTupletMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDoubleDottedChordMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDoubleDottedDurationParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 5 PF members in the 'DoubleDottedDuration' parameter group.
perturbDoubleDottedDurationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDoubleDottedNoteMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDoubleDottedRestMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDoubleDottedTupletMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDurationParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 1 PF members in the 'Duration' parameter group.
perturbDurationStreamTypeWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDynamicsParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 12 PF members in the 'Dynamics' parameter group.
perturbDynamicsPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbDynamicsWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFermataPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFermataWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragementCreationBarrelFallingPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentCacheRingSelectorWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentCreationCombPattern(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentCreationDistributeRestPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentCreationLeadingVoiceClosestPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentCreationStrategyWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentDurationUnits(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentLengthQuantization(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentNotatorDensitySensitiveWindowWidthInBars(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentNotatorMaxBarStep(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentNotatorMaxRandomJumps(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentNotatorMaxTargetDensity(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentNotatorMinBarStep(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentNotatorMinRandomJumps(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentNotatorMinTargetDensity(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentNotatorParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 25 PF members in the 'FragmentNotator' parameter group.
perturbFragmentNotatorSpacerTimeQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentNotatorSpacerWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentNotatorTimeStepTickSize(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbFragmentParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 8 PF members in the 'Fragment' parameter group.
perturbFragmentSelectorPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNoteOnDottedChordPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNoteOnDottedNotePercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNoteOnDottedTupletPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNoteOnPlainChordPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNoteOnPlainNotePercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNoteOnPlainTupletPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNoteParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 15 PF members in the 'GraceNote' parameter group.
perturbGraceNotesEnabled(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbGraceNotesInKey(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbHarmonizingTransformHarmonizeLowerPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbHarmonizingTransformInKeyPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbHarmonizingTransformIntervalWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbHarmonyNotatorCadenceTypeWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbHarmonyNotatorChordSequenceTransformWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbHarmonyNotatorDurationPatternTransformWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbHarmonyNotatorParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 6 PF members in the 'HarmonyNotator' parameter group.
perturbHarmonyNotatorReplaceChordSequencePercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbHarmonyNotatorReplaceDurationPatternPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbHarmonyNotatorVoiceExtractionStrategyWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbHarmonyParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 25 PF members in the 'Harmony' parameter group.
perturbHarmonyPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbInstrumentId(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbIntegerValue(IntegerStream, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Method which first of all uses the probability percentage to decide if any perturbation should occur; if not then the method is a no-op and the value is returned unchanged.
perturbIntegerValue(IntegerStream, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Method which first of all uses the probability percentage to decide if any perturbation should occur; if not then the method is a no-op and the value is returned unchanged.
perturbInterleavedContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbInterleavedContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbInterleavedContinuoPlacementMinRepeats(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbIntervalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbIntervalNotatorDownWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbIntervalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbIntervalNotatorIgnoreChordsPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbIntervalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbIntervalNotatorParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 6 PF members in the 'IntervalNotator' parameter group.
perturbIntervalNotatorUpWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbInvertTransformPivotMaxNoteOffset(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbInvertTransformPivotMinNoteOffset(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxAltoPitch(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxArpeggioPitchJump(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxArpeggioPitchReverseJump(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxBassPitch(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxChordInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxFragmentDuration(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
perturbMaxFragmentsPerCache(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxGraceNoteIntervalAbove(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxGraceNoteIntervalBelow(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxHairpinLength(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxNoteOffsetJumpDown(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxNoteOffsetJumpUp(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxNotesInArpeggio(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxNotesInChord(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxNotesInGraceNote(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxNotesInTrill(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxNotesInTuplet(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxNumberDifferentArpeggioNoteDurations(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxNumberDifferentTrillNoteDurations(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxPassingNotes(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxPlacementsPerCache(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxSingleFragmentCacheFillerStrategyPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxTransformGroupsPerCache(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxTransformsPerGroup(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxTreblePitch(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxTrillPitchDown(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxTrillPitchUp(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxTupletInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMaxTupletSpan(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinAltoPitch(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinBassPitch(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinChordInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinFragmentDuration(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
perturbMinFragmentsPerCache(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinHairpinLength(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinNotesInArpeggio(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinNotesInChord(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinNotesInGraceNote(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinNotesInTrill(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinNotesInTuplet(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinPassingNotes(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinPlacementsPerCache(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinTransformGroupsPerCache(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinTransformsPerGroup(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinTreblePitch(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMinTupletInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMixedArpeggioNoteDurationPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMixedTrillNoteDurationPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbModulateTransformIntervalWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbModulateTransformModulationStrategyWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbMusicElementTypeWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbNoteGroups(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbNoteOffsetStreamType(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbNumBars(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbOctavateTransformDownPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbOctavateTransformModulationStrategyWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbOffsetContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbOffsetContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbOffsetContinuoPlacementMinRepeats(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbOffsetContinuoPlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbOffsetPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbOffsetPhrasePlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteOnDottedChordPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteOnDottedNotePercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteOnDottedTupletPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteOnPlainChordPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteOnPlainNotePercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteOnPlainTupletPercentages(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 16 PF members in the 'PassingNote' parameter group.
perturbPassingNotePatternWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNotePhraseFromChordModulationAxisWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNotePitchZoneWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNotesInKey(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPassingNoteTupletInterleavePercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPhraseShaperTransformAdjacencyPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPhraseShaperTransformSwapPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPhraseShaperTransformWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 10 PF members in the 'Pitch' parameter group.
perturbPitchRewritingParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 1 PF members in the 'PitchRewriting' parameter group.
perturbPitchRewritingProfileFollowModePercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchShiftTransformModulationStrategyWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchShiftTransformShiftVector(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchStrataInKey(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchStrataMax(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchStrataMin(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchStrataOn(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchWidenTransformIgnoreChordPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchWidenTransformInKeyPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPitchWidenTransformWidenPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlacementCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlacementCacheRingSelectorWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlacementParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 19 PF members in the 'Placement' parameter group.
perturbPlacementSelectorPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlacementTypeWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlainChordMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlainDurationParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 5 PF members in the 'PlainDuration' parameter group.
perturbPlainDurationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlainNoteMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlainRestMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbPlainTupletMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbRotateTransformMaxLeftPlaces(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbRotateTransformMaxRightPlaces(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbRunningInversionTransformIgnoreChordPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbRunningInversionTransformInKeyPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbRunningInversionTransformReverseDirectionPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbScaleChangerTransformMoveUpPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbScaleMode(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbScaleName(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
perturbSectionalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSectionalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSectionalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSectionalNotatorParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 3 PF members in the 'SectionalNotator' parameter group.
perturbSerialismParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 4 PF members in the 'Serialism' parameter group.
perturbSerialismVoiceApplicationStrategyWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSerialRowLengthWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSerialRowModulationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbShuffle(IntegerStream, int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Shuffle variant that does not 'shuffle too much'.
perturbShuffleTransformCutPoints(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbShuffleTransformNumShuffleParts(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMaxPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMinPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSinglePhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSlowPhraseDoublingWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSlowPhraseNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSlowPhraseNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSlowPhraseNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSlowPhraseParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 4 PF members in the 'SlowPhrase' parameter group.
perturbSoloPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbStrictSerialismPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbStructureParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 9 PF members in the 'Structure' parameter group.
perturbSyncopateTransformTiesAllowedPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbSyncopateTypeTransformWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTempo(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
perturbThickeningTransformWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbThinningTransformWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTimeParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 3 PF members in the 'Time' parameter group.
perturbTimeSignatureLower(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
perturbTimeSignatureUpper(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTimeWarpTransformShrinkPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTimeWarpTransformTiesAllowedPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTransformGroupCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTransformGroupCacheRingSelectorWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTransformGroupSelectorPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTransformParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 41 PF members in the 'Transform' parameter group.
perturbTransformRepeatMask(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTransformTypeWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillDurationPatternResuseWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillNoteDurationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillOffsetQuantizationWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillPitchChainingPercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillPitchPatternResuseWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillPrincipalPitchWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillTripletNotePercentage(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillTypeWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTrillWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbTupletParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 5 PF members in the 'Tuplet' parameter group.
perturbUseCompoundStave(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbZoneNotatorActionWeights(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbZoneNotatorLeaveNullNamesAsEmptyPercent(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
perturbZoneNotatorParameters(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Perturbs 2 PF members in the 'ZoneNotator' parameter group.
PF - Class in opusplus.core.config
The PF class is one of the primary classes within Opus+.
PF() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PF
PFBespoke - Class in opusplus.core.config
Holds methods which are hand-written such as convenience functions.
PFBespoke() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
PFExtensions - Class in opusplus.core.config
Holds hash structures and methods for user defined extensions to parameter frames.
PFExtensions() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
PFFactory - Class in opusplus.core.config
Class which make parameter frame objects with interesting settings.
PFFactory() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFFactory
Default no-arg ctor.
PFFactory(int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFFactory
Ctor that takes two percentages which constrain how variable the generated parameter frames are from the default.
PFMap - Class in opusplus.core.config
A class which holds a objects in a semi-ordered structure keyed by a parameter frame.
PFMap() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Only ctor
PFMatchFunctor - Interface in opusplus.core.config
Defines the interface that is required by a match functor passed to classes such as the PF map to determine whether the map contains elements that 'match'.
PFMembers - Class in opusplus.core.config
This class is the bass class of the Parameter Frame inheritance hierarchy.
PFMembers() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
PFMethods - Class in opusplus.core.config
This class is a sub-class within the Parameter Frame inheritance hierarchy.
PFMethods() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
PFPerturbator - Class in opusplus.core.config.perturb
Class which mathematically perturbs the values in a parameter frame (PF) instance and is also able to 'reconcile' the values such that they remain 'operationally consistent'.
PFPerturbator(IntegerStream, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbator
PFPerturbatorBase - Class in opusplus.core.config.perturb
Class which mathematically 'perturbs' the values in a parameter frame (PF) instance and is also able to 'reconcile' the values such that they remain 'operationally consistent'.
PFPerturbatorBase(IntegerStream, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
PFPerturbatorBespoke - Class in opusplus.core.config.perturb
This class forms part of the hierarchy for the PFPerturbator 'class'.
PFPerturbatorBespoke(IntegerStream, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
PFPerturbatorMethods - Class in opusplus.core.config.perturb
Class which helps to mathematically perturb the values in a parameter frame (PF) instance and is also able to 'reconcile' the values such that they remain 'operationally consistent'.
PFPerturbatorMethods(IntegerStream, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
PFSet - Class in opusplus.core.config
A collection of unique parameter frames; and this uniqueness is defined by the isIdentical() method, which examines the entire content of a parameter frame.
PFSet() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
No-arg ctor creates an empty table.
PFTable - Class in opusplus.core.config
This class is needed because a data structure must be dedicated to configuration, rather than simply building the Composition instanced directly.
PFTable() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Default no-arg ctor.
PFTableReconciliationStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Allows the user to specify how reconciliation operates when the parameter frame table is rendered operationally consistent.
PFUsageStatistics - Class in opusplus.core.config
This class is used to collect statistics on which properties of parameter frames are used and how often.
PFUsageStatistics() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
No-arg ctor
PFUsageStatsHolder - Class in opusplus.core.config
Class to hold the usage statistics data member so this does not get mixed up with the more important functional code.
PFUsageStatsHolder() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatsHolder
PFXMLCompressionType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Specifies how parameter frames are saved as XML to file.
PhraseCreator - Class in opusplus.lib
This class creates short musical phrases rather than entire compositions.
PhraseCreator() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
No-arg default ctor which will use the default parameter frame for both voices and generate phrases for the default instrument, (a classical guitar).
PhraseCreator(File) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
Ctor which takes the name of an XML parameters file.
PhraseCreator(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
Ctor which takes the name of an XML parameters file.
PhraseCreator(IntegerStream, PF, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
Ctor which takes an integer stream and two parameter frames.
PhraseMaker - Interface in opusplus.lib
Interface for classes that create short musical phrases rather than entire compositions.
PhraseMakerBase - Class in opusplus.lib
Persistence mechanism for PhraseMaker objects
PhraseMakerBase() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.PhraseMakerBase
PhraseShape - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum that determines how the pitches of phrases will be shaped.
PhraseShaperTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
Transforms a fragment into a familiar shape such as a 'U' shape or rearrange the pitches in a given phrase such that they form the contour of a 'hill'.
PhraseShaperTransform() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
No arg ctor which shrinks the duration of a fragment by half by default.
PhraseShaperTransform(IntegerStream, int[], int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Full state ctor which enables the caller to decide between shrinking and stretching at construction time.
PianoStave - Class in opusplus.core.composition
Stave sub-class for piano staves.
PianoStave(Instrument) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStave
Ctor that takes a instrument object which is one of the 'piano instruments' i.e.
PianoStavePart - Class in opusplus.core.composition
One bar of a drum stave.
PianoStavePart(PF[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStavePart
Ctor that is passed two parameter frames, one each for the left and right hands of the composition, as a two element array.
PianoStavePart(PF[], PianoStave, Bar) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStavePart
Ctor that is passed two parameter frames, one each for the left and right hands of the composition, as a two element array.
PianoStaveSelector - Class in opusplus.core.composition.selector
Class which selects a set of the piano staves in the composition.
PianoStaveSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.PianoStaveSelector
Ctor which selects all the piano staves from the composition
PitchDrumRep - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Adaptor class which enables drum sounds to appear as a scale.
PitchDrumRep() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.PitchDrumRep
Default ctor which represents every drum pitch possible
PitchDrumRep(ArrayList) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.PitchDrumRep
Ctor which allows for pitch representations tailored for specific scales.
PitchedStave - Interface in opusplus.core.composition
Interface implemented by all pitched staves
PitchedStaveSelector - Class in opusplus.core.composition.selector
Class which selects a set of the pitched staves in the composition.
PitchedStaveSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.PitchedStaveSelector
Ctor which selects all the pitched staves from the composition
PitchFactory - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Factory that is used internally to initialize pitch representations used to print the notes of particular scales.
PitchFlatRep - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Represents the pitches between whole tones using flats as opposed to sharps.
PitchFlatRep(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFlatRep
Private ctor which initializes the Lilypond representation of the notes, using flats not sharps.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, PersichettiHarmony, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates and returns a fragment with the intervals of each musical element within the passed list such that it is drawn from the semitone intervals associated with the passed Persichetti harmony.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, PersichettiHarmony[], boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates and returns a fragment with the intervals of each musical element within the passed list such that it is drawn from the semitone intervals associated with the passed Persichetti harmonies with equal probability.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, SemitoneInterval[], boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates and returns a fragment with the intervals of each musical element within the passed list drawn from the array of semitone intervals with equal probability.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, int[], boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates and returns a fragment with the intervals of each musical element within the passed list with a probability controlled by the weights array.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, int[], int[], boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates and returns a fragment with the intervals of each musical element within the passed list with a probability controlled by the two weights arrays.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, SemitoneInterval[], int[], boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates and returns a fragment with the intervals of each musical element within the passed list such that it is drawn from the array of semitone intervals with a probability controlled by the passed weights array.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, SemitoneInterval[], int[], int[], boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Creates and returns a fragment with the intervals of each musical element within the passed list such that it is drawn from the array of semitone intervals with a probability controlled by the two weights arrays.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, PersichettiHarmony, boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Sets the intervals of each musical element within the passed list such that it is drawn from the semitone intervals associated with the passed Persichetti harmony with equal probability.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, PersichettiHarmony[], boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Sets the intervals of each musical element within the passed list such that it is drawn from the semitone intervals associated with the passed Persichetti harmonies with equal probability.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, SemitoneInterval[], boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Sets the intervals of each musical element within the passed list such that it is drawn from the array of semitone intervals with equal probability.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, int[], boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Sets the intervals of each musical element within the passed list with a probability controlled by the weight array.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, int[], int[], boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Sets the intervals of each musical element within the passed list with a probability controlled by the two weights arrays.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, SemitoneInterval[], int[], boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Sets the intervals of each musical element within the passed list such that it is drawn from the array of semitone intervals with a certain probability controlled by the passed weights array.
pitchIntervalsTransform(ArrayList, SemitoneInterval[], int[], int[], boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Sets the intervals of each musical element within the passed list such that it is drawn from the array of semitone intervals with a certain probability controlled by the two weights arrays.
PitchRep - Interface in opusplus.core.scales
Provides a convenient interface for the pitch factory to access pitches expressed as either sharps or flats and quickly switch between sharp or flat mode at very low runtime cost.
PitchRepType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum which allows the user to specify how the notes of a bespoke scale will be represented.
PitchRewritingNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
This class takes an integer stream and reads the data from stream and uses these as the pitches almost directly.
PitchRewritingNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.PitchRewritingNotator
Full-state ctor
PitchSharpRep - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Represents the pitches between whole tones using sharps as opposed to flats.
PitchSharpRep(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.scales.PitchSharpRep
Private ctor which initializes the Lilypond representation of the notes using sharps not flats.
pitchShiftTransform(ArrayList, int[], MusicalScale, ModulationStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This method applies a vector of vertical shifts to the pitches of a fragment.
PitchShiftTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This transform applies a vector of vertical shifts to the pitches of a fragment.
PitchShiftTransform(int[], Scale) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Ctor that fully constructs a generally usable transform but defaults to semitone pitchshifts.
PitchShiftTransform(int[], Scale, ModulationStrategy) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Full state ctor
pitchShiftTransform(ArrayList, int[], Scale, ModulationStrategy, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This method applies a vector of vertical shifts to the pitches of a fragment.
PitchSpec - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
This enum provides convenient constants so programmers can refer easily to 'the home pitch' of any particular note.
pitchStringToValue(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondParser
Passed a pitchString in Lilypond format, this function returns the pitch value used internally by Opus+ to represent this note.
pitchStringToValue(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchDrumRep
Passed a drum string in Lilypond format, this function returns the number value used internally by Opus+ to represent this drum beat.
pitchWidenTransform(ArrayList, MusicalScale, boolean, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This transformer method examines the interval between each consecutive note in a phrase, and changes each interval, by widening or narrowing the interval, in the same direction as the original difference between the consecutive notes.
PitchWidenTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This transformer examines the interval between each consecutive note in a phrase, and changes each interval, by widening or narrowing the interval, in the same direction as the original difference between the consecutive notes.
PitchWidenTransform() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
No-arg ctor.
PitchWidenTransform(Scale, boolean) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
Ctor that takes the scale to use, and a boolean to determine whether the execution compresses or widens pitch.
pitchWidenTransform(ArrayList, Scale, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This transformer method examines the interval between each consecutive note in a phrase, and changes each interval, by widening or narrowing the interval, in the same direction as the original difference between the consecutive notes.
pizzicato - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
Placement - Interface in opusplus.lib.placement
An Opus+ Placement enables users to write a number musical fragments or phrases across multiple instruments in a variety of spatial/temporal arrangements.
PlacementCache - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache
An Opus+ Placement enables users to write a number musical fragments or phrases across multiple instruments in a variety of spatial/temporal arrangements.
PlacementCache(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Construct a placement cache supplying an integer stream so it can also return random selections of placements.
PlacementCacheFiller - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache
Class which creates a number of placement caches using a list of parameter frames, essentially one parameter frame for each of the placement caches.
PlacementCacheFiller() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCacheFiller
No arg ctor
PlacementCacheFiller(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCacheFiller
Full-state ctor
PlacementCacheRing - Class in opusplus.lib.rings
This singleton class holds a collection of placement caches in a collection called a 'ring'.
PlacementCacheRing() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.PlacementCacheRing
PlacementCacheRingSelector - Interface in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Interface which all placement cache ring selectors should implement.
PlacementFactory - Class in opusplus.lib.factories
Factory for creating placements in various ways
PlacementFactory(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.PlacementFactory
Full-state ctor
PlacementPattern - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Class which implements a generalized placement pattern based on a mathematical analysis of the ways it is possible to distribute finite fragments of music onto a set of voices.
PlacementPattern() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
No arg ctor
PlacementPattern(ArrayList) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Ctor that enables the caller to specify the pattern to be applied when this pattern is executed.
PlacementPattern(PatternInfo[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Ctor that enables the caller to specify the pattern to be applied when this pattern is executed, using a straight java array which is sometimes more convenient.
PlacementSelector - Interface in opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector
Interface for placement selection strategies.
PlacementType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Gives the types of the placements that operate with single or multiple fragments.
playChords - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
pop() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Removes the last fragment off the internal fragment stack and returns it to the caller.
pos(DrumId[], DrumId) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns the (zero based) index of the first occurrence of the passed DrumId within the passed array, or -1 if not found.
pos(DrumKitId[], DrumKitId) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Returns the (zero based) index of the first occurrence of the passed DrumKitId within the passed array, or -1 if not found.
pos(DrumScaleId[], DrumScaleId) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns the (zero based) index of the first occurrence of the passed DrumScaleId within the passed array, or -1 if not found.
pos(InstrumentId[], InstrumentId) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Returns the (zero based) index of the first occurrence of the passed InstrumentId within the passed array, or -1 if not found.
pos(NoteLength[], NoteLength) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns the index in the passed array of note length nl or -1 if not found.
pos(double[], double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns the (zero based) index of double x within the passed array, or -1 if not found.
pos(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the (zero based) index of the first occurrence of integer x within the passed array, or -1 if not found.
pos(long[], long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns the (zero based) index of long x within the passed array, or -1 if not found.
posIgnoreCase(String[], String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the offset of string s within the passed array arr or -1 if not found.
posNth(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the (zero based) index of the nth occurrence of integer x within the passed array, or -1 if not found.
posOfFirstDigit(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the index of the first digit, as defined by Character.isDigit(), in the passed string or a negative number if not found.
posStartsWith(String[], String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the offset of the first string in the passed array arr that is a prefix of string s, or -1 if none are found.
postProcess(Chord, PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Slightly alters the passed chord according to the a randomly selected post-processing strategy; one of those defined in the enum ChordGenerationPostProcess.
pow2(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Return 2^n.
preferredClef - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
prepend(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Prepends the passed music elements to this fragment.
prepend(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Prepends the passed music elements to this fragment.
prepend(double[], double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns an array containing the elements of the passed array with the passed double prepended to the start.
prepend(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array containing the elements of the passed array with the passed integer prepended to the start.
prepend(long[], long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns an array containing the elements of the passed array with the passed long prepended to the start.
prependMusicElement(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Adds the passed note, chord, rest or what-not to the start of this voice part.
prependMusicElements(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Prepends all the passed music elements at the start of this voice part.
prependTransform(TransformFunctor) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Inserts the passed transform at the first position
PRESTISSIMO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
PRESTO - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
prev() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Returns the previous element in the ring and decrements the current position, or returns null if the ring is empty.
previous() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Returns the previous stave part from the current stave.
previous() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Returns the previous voice part from the current voice.
PrimeIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Returns a sequence of prime numbers up to 1,000,000,000 and a min and max can be specified to limit the returned numbers to fall within a specific range.
PrimeIntegerStream() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Ctor which 'seeds' this stream of primes from 1.
PrimeIntegerStream(long) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Ctor that sets the number above which the search for primes starts.
print(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Convenience function for printing out arrays of doubles quickly.
print(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Convenience function for printing out arrays of integers quickly.
print(int[][]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Convenience function for printing out 2D arrays of integers quickly.
print(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Convenience function for printing out arrays of longs quickly.
printAllIntegerStreamCtors() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Useful debugging routine that prints out all the integer streams used (since the last call to OpusLib.init()) along with all the arguments used for their construction.
printAllRemainingDurations() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Composition
Debug routine that prints the remaining duration of every bar of every stave.
printArray(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Calls toString on all the contents of an array
printAutoChange(PrintStream, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger
Passed the pitches of the current music element, this method will print out the necessary stave change strings to track pitches.
printCaches(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCacheFiller
Convenient routine for printing out the contents of all the fragment caches
printCaches() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCacheFiller
Convenient routine for printing out the contents of all the placement caches
printCaches() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCacheFiller
Convenient routine for printing out the contents of all the transform group caches
printCombinations(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
This is a debug method that prints out all the possible combinations for the passed duration using the plain, dotted and double-dotted masks current set in this calculator object.
printCombinations(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
This is a debug method that prints out all the possible combinations for a bar as specified by the time signature and the plain, dotted and double dotted masks in the passed parameter frame.
printDefaultRandomSeeds() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Prints out the default random number seeds used to initialize all the number streams.
printDifferences(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PF
Debug method that prints out those parameters that have different values between two parameter frames.
printDifferences(Hashtable, Hashtable) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Prints the differences between the contents of the two passed Hashtables.
printExtensionDifferences(PFExtensions) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Debug method that prints out the difference between two PFExtensions to stdout.
printOctavation(PrintStream, ClefType, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondOctavator
Passed the clef id and an array of pitches, this method will print out the appropriate Lilypond octavation strings to the passed print stream according to the constraints specified in the SysParameters class and the current octavation level.
printOpusPlusSettings() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
Prints out the Opus+ settings as loaded from the file OpusPlusSettings.xml
printRandomSeedsUsed() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
The idea behind this method is to assist the programmer in debugging errors by making it easier to reproduce identical Opus+ program behaviour with repeated runs of the Opus+ code.
printSomeJavaProperties() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
Prints some important properties to the log to aid debugging.
printStartupInfo(String[]) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
ProbabalisticCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Simple cache selection strategy where the current cache is changed with a probability expressed as a percentage.
ProbabalisticCacheSelector(CacheRing, IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticCacheSelector
Default ctor which switches the cache to the next one in the ring, with a 50/50 probability, on every call to selectCache().
ProbabalisticCacheSelector(CacheRing, IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticCacheSelector
Default ctor which switches the cache to the next one in the ring, with a probability specified as a percentage, on every call to selectCache().
ProbabalisticFragmentCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Probabilistically switches the fragment cache with a probability expressed as a percentage
ProbabalisticFragmentCacheSelector(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticFragmentCacheSelector
ProbabalisticFragmentCacheSelector(IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticFragmentCacheSelector
ProbabalisticPlacementCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Probabilistically switches the placement cache with a probability expressed as a percentage
ProbabalisticPlacementCacheSelector(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticPlacementCacheSelector
ProbabalisticPlacementCacheSelector(IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticPlacementCacheSelector
ProbabalisticTransformGroupCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Probabilistically switches the transform group cache with a probability expressed as a percentage
ProbabalisticTransformGroupCacheSelector(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticTransformGroupCacheSelector
ProbabalisticTransformGroupCacheSelector(IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticTransformGroupCacheSelector
probeFile() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns true if a file by this name exists in the current working directory as specified in the SysParameters, otherwise false.
probeForNextVersion() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
This method examines the file system and searches for all files with the same root name, and calculates the next version number to use such that no clash with existing files will occur.
ProcessRunner - Class in opusplus.lib.misc
Class which can run a command as if it were typed at the command line.
ProcessRunner() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.misc.ProcessRunner
put(T) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Inserts the passed element into the ring after the current position and then increments the current position to point to the new element.
pythagoras(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed two points, this function works out the distance between them using Pyhthagoras' theorem.


quantize(int, NoteLength) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Quantizes a duration to the passed interval
quantize(int, int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Quantizes a duration to the passed interval
quantize(int, TimeQuantization, TimeSignature) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Quantizes the passed time offset within a bar to the passed quantization with respect to the passed time signature.


randomAccumulationPlacement(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.PlacementFactory
Creates a randomly configured accumulation placement according to the parameters specified in the passed parameter frame.
randomAnsweringPhrasePlacement(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.PlacementFactory
Creates a randomly configured answering phrase placement according to the parameters specified in the passed parameter frame.
randomBoolean(IntegerStream, int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns either true or false with a certain probability determined by the 'weights' in the passed array.
randomBoolean() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Quick way to make a random choice between good and evil....the dice man cometh! These methods are not meant for heavy use because internally they create a number stream object on every call.
randomBoolean(IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Alternative quick way to make a random choice between good and evil....the dice man cometh! These methods are not meant for heavy use because internally they create a number stream object on every call.
randomBoolean(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Yet another way to make a random choice between good and evil....the dice man cometh! These methods are not meant for heavy use because internally they create a number stream object on every call.
randomBoolean(IntegerStream, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Qualified way to make a random choice of boolean value.
randomBoolean(IntegerStream, int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns either true or false with a certain probability determined by the 'weights' in the passed array.
RandomBooleanStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Returns a random series of true/false values
RandomBooleanStream() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomBooleanStream
RandomCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Class which changes the cache every N calls.
RandomCacheSelector(CacheRing, IntegerStream, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.RandomCacheSelector
Default ctor which switches the fragment cache to the next one in the ring on every call to selectCache().
randomChordTupletTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a randomly configured chord tuplet transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomContinuoPlacement(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.PlacementFactory
Creates a randomly configured continuo placement according to the parameters specified in the passed parameter frame.
randomDynamicsTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a randomly configured dynamics transform based on the relevant parameters in the passed argument.
RandomFragmentCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Randomly switches the fragment cache every N calls to 'selectCache' where N is bounded by a specified minimum and maximum.
RandomFragmentCacheSelector(IntegerStream, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.RandomFragmentCacheSelector
RandomFragmentSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector
Selects fragments from the current fragment cache at random.
RandomFragmentSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.RandomFragmentSelector
randomHarmonizingTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a randomly configured harmonizing transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomHarmonyPlacement(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.PlacementFactory
Creates a randomly configured harmony placement according to the parameters specified in the passed parameter frame.
RandomIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Returns a stream of random integers.
RandomIntegerStream() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Ctor which seeds the random number generator from the default value in SysParameters, or if this is zero, from the system time.
RandomIntegerStream(long) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Ctor which seeds the random number generator to the passed value.
randomInterleavedContinuoPlacement(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.PlacementFactory
Creates a randomly configured interleaved continuo placement according to the parameters specified in the passed parameter frame.
randomInvertTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a randomly configured phrase inverting transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
RandomJumpingSpacer - Class in opusplus.lib.notator.stencil
Spacer which moves the current position to a random bar and time offset within that bar and then applies any quantization that might have been set.
RandomJumpingSpacer(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomJumpingSpacer
Single argument ctor which takes an integer stream which will be used to decide on the next position.
RandomJumpingSpacer(IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomJumpingSpacer
Ctor that takes an integer stream which will be used to decide on the next position, and an integer which specifies the maximum number of spacer invocations, to avoid infinite loops.
randomMirrorInvertTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' mirror inversion transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomModulateTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a randomly configured modulation transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomNOPTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' NOP transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomOctavationTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a randomly configured octavation transform based on the relevant parameters in the passed argument.
randomOffsetContinuoPlacement(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.PlacementFactory
Creates a randomly configured offset continuo placement according to the parameters specified in the passed parameter frame.
randomOffsetPhrasePlacement(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.PlacementFactory
Creates a randomly configured offset phrase placement according to the parameters specified in the passed parameter frame.
randomPartition(IntegerStream, int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a random partition of the passed array, as an array of arrays.
RandomPhraseNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
Generates a random musical phrase on a selection of voices between specified start and end bars.
RandomPhraseNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.RandomPhraseNotator
Ctor which takes an integer stream, a voice selection, a start and end bar number.
randomPhraseShaperTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a randomly configured phrase shaper transform based on the relevant parameters in the passed argument.
randomPitchShiftTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' pitch shift transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomPitchWidenTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' pitch compression transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
RandomPlacementCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Randomly switches the placement cache every N calls to 'selectCache' where N is bounded by a specified minimum and maximum.
RandomPlacementCacheSelector(IntegerStream, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.RandomPlacementCacheSelector
RandomPlacementSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector
Selects placement from the current placement cache at random.
RandomPlacementSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.RandomPlacementSelector
randomRetrogradeTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' retrograde transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomRotateTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' rotation transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomRunningInversionTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' running inversion transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomScaleChangerTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' scale changer transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomShuffleTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' shuffle transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomSinglePhrasePlacement(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.PlacementFactory
Creates a randomly configured single phrase placement according to the parameters specified in the passed parameter frame.
RandomSteppingSpacer - Class in opusplus.lib.notator.stencil
Spacer which moves the current position forwards by a random increment of both bar and time offset within that bar, and then applies any quantization that might have been set.
RandomSteppingSpacer(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomSteppingSpacer
Single argument ctor which takes an integer stream which will be used to decide on the next position.
RandomSteppingSpacer(IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomSteppingSpacer
Ctor which takes an integer stream which will be used to decide on the next position, and an integer which bounds the maximum possible increment in bars.
randomSyncopateTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' syncopation transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomThickeningTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' musical thickening transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomThinningTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' musical thinning transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
randomTimeWarpTransform(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
This function creates a 'randomly configured' time warping transform based on the relevant weights and biases in the passed argument.
RandomTransformGroupCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Randomly switches the transform group cache every N calls to 'selectCache' where N is bounded by a specified minimum and maximum.
RandomTransformGroupCacheSelector(IntegerStream, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.RandomTransformGroupCacheSelector
RandomTransformGroupSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector
Selects transform groups from the current transform group cache at random.
RandomTransformGroupSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.RandomTransformGroupSelector
reconcile() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles all parameter values in all 26 groups.
reconcile() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Reconciles the parameter frame table ready for composition assembly.
reconcileAccentPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileAccentWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileAccumulationPlacementDispersePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileAccumulationPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileAnsweringPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioDownPitchPatternResuseWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioDurationPatternResuseWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioNoteDurationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioPitchChainingPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioPrincipalPitchWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioTrillParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 33 PF members in the 'ArpeggioTrill' parameter group.
reconcileArpeggioTrillPlacementWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioTrillProbabilityWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioTripletNotePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioUpPitchPatternResuseWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileArpeggioWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileBarClearPatternWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileBarPatternCacheSize() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileCacheParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 7 PF members in the 'Cache' parameter group.
reconcileChordGeneration2nd3rd4thWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationChordSizeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcileChordGenerationDissonanceTritoneChordSpecWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationHarmonicProfileWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationInvertDownPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationInvertOffsetPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationInvertUpPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationMajMinChordSpecWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationMixedIntervalLowerWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationMixedIntervalUpperWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationMultiIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationNeighbourChordShiftVector() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcileChordGenerationNeighbourChordWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationNumberedChordWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationPostProcessingWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationPureIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationSolidifyAddFifthPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationSpreadMaxMinPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationSpreadProportionalPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordGenerationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 5 PF members in the 'Chord' parameter group.
reconcileChordTupletTransformChordNoteOrderArray() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordTupletTransformConvertChordPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordTupletTransformConvertTupletPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileChordTupletTransformTupletOptionWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileContinuoPlacementGapQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileContinuoPlacementMaxMinRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcileCreateArpeggioTrillPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDottedChordMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDottedDurationParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 5 PF members in the 'DottedDuration' parameter group.
reconcileDottedDurationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDottedNoteMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDottedRestMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDottedTupletMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDoubleDottedChordMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDoubleDottedDurationParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 5 PF members in the 'DoubleDottedDuration' parameter group.
reconcileDoubleDottedDurationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDoubleDottedNoteMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDoubleDottedRestMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDoubleDottedTupletMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDurationParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 1 PF members in the 'Duration' parameter group.
reconcileDurationStreamTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDynamicsParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 12 PF members in the 'Dynamics' parameter group.
reconcileDynamicsPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileDynamicsWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFermataPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFermataWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragementCreationBarrelFallingPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxMinSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentCacheRingSelectorWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentCreationCombPattern() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentCreationDistributeRestPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentCreationLeadingVoiceClosestPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentCreationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentNotatorDensitySensitiveWindowWidthInBars() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentNotatorMaxMinBarStep() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentNotatorMaxMinRandomJumps() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentNotatorMaxMinTargetDensity() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentNotatorParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 25 PF members in the 'FragmentNotator' parameter group.
reconcileFragmentNotatorSpacerTimeQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentNotatorSpacerWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentNotatorTimeStepTickSize() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileFragmentParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 8 PF members in the 'Fragment' parameter group.
reconcileFragmentSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileGraceNoteOnDottedChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileGraceNoteOnDottedNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileGraceNoteOnDottedTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileGraceNoteOnPlainChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileGraceNoteOnPlainNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileGraceNoteOnPlainTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileGraceNoteParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 15 PF members in the 'GraceNote' parameter group.
reconcileHarmonizingTransformHarmonizeLowerPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileHarmonizingTransformInKeyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileHarmonizingTransformIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileHarmonyNotatorCadenceTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileHarmonyNotatorChordSequenceTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileHarmonyNotatorDurationPatternTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileHarmonyNotatorParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 6 PF members in the 'HarmonyNotator' parameter group.
reconcileHarmonyNotatorReplaceChordSequencePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileHarmonyNotatorReplaceDurationPatternPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileHarmonyNotatorVoiceExtractionStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileHarmonyParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 25 PF members in the 'Harmony' parameter group.
reconcileHarmonyPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileInterleavedContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileInterleavedContinuoPlacementMaxMinRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcileIntervalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileIntervalNotatorDownWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileIntervalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileIntervalNotatorIgnoreChordsPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileIntervalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileIntervalNotatorParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 6 PF members in the 'IntervalNotator' parameter group.
reconcileIntervalNotatorUpWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileInvertTransformPivotMaxMinNoteOffset() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxArpeggioPitchJump() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxArpeggioPitchReverseJump() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxGraceNoteIntervalAbove() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxGraceNoteIntervalBelow() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinAltoPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinBassPitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinChordInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinFragmentDuration() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcileMaxMinFragmentsPerCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinHairpinLength() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinNotesInArpeggio() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinNotesInChord() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinNotesInGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinNotesInTrill() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinNotesInTuplet() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinPassingNotes() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinPlacementsPerCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinTransformGroupsPerCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinTransformsPerGroup() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinTreblePitch() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxMinTupletInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcileMaxNoteOffsetJumpDown() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxNoteOffsetJumpUp() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxNumberDifferentArpeggioNoteDurations() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxNumberDifferentTrillNoteDurations() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxSingleFragmentCacheFillerStrategyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxTrillPitchDown() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMaxTrillPitchUp() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMixedArpeggioNoteDurationPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMixedTrillNoteDurationPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileModulateTransformIntervalWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileModulateTransformModulationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileMusicElementTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileNoteGroups() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileNumBars() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileOctavateTransformDownPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileOctavateTransformModulationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileOffsetContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileOffsetContinuoPlacementMaxMinRepeats() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcileOffsetContinuoPlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileOffsetPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileOffsetPhrasePlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteOnDottedChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteOnDottedNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteOnDottedTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteOnPlainChordPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteOnPlainNotePercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteOnPlainTupletPercentages() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 16 PF members in the 'PassingNote' parameter group.
reconcilePassingNotePatternWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNotePhraseFromChordModulationAxisWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNotePitchZoneWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePassingNoteTupletInterleavePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePhraseShaperTransformAdjacencyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePhraseShaperTransformSwapPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePhraseShaperTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePitchParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 10 PF members in the 'Pitch' parameter group.
reconcilePitchRewritingParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 1 PF members in the 'PitchRewriting' parameter group.
reconcilePitchRewritingProfileFollowModePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePitchShiftTransformModulationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePitchShiftTransformShiftVector() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcilePitchStrataMaxMin() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePitchWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcilePitchWidenTransformIgnoreChordPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePitchWidenTransformInKeyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePitchWidenTransformWidenPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePlacementCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxMinSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePlacementCacheRingSelectorWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePlacementParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 19 PF members in the 'Placement' parameter group.
reconcilePlacementSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePlacementTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePlainChordMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePlainDurationParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 5 PF members in the 'PlainDuration' parameter group.
reconcilePlainDurationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePlainNoteMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePlainRestMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcilePlainTupletMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileRotateTransformMaxLeftPlaces() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileRotateTransformMaxRightPlaces() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileRunningInversionTransformIgnoreChordPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileRunningInversionTransformInKeyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileRunningInversionTransformReverseDirectionPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileScaleChangerTransformMoveUpPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSectionalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSectionalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSectionalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSectionalNotatorParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 3 PF members in the 'SectionalNotator' parameter group.
reconcileSerialismParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 4 PF members in the 'Serialism' parameter group.
reconcileSerialismVoiceApplicationStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSerialRowLengthWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSerialRowModulationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileShuffleTransformCutPoints() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcileShuffleTransformNumShuffleParts() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMaxMinPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSinglePhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSlowPhraseDoublingWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSlowPhraseNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSlowPhraseNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSlowPhraseNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSlowPhraseParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 4 PF members in the 'SlowPhrase' parameter group.
reconcileSoloPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileStrictSerialismPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileStructureParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 9 PF members in the 'Structure' parameter group.
reconcileSyncopateTransformTiesAllowedPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileSyncopateTypeTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTempo() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcileThickeningTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileThinningTransformWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTies(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This method spins through the passed list and removes any ties between elements which do not correctly tie to the element immediately in front.
reconcileTies(ArrayList, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This method spins through the passed list and removes any ties between elements which do not correctly tie to the element immediately in front.
reconcileTimeParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 3 PF members in the 'Time' parameter group.
reconcileTimeSignatureLower() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBespoke
reconcileTimeSignatureUpper() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTimeWarpTransformShrinkPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTimeWarpTransformTiesAllowedPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileToDrumKit(DrumKit) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the drum kit name, stave type, clef type and preferred clef type so this frame unambiguously represents the specified drum kit, as opposed to an instrument for example; it sets the instrument id to null.
reconcileToInstrument(InstrumentId) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the instrument id, stave type, clef type and preferred clef type so this frame unambiguously represents the specified instrument, as opposed to a drum kit for example; it sets the drum kit name to null.
reconcileTransformGroupCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxMinSwitchInterval() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTransformGroupCacheRingSelectorWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTransformGroupSelectorPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTransformParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 41 PF members in the 'Transform' parameter group.
reconcileTransformRepeatMask() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTransformTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillDurationPatternResuseWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillNoteDurationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillOffsetQuantizationWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillPitchChainingPercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillPitchPatternResuseWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillPrincipalPitchWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillTripletNotePercentage() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillTypeWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTrillWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileTupletParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 5 PF members in the 'Tuplet' parameter group.
reconcileZoneNotatorActionWeights() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileZoneNotatorLeaveNullNamesAsEmptyPercent() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
reconcileZoneNotatorParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorMethods
Reconciles 2 PF members in the 'ZoneNotator' parameter group.
reflectionClone() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Deep-copy implementation of the clone method.
reflectionToString(Object) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a string representation of this object
ReflectionUtils - Class in opusplus.core.utilities
Various functions that help with reflection-based code.
ReflectionUtils() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
refreshPatternCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Refreshes the pattern cache with a new set of duration patterns.
refreshPatternCache() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Refreshes the pattern cache with a random set of duration patterns, which are chosen according to the numbers returned from the integer stream.
refreshPatternCache() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationStream
Refreshes the pattern cache with a new set of duration patterns.
register(DrumKit) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Allows the registration of bespoke drum kits at runtime.
register(String, Scale) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.ScaleFactory
Allows the registration of bespoke scales at runtime such that they can be used from within parameter files.
register(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Registers all the passed fragments with the cache.
register(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Registers a fragment for subsequent use globally.
register(String, Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Registers a fragment for subsequent use globally.
register(Placement) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Registers a placement for subsequent use globally.
register(String, Placement) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Registers a placement for subsequent use globally.
register(TransformGroup) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Registers a transform group for subsequent use globally.
register(TransformFunctor) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Convenience function so caller can register single transform functors as entire groups more easily.
reinitialize(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Reinitialises the stream using whatever parameters from the passed parameter frame that are suitable for type of duration stream.
reinitialize(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Re-initializes all the note grouping and mask information from the passed parameter frame.
reinitialize(PF) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationStream
Reinitialises the duration stream using whatever parameters as suitable for the specific subclass of duration stream selected from the passed parameter frame.
reinitialize(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedDurationCombinationStream
Re-initializes all the note grouping and mask information from the passed parameter frame.
reinitialize() - Method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
Tears down the entire state of the current composition, clears all parameters settings, destroys caches and reverts everything back to the initial program state.
relaxedBinarySearch(ArrayList, int, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Variant of the binary search algorithm that works on sorted lists of integers with gaps and can return the best match element above or below the target value.
release() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Releases all removed fragments in the stack
remove(PFMatchFunctor, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Removes the first object if there is a match for the passed parameter frame under the predicate operation encapsulated in functor.
remove(VoicePart, VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Removes the music elements contained in and between the passed voice parts.
remove(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Removes the music elements on the passed voice between startBar and endBar inclusive.
remove(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Removes a fragment containing music elements from the passed voice between startBar/startOffset and endBar/endOffset inclusive The removed fragment is returned to the caller and held internally in a fragment stack to provide 'undo' functionality through the replace() call.
remove() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Executes the remove procedure and holds the removed fragment on an internal stack until release is called.
remove() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Removes the current element and increments the current position to the next element in the ring.
removeAll(PFMatchFunctor, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Removes all objects that match the passed parameter frame under the predicate operation encapsulated in functor.
removeAll(double[], double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns an array with the first occurrence of X removed.
removeAll(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array with every occurrence of X removed.
removeAll(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns array1 but with any elements which are also in array2 removed.
removeAll(long[], long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns an array with the first occurrence of X removed.
removeAllGreaterThan(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array with the all elements greater than X removed.
removeAllLessThan(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array with the all elements greater than X removed.
removeAllTies(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Removes all the ties between every music element and nulls out the references in both directions
removeAtPos(double[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns the passed array with the element at position pos removed.
removeAtPos(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the passed array with the element at position pos removed.
removeAtPos(long[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns the passed array with the element at position pos removed.
removeFirst(double[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns an array with the first occurrence of X removed.
removeFirst(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array with the first occurrence of X removed.
removeFirst(long[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns an array with the first occurrence of X removed.
removeFragment(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Removes and returns a the fragment registered under the passed number, or null if none found.
removeFragment(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Remove and returns a the fragment registered under the passed name, or null if none found.
removeFromNth(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Removes all the elements after the nth music element.
removeFromTimeOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Deletes all the musical elements after the passed time offset into the bar.
removeGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Removes the grace note associated with this object
removeGraceNote() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Removes the grace note associated with this object
removeGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Removes the grace note associated with this object
removeGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
This function is a no-op because a rest can never own a grace note.
removeGraceNote() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Removes the grace note associated with this object
removeLastMusicElement() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Removes the last music element from this voice and returns it to the caller
removeMusicElement(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Deletes the passed music element from this voice if found.
removeMusicElements() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Deletes all the music elements in this voice part
removeMusicElementsInRange(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Removes all elements in the range start/end inclusive.
removeParameter(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Removes the named parameter independent of type.
removePitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Removes the passed pitch from this chord.
removePitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Removes the first note of this pitch encountered from within this graceNote.
removePitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Removes the first note of this pitch encountered from within this tuplet.
removePunctuation(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a copy of the passed string which only contains alphanumeric characters; all others will have been replaced by a space.
removePunctuation(String, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a copy of the passed string which only contains alphanumeric characters; all others will have been replaced by a space - all except those characters contained in the exceptions string.
removeRepeats(NoteLength[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Removes repeated duration elements and maintains the original order of the remaining elements.
removeRepeats(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns a copy of the array passed with no repeats.
removeRepeats(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns a copy of the array passed with no repeats.
removeRepeats(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Spins through the passed fragment list and removes any repeated fragments.
removeRepeatsFromBack(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a copy of the array passed with no repeats.
removeRepeatsFromFront(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a copy of the array passed with no repeats.
removeSilentFragments(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Spins through the passed fragment list and removes those which consist entirely of rests.
removeToEndFrom(VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Removes all musical elements contained in the passed voice part, and all those in every bar to the end of the voice.
removeToEndFrom(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Removes all musical elements contained in the specified voice, starting from the bar passed, and all those in every bar to the end of the voice.
removeToEndFrom(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Removes all musical elements contained in the specified voice, starting from the bar passed and at a particular offset within that bar, and all those in every bar to the end of the voice.
removeToNth(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Removes all the elements up to and including the nth music element.
removeToTimeOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Deletes all the musical elements before the passed time offset into the bar.
removeTransform(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Removes the transform at the passed index.
remspace(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the passed string but with all the white space stripped therefrom.
reorder(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array containing the elements of the passed array 'arr' but in the order specified by the values in the order array.
replace(PFMatchFunctor, PF, T) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Replaces the passed object if there is a match for the passed parameter frame under the predicate operation encapsulated in functor.
replace() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Undoes the last remove() call and replaces the last removed fragment.
replaceAll() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentRemover
Undoes all recent removes and replaces all the removed fragments back into the voices where they originated from.
replaceBooleanParameters(Hashtable) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Allows callers to entirely replace the current set of boolean extension parameters.
replaceDoubleArrayParameters(Hashtable) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Allows callers to entirely replace the current set of double[] extension parameters.
replaceDoubleParameters(Hashtable) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Allows callers to entirely replace the current set of double extension parameters.
replaceElementAt(ArrayList, int, MusicElement) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Removes the element in the passed list at the given index and replaces it with the passed element.
replaceFromBack(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a new array list which has replaced the elements at the end of meList1 with those from the end of meList2 up to the point that elements in meList2 are exhausted.
replaceIntegerArrayParameters(Hashtable) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Allows callers to entirely replace the current set of int[] extension parameters.
replaceIntegerParameters(Hashtable) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Allows callers to entirely replace the current set of integer extension parameters.
replaceInTurn(int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Replaces elements in arr that match elements in 'remove' in turn, from elements in 'replace'.
replaceStringParameters(Hashtable) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Allows callers to entirely replace the current set of string extension parameters.
Replayer - Class in opusplus.lib
Re-executes a composition generation after a .ly file has been reloaded.
Replayer() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.Replayer
Default no-arg ctor for replaying files which have already been loaded.
Replayer(File) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.Replayer
Ctor which takes the name of an XML parameters file.
Replayer(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.Replayer
Ctor which takes the name of an XML parameters file.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Re-seeds this stream from the current system time.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Reseeds this stream using the meta-stream initializer to generated acceptable random values for the three state variables start, ratio and multiplier.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Re-seeds this stream from the current system time.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Re-seeds this stream using the meta-stream initializer to generated acceptable random values for the two seed data members and the multiplier.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Re-seeds this stream using itself to choose another underlying data file at random.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Re-seeds this stream from the current system time.
reseed() - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Resets the initial state of the integer stream as if newly created and initialized at random, say from the system time.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Re-seeds this stream using the meta-stream initializer to reset all the important state variables used within this class, and it also calls through to re-seed the underlying stream.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Re-seeds this stream using the meta-stream initializer to create a random radix between acceptable limits, and calls through to re-seed the underlying stream also.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Re-seeds this stream using the meta-stream initializer to create a start position in the prime series.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomBooleanStream
Re-seeds this stream from the current system time.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Re-seeds this stream from the current system time.
reseed() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Re-seeds the underlying integer stream.
reSeedIntegerStreams() - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
Resets the seeds of every integer stream
reSeedIntegerStreams() - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBaseExtent
Resets the seeds of every integer stream
reset() - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Resets the 'next' stave number to zero.
reset() - Static method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Resets the next voice number to zero.
reset() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Resets all the counts accessed locally in this frame to zero.
reset() - Static method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondOctavator
Resets the octavator ready for the next stave.
reset(VoiceType) - Static method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger
Initializes the auto-changer to the default stave of the voice.
reset(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream so that the same set of numbers are returned.
reset() - Static method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
Resets the ID value back to zero.
reset() - Method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.Stats
Reset the stats counters ready to count samples over the same range
reset() - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Reset static variables so we can really clear memory state and restart Opus+ from scratch.
reset() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ZoneNotator
Clears all cached fragments and transforms so the notator can start afresh.
resetAll() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Resets all the counts to zero including those accessed from other frames.
resetIntegerStreamSeeds() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
This re-sets the integer stream seeds to their default values.
resetRange() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Convenience function for sub-classes, so they can refresh the internal state of the notator base according to the current settings of the data members _vSelector, _startBar and _numBars that determine where on the score the notator will execute.
resize(double[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns the passed array resized as specified.
resize(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the passed array resized as specified.
resize(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Returns the passed array resized as specified.
resize(long[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns the passed array resized as specified.
resize(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
If size is greater than the current size of the list a bunch of null elements are appended.
resizeFront(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns the passed array resized as specified.
Rest - Class in opusplus.core.musicElements
A thing which is quiet for some time.
Rest() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Ctor does nothing
Rest(NoteLength) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Ctor that fully constructs a rest; its duration and its Lilypond representation.
RestType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Determines the type of rest used, which determines how and if it is printed.
RetentiveNoteOffsetStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
A note stream which generates pitch information based on the last note it generated.
RetentiveNoteOffsetStream(IntegerStream, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.RetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Ctor that takes all the state necessary to encapsulate a sensible decision about the ranges of pitches to generate, and how to generate them.
retrogradeTransform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Reverses a fragment of music so that it plays backwards.
RetrogradeTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
Reverses a fragment of music so that it plays backwards.
RetrogradeTransform() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.RetrogradeTransform
retrogradeTransform(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Reverses a fragment of music so that it plays backwards.
returnBooleanParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the underlying hashtable used to store extension parameters of type boolean.
returnDoubleArrayParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the underlying hashtable used to store extension parameters of type double[].
returnDoubleParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the underlying hashtable used to store extension parameters of type double.
returnIntegerArrayParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the underlying hashtable used to store extension parameters of type int[].
returnIntegerParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the underlying hashtable used to store extension parameters of type integer.
returnLeadingWhiteSpace(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns a string containing the leading white space characters in 's'; this is identical to the characters that would be removed by trim() from the start of the string.
returnRangeModuli(int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This method returns an array which contains all those integers between min and max inclusive that, produce zero with the passed modulus.
returnStepPoints(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
This function returns an array of numbers which fall in the range between min and max and are multiples of 'step' starting at position start.
returnStringParameters() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the underlying hashtable used to store extension parameters of type string.
returnType(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the java class of the extension parameter by this name; i.e.
returnValue(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Returns the parameter as an untyped vanilla object.
reverse(NoteLength[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns an array containing the same elements in reverse order.
reverse(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Reverses the contents of the array
reverseList(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Reverses the contents of an array list
reverseTies() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Reverses the direction of the ties.
reverseTies() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Reverses the direction of the ties.
reverseTies() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Reverses the direction of the ties.
reverseTies() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
This method is a no-op.
reverseTies() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
This method is a no-op.
rewind() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Rewinds the stream to the start point specified in the file.
Rewriter - Interface in opusplus.lib.notator
Marker interface for all those notators that only work on existing material.
Ring - Class in opusplus.lib.rings
Intrusive collection class which implements a circular doubly-linked list - called a ring.
Ring() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Default and only ctor
RingNode - Class in opusplus.lib.rings
Class used internally by the Ring collection class.
RingNode(T) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.RingNode
Ctor for creating the first node in a ring.
RingNode(T, RingNode, RingNode) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.RingNode
Ctor for inserting nodes into an existing ring
rotate(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Rotates the contents of the passed array 'places' moves to the right or left, depending on whether 'places' is positive or negative respectively.
rotateDurations(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This routine shifts the durations of the music element list right or left by a specified number of places without disturbing the music element types or pitches, depending on whether 'places' is positive or negative, respectively.
rotateLeft(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a new array with the contents of the passed array shifted left and the first element moved to the back.
rotateList(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Shifts the contents of an array list, several places to the left or right depending on whether the value of 'places' is negative, and wraps the elements onto the opposite of the list.
rotatePitches(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This routine shifts the pitches of the music element list right or left by a specified number of places without disturbing the music element types or durations, depending on whether 'places' is positive or negative, respectively.
rotateRight(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Shifts the contents of the passed array right by one place and the last element is moved to the front.
rotateTransform(ArrayList, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This transform returns a fragment with its musical elements shifted to the left or right by the passed number of places, and with the shifted section appended or prepended on to the start or end as required.
RotateTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This transform shifts the musical elements in the specified fragment to the left or right by the passed number of places, and appends or prepends the shifted section on to the start or end as required.
RotateTransform() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Ctor that defaults to a shift of one place to the right.
RotateTransform(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Ctor that sets the total state.
rotateTransform(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This transform shifts the musical elements in the specified fragment to the left or right by the passed number of places, and appends or prepends the shifted section on to the start or end as required.
round(double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Converts the passed double to the nearest integer and checks this with an assert.
runBrowser(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Opens the default browser on the passed url.
runningInversionTransform(ArrayList, MusicalScale, boolean, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This transform examines the interval between each consecutive note in a phrase, and inverts each interval in the same direction as the original difference between the consecutive notes.
RunningInversionTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This transform examines the interval between each consecutive note in a phrase, and inverts each interval in the same direction as the original difference between the consecutive notes.
RunningInversionTransform() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
No-arg ctor which inverts a musical phrase, including all chords, in the reverse direction, that is with motion contrary to the original pitch changes in the original phrase, and with no reference to any scale.
RunningInversionTransform(Scale, boolean) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
Ctor that allows the caller to specify the scale to use during inversion processing and a boolean which determines whether the inversion has a contrary motion to the original phrase.
runningInversionTransform(ArrayList, Scale, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This transform examines the interval between each consecutive note in a phrase, and inverts each interval in the same direction as the original difference between the consecutive notes.


save() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Method writes the total system state to an XML file such that there is enough information to completely reproduce the exact same composition again, should this be required.
saveComposerInstrumentsAndSectionsTemplateFile() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Saves the current state of the composition preparation (i.e.
saveComposerInstrumentsOnlyTemplateFile() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Saves the current state of the composition preparation (i.e.
saveComposerInstrumentsSectionsAndNotatorsTemplateFile() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Saves the current state of the composition preparation (i.e.
saveComposerSectionsOnlyTemplateFile() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Saves the current state of the composition preparation (i.e.
saveCurrentPosition() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Helper function that records the current position of this stencil spacer internally.
saveOpusPlusSettingsFile() - Static method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
Saves data to the file OpusPlusSettings.xml
saveOpusSettings() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Method saves the global Opus+ settings to a file normally called OpusPlusSettings.xml, found in either the current directory or the default working directory.
savePhraseMakerTemplateFile(PF, PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Saves the passed parameter frames as a phrase maker template file.
saveSelectedXMLElementsToTemplateFile(BitSet) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Will save only the specified elements within the XML based on the bit specification, shown below.
Scale - Interface in opusplus.core.scales
An interface for not just musical scales but also percussive scales also.
scaleChangerTransform(ArrayList, Scale, Scale, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
The point of this transform is that it will return a fragment sounding identical but it will be sounded either higher or lower, and it will occupy exactly the same place relative to the home key, but under a different key signature.
ScaleChangerTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
The point of this transform is that it will keep the fragment sounding identical but it will be sounded either higher or lower, and it will be occupy exactly the same place relative to the home key, but under a different key signature.
ScaleChangerTransform(Scale, Scale) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Changes the musical keys fragments or arrays of music elements.
ScaleChangerTransform(Scale, Scale, boolean) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Changes the musical keys fragments or arrays of music elements.
ScaleChangerTransform(ScaleId, ScaleId) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Changes the musical keys fragments or arrays of music elements.
ScaleChangerTransform(ScaleId, ScaleId, boolean) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Changes the musical keys fragments or arrays of music elements.
scaleChangerTransform(ArrayList, Scale, Scale, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
The point of this transform is that it will keep the fragment sounding identical but it will be sounded either higher or lower, and it will occupy exactly the same place relative to the home key, but under a different key signature.
ScaleDegree - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum that references notes at standard scale offsets.
ScaleFactory - Class in opusplus.core.scales
Class used to create the standard scales.
ScaleId - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Convenient constants to refer to all the standard scales.
ScaleMode - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Captures information about scale modes.
Score - Class in opusplus.core.composition
Represents the score, and is used to order the staves dynamically so that the correct orchestral score ordering is produced.
ScoreInfo - Class in opusplus.core.composition
Records which instruments are grouped with which other ones on the final conductors score.
ScoreInfo() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.ScoreInfo
ScoreSection - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enumerates which instruments are grouped with which others on the final conductors score.
sdKnuth(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Calculates the standard deviation of an array of numbers.
searchForAllInstanceFields(Class) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns all the fields (data members) in the passed class sorted in alphabetical order.
searchForInstanceField(Class, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Returns the named instance field from the passed class, and searches up the inheritance hierarchy until it finds it.
Section - Class in opusplus.core.composition
Class represents a section of the composition.
Section(ArrayList, Tempo, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.Section
Full-state constructor
SectionalNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
This is a high level notator which iterates across a series of sections one voice at a time and fills each voice-section with a single random fragment created according to the constraints specified by the parameter frame in that voice section.
SectionalNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.SectionalNotator
Ctor which takes an integer stream, a voice number, a start and end bar number.
seekEnd() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeItrInterface
Sets the iterator at the end of the current voice.
seekEnd() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Moves the pointer to the last valid position in the composition taking account of the current quantization.
seekEnd() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Sets the right side of this range a the end of the current voice.
seekEnd() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Sets the right side of this window at the end of the stave.
seekStart() - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeItrInterface
Sets the iterator at the beginning of the current voice.
seekStart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Rewinds this pointer to the beginning of the composition.
seekStart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Sets the left side of this range a the beginning of the current voice.
seekStart() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Sets the left side of this window at the beginning of the stave.
select(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Passed lists of objects and indexes, this method returns a list of objects selected from the original list according to the list of indexes.
selectAtRandom() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Returns one of the voices at random with an equal probability.
selectAtRandom(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Returns one of the voices at random with a probability dependent on the values in the passed weights array and on the behaviour of the integer stream used by this selector.
selectAtRandom(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Selects a number of voices from the cache at random.
selectAtRandom(int, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Selects a number of voices at random with a probability influenced by the passed weights array.
selectAtRandom() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Returns one of the fragments at random with a probability only dependent on the behaviour of the integer stream utilized by this cache.
selectAtRandom(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Returns one of the fragments at random with a probability dependent on the values in the passed weights array and on the behaviour of the integer stream utilized by this cache.
selectAtRandom(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Selects a number of fragments from the cache at random.
selectAtRandom(int, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Selects a number of fragments from the cache at random with a probability influenced by the passed weights array.
selectAtRandom() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Returns one of the placements at random with a probability only dependent on the behaviour of the integer stream utilized by this cache.
selectAtRandom(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Returns one of the placements at random with a probability dependent on the values in the passed weights array and on the behaviour of the integer stream utilized by this cache.
selectAtRandom(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Selects a number of placements from the cache at random.
selectAtRandom(int, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Selects a number of placements from the cache at random with a probability influenced by the passed weights array.
selectAtRandom() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Returns one of the transform groups at random with a probability only dependent on the behaviour of the integer stream utilized by this cache.
selectAtRandom(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Returns one of the transform groups at random with a probability dependent on the values in the passed weights array and on the behaviour of the integer stream utilized by this cache.
selectAtRandom(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Selects a number of transform groups from the cache at random.
selectAtRandom(int, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Selects a number of transform groups from the cache at random with a probability influenced by the passed weights array.
selectCache() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.CacheRingSelector
Method which selects the current cache from a ring of caches.
selectCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticCacheSelector
Simple cache selection strategy where the current cache is changed with a probability expressed as a percentage.
selectCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.RandomCacheSelector
Simple cache selection strategy where the current cache is changed at random intervals every N calls.
selectCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.SimpleRepeatingCacheSelector
Simple cache selection strategy where the current cache is changed every N calls to this function.
selectCache() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.UnchangingCacheSelector
Always returns the current cache
selectFragment() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.FragmentSelector
Returns a single fragment to use.
selectFragment() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.MonotonicFragmentSelector
Selects a fragment at random from the current fragment cache.
selectFragment() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.RandomFragmentSelector
Selects a fragment at random from the current fragment cache.
selectFragments(int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.FragmentSelector
Returns a list of several fragments
selectFragments(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.MonotonicFragmentSelector
Returns a list of fragments selected from the current cache.
selectFragments(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.fragment.selector.RandomFragmentSelector
Returns a list of fragments selected from the current cache.
selectModulo(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Uses modulo math to safely select and return from the passed array.
selectPlacement() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.MonotonicPlacementSelector
Selects the next placement from the current placement cache.
selectPlacement() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.PlacementSelector
Returns a single placement to use.
selectPlacement() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.RandomPlacementSelector
Selects a placement at random from the current placement cache.
selectPlacements(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.MonotonicPlacementSelector
Returns a list of placements selected from the current cache.
selectPlacements(int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.PlacementSelector
Returns a list of several placements
selectPlacements(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.placement.selector.RandomPlacementSelector
Returns a list of placements selected from the current cache.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordConvertOption
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordConvertOption
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationPostProcess
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationPostProcess
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefOctave
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefOctave
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DissonanceTritoneChordSpec
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DissonanceTritoneChordSpec
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DurationStreamType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DurationStreamType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FileVersioningStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FileVersioningStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FragmentCreationStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FragmentCreationStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentCategory
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentCategory
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InversionType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InversionType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeyType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeyType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MajMinChordSpec
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MajMinChordSpec
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MetronomeType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MetronomeType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ModulationStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ModulationStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorCreationStrategyType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorCreationStrategyType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteOffsetStreamType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteOffsetStreamType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ParameterGroup
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ParameterGroup
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFTableReconciliationStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFTableReconciliationStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PhraseShape
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PhraseShape
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchRepType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchRepType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchSpec
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchSpec
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PlacementType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PlacementType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.RestType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.RestType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScoreSection
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScoreSection
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SmoothingLevel
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SmoothingLevel
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StaveType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StaveType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SyncopateOp
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SyncopateOp
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TransformType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TransformType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TupletExtractionStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TupletExtractionStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoiceType
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoiceType
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ZoneNotatorActions
Returns one of these enums selected at random with equal probability as determined by the passed integer stream.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ZoneNotatorActions
Returns one of these enums selected at random and biased according to the passed weights.
selectRandom(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKitFactory
Selects a drum kit at random using the passed integer stream to make this decision.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentCategoryInfo
Passed an integer stream and a set of weights biasing the interest in instrument categories, this method returns a randomly selected instrument from a randomly selected category.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Selects an integer from the passed array at random
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Selects an integer from the passed array at random, biased according to the passed weights array
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a number between zero and max at random, biased according to the passed weights array
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a number between min and max at random.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a number between min and max at random, biased according to the passed weights array
selectRandom(IntegerStream, ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Selects an object from the passed array list at random.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, ArrayList, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Selects an object from the passed array list at random, biased according to the passed weights array.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, T[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Selects an object from the passed array at random.
selectRandom(IntegerStream, T[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Selects an object from the passed array at random, biased according to the passed weights array.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordConvertOption
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationPostProcess
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefOctave
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DissonanceTritoneChordSpec
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DurationStreamType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FileVersioningStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FragmentCreationStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentCategory
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InversionType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeyType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MajMinChordSpec
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MetronomeType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ModulationStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorCreationStrategyType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteOffsetStreamType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ParameterGroup
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFTableReconciliationStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PhraseShape
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchRepType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchSpec
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PlacementType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.RestType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScoreSection
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SmoothingLevel
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StaveType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SyncopateOp
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TransformType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TupletExtractionStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoiceType
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNeighbour(IntegerStream) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ZoneNotatorActions
Returns a neighbouring enum at random based on the current value of 'this'.
selectRandomNumberOfVoicesFromMaxAllowed() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategyBase
Selects a random number of voices from the maximum allowed for any given notator.
selectTransformGroup() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.MonotonicTransformGroupSelector
Selects a transform group at random from the current transform group cache.
selectTransformGroup() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.RandomTransformGroupSelector
Selects a transform group at random from the current transform group cache.
selectTransformGroup() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.TransformGroupSelector
Returns a single transform group to use.
selectTransformGroups(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.MonotonicTransformGroupSelector
Returns a list of transform groups selected from the current cache.
selectTransformGroups(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.RandomTransformGroupSelector
Returns a list of transform groups selected from the current cache.
selectTransformGroups(int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector.TransformGroupSelector
Returns a list of several transform groups
SemitoneInterval - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
This enum allows programmers to unambiguously refer to semitone intervals between notes up to and including two octaves apart.
SemitoneModulation - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
This enum allows programmers to unambiguously refer to semitone modulations between notes up to and including two octaves distant, either up or down.
SerialismNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
Rewrite the pitches over a set of voices on the stave between two specified bars using algorithms of a serial nature.
SerialismNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.SerialismNotator
Ctor which takes an integer stream, a voice number, a start and end bar number.
SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Allows the user to specify how serial techniques are applied when writing pitches into voices all ready containing fragments of musical material.
serializeStrictTransform(ArrayList, ArrayList, int, int, int[], IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This method serializes the pitches in the passed music element list using pitches drawn from the row list.
serializeTransform(ArrayList, ArrayList, int, int, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This method serializes the pitches in the passed music element list using pitches drawn from the row list.
set(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Replaces the current set with a new set of unique parameter frames.
set(PF[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Replaces the current set with a new set of unique parameter frames.
set(String, int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Sets the parameter frame for the specified instrument or drum kit, and section index.
set(String, int, int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Sets the parameter frame for the specified instrument or drum kit, section index and voice number.
set(InstrumentId, int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Sets the parameter frame for the specified instrument/section index.
set(InstrumentId, int, int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Sets the parameter frame for the specified instrument/section index/voice number.
set(DrumKitId, int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Sets the parameter frame for both upper and lower voices in the specified drum kit/section index.
set(DrumKitId, int, int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Sets the parameter frame for the specified drum kit/section index/voice number.
set(DrumKit, int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Sets the parameter frame for both upper and lower voices of specified drum kit/section index.
set(DrumKit, int, int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Sets the parameter frame for specified drum kit/section index/voice number.
set(int, int, int, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Sets the parameter frame for specified stave index/section index/voice number.
set(int, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
set_maxProbabilityPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFFactory
Sets the percentage probability that any particular parameter value will be changed.
setAbreviatedName(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Sets the abbreviation for this instrument printed at the start of every stave except the first.
setAccent(AccentType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
setAccent(AccentType) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Sets the type of accent (e.g.
setAccent(AccentType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
setAccent(AccentType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
setAccent(AccentType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
setAccentPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter specifies the percentage probability of using accents.
setAccentWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the weights array used to determine the type of accent to be used should they in fact actually be used.
setAcciaccatura() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Sets the grace note to be an Acciaccatura.
setAccumulationPlacementDispersePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Accumulation placement writes a number of fragments or phrases as an accumulating or dispersing musical mass across several voices starting at a specified bar and time offset within that bar.
setAccumulationPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies an integer weights array that influences the probability of various time quantization granularities being used for the initial time offset of placements.
setAdjacencyPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Sets the adjacency percentage which effects how the phrase shape is perturbed.
setAllInKey(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Convenience function that sets all the parameters in the parameter frame which determine whether things like transforms always result in musical phrases which are in key.
setAlternativeClef(ClefType) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Sets the alternative clef for this instance.
setAnsweringPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An answering phrase placement writes a fragment or phrase into two different voices as an 'answering phrase' - that is one plays, and then another instrument immediately repeats it.
setAppoggiatura() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Sets the grace note to be an Appoggiatura.
setAppStrategy(SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SerialismNotator
Sets the voice application strategy, which determines how these serial rows are used across the various voices written by this notator.
setArpeggio(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
(Un)Sets the ability to arpeggiate for this object.
setArpeggio(ArpeggioType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
setArpeggio(ArpeggioType) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
If called on a chord element, this will set the type of arpeggio, or if null is passed, remove the arpeggio articulation from the chord.
setArpeggio(ArpeggioType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
setArpeggio(ArpeggioType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
setArpeggio(ArpeggioType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
setArpeggioDownPitchPatternResuseWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioDurationPatternResuseWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioNoteDurationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the percentage probability that an arpeggio will be used.
setArpeggioPitchChainingPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioPrincipalPitchWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioTrillPlacementWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioTrillProbabilityWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioTripletNotePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioUpPitchPatternResuseWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setArpeggioWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the weights array used to determine the type of arpeggio to be used assuming that arpeggios have been selected for use.
setArticulationsAndDynamics(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ArticulationAndDynamicsTypeStream
Convenience function that handles the process of pulling the next articulation and/or dynamic off this stream and assigns it to the passed music element.
setAscension(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Accumulation
If this is set to true, the default, then the musical mass will accumulate across the staves.
setAutoOttava(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets auto ottava on or off.
setAutoReset(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Turns auto reset on or off as required.
setAutoReshuffle(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Turns autoReshuffle on or off as required.
setAutoTie(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Determines whether Lilypond will automatically calculate ties across bars when output is generated.
setBalancedRandomIntegerStreamSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the seed used to initialize all instances of the BalancedRandomIntegerStream class.
setBar(Bar) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Sets the bar containing this stave part
setBarCheck(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets whether bar checking is used when Lilypond output is generated.
setBarClearPatternWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Into Notator has been designed to work on a composition the constraints of which has been specified in sections, and where the first section is expected to be dedicated to an intro of some description.
setBarPatternCacheSize(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the size of the Bar Pattern Cache used by the Duration Combination Stream.
setBarRange(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
For when large compositions are broken down into separate Lilypond files this sets the start of the bar range held in this file.
setBarRange(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Sets the bar range and silently ensures that the start bar is held before the end bar, swapping them if necessary.
setBarsPerSeparateInstrumentScoreFile(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Large compositions can be generated into multiple Lilypond files to enable Lilypond to successfully process them.
setBarsPerSingleScoreFile(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Large compositions can be generated into multiple Lilypond files to enable Lilypond to successfully process them.
setBarStepSize(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.BarSteppingSpacer
Sets the number of bars moved forward each time this spacer re-calculates its position.
setBassOnFirstBeat(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If set to true, the first drum in the kit will always be used to sound the first beat in the lower voice.
setBounds(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.NoteOffsetStream
Resets the range of note offset data returned from the stream to be between zero and max.
setBounds(int, int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.NoteOffsetStream
Resets the range of note offset data to be returned from the stream to be between min and max.
setBounds(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.RetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Resets the range of note information to be returned from the stream to be between zero and max
setBounds(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.RetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Resets the range of note information to be returned from the stream to be between min and max
setBounds(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.SimpleNoteOffsetStream
Resets the range of pitch information to be returned from the stream to be between zero and max
setBounds(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.SimpleNoteOffsetStream
Resets the range of pitch information to be returned from the stream to be between min and max
setBounds(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedNoteOffsetStream
Resets the range of pitches to be returned from the stream to be between zero and max
setBounds(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedNoteOffsetStream
Resets the range of pitches to be returned from the stream to be between min and max
setBounds(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedRetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Resets the range of pitches to be returned from the stream to be between zero and max
setBounds(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedRetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Resets the range of pitches to be returned from the stream to be between min and max
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers ranging from zero to max.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers.
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers ranging from zero to max.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers.
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers ranging from zero to max.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers.
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers ranging from zero to max.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers.
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers ranging from zero to max.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers.
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers ranging from zero to max.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers.
setBounds(long) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Resets the range of integers to be returned from the stream to be between zero and max
setBounds(long, long) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Resets the range of integers to be returned from the stream to be between min and max
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers ranging from zero to max.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers ranging from zero to max.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers.
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers ranging from zero to max.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Resets the existing stream to range over the new set of integers.
setBounds(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Resets the range of integers to be returned from the stream to be between zero and max.
setBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Resets the range of integers to be returned from the stream to be between min and max.
setBPM(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
Sets the tempo of the piece in beats-per-minute
setChaoticIntegerStreamMultiplier(double) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
The multiplier affects the volatility of the chaotic integer sequence.
setChaoticIntegerStreamRatio(double) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Specifies the value of the ratio used to produce chaotic number sequences.
setChaoticIntegerStreamStart(double) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Gives the starting value for the chaotic integer stream.
setChordGeneration2nd3rd4thWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
These weights control the musical intervals used when generating standard chords, i.e.
setChordGenerationChordSizeWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Influences the size of all chords created.
setChordGenerationDissonanceTritoneChordSpecWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Persichetti characterizes chords into four families; those that have a sharp dissonance and/or a tritone or neither.
setChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Chord generation post-processing which emphasises particular semitone intervals by searching through all the intervals in the passed chord and finding notes which contribute to the passed harmony profile, and if found doubles this note either up or down.
setChordGenerationEnhanceIntervalWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Chord generation post-processing which emphasises particular semitone intervals by searching through all the intervals in the passed chord and finding notes which contribute to the passed harmony (if there is one), and if so doubles this note either up or down.
setChordGenerationHarmonicProfileWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Six integer weights which control the chances of constructing chords with a particular harmonic profile.
setChordGenerationInKey(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter is set to true if the chord generation is guaranteed to be in-key, i.e.
setChordGenerationInvertDownPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls an aspect of chord generation post-processing.
setChordGenerationInvertOffsetPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls an aspect of chord generation post-processing.
setChordGenerationInvertUpPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls an aspect of chord generation post-processing.
setChordGenerationMajMinChordSpecWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights which control the probability of particular 3 note chords consisting of the major and minor of intervals of the same degree; either minor above and major below or vice versa.
setChordGenerationMixedIntervalLowerWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights which control the probability of mixed interval 3 note chords, with this parameter concerned with the lower interval of the chord.
setChordGenerationMixedIntervalUpperWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights which control the probability of mixed interval 3 note chords, with this parameter concerned with the upper interval of the chord.
setChordGenerationMultiIntervalWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the creation of chords with any number of notes between the minimum and maximum allowed, and these weights will influence the *direct* intervals used between each of the notes of the chord.
setChordGenerationNeighbourChordShiftVector(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Involved in the creation of new chords from the previous chord by the application of a 'shift vector' which shifts the pitches of the notes in the old chord.
setChordGenerationNeighbourChordWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls how chords are generated from pre-existing chords - so called neighbour chords - where the pitches in the new chord vary by at most one semitone (or scale offset) from the previous chord.
setChordGenerationNumberedChordWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Influences the creation of chords in the standard positions i.e.
setChordGenerationPostProcessingWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
These weights bias the chances of chord generation post-processing.
setChordGenerationPureIntervalWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights which determine the chances of using an particular semitone interval when generating 'pure interval' chords i.e.
setChordGenerationSolidifyAddFifthPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Strengthening the sonic presence of the bass note in a chord, by adding the bass note an octave below, has the effect of adding 'harmonic solidity'.
setChordGenerationSpreadMaxPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Spreading chords over various pitch ranges is a post-processing option after generation.
setChordGenerationSpreadMinPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Spreading chords over various pitch ranges is a post-processing option after generation.
setChordGenerationSpreadProportionalPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
When spreading chords over octaves, this can be achieved using two different algorithms; namely spread the pitches as evenly as possible, or in proportion to the intervals in the original chord.
setChordGenerationStrategyWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
These weights determine the likelihood of using a particular strategy for creating chords.
setChordTupletTransformChordNoteOrderArray(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
When converting a chord to a tuplet, the order of notes is not specified in the chord, whereas a tuplet requires some order.
setChordTupletTransformConvertChordPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the probability that chords will be converted to tuplets.
setChordTupletTransformConvertTupletPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the probability that tuplets will be converted to chords.
setChordTupletTransformTupletOptionWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
When converting a chord to a tuplet, the order of notes is not specified in the chord, whereas a tuplet requires some order.
setClef(Clef) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Sets the clef used by this stave
setClefOctave(ClefOctave) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the octave transposition of the clef.
setClefOctave(ClefOctave) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Sets the clef octave for this instance
setClefType(ClefType) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the clef type used on a given stave
setComposer(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the name of the composer as printed at the top of the music.
setContainingVoicePart(VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Sets the voice part containing this chord, or null if it is not contained in a voice part
setContainingVoicePart(VoicePart) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Sets the voice object containing this musical element
setContainingVoicePart(VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Sets the voice part object containing this note, or null if it is not contained in a voice part
setContainingVoicePart(VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Sets the voice part object containing this rest, or null if it is not contained in a voice part
setContainingVoicePart(VoicePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Sets the voice part object containing this tuplet, or null if it is not contained in a voice part
setContinuoPlacementGapQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Fragments or phrases can be placed within a continuo with caesure (silent breaks or time gaps) between them.
setContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A continuo placement writes a series of fragments or phrases, cyclicly, as a continuo starting at a specified bar and time offset within that bar, and for a specified number of repeats.
setContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The maximum number of repeated fragment within the continuo.
setContinuoPlacementMinRepeats(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The minimum number of repeated fragment within the continuo.
setConvertChords(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
If set to true, then this notator will convert chords to tuplets as they are encountered.
setConvertTuplets(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
If set to true, then this notator will convert tuplets to chords as they are encountered.
setCreateArpeggioTrillPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setCreateFileContainingAllPhrases(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
If set to true the phrase maker will create a single file containing all the generated phrases.
setCreateFileContainingAllPhrases(boolean) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
If set to true the phrase maker will create a single file containing all the generated phrases.
setCreateIndividualPhraseFiles(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
If set to true the phrase maker will create each phrase in its own dedicated file.
setCreateIndividualPhraseFiles(boolean) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
If set to true the phrase maker will create each phrase in its own dedicated file.
setCreateSeparateInstrumentScores(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true then separate scores will be produced - one for each instrument playing in the composition.
setCreateSingleScore(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true then a single score for the entire composition will be produced containing the music for all instruments laid out down the page in the same sequence as a standard orchestra score.
setCutPoints(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Sets the cut-points array; argument cannot be null.
setCutter(FragmentCutter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Sets the cutter object used by this placement pattern during execution
setDedication(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets to whom (or what) the piece is dedicated as printed at the top of the music.
setDefaultIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Provides a global point of access to an integer stream for deeply nested classes that might need an integer stream where there isn't one supplied in that context by default.
setDisorderedRandomIntegerStreamSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the seed used to initialize all instances of the DisorderedRandomIntegerStream class.
setDisplayAsCompoundStave(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStave
If true, this instrument will be written across a compound treble and bass stave much like that used for the piano, but joined with a single line rather than the curly braces.
setDottedChordMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setDottedDurationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Returns the weights used to constrain the generation of dotted durations by components such as the Weighted Duration Combination Stream.
setDottedMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
Sets the duration filter mask for dotted durations.
setDottedMasks(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Convenience function to set all the dotted masks for the different music element types in a single call
setDottedNoteMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setDottedRestMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setDottedTupletMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setDoubleDottedChordMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setDoubleDottedDurationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Returns the weights used to constrain the generation of double-dotted durations by components such as the Weighted Duration Combination Stream.
setDoubleDottedMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
Sets the duration filter mask for double-dotted durations.
setDoubleDottedMasks(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Convenience function to set all the double-dotted masks for the different music element types in a single call
setDoubleDottedNoteMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setDoubleDottedRestMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setDoubleDottedTupletMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setDrumKitName(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the name of the drum kit to use.
setDrumSounds(DrumId[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Method is a no-op.
setDrumSounds(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Sets the drum sounds in this drum scale
setDrumSounds(DrumId[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
Sets the drum sounds in this drum scale
setDuration(NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Sets the chord duration to a number specified according to the DurationMgr class.
setDuration(NoteLength) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Sets the note duration to a number specified according to the NoteLength class.
setDuration(NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Sets the note duration to a number specified according to the DurationMgr class.
setDuration(NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Sets the rest duration to a number specified according to the DurationMgr class.
setDuration(NoteLength) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Sets the tuplet duration to a number specified according to the NoteLength enum, (i.e.
setDurationStreamTypeWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Biases the choice of duration stream on the fly between different bars in the composition.
setDynamics(Dynamics) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
setDynamics(Dynamics) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Sets the level (type) of dynamics associated with this music element, (e.g.
setDynamics(Dynamics) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
setDynamics(Dynamics) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
setDynamics(Dynamics) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
setDynamicsPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter influences the percentage probability that a change in dynamics level will occur (i.e.
setDynamicsWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Determines the type of dynamics that can occur.
setDynamicsWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Set the integer weights that influence how this transform is applied.
setElement(T) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.RingNode
Sets the element at this node
setFermata(FermataType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
setFermata(FermataType) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Sets the fermata to the specified type, or by passing in null, removes it.
setFermata(FermataType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
setFermata(FermataType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
setFermata(FermataType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
setFermataPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A fermata is a 'pause mark' over a note or rest which must be lengthened by an unspecified amount.
setFermataWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A fermata is a 'pause mark' over a note or rest which must be lengthened by an unspecified amount.
setFibonacciIntegerStreamMultiplier(double) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
The multiplier is used to affect the rate at which the generated fibonacci series diverges.
setFibonacciIntegerStreamSeed1(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
The Fibonacci sequence requires two starting 'seeds', and these can be specified by the user.
setFibonacciIntegerStreamSeed2(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
The Fibonacci sequence requires two starting 'seeds', and these can be specified by the user.
setFieldValue(Object, Field, Object) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Passed an example instance, the field of interest and the new value (as an Object), this method sets the value of the field.
setFileDataIntegerStreamData(File) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the default data file used by the FileDataIntegerStream as its input source.
setFileDataIntegerStreamData(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the default data file used by the FileDataIntegerStream as its input source.
setFileOffsets(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
Sets the offset within the current file
setFitter(FragmentFitter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Sets the fitter object used by this placement pattern during execution
setFragementCreationBarrelFallingPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If the parameter 'falling' is true then 'barrelling' scans the chords from top to bottom, if false, then barrelling occurs from the bass note of the chord upwards.
setFragment(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Changes the fragment to hold a new array list of musical elements.
setFragment(MusicElement[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Changes the fragment to hold a new array of musical elements.
setFragmentCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentCacheRingSelectorWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentCacheSelector(FragmentCacheRingSelector) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Sets the fragment cache selector which determines the strategy used by this notator to select the next fragment cache.
setFragmentCreationCombPattern(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The 'comb' algorithm generates a random fragment, and then applies a comb algorithm to separate it out into a number of fragments each of which is playing, for a short time, a section of the original fragment alone.
setFragmentCreationDistributeRestPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
When creating fragments from a series of chords using the 'barrelling' algorithm some fragments may need to have rests inserted in place of notes.
setFragmentCreationLeadingVoiceClosestPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
When creating fragments from a series of chords using the pseudo-leading voices algorithm, this percentage sets the chances of a boolean which if true, uses the closest note from neighbouring chords, otherwise it attempts to find the one farthest away in pitch.
setFragmentCreationStrategyWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An array of 11 integer weights which affect the strategies used to create the fragments used to initially fill the fragment caches.
setFragmentDurationUnits(TimeQuantization) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the units used to interpret the min and max fragment duration attributes.
setFragmentLengthQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Determines the quantization of fragment lengths.
setFragmentNotatorDensitySensitiveWindowWidthInBars(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentNotatorMaxBarStep(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentNotatorMaxRandomJumps(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentNotatorMaxTargetDensity(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentNotatorMinBarStep(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentNotatorMinRandomJumps(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentNotatorMinTargetDensity(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentNotatorSpacerTimeQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentNotatorSpacerWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentNotatorTimeStepTickSize(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFragmentSelector(FragmentSelector) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Sets the fragment selection strategy.
setFragmentSelectorPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setFromScale(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Sets the scale from which any fragment will be transformed.
setGap(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
The gap between successive fragments.
setGap(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PatternInfo
setGap(int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
The gap between successive fragments.
setGaussianIntegerStreamSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the seed used to initialize all instances of the GaussianIntegerStream class.
setGaussianSpread(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Effects the shape, width and height of the Gaussian Bell-curve used during some random number generation.
setGenerateExampleJavaCode(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true, then whenever a composition is created, a small example java file will be created that would reproduce the same output.
setGenerationTime(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
A string showing the precise date and time the lilypond was written.
setGlissando(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
(Un)sets the ability to glissando for this object
setGraceNote(GraceNote) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Sets the grace note associated with this object.
setGraceNote(GraceNote) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Sets the grace note associated with this object.
setGraceNote(GraceNote) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Sets the grace note associated with this object.
setGraceNote(GraceNote) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
This function is a no-op because a rest can never own a grace note.
setGraceNote(GraceNote) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Sets the grace note associated with this object.
setGraceNoteOnDottedChordPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
setGraceNoteOnDottedNotePercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
setGraceNoteOnDottedTupletPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
setGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
setGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
setGraceNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
setGraceNoteOnPlainChordPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
setGraceNoteOnPlainNotePercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
setGraceNoteOnPlainTupletPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specification of arrays of percentages control the probability of attaching a grace-note to music elements of various types and durations.
setGraceNotesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If this parameter is false this guarantees that no grace notes will occur in the composition.
setGraceNotesInKey(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If true all grace notes will be generated in-key, if false then some may be accidentals.
setGraceNotesOnDottedPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Convenience function to set all the dotted percentages for the different music element types in a single call
setGraceNotesOnDoubleDottedPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Convenience function to set all the double-dotted percentages for the different music element types in a single call
setGraceNotesOnPlainPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Convenience function to set all the plain percentages for the different music element types in a single call
setGroupCacheSelector(TransformGroupCacheRingSelector) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Sets the strategy used to select the transform group cache.
setHarmonics(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
(Un)sets the ability to play harmonics for this instance.
setHarmonizeLower(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Set to true and the harmony interval is subtracted from the main pitch; set to false, and the interval is added.
setHarmonizingTransformHarmonizeLowerPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the probability that harmonies will be written above or below the existing phrase.
setHarmonizingTransformInKeyPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that harmonies will be generated in key.
setHarmonizingTransformIntervalWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A set of weights determining the probability of choosing a particular harmonizing interval.
setHarmonyNotatorCadenceTypeWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
setHarmonyNotatorChordSequenceTransformWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
setHarmonyNotatorDurationPatternTransformWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
setHarmonyNotatorReplaceChordSequencePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
setHarmonyNotatorReplaceDurationPatternPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
setHarmonyNotatorVoiceExtractionStrategyWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Harmony Notator writes to a set of voices as a whole by generating a set of chords and then slicing them horizontally using various extraction strategies.
setHarmonyPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A harmony placement writes a multiple fragments or musical phrases on to two or more voices at a particular bar and time offset within that bar.
setHighAltoOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 8va ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the alto clef.
setHighBassOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 8va ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the bass clef.
setHighestAltoOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 15ma ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the alto clef.
setHighestBassOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 15ma ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the bass clef.
setHighestPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Sets the highest pitch for this instrument
setHighestTrebleOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 15ma ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the treble clef.
setHighTrebleOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 8va ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the treble clef.
setIgnoreChords(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
If true, then chords will be ignored, or skipped, by this iterator.
setIgnoreChords(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
If true, then chords will be ignored, or skipped, by this extractor.
setIgnoreChords(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
If true, this method will ignore all chords.
setIgnoreChords(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
If true, this method will ignore all chords.
setIgnoreFirstPosition(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.NearestNeighbourIterator
If set to true, the element at the very start of the search will not be matched.
setIgnoreNotes(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
If true, then chords will be ignored, or skipped, by this iterator.
setIgnoreNotes(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
If true, then notes will be ignored, or skipped, by this extractor.
setIgnoreRests(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
If true, then rests will be ignored, or skipped, by this iterator.
setIgnoreRests(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
If true, then rests will be ignored, or skipped, by this extractor.
setIgnoreTuplets(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.MusicElementIterator
If true, then tuplets will be ignored, or skipped, by this iterator.
setIgnoreTuplets(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentExtractor
If true, then tuplets will be ignored, or skipped, by this extractor.
setInfiniteLoopTimeout(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
The composition process is run in a dedicated thread so we can interrupt processing at any time should we wish to.
setInitialOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PatternInfo
setInitialTimeOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
The offset into the bar of the first fragment placed.
setInitialTimeOffset(int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
The offset into the bar of the first fragment placed.
setInKey(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
If set to true, each element is harmonized using the supplied scale object.
setInKey(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
If true, then the inversion process guarantees that all notes that were originally 'in key' (i.e.
setInKey(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
If true, then the inversion process guarantees that all notes that were originally 'in key' (i.e.
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.InstrumentStave
Sets the instrument playing this stave.
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.PianoStave
Sets the instrument playing this stave.
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.PitchedStave
Sets the instrument playing this stave.
setInstrumentCategoryWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
When choosing instruments at random this allows the user to bias the choice to particular categories, such as Jazz, Classical, Rock or Folk.
setInstrumentData(InstrumentData) - Static method in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentInfo
Passed some instrument data, this method will spin through the database and replace the data for the instrument id held in the passed argument
setInstrumentId(InstrumentId) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the instrument used to play this stave.
setInstrumentName(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Sets the name printed before the first stave for this instrument on the score.
setInstrumentName(InstrumentId, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentInfo
Static method which allows callers to set the printed instrument name to a different value
setInstrumentName(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Specifies the name of the instrument playing this music.
setInstrumentName(Instrument) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Specifies the name of the instrument playing this music.
setInstrumentName(InstrumentId) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Specifies the type of instrument playing this music.
setInstrumentName(DrumKit) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Specifies the name of the instrument playing this music.
setInstrumentName(DrumKitId) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Specifies the name of the instrument playing this music.
setInstruments(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the description of the instruments that the piece is for, as printed at the top of the music.
setInstrumentSuffix(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Sets the instrument suffix string which distinguishes different instances of the same instrument playing in the same composition.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Must be called before a selector can be used to select voices at random.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ChordStream
Sets the integer stream for this chord production
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Replaces the integer stream used by this factory to the one passed.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Sets the integer stream used by this factory to generate random fragments
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
Sets the integer stream used by this cache to generate random transform groups
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.CadenceNotator
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Sets the integer stream used by this notator
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.HarmonyNotator
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.IntroNotator
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Sets the integer stream used by this notator and other sub-objects used by this notator including the voice selector object passed in during construction.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Sets the integer stream used by this notator and other sub-objects used by this notator including the voice selector object passed in during construction.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.PassingNoteNotator
Sets the integer stream used by this notator
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.RandomPhraseNotator
Sets the integer stream used by this notaor
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SectionalNotator
Sets the integer stream for this notator
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SerialismNotator
Sets the integer stream used by this notator.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SlowPhraseNotator
Sets the integer stream used by this notator.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.DensitySensitiveSpacer
Sets the integer stream used by this instance.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomJumpingSpacer
Sets the integer stream used by this instance.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomSteppingSpacer
Sets the integer stream used by this instance.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.WholeScoreNotator
Sets the integer stream used by this notator.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
Sets the integer stream used by this instance.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
Sets the integer stream used by this instance.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
Sets the integer stream used by this cache to select random fragments
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
Sets the integer stream used by this cache to select random placements
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Sets the integer stream used by this cache to select random transform groups
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Sets the integer stream used by this transform
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
DSets the integer stream used by this transform
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Sets the integer stream used by this transform
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Sets the integer stream used by this class to make random decisions
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Sets the integer stream used by this transform
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Sets the integer stream associated with this transform.
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Sets the integer stream used by this transformer
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Sets the integer stream used by this transformer
setIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Sets the integer stream used by this transformer
setInterleavedContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An interleaved continuo placement writes several fragments as a continuo on multiple voices starting at a specified bar and time offset, but each fragment of the continuo is interleaved; each phrase is played by one instrument, and then the next phrase is played by the another, and so on in rotation.
setInterleavedContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The maximum number of repeated fragment within the interleaved continuo.
setInterleavedContinuoPlacementMinRepeats(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The minimum number of repeated fragment within the interleaved continuo.
setInternalBounds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Resets the internal monotonic range to new values.
setInternalIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Sets the underlying integer stream or is a no-op if one is not used.
setInternalIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
Default implementation that does nothing.
setInternalIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Sets the nested integer stream used to make decisions about repeated values
setInternalIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Sets the underlying integer stream
setInternalIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Sets the underlying integer stream
setInterval(SemitoneModulation) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Sets the modulation interval.
setInterval(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Sets the modulation interval.
setIntervalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
setIntervalNotatorDownWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
setIntervalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
setIntervalNotatorIgnoreChordsPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
setIntervalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
setIntervalNotatorUpWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Interval Writing Notator writes random fragments composed from sets of semitone intervals, each used with a probability specified by integer weights arrays.
setIntervalWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Set the interval weights.
setInvalid() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Invalidates this time window by moving it beyond the end of the score.
setInvertTransformPivotMaxNoteOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Positive integer which determines the maximum offset within the phrase-to-be-inverted of the pivot note used by the invert transform as the 'axis' around which to invert the rest of the phrase.
setInvertTransformPivotMinNoteOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Positive integer which determines the minimum offset within the phrase-to-be-inverted of the pivot note used by the invert transform as the 'axis' around which to invert the rest of the phrase.
setJavaFileVersioningStrategy(FileVersioningStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the java file versioning strategy which determines whether any java code files generated by Opus+ are over-written or have extra characters appended to their names to ensure they are unique.
setKit(DrumKit) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.DrumStave
Sets the drum kit playing this stave.
setLeftQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Sets the current quantization level of the left bound of this range.
setLeftQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Sets the current quantization level of the left bound of this range.
setLeftQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Sets the current quantization level of the left edge of this window.
setLilypondCmdString(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the path to the Lilypond executable which is invoked during processing.
setLilypondCmdString(File) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the path to the Lilypond executable which is invoked during processing.
setLineBreaks(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the number of bars after which line breaks will be written explicitly during Lilypond generation.
setLowAltoOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 8va bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the alto clef.
setLowBassOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 8va bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the bass clef.
setLower(NoteType) - Method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Sets the lower number of the time signature.
setLowerDrumScale(DrumScale) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Sets the lower drum scale which comprises part of this kit
setLowestAltoOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 15ma bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the alto clef.
setLowestBassOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 15ma bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the bass clef.
setLowestPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Sets the lowest pitch for this instrument instance.
setLowestTrebleOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 15ma bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the treble clef.
setLowTrebleOctavationThreshold(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the pitch at which 8va bassa ottava are used if autoOttava is true for the treble clef.
setLyFile(File) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the name of the Lilypond output file.
setLyFile(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the name of the Lilypond output file.
setLyFileVersioningStrategy(FileVersioningStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the Lilypond file versioning strategy which determines whether Lilypond files are over-written or have extra characters appended to their names to ensure they are unique.
setLyFileVersionNumberWidth(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the field width in characters of the version number used for monotonic file Lilypond versioning.
setMarkedForSave(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.FragmentCacheRing
If true then the contents of the fragment cache are saved out to the Lilypond file as XML, and will have appropriate code generated when java code output is requested.
setMarkedForSave(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.PlacementCacheRing
If true then the contents of the placement cache are saved out to the Lilypond file as XML, and will have appropriate code generated when java code output is requested.
setMarkedForSave(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.TransformGroupCacheRing
If true then the contents of the transform group cache are saved out to the Lilypond file as XML, and will have appropriate code generated when java code output is requested.
setMaxAltoPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the maximum alto pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
setMaxApplications(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomJumpingSpacer
Sets the maximum number of times that calls to next() will succeed such that a call to more() will return true.
setMaxArpeggioPitchJump(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMaxArpeggioPitchReverseJump(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMaxBassPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the maximum bass pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
setMaxChordInterval(SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives the maximum interval in semitones between adjacent notes in any chord used by this parameter frame.
setMaxDistancePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFFactory
Sets the percentage distance that any parameter within the new frame can be altered from its default value.
setMaxFragmentCaches(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the maximum number of fragment caches that should be created and filled by the fragment cache filler.
setMaxFragmentDuration(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the maximum duration of any fragment created for this composition.
setMaxFragmentsPerCache(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter is used primarily by the FragmentCacheFiller to fill global fragment caches at random ready for use by the FragmentNotator.
setMaxGraceNoteIntervalAbove(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Sets the maximum interval that a grace-note can be above the pitch of its owning music element in semitones.
setMaxGraceNoteIntervalBelow(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Sets the maximum interval that a grace-note can be below the pitch of its owning music element in semitones.
setMaxHairpinLength(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives maximum crescendo/decrescendo hairpin length in 'music elements'.
setMaxIncrement(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.RandomSteppingSpacer
Sets the integer maximum that bounds the size of any step forward along the voices.
setMaxInstrumentCategories(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
When choosing instruments at random this constrains the number of different categories that can be drawn upon.
setMaxNotatorBarRangePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Together with the corresponding minimum these parameters bound the min and max bar range used by randomly created notators.
setMaxNotatorVoiceSelectionPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Some notators write to multiple voices in parallel.
setMaxNoteOffsetJumpDown(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter is used when a retentive note offset stream is active and it sets the maximum interval between successive pitches generated in a downwards direction.
setMaxNoteOffsetJumpUp(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter is used when a retentive note offset stream is active and it sets the maximum interval between successive pitches generated in a upwards direction.
setMaxNotesInArpeggio(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMaxNotesInChord(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The maximum number of notes in any chord used by this parameter frame
setMaxNotesInGraceNote(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This rather paradoxically named parameter specifies the maximum number of notes that can occur in a grace-note! Grace notes can actually be small phrases, but this parameter defaults to one, and should never be set smaller than one.
setMaxNotesInTrill(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMaxNotesInTuplet(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the maximum number of notes in a tuplet used by this parameter frame.
setMaxNumberBarsPerSection(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Specifies the maximum number of bars in any randomly generated section.
setMaxNumberDifferentArpeggioNoteDurations(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMaxNumberDifferentTrillNoteDurations(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMaxNumberInitialNotatorInstances(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategyBase
An arbitrary upper bound to the number of notators created before creation strategy algorithms starts switch to a more responsive mode where they start to fill in any space left.
setMaxNumberNotatorTypes(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Bounds the number of notator types used in a randomly created notator list.
setMaxNumberOfDrumKits(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
This parameter gives the maximum number of drum kits that can be generated for this composition.
setMaxNumberOfInstruments(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
This parameter returns the maximum number of instruments that can be generated for this composition.
setMaxNumberOfSameInstrument(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
This parameter determines whether instrument types are unique if they are randomly selected.
setMaxNumberOfSections(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Specifies the maximum number of sections that can be generated at random during a composition.
setMaxPassingNotes(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setMaxPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the maximum treble, alto and bass pitches in semitones.
setMaxPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Sets the maximum pitch defining the target range
setMaxPlacementCaches(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the maximum number of placement caches.
setMaxPlacementsPerCache(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An Opus+ Placement enables users to write a number musical fragments or phrases across multiple instruments in a variety of spatial/temporal arrangements.
setMaxRetries(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
The maximum number of times Opus+ will attempt to restart the composition process in a new thread.
setMaxSingleFragmentCacheFillerStrategyPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the maximum number of fragments that can be added to any fragment cache using a particular invocation of a fragment creation strategy, in terms of the min and max fragments per cache.
setMaxSpacerIterationMultiplier(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Controls the maximum number of times a fragment notator spacer can be used.
setMaxSwitchInterval(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.RandomCacheSelector
Sets an integer giving the maximum switch interval for fragment cache selection.
setMaxTransformGroupCaches(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the maximum number of transform group caches.
setMaxTransformGroupsPerCache(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An Opus+ Transform Group is essentially a list of transforms which can be applied one after another to a fragment, or a collection of fragments, to produce new fragments; they are similar to mathematical transforms.
setMaxTransformsPerGroup(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns the maximum number of transforms allowed in a group.
setMaxTreblePitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the maximum treble pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
setMaxTrillPitchDown(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMaxTrillPitchUp(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMaxTupletInterval(SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the maximum interval in semitones between successive notes in any tuplet for this parameter frame.
setMaxTupletSpan(SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Bounds the 'total span' of a tuplet which limits the interval between the lowest and the highest note in the tuplet as a whole; default value is one octave.
setMaxZoneNotatorFragmentNames(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Constrains the maximum number of fragment zones when these are randomly created.
setMaxZoneNotatorTransformGroupNames(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Constrains the maximum number of transform group zones when these are randomly created.
setMessageLevel(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.OpusMessageMgr
Takes a number between 0 and 3 inclusive specifying the level of detail displayed by Opus+ messages as composition generation is undertaken.
setMeter(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets a string describing the meter of the piece.
setMetronome(MetronomeType) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Passed an enum indicating the type of metronome stave generated
setMetronomeSuppressed(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
If true, then this score will NOT have a metronome track output to the Lilypond file.
setMidiName(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Sets the name of the MIDI voice used for this instrument by Lilypond
setMidiVoice(MIDIVoice) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Resets a current MIDI voice used for this stave until it is explicitly set back by another call to this function.
setMidiVoice(MIDIVoice) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Resets a current MIDI voice used for this stave until it is explicitly set back by another call to this function.
setMidiVoice(MIDIVoice) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Resets a current MIDI voice used for this stave until it is explicitly set back by another call to this function.
setMidiVoice(MIDIVoice) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
This method is a no-op.
setMidiVoice(MIDIVoice) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Resets a current MIDI voice used for this stave until it is explicitly set back by another call to this function.
setMinAltoPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the minimum alto pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
setMinBassPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the minimum bass pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
setMinChordInterval(SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives the minimum interval in semitones between adjacent notes in any chord used by this parameter frame.
setMinFragmentCaches(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Returns the minimum number of fragment caches which cannot be less than 1, (the default) and if max is less than min Opus+ will use the number of sections in the composition as the max.
setMinFragmentDuration(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the duration of the smallest fragment used by this composition.
setMinFragmentsPerCache(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter is used primarily by the FragmentCacheFiller to fill global fragment caches at random ready for use by the FragmentNotator.
setMinHairpinLength(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives minimum crescendo/decrescendo hairpin length in 'music elements'.
setMinimumBarsPerScoreFile(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
When splitting large compositions into multiple Lilypond files, this parameter controls the size of the 'left overs'.
setMinNotatorBarRangePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Together with the corresponding maximum these parameters bound the min and max bar range used by randomly created notators.
setMinNotesInArpeggio(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMinNotesInChord(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The minimum number of notes in any chord used by this parameter frame
setMinNotesInGraceNote(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This strangely named parameter specifies the minimum number of notes that can occur in a grace-note!? However, grace notes can actually be small phrases and this parameter defaults to a value of one.
setMinNotesInTrill(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMinNotesInTuplet(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the minimum number of notes in a tuplet used by this parameter frame.
setMinNumberBarsPerSection(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Specifies the minimum number of bars in any randomly generated section.
setMinNumberNotatorTypes(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Ensures the minimum number of notator types used in a randomly created notator list.
setMinNumberOfDrumKits(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
This parameter specifies the minimum number of instruments that can be generated for this composition.
setMinNumberOfInstruments(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
This parameter returns the minimum number of instruments that can be generated for this composition.
setMinNumberOfSections(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Specifies the minimum number of sections that can be generated at random during a composition.
setMinPassingNotes(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setMinPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the minimum treble, alto and bass pitches to 'min', which must be an integer number of semitones.
setMinPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Sets the minimum pitch defining the target range
setMinPlacementCaches(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the minimum number of placement caches.
setMinPlacementsPerCache(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An Opus+ Placement enables users to write a number musical fragments or phrases across multiple instruments in a variety of spatial/temporal arrangements.
setMinSwitchInterval(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.RandomCacheSelector
Sets an integer giving the minimum switch interval for fragment cache selection.
setMinTransformGroupCaches(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the minimum number of transform group caches.
setMinTransformGroupsPerCache(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An Opus+ Transform Group is essentially a list of transforms which can be applied one after another to a fragment, or a collection of fragments, to produce new fragments; they are similar to mathematical transforms.
setMinTransformsPerGroup(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the minimum number of transforms allowed in a group.
setMinTreblePitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Holds the minimum treble pitch in semitones used by this parameter frame
setMinTupletInterval(SemitoneInterval) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the minimum interval in semitones between successive notes in any tuplet for this parameter frame.
setMixedArpeggioNoteDurationPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMixedTrillNoteDurationPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setMode(ScaleMode) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.DrumScale
A no-op.
setMode(ScaleMode) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Sets the current mode of this scale.
setMode(ScaleMode) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.Scale
Sets the current mode of this scale.
setModulateTransformIntervalWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Set of interval weights to bias the modulation interval.
setModulateTransformModulationStrategyWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Biases the strategy used by the modulation transform when modulating fragments (or phrases).
setModulationStrategy(ModulationStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Sets the current modulation strategy.
setModulationStrategy(ModulationStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Sets the current modulation strategy.
setModulationStrategy(ModulationStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Sets the current modulation strategy.
setMonotonicIntegerStreamMax(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Specifies the maximum of the internal number stream used by the Monotonic Integer Stream class.
setMonotonicIntegerStreamMaxRepeats(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If a value is repeated in the monotonic sequence, this gives the maximum number of times that the value will be repeated.
setMonotonicIntegerStreamMin(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Specifies the minimum of the internal number stream used by the Monotonic Integer Stream class.
setMonotonicIntegerStreamMinRepeats(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If a value is repeated in the monotonic sequence, this gives the minimum number of times that the value will be repeated.
setMonotonicIntegerStreamRandomInit(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If set to true, (the default), all the system parameters pertaining to the Monotonic Integer Streams will be set randomly.
setMonotonicIntegerStreamRepeatPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Determines the chances of the current value within a monotonic sequence being repeated.
setMonotonicIntegerStreamRepeatWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Should the current value within a monotonic sequence be repeated this biases the likelihood of any specific number of repeats occurring.
setMoveUp(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Sets the boolean which determines how the pitches of accidentals are read from the source scale and mapped in the target scale.
setMultiplier(double) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Sets the multiplier used to control how fast this series diverges.
setMusicElements(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Replaces all the music elements (notes, chords, rests etc.) in this voice part.
setMusicElementTypeWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights used to constrain how music element types are generated consisting of four integer elements: CHORD, NOTE, REST or TUPLET respectively.
setMutes(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
(Un)sets the ability to play muted notes.
setName(String) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Function which allows the caller to set the name of a transform group.
setNearBridge(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
(Un)sets the ability to change the timbre by playing near the bridge.
setNext(RingNode) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.RingNode
Sets the next node along from this node
setNominalWidth(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Sets the nominal width of the range.
setNominalWidth(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Sets the nominal width of the range.
setNominalWidth(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Sets the nominal width of the window.
setNotator(Notator) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Records the notator which will operate across this range of voices and bar numbers.
setNotator(Notator) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.WholeScoreNotator
Sets the concrete Notator instance utilized by this.
setNotatorCreationStrategySelectionWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Biases the strategy used by the notator factory to create sets of notators.
setNotatorSelectionWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
An eleven integer array that biases the random creation of notators.
setNoteGroups(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This is an integer array which determines how the beats within a bar are 'grouped'.
setNoteOffsetStreamType(NoteOffsetStreamType) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls which note offset stream type is used to generate musical phrases
setNoteOrder(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Returns an array which determines the order in which the notes of the chord are used to create the tuplet.
setNovelKeyTimeTempo(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true then all new parameter frames created by the composer in situations where the key, the time signature and the tempo are unspecified, will have these three values set randomly at the point of frame creation.
setNumBars(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Determines the number of bars which will be used in the the current section
setNumBars(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
setNumBars(int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Sets the number of bars this notator will execute upon.
setNumBars(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Sets the number of bars this notator will execute upon.
setNumBars(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorDummyBase
setNumerologyIntegerStreamRadix(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the default radix used to generate the integer stream using the arithmetic of numerology.
setNumRepeats(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PatternInfo
setNumShuffleParts(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Sets the number of shuffle parts.
setOctavateTransformDownPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Returns the chance of randomly creating an octavation transform that moves the fragment up or down an octave.
setOctavateTransformModulationStrategyWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Returns the octavation transform modulation strategy weights.
setOffsetContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An offset continuo placement writes an array of fragments as a continuo on two or more voices starting at a specified bar and time offset, but the continuo fragments are offset with respect to time; each phrase is played by one instrument, and then before it finishes, another will start in another voice.
setOffsetContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The maximum number of repeated fragment within the offset continuo.
setOffsetContinuoPlacementMinRepeats(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The minimum number of repeated fragment within the offset continuo.
setOffsetContinuoPlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An offset continuo placement writes an array of fragments as a continuo on two or more voices starting at a specified bar and time offset, but the continuo fragments are offset with respect to time; each phrase is played by one instrument, and then before it finishes, another will start in another voice.
setOffsetPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An offset phrase placement writes fragments on to two or more different voices with one offset in time with respect to the other - that is one plays, and then before this finishes, another instrument immediately begins to play the next fragment, and so on for all the fragments.
setOffsetPhrasePlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An offset phrase placement writes fragments on to two or more different voices with one offset in time with respect to the other - that is one plays, and then before this finishes, another instrument immediately begins to play the next fragment, and so on for all the fragments.
setOwningMusicElement(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Sets the music element object owning or holding this graceNote.
setPadWithRests(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.FragmentCutter
In the event that the start bar is empty, or already contains a phrase which is shorter than the start time offset, this option, if true, will pad this voice part with rests to ensure that the cut section is exactly located where it is expected.
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Sets the value of an extension parameter of type String.
setParameter(String, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Sets the value of an extension parameter of type Integer.
setParameter(String, int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Sets the value of an extension parameter of type int[].
setParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Sets the value of an extension parameter of type boolean.
setParameter(String, double) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Sets the value of an extension parameter of type double.
setParameter(String, double[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFExtensions
Sets the value of an extension parameter of type double array.
setParas(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Sets a parameter frame containing all the constraint values that limit the musical content of this voice part.
setParentSection(Section) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Sets the parent section
setPassingNoteOnDottedChordPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNoteOnDottedNotePercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNoteOnDottedTupletPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNoteOnPlainChordPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNoteOnPlainNotePercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNoteOnPlainTupletPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNotePatternWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNotePhraseFromChordModulationAxisWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNotePitchZoneWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNotesInKey(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPassingNoteTupletInterleavePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Passing Note Notator examines existing musical material for a number of bars over a range of voices, and inserts passing notes according to a complex set of constraints specified in parameter frames found locally.
setPatternCacheSize(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Sets the size of the bar pattern cache.
setPatternCacheSize(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Sets the size of the bar pattern cache.
setPatternCacheSize(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationStream
Sets the size of the bar pattern cache.
setPatternList(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Sets the voice pattern list used during execution.
setPatternList(PatternInfo[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
Sets the voice pattern list used during execution.
setPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedBooleanStream
Sets the percentage of 'true' vs 'false' returned by subsequent calls to getNext() on this stream
setPermuteMargin(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Controls the degree of similarity expected between the harmonic profiles of large chords i.e.
setPermuteMax(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Determines the maximum number of different permutations that will be considered to find chords with the same harmonic profile as another.
setPerturbParameterGroupsDistancePercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Percentage weights for the parameter groups that are used for perturbation purposes during random composition generation.
setPerturbParameterGroupsProbabilityPercentages(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Percentage weights for the parameter groups that are used for perturbation purposes during random composition generation.
setPerturbPFTableOnReplay(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true then before any reloaded Lilypond file is executed, all the parameter frames in each cell in the PFTable are deleted, and all the PF's at the head of sections and at the beginning of rows are perturbed according to the settings of the probability and distance percentage arrays.
setPF(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
setPF(PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ChordStream
Sets the current parameter frame used by this chord stream
setPF0(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
Sets the parameter frame used for generating phrases for the only (or top) voice, depending on whether a multi-voiced instrument has been chosen.
setPF0(PF) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
Sets the parameter frame used for generating phrases for the only (or top) voice, depending on whether a multi-voiced instrument has been chosen.
setPF1(PF) - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
Returns the parameter frame used for generating phrases for the second voice when a multi-voiced instrument, such as a piano or drum kit, has been chosen.
setPF1(PF) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
Returns the parameter frame used for generating phrases for the second voice when a multi-voiced instrument, such as a piano or drum kit, has been chosen.
setPFTable(PFTable) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Replaces the current Parameter Frame Table with the one passed.
setPFXMLCompressionStrategy(PFXMLCompressionType) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Specifies how parameter frames are saved as XML to file.
setPhraseOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetContinuo
Sets the offset between the start of the fragments written on to the various staves by this placement
setPhraseOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetPhrase
Sets the offset between the start of the fragments written on to the various staves by this placement
setPhraseShaperTransformAdjacencyPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the adjacency percentage which effects how the phrase shape is perturbed by the PhraseShaper transform.
setPhraseShaperTransformSwapPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives the swap percentage which effects how the phrase shape is perturbed by the PhraseShaper transform.
setPhraseShaperTransformWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies an integer array which controls the chances of a particular phrase shape being selected for use by a PhraseShaper transform at each call to execute it.
setPhraseShapeWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Sets an integer array which controls the chances of a particular phrase shape being selected for use by this transform at each call to execute it.
setPianoAutoChangeDownThresholdPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
The pitch below which a voice, currently on the upper piano stave, must fall before it will switch to the lower stave.
setPianoAutoChangeUpThresholdPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
The pitch above which a voice, currently on the lower piano stave, must rise before it will switch to the upper stave.
setPianoNoteStemsOpposing(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If set to true then the note stems of the upper voice will all go up, and those of the lower voice will go down.
setPianoStaveAutoChange(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Set to true, and voices will automatically switch between piano staves when encountering extreme pitches.
setPianoStaveSeparation(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
A positive integer here will change the default separation between piano staves.
setPitch(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Sets the pitch value of this note as the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C - which itself equals zero.
setPitches(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Passed an array containing a set of pitch values this method sets the chord in terms of the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C.
setPitches(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Passed an array containing a set of pitch values this method sets the graceNote(s) in terms of the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C.
setPitches(int[]) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Sets the pitch values of this musical element as an array of the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C - which itself equals zero - if this element is in a pitched context, or the offset into a drum scale if its in a percussive context.
setPitches(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Passed an array containing a single element this method sets the pitch value of this note as the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C - which itself equals zero.
setPitches(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
This method is a no-op.
setPitches(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Passed an array containing a set of pitch values this method sets the tuplet in terms of the number of semi-tones above or below Middle C.
setPitchPrintString(PitchSpec, String) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchDrumRep
This method is a NOP.
setPitchPrintString(PitchSpec, String) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFlatRep
Method used to tailor the string representation of particular pitches.
setPitchPrintString(PitchSpec, String) - Method in interface opusplus.core.scales.PitchRep
Method used to tailor the string representation of particular pitches.
setPitchPrintString(PitchSpec, String) - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchSharpRep
Method used to tailor the string representation of particular pitches.
setPitchRewritingProfileFollowModePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
setPitchShiftTransformModulationStrategyWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Must be passed an array of seven integers which control the relative probability of using a particular modulation strategy for the pitch shift transform.
setPitchShiftTransformShiftVector(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Allows the user to specify the precise shift vector.
setPitchStrataInKey(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If the pitch strata spans an octave or more, then the fragment is guaranteed to remain in its original key.
setPitchStrataMax(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Entire fragments can be organised into layers of pitch called 'pitch strata'.
setPitchStrataMin(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Entire fragments can be organised into layers of pitch called 'pitch strata'.
setPitchStrataOn(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Organises whole fragments into layers of pitch called 'pitch strata'.
setPitchWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies the weights that bias how pitches are produced.
setPitchWidenTransformIgnoreChordPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that pitch widen/compression operations will ignore chords.
setPitchWidenTransformInKeyPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that pitch widen/compression operations will ensure the resulting pitch will be in key.
setPitchWidenTransformWidenPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that pitch widen/compression operations will widen, as opposed to narrowing, the phrase intervals.
setPivotNoteOffset(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
Sets the offset of the element around which this transform would invert a fragment if/when applied.
setPizzicato(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
To pizzicato or not?
setPlacementCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setPlacementCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setPlacementCacheRingSelectorWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setPlacementCacheSelector(PlacementCacheRingSelector) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Sets the strategy objects used to select placement caches.
setPlacementSelector(PlacementSelector) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Sets the strategy object used to select placements.
setPlacementSelectorPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setPlacementTypeWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies an integer weights array which biases the choice of placements as prescribed by the PlacementType enum.
setPlaces(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Sets the number of shift-places.
setPlainChordMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setPlainDurationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Returns the weights used to constrain the generation of plain durations by components such as the Weighted Duration Combination Stream.
setPlainMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationCalculator
Sets the duration filter mask for plain durations.
setPlainMasks(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Convenience function to set all the plain masks for the different music element types in a single call
setPlainNoteMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setPlainRestMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setPlainTupletMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Specifies a mask used to differentially constrain the generation of musical elements according to their type and duration.
setPlayChords(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Sets the number of simultaneous notes that can be played by this instrument.
setPosition(int, int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Sets the start bar and offset to an arbitrary position within the composition.
setPosition(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Moves this spacer to the passed bar and offset
setPrecisionMultiplier(double) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Sets the multiplier used to displace the double produced by the difference equation, which lies between 0 and 1, to a much higher integer value.
setPreferBreakScoreFilesAtSectionBoundaries(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true, then when splitting large compositions across multiple Lilypond files the bar ranges chosen for each file will break at section boundaries where possible as long as other constraints allow.
setPreferNearPitchMax(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Set to true and the cut points will be located near pitch maximums in any fragment.
setPreferNearPitchMin(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Set to true and the cut points will be located near pitch minimums in any fragment.
setPreferredClef(ClefType) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
Changes the preferred clef for this object.
setPreferredClefType() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the clef type to that preferred by the current setting of the instrument id in this parameter frame.
setPrev(RingNode) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.RingNode
Sets the previous node
setPrimeIntegerStreamStart(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Gives the default starting point in the prime integer sequence.
setProbability(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.ProbabalisticCacheSelector
Sets the probability of the cache being switched.
setProfileFollowMode(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.PitchRewritingNotator
Sets either profile follow mode or raw mode.
setQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Sets the quantization used when this pointer is positioned, and re-applies the quantization.
setQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Sets the current quantization level of both the left and rights bounds of this range to the same quantization level.
setQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Sets the current quantization level of both the left and right bounds of this range to the same quantization level.
setQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Sets the current quantization level of both the left and right edges of this window to the same quantization level.
setQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Sets the quantization which governs the positions returned by this spacer.
setQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Sets the quantization used by this spacer.
setRadix(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Sets the number base used to calculate the theosophic addition.
setRaggedLastBar(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets whether a ragged last bar is allowed when Lilypond output is generated.
setRandomBooleanStreamSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the seed used to initialize all instances of the BooleanIntegerStream class.
setRandomIntegerStreamSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the seed used to initialize all instances of the RandomIntegerStream class.
setRandomScaleTimeAndTempo(IntegerStream, PF) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Convenience method that sets the key signature, time signature and tempo of the passed parameter frame to enable callers to add some superficial but important variety to randomly generated artifacts.
setRandomScaleTimeAndTempo(IntegerStream, PF, int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Convenience method that sets the key signature, time signature and tempo of the passed parameter frame to enable callers to add some superficial but important variety to randomly generated artifacts.
setRandomSeedsConstant(long) - Method in class opusplus.lib.OpusLib
Initializes all random integer streams to the same seed, so that repeated runs of Opus+ generation should be identical.
setRatio(double) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Sets the ratio value which determines how quickly this series bifurcates, and whether it settles down to a single value.
setReconcileStrategy(PFTableReconciliationStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Allows the user to specify how reconciliation operates when the parameter frame table is rendered operationally consistent by calling the reconcile method.
setRepeatPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Sets the percentage probability of any value between 'min' and 'max' being repeated.
setRepeats(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Sets the minimum and maximum possible number of repeats, both of which defaults to zero.
setRepeats(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
The number of applications of the placement
setRepeats(int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
The number of applications of the placement
setRepeatWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
Sets the weights used to bias how long the repeated sequences are.
setReSeedOnReplay(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true, then before any reloaded Lilypond file is executed, all the integer streams have their seeds re-set at random, so a new composition is created but using the parameters of the old one.
setResetFragment(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PlacementPattern
If set to true, then as the placement pattern operates and moves between voices, the fragments in the fragment array will be re-used again from the beginning.
setRestType(RestType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Sets the type of this rest; either spacer, normal or full bar as described in the documentation for the RestType enum.
setRetryPause(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Pause in milliseconds between retries (i.e.
setReverseDirection(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
If true, the default, then intervals that originally descended in pitch will be inverted to ascend in pitch, and vice versa.
setRhythmPatternDuration(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Sets this stream to operate with the passed duration.
setRhythmPatternDuration(TimeSignature) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.BifurcatingDurationStream
Sets this stream to operate with the passed time signature.
setRhythmPatternDuration(TimeSignature) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Sets this stream to operate with the passed time signature
setRhythmPatternDuration(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
Sets this stream to operate with the passed duration
setRhythmPatternDuration(TimeSignature) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationStream
Sets this stream to operate with the passed time signature.
setRhythmPatternDuration(int) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationStream
Sets this stream to operate with the passed duration.
setRightQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Sets the current quantization level of the right bound of this range.
setRightQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in interface opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRangeInterface
Sets the current quantization level of the right bound of this range.
setRightQuantization(TimeQuantization) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Sets the current quantization level of the right edge of this window.
setRootName(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Sets the root name of the Lilypond file.
setRotateTransformMaxLeftPlaces(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the maximum number of places that the phrase will be rotated to the left.
setRotateTransformMaxRightPlaces(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the maximum number of places that the phrase will be rotated to the right.
setRowList(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SerialismNotator
Sets the list of serial rows used by this notator.
setRunLilypondAutomatically(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true (the default) then Lilypond process is automatically run on all the Lilypond files produced by Opus+ as the last processing step.
setRunningInversionTransformIgnoreChordPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that running inversion operations will ignore chord elements.
setRunningInversionTransformInKeyPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that running inversion operations will move pitches in-key with respect to the current scale.
setRunningInversionTransformReverseDirectionPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that running inversion operations will move pitches in the opposite direction to that in the original phrase.
setSaveParameterFramesToFile(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true, the default, all parameter frame information will be saved to the .ly file along with the Lilypond mark-up.
setScale(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.ChordStream
Sets the scale used for in-key generation
setScale(MusicalScale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Sets the current scale used by this transform.
setScale(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Sets the current musical scale used by this transform.
setScale(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Sets the current scale used by this transform.
setScale(MusicalScale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Sets the current musical scale used by this transform.
setScale(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
Sets the musical scale used by this transform
setScale(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
Sets the scale used by this transform
setScaleChangerTransformFromScale(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter forms one of a pair: the other specifying scale-to information.
setScaleChangerTransformMoveUpPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that the scale change will be up in pitch as opposed to down lower.
setScaleChangerTransformToScale(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This parameter forms one of a pair: the other specifying scale-from information.
setScaleMode(ScaleMode) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives the mode of the scale used here (i.e.
setScaleName(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the scale used by this parameter frame by id
setScaleName(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Gives the name of the musical scale used by this parameter frame.
setSectionalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Sectional Notator is a high level notator which iterates across a series of sections one voice at a time and fills each voice-section with a single random fragment created according to the constraints specified by the parameter frame in that voice section.
setSectionalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Sectional Notator is a high level notator which iterates across a series of sections one voice at a time and fills each voice-section with a single random fragment created according to the constraints specified by the parameter frame in that voice section.
setSectionalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Sectional Notator is a high level notator which iterates across a series of sections one voice at a time and fills each voice-section with a single random fragment created according to the constraints specified by the parameter frame in that voice section.
setSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
Resets the seed used to initialize this stream
setSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
Resets the seed used to initialize this stream
setSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Resets the seed used to initialize this stream
setSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MetaStreamInitializer
Resets the seed used to initialize this random number stream
setSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomBooleanStream
Resets the seed used to initialize this stream
setSeed(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
Resets the seed used to initialize this stream
setSeeds(long, long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
Sets the current seeds
setSelector(VoiceSelector) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
Sets the object which determines which voices are used by the placement.
setSelector(VoiceSelector) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
Sets the object which determines which voices are used by the placement.
setSerialismVoiceApplicationStrategyWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Serialism Notator rewrites the pitches over a set of voices between two specified bars using algorithms of a serial nature.
setSerialRowLengthWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Serialism Notator rewrites the pitches over a set of voices between two specified bars using algorithms of a serial nature.
setSerialRowModulationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Serialism Notator rewrites the pitches over a set of voices between two specified bars using algorithms of a serial nature.
setSettingsXMLFile(File) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the name of the XML settings file.
setSettingsXMLFile(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the name of the XML settings file.
setShiftVector(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Sets the vector of shifts that will be used during execution.
setShrink() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Sets the transform to shrink the next fragment by half its duration on the next call to transform
setShuffleTransformCutPoints(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Allows the caller to specify precise cut points used by this shuffle transform.
setShuffleTransformNumShuffleParts(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Positive integer specifying the number of cut points to be used in this shuffle transform.
setShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMaxPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that the shuffle cut points will be near or at a pitch maxima in the shuffled phrase.
setShuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMinPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that the shuffle cut points will be near or at a pitch minima in the shuffled phrase.
setSinglePhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A single phrase placement writes fragments in succession once each, one after another, starting at a specified voice, bar and time offset within that bar.
setSlowPhraseDoublingWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Slow Phrase Notator is a specialized notator class which writes long, slow, tied phrases such as those used in continuo or ostinato.
setSlowPhraseNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Slow Phrase Notator is a specialized notator class which writes long, slow, tied phrases such as those used in continuo or ostinato.
setSlowPhraseNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Slow Phrase Notator is a specialized notator class which writes long, slow, tied phrases such as those used in continuo or ostinato.
setSlowPhraseNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Slow Phrase Notator is a specialized notator class which writes long, slow, tied phrases such as those used in continuo or ostinato.
setSoloPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Sectional Notator is a high level notator which iterates across a series of sections one voice at a time and fills each voice-section with a single random fragment created according to the constraints specified by the parameter frame in that voice section.
setSpread(int, int) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.RetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Resets the spread of pitch information to be returned from the stream to be between min and max of the previous value.
setSpread(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
Sets the spread attribute which influences the shape of the normal distribution curve bounding the probability of any particular integer being returned from the stream.
setStart(double) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
Resets the starting value of the series.
setStart(long) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
Sets the number above which the series will start searching for primes.
setStartBar(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
setStartBar(int) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Sets the number of the bar where execution will start.
setStartBar(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Sets the number of the bar where execution will start.
setStartBar(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorDummyBase
setStave(Stave) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Sets the stave of which this stave part is a member
setStaveNumber(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Sets the stave number for this instrument.
setStavePart(StavePart) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Sets the parent stave part containing this voice part.
setStaveParts(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Bar
Sets all the stave parts for this bar.
setStaveType(StaveType) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the specified stave type.
setStemDirection(StemDirection) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Sets the note stem direction to be used for this voice.
setStretch() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Sets the transform to stretch the next fragment by twice its duration on the next call to transform
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.SerialismNotator
Set to true if the serial algorithm should be applied strictly, i.e.
setStrictSerialismPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Serialism Notator rewrites the pitches over a set of voices between two specified bars using algorithms of a serial nature.
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the sub-title of the piece as printed on the score.
setSuppressMetronomeForSingleInstrumentScores(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true, then single instrument scores will NOT have a metronome track output to the Lilypond file.
setSustain(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
(Un)sets the ability to play sustained notes.
setSwapPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Sets the swap percentage which effects how the phrase shape is perturbed.
setSwitchInterval(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.SimpleRepeatingCacheSelector
Sets an integer giving the switch interval for fragment cache selection.
setSyncopateTransformTiesAllowedPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that note ties will be allowed when syncopating phrases by merging music element together.
setSyncopateTypeTransformWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Weights array which sets the probability of different syncopation operations as defined by the SyncopateOp enum i.e.
setTargetDensity(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.DensitySensitiveSpacer
Sets the target density.
setTempo(Tempo) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Section
Sets the tempo for this section
setTempo(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Determines the section tempo in beats-per-minute
setThickeningTransformWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The 'thickener' transformer 'thickens up' a musical fragment by removing rests.
setThinningTransformWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The 'thinning' transformer 'thins out' a musical fragment by replacing existing musical elements with rests, or by halving their duration and inserting a new rest.
setTiesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
If true, then music elements can be tied to fulfil merge or extension operations.
setTiesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Sets whether stretching a fragment in time can result in ties between notes/chords
setTimeSignature(TimeSignature) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the time signature upper and lower from the passed time signature object
setTimeSignatureLower(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the lower time signature used by this parameter frame
setTimeSignatureUpper(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
An integer giving the number of beats in the time signature used by this parameter frame
setTimeStepSize(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.TimeSteppingSpacer
setTimeWarpTransformShrinkPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that the time warp transform will shrink a phrase to half its duration, as opposed to doubling its duration.
setTimeWarpTransformTiesAllowedPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Controls the percentage probability that stretching a phrase will allow ties to be introduced for very long sounding notes.
setTimeWindowWidth(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.DensitySensitiveSpacer
Sets the width of the time window in 'ticks'.
setTitle(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the title of the piece as printed on the score
setToScale(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Sets the scale to which any fragment will be transformed.
setTransformGroupCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setTransformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setTransformGroupCacheRingSelectorWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setTransformGroupSelector(TransformGroupSelector) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Sets the strategy object used to select transform groups.
setTransformGroupSelectorPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Fragment Notator is a highly abstract and generalized notator which writes random fragments into the stave in a huge variety of ways.
setTransformRepeatMask(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
This mask is applied after each transform is added to the group.
setTransforms(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Sets the array list of the transform objects.
setTransformTypeWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
Determine the probability of choosing any particular transform.
setTrill(TrillArticulationType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
setTrill(TrillArticulationType) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Called on note elements this will set the type of trill articulation (including glissando) present, or unset this attribute by passing null.
setTrill(TrillArticulationType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
setTrill(TrillArticulationType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
setTrill(TrillArticulationType) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
setTrillDurationPatternResuseWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setTrillEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setTrillNoteDurationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setTrillOffsetQuantizationWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setTrillPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A musical trill is a rapid alternation of sung or played notes.
setTrillPitchChainingPercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setTrillPitchPatternResuseWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setTrillPrincipalPitchWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setTrillTripletNotePercentage(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setTrillTypeWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Arpeggio/Trill Notator writes a series of arpeggios and/or trills into the score according to various constraints.
setTrillWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
A musical trill is a rapid alternation of sung or played notes.
setTupletOption(ChordConvertOption) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Sets an enum determining how chords will be converted to tuplets.
setUpper(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Sets the upper number of the time signature
setUpperDrumScale(DrumScale) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.DrumKit
Sets the upper drum scale which comprises part of this drum kit
setUsageStats(PFUsageStatistics) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatsHolder
Sets a new object that records the parameter frame usages statistics i.e.
setUseArticulations(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Generates articulation marks, e.g.
setUseCadenceNotator(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true (the default) then the CadenceNotator will be executed to give a slightly more palatable exit to the composition.
setUseCompoundStave(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
If true, and this PF is the default for an instrument stave, then the instrument stave will be displayed as compound bass/treble stave rather like a piano.
setUseDynamics(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Generates volume dynamics information, e.g.
setUseIntroNotator(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If true (the default) then the IntroNotator will be executed to give a semblance of an introductory musical passage to the piece.
setUseShortDrumNames(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
If set to true then short Lilypond drum names are used; false (the default) and Opus+ will generate long drum names.
setUseShortInstrumentNames(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
By default the instrument names are printed at the start of each stave.
setUseShortNames(boolean) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
If set to true then short Lilypond drum names are used; false (the default) and Opus+ will generate long drum names.
setUseSystemParameterXMLReference(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
When generating multiple Lilypond files if this is set to true then rather than saving the system parameters explicitly in every file, the XML is written to one of the files and all the others will hold a reference to that file.
setValue(int) - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Sets the value associated of this enum
setVersion(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Sets the version of this Lilypond file.
setVibrato(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.Instrument
(Un)sets the ability to play vibrato.
setVoice(Voice) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Sets the voice containing this voice part
setVoiceNumber(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Sets the voice number this pointer is targeted at, and re-applies the quantization to the new voice because this new voice might have a different time signature at this current bar.
setVoiceNumber(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Repositions the range onto another voice.
setVoiceNumber(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.ArticulationAndDynamicsFixupNotator
setVoiceNumber(int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.PatternInfo
setVoices(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Sets the voices considered by this window.
setVoices(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Directly sets the list of voices in this stave part.
setVoices(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Resets the voices covered by this range object.
setVoices(int[]) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacer
Sets the voices considered by the spacer.
setVoices(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Sets the voices considered by the spacer.
setVoiceSelector(VoiceSelector) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.FragmentNotatorTemplate
Sets the strategy object used to select voices.
setVoiceSelector(VoiceSelector) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Sets the voices selected by this notator.
setVoiceSelector(VoiceSelector) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
Sets the voices selected by this notator.
setVoiceSelector(VoiceSelector) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorDummyBase
setVPToPFReferenceStrategy(VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Specifies an enum describing how voice part objects within the composition aggregate object reference their PF object.
setWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.MusicElementTypeStream
Sets the current weights array.
setWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Sets the current weights array.
setWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Sets a weights array that should contain five, non-zero, positive integers.
setWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Sets the weights array containing two integers that weight the chances of any particular rest being filled.
setWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Sets the weights array containing three integers to weight the chances of any particular element remaining untouched, being replaced, or being halved in duration.
setWiden(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
If true, then execution will widen the phrase, which will emphasise its shape.
setWidth(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Sets the number of zeros used as padding for the version number in the Lilypond file name.
setWithXOver(IntegerStream, PF, PF) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Sets the value of this frame as the result of a cross-over of those passed.
setWorkingDir(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the working directory of this process.
setWorkingDir(File) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParameters
Sets the working directory of this process.
setZoneNotatorActionWeights(int[]) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Zone Notator works by the user specifying 'zones' across the different sections of the composition.
setZoneNotatorFragmentName(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Zone Notator works by the user specifying 'zones' across the different sections of the composition.
setZoneNotatorLeaveNullNamesAsEmptyPercent(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Zone Notator works by the user specifying 'zones' across the different sections of the composition.
setZoneNotatorTransformGroupName(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMethods
The Zone Notator works by the user specifying 'zones' across the different sections of the composition.
shapeJumpDown(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Rearranges the values in the passed array as two monotonically increasing series with a jump downwards in the middle point.
shapeJumpUp(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Rearranges the values in the passed array as two monotonically decreasing series with a jump upwards in the middle point.
shapeMaxima(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Rearranges the values in the passed array in the shape of a hill.
shapeMaxMax(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Rearranges the values in the passed array as a double 'S' shape, with two maximas, separated by a minima.
shapeMaxMin(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Rearranges the values in the passed array as an 'S' shape, with a maxima, followed by a minima.
shapeMinima(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Rearranges the values in the passed array in the shape of a valley.
shapeMinMax(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Rearranges the values in the passed array as an 'S' shape, with a minima, followed by a maxima.
shapeMinMin(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Rearranges the values in the passed array as a double 'S' shape, with two minimas, separated by a maxima.
shapePhraseTransform(ArrayList, PhraseShape, int, int) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Returns a fragment based on the phrase passed but with pitches altered to take on a shape depending on the passed enum.
shapePhraseTransform(ArrayList, PhraseShape, int, int, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Transforms a fragment by altering the pitches to take on an overall shape, such as a 'U' shape or a linear ascension, depending on the passed PhraseShape enum.
sharpen() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Increments the pitch of this note by a semi-tone.
shuffle(IntegerStream, NoteLength[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns an array containing the same elements but randomly shuffled
shuffle(IntegerStream, int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Alternative to the Collections.shuffle(arr, rnd), a call which works for random integer streams but cannot offer the option to maintain determinism when we need to - for example when we want to re-run a generation.
shuffle(IntegerStream, ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Alternative to the Collections.shuffle(arr, rnd), a call which works for general collections but cannot offer the option to maintain determinism when we need to - for example when we want to re-run a generation.
shuffle(IntegerStream, T[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Alternative to the Collections.shuffle(arr, rnd), a call which works for general collections but cannot offer the option to maintain determinism when we need to - for example when we want to re-run a generation.
shuffleDurations(IntegerStream, ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This routine shuffles the durations of the music element list.
shufflePitches(IntegerStream, ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This routine shuffles the pitches of the music element list into a random order without disturbing the music element types or durations.
shuffleTransform(ArrayList, int, int[], boolean, boolean, IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This transform cuts the specified fragment into parts, typically bigger than a single music element, and then shuffles them, according to the next number off an integer stream.
ShuffleTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This transform cuts the specified fragment into parts, typically bigger than a single music element, and then shuffles them, according to the next number off an integer stream.
ShuffleTransform(IntegerStream, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Ctor passed an array of integers specifying at which offset to cut the fragment into chunks prior to their being shuffled.
ShuffleTransform(IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Ctor passed the number of chunks in which to cut an fragment at random prior to their being shuffled.
shuffleTransform(ArrayList, int, int[], boolean, boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This transform cuts the specified fragment into parts, typically bigger than a single music element, and then shuffles them, according to the next number off an integer stream.
shuffleVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Shuffles the voices held in this selection into a random order according to their voice number.
SimpleNoteOffsetStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
Straight-forward implementation of a note stream which generates scale note offsets using an IntegerStream instance directly.
SimpleNoteOffsetStream(IntegerStream, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.SimpleNoteOffsetStream
Ctor that takes all the state necessary to encapsulate a sensible decision about the ranges of note offsets to generate, and how to generate them.
SimpleRepeatingCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
The class implements a very simple cache switching strategy where the current cache is switched to the next() cache in the ring every N calls.
SimpleRepeatingCacheSelector(CacheRing, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.SimpleRepeatingCacheSelector
Default ctor which switches the fragment cache to the next one in the ring on every call to selectCache().
SimpleRepeatingFragmentCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
The class implements a very simple cache switching strategy where the current fragment cache is switched to the next cache after a specified number of calls.
SimpleRepeatingFragmentCacheSelector(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.SimpleRepeatingFragmentCacheSelector
SimpleRepeatingPlacementCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
The class implements a very simple cache switching strategy where the current placement cache is switched to the next cache after a specified number of calls.
SimpleRepeatingPlacementCacheSelector(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.SimpleRepeatingPlacementCacheSelector
SimpleRepeatingTransformGroupCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
The class implements a very simple cache switching strategy where the current transform group cache is switched to the next cache after a specified number of calls.
SimpleRepeatingTransformGroupCacheSelector(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.SimpleRepeatingTransformGroupCacheSelector
SinglePhrase - Class in opusplus.lib.placement
Class that writes multiple fragments in succession once each, one after another, starting at a specified stave/bar and time offset within that bar.
SinglePhrase() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.SinglePhrase
Default ctor which writes a single phrase across all voices by default.
SinglePhrase(VoiceSelector, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.placement.SinglePhrase
Full-state ctor which determines the voices used in the placement execution and the offset into the first bar where writing starts.
size() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Returns the number of entries in this map
size() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Returns the size of this set
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordConvertOption
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationPostProcess
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefOctave
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DissonanceTritoneChordSpec
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size(DrumId[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Convenience function which correctly returns the size of an array even if it is null.
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DurationStreamType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FileVersioningStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FragmentCreationStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentCategory
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InversionType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeyType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MajMinChordSpec
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MetronomeType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ModulationStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorCreationStrategyType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size(NoteLength[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Convenience function which correctly returns the size of an array even if it is null.
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteOffsetStreamType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ParameterGroup
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFTableReconciliationStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PhraseShape
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchRepType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchSpec
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PlacementType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.RestType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScoreSection
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SmoothingLevel
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StaveType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SyncopateOp
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TransformType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TupletExtractionStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoiceType
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ZoneNotatorActions
Returns the number of enum values of this type
size() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the number of notes in this chord
size(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Convenience function which correctly returns the size of an array even if it is null.
size(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Convenience function which correctly returns the size of an array even if it is null.
size(int[][]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Convenience function which correctly returns the size of an array even if it is null, where size is given by rows * cols.
size(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Convenience function which correctly returns the size of an array even if it is null.
size(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Convenience function which correctly returns the size of an array even if it is null.
size(String[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Convenience function which correctly returns the size of an array even if it is null.
size(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Convenience function which correctly returns the size of a string even if it is null.
size(T[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the size of the passed array and safely deals with nulls.
size(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the number of music elements in the passed list.
size() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Returns the number of element in the ring.
size() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Returns the number of transforms in this group
sizeNoRepeats() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns the number of distinct values of this type.
sleep(long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Convenience function which gives your threads a rest!
SlowPhraseNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
Specialized notator class which writes long, slow, tied phrases such as used in continuo or ostinato.
SlowPhraseNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.SlowPhraseNotator
Ctor which takes an integer stream, a voice selection, a start and end bar number.
SmoothingLevel - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum which specifies the degree of phrase 'smoothing' applied when final rest processing is executed just prior to Lilypond output.
snap() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Sets the real position of this pointer to the apparent position and returns true if the pointer is now valid.
solidify(Chord, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Doubles the bass note of the passed chord by adding a new bass note one octave below the existing one.
sort(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Returns a copy of the array passed sorted into ascending order.
sort(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a copy of the array passed sorted into ascending order.
sort(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Returns a copy of the array passed sorted into ascending order.
sortBySimilarity() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
The purpose of this method is to help compress the parameter frame data saved to the Lilypond file.
sortDurations(ArrayList, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This routine sorts the durations of the music element list into either ascending or descending order, depending on the value of the last argument.
sortPitches(ArrayList, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
This routine sorts the pitches of the music element list into either ascending or descending order, depending on the value of the last argument.
sortVoices() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Sorts the voices held in this selection into ascending voice-number order.
SpacerType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enumerates the types of spacer used by fragment notators.
spreadChord(Chord, int, int, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Returns a chord based on the pitches of the chord passed, but with their values spread between the absolute pitches specified.
Stats - Class in opusplus.core.utilities.maths
Simple class that collects statistics in various ways
Stats(int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.Stats
Ctor that prepares to collect counts of samples which lie in the range min-max.
Stave - Class in opusplus.core.composition
An abstract base class for all the different staves that can be used in an Opus+ composition.
Stave(ClefType, StaveType) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Ctor for the stave which takes the clef type and the stave type.
StaveGroup - Class in opusplus.core.composition
This class represents a related group of staves on the final score.
StaveGroup(ScoreSection, Stave) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.StaveGroup
Ctor which is created holding the first stave object.
StaveIterator - Class in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
This class provides all the methods necessary to navigate around the staves of the current composition both reading and writing notes, chords and rests.
StaveIterator() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Constructor which attaches itself to the current composition and positions itself at the beginning of the first bar.
StaveIterator(int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Constructor which attaches itself to the the current composition and positions itself at the stave offset and bar passed.
StaveIterator(StaveSelector) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Constructor which attaches itself to the current composition and positions itself at the beginning of the first bar.
StaveIterator(StaveSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Constructor which attaches itself to the selected staves from the current composition and positions itself at the stave offset and bar passed.
StaveIterator(StavePart) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Constructor which attaches itself to the current composition and positions itself at the stave part passed.
StavePart - Class in opusplus.core.composition
Forms one bar of a stave for a particular instrument.
StavePart(PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Ctor for stave parts with a single voice.
StavePart(PF, Stave, Bar) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Ctor for stave parts with a single voice, that sets the containing stave and bar for this stave part along with the parameters used for the voice part created by this stave part.
StavePart(PF[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Ctor which is passed an array of parameter frames, one for each of the voice parts used by this stave part.
StavePart(PF[], Stave, Bar) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Ctor that accepts sets the containing stave and bar for this stave part along with the parameters used for the voice parts created by this stave part.
StaveSelector - Interface in opusplus.core.composition.selector
Interface that is implemented by classes which return a selection of the staves in the composition.
StaveSelectorBase - Class in opusplus.core.composition.selector
Abstract base class for all stave selectors, which provides default implementations for most of the StaveSelector interface.
StaveSelectorBase() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelectorBase
StaveType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
An enum which indicates the type of the stave.
StemDirection - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enables the user to control the direction of note stems.
Stencil - Class in opusplus.lib.notator.stencil
Class which combines arrays of fragment arrays, and arrays of transform arrays, with a single placement and writes music into the staves according to a specific pattern.
Stencil(TransformFunctor, Placement) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Ctor that takes a single transform and a placement.
Stencil(TransformFunctor[], Placement) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Ctor that takes an array of transforms and a placement.
Stencil(TransformGroup, Placement) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Ctor that takes a transform group and a placement.
Stencil(TransformFunctor[][], Placement) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Ctor that takes an array of transform arrays and a placement.
Stencil(TransformGroup[], Placement) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Ctor that takes an array of transform groups and a placement.
Stencil(ArrayList, Placement) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.Stencil
Ctor that takes an array list of transform groups and a placement.
StencilSpacer - Interface in opusplus.lib.notator.stencil
This class is an iterator which can be used to repeatedly 'apply' a stencil on to the stave.
StencilSpacerBase - Class in opusplus.lib.notator.stencil
Base class for concrete stencil spacers, which provides common functionality useful to most or all said sub-types.
StencilSpacerBase() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
straddlesThreshold(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger
Returns true if the pitches in the array 'straddle' the passed threshold pitch.
strcmp(String, String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
String comparison function that works correctly even if one or both the strings passed are null.
subMatrixAND(int[][], int[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Method performs an bitwise-AND on 2D arrays of integers at specified offsets.
subMatrixMatch(int[][], int[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Method for matching 2D arrays of integers at specified offsets.
subrange(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a new array containing only elements from the passed array arr between offsets start and end.
subtractPitches(ArrayList, ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Removes all the pitches from meList where they are identical to a pitch in a music element at the same time offset within pitchList.
sum(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns a new array containing the additive sum of corresponding elements from arr1 and arr2, starting from the zero'th offset.
sum(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Sums all the integers in the passed array.
sustain - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
SyncopateOp - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Determines which operation to use for syncopation operations.
syncopateTransform(ArrayList, int[], boolean, IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This transformer returns an altered musical phrase by either splitting, merging or 'dotting' the notes with a probability determined by a weights array.
SyncopateTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This transformer alters a musical phrase by either splitting, merging or 'dotting' the notes with a probability determined by a weights array.
SyncopateTransform(IntegerStream, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Full state ctor.
syncopateTransform(ArrayList, int[], boolean, IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This transformer alters a musical phrase by either splitting, merging or 'dotting' the notes with a probability determined by a weights array.
SysParaLoader - Class in opusplus.lib.file
Class which can initialize the system parameters from a saved XML file.
SysParaLoader(File) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaLoader
Constructs an instance of this class ready to set the system parameters from the contents of this XML file.
SysParaLoader(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaLoader
Constructs an instance of this class ready to set the system parameters from the contents of this XML file.
SysParameters - Class in opusplus.core.config
This class holds all the system parameters such as which instruments are to play the composition, how many bars and what keys are used.
SysParametersReadOnly - Class in opusplus.core.config
This class holds all the system parameters such as which instruments are to play the composition, how many bars and what keys are used, but they are read-only.
SysParametersReadOnly() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Public ctor which creates an instance of the system parameters containing their default values.
SysParaSaver - Class in opusplus.lib.file
Class that encapsulates how to save the system parameters to an XML file.
SysParaSaver(File) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Ctor that takes an XML file handle
SysParaSaver(String) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Ctor that takes an XML file name
SysParaSaver(String, boolean) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Ctor that takes a file name and a boolean specifying whether to prepend the Lilypond comment character '%' to every new line.
SysParaSaver(File, PrintStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Ctor that takes a java.io.File object and a PrintStream so that an XML reference to previously saved data in the file can be written to the PrintStream instead of writing out the XML in full.
SysParaSaver(PrintStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
Ctor that takes a PrintStream so that System.out can be passed as an argument and output can be easily directed to the console.


tail(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns everything BUT the first element of the list
Tempo - Class in opusplus.core.music
Represents the basic tempo of the piece.
Tempo(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
Ctor that takes the beats-per-minute of the piece.
theosophicAddition(long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Convenience function to return the theosophic addition of the passed integer n, using base-10 arithmetic and a threshold of 9.
theosophicAddition(long, int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Function uses 'theosophic addition' to add up the digits of the passed number n and return this value.
thickeningTransform(ArrayList, int[], IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This transformer 'thickens up' a musical fragment by removing rests.
ThickeningTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This transformer 'thickens up' a musical fragment by removing rests.
ThickeningTransform(IntegerStream, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Full state ctor.
thickeningTransform(ArrayList, int[], IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This transformer 'thickens up' a musical fragment by removing rests.
thinningTransform(ArrayList, int[], IntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
This transformer 'thins out' a musical fragment by replacing existing musical elements with rests, or by having their duration and inserting a new rest.
ThinningTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This transformer 'thins out' a musical fragment by replacing existing musical elements with rests, or by having their duration and inserting a new rest.
ThinningTransform(IntegerStream, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Full state ctor.
thinningTransform(ArrayList, int[], IntegerStream) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
This transformer 'thins out' a musical fragment by replacing existing musical elements with rests, or by having their duration and inserting a new rest.
tie(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Ties this chord to the passed music element
tie(MusicElement) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Ties this musical element to the passed musical element, which should be the next music element in front.
tie(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Ties this note to the passed note
tie(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
This method is a no-op.
tie(MusicElement) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
This method is a no-op.
TimeItrInterface - Interface in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
An interface to ensure that time iterators of various kinds have a consistent set of method calls in their interface.
TimePtr - Class in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
This pointer is used to target individual bars of voices at the level of the underlying tick data; this tick data is used internally by Opus+ to measure out time and duration, and is designed so these calculations only involved integer mathematics.
TimePtr() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
No-arg ctor which creates a default time pointer across all the voices of the composition and set at the start of the first bar.
TimePtr(int, TimeQuantization, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimePtr
Full-state ctor
TimeQuantization - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Enum that specifies the quantization used when positioning fragments on the stave.
TimeRange - Class in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
This class represents a range of time on a particular voice on the stave.
TimeRange() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Creates a valid, zero width range positioned at the very start of the first bar of the top voice.
TimeRange(int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Creates a valid range at the start of the passed voice with a width as specified.
TimeRange(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Full state constructor which creates a valid range on the specified voice at a particular bar and offset and with the requested width.
TimeRange(TimePtr, TimePtr) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeRange
Constructs a range from two time pointers.
TimeRangeInterface - Interface in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
An interface to ensure that time ranges of various kinds have a consistent set of method calls.
TimeSignature - Class in opusplus.core.music
Class which represents time signatures within Opus+
TimeSignature(int, NoteType) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Passed two numbers specifying the time signature, this creates an object that can be used to set the time at the beginning of a stave, or change it when the time signature needs to alter.
TimeSignature(int, NoteType, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
The first two arguments specify the time signature, the third tells Lilypond how to group the notes on the stave.
TimeSteppingSpacer - Class in opusplus.lib.notator.stencil
Spacer class which moves the position on from the current position a fixed time offset each time.
TimeSteppingSpacer(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.TimeSteppingSpacer
Ctor which specifies the step size in time offset ticks.
timeWarpTransform(ArrayList, boolean, boolean) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.FragmentFactory
Returns a fragment with the duration of every music element it contains changed.
TimeWarpTransform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
Transforms a fragment by changing the duration of every music element it contains.
TimeWarpTransform() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
No-arg ctor which shrinks the duration of a fragment by half by default.
TimeWarpTransform(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Full state ctor which enables the caller to decide between shrinking and stretching at construction time.
timeWarpTransform(ArrayList, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
Transforms a fragment by changing the duration of every music element it contains.
TimeWindow - Class in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
This class which offers a neat way of iterating across a set of voices very flexibly.
TimeWindow() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Creates a zero width window across all voices of the composition, located at the very start of the first bar.
TimeWindow(int[], int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Create a time window across these voices and of the specified width, which is measured in Opus+ 'ticks'.
TimeWindow(int[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Create a time window across these voices and of the specified width, measured in Opus+ 'ticks', and with an absolute start position at the passed bar and time offset.
TimeWindow(TimeRange) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Convenience constructor which create a window from a range, and expands it across all the voices in the piece.
TimeWindow(int[], TimeRange) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.TimeWindow
Convenience constructor which create a window from a range, and expands it across an array of voices.
toArray() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFSet
Returns the contents as a PF[] array.
toArray(ArrayList) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Converts the passed list to an InstrumentId[] array containing the same elements in the same order.
toArray(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed an ArrayList, returns an integer array containing the same data.
toArray(Integer[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Converts an array of Integers to an array of ints.
toArrayList() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Returns the contents of the ring, in ring order, as an array list with the head element as the first element in the list.
toBinaryString(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Converts the passed integer to a binary string which prints the least significant bit first.
toBinaryString(long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Converts the passed long to a binary string which prints the least significant bit first.
toBitMapString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns a string showing the notator coverage as a bit map.
toChordNumber() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Converts this ScaleDegree enum to its ChordNumber equivalent.
toDoubleArray(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an array of doubles containing exactly the same values as the original integer array, and in the same order.
toFile() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns a java.io.File object representing this Lilypond file according to the current state of this object.
toIntegerArray(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an array of integers containing exactly the same values as the original double array, and in the same order.
toIntegers(NoteLength[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Converts NoteLength arrays to integer arrays
toJava(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PF
Returns java code for a factory function that will create this PF holding exactly the same state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Callers can ask an integer stream to return the java code for a constructor suitable for re-constructing itself.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
toJava(ChordTupletTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(HarmonizingTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(InvertTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(ModulateTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(OctavationTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(NOPTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(PitchWidenTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(PitchShiftTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(RetrogradeTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(RotateTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(RunningInversionTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(ScaleChangerTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(ShuffleTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(SyncopateTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(ThickeningTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(ThinningTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(TimeWarpTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(DynamicsTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(PhraseShaperTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(MirrorInvertTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(BalancedRandomIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(ChaoticIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(DisorderedRandomIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(FibonacciIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(FileDataIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(GaussianIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(MonotonicIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(NumerologyIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(PrimeIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(RandomIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(WeightedIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(NotatorBaseState) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(CadenceNotator) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(IntroNotator) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.JavaWriter
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.CadenceNotator
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.IntroNotator
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Returns a string containing the java code to construct this notator.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.MirrorInvertTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.NOPTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RetrogradeTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toJava(JavaWriter) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformFunctor
Returns a Java code representation of this object such that it executes from the same start state.
toLilypondString() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Converts stem direction constants to Lilypond strings.
toLilypondString(ArrayList, ScaleId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Calls toString() on all the contents of an array and returns them as a single string to the caller.
toLilypondString(ArrayList, Scale) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Calls toString() on all the contents of an array and returns them as a single string to the caller.
toList(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Passed an array, returns an ArrayList containing the same data.
toLower(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an lowercase version of the string passed.
toNoteLength() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
This method converts between two types of enum; NoteType to NoteLength.
toNoteLengths(int[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Converts arrays of integers containing legal note values into arrays of NoteLength enums
top() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Repositions the iterator onto the top stave of the current bar.
top() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Repositions the iterator onto the top voice of the current bar.
toPercentage(double) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the passed double, as a percentage string.
toPercentages(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns an array of the same length as that passed.
toPlainString(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Convenience function for rendering arrays of integers as strings suitable for XML files
toPrettyString() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Returns a pretty-print string of this time signature i.e.
toScaleDegree() - Method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Converts this ChordNumber enum to its ScaleDegree equivalent.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
Returns a string representation of this entire stave.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
Returns a string representation of this stave part.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Returns a string representation of this voice part.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Returns a string representation of this voice part.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFBespoke
Returns a string representation of the parameter frame.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Dumps full details of this map structure including all the PF key data
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFTable
Renders the PF Table as a string.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Returns a string representation of this instance
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
Prints out the system parameters
toString(DrumId[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns a string representing the passed array of DrumId enums
toString(KeySpec[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Returns a string representing the passed array of KeySpec enums
toString(NotatorType[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns an array of notator types as a pretty-print string
toString(NoteLength[]) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns an array of note lengths as a pretty-print string
toString(ArrayList) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns an array-list of note lengths as a pretty-print string
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.durations.DurationCombinationVariant
Dumps the state of this object, useful for debugging
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Render this fragment as a string without reference to any scale context.
toString(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Renders this fragment as a string and uses the pitch representation associated with the passed scale identifier as the interpretation context for the pitch data within each music element contained herein.
toString(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Renders this fragment as a string and uses the pitch representation associated with the passed scale as the interpretation context for the pitch data within each music element contained herein.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
Prints out the instrument data.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Returns the name of the Lilypond file as a string according to the current state of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.Clef
Returns the Lilypond string for this clef.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.KeySignature
Returns a string containing the Lilypond representation of the key signature.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.MIDIVoice
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
Returns the musical term representing this tempo as a string
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.music.TimeSignature
Returns a Lilypond string representation of this time signature
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the Lilypond string for this chord and printed according to the current stave context in which this chord is contained.
toString(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the Lilypond string for this chord and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale identifier
toString(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the Lilypond string for this chord and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale
toString(PitchRep) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Returns the Lilypond string representing this chord.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Returns the Lilypond string for this grace note and printed according to the current stave context in which this grace note is contained.
toString(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Returns the Lilypond string for this grace note and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale identifier
toString(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Returns the Lilypond string for this grace note and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale
toString(PitchRep) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.GraceNote
Returns the Lilypond string representing this grace note.
toString() - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the Lilypond string for this music element printed according to the current stave context in which this object is contained.
toString(Scale) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the Lilypond string for this note and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale.
toString(ScaleId) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Returns the Lilypond string for this music element and printed according to the pitch representation of the scale associated with the passed scale identifier
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the Lilypond string for this note and printed according to the current stave context in which this note is contained.
toString(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the Lilypond string for this note and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale identifier
toString(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Returns the Lilypond string for this note and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale
toString(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns the Lilypond string for this rest and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale identifier.
toString(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns the Lilypond string for this rest and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
Returns the Lilypond string representing this rest.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns the Lilypond string for this tuplet and printed according to the current stave context in which this tuplet is contained.
toString(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns the Lilypond string for this tuplet and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale identifier
toString(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns the Lilypond string for this tuplet and printed according to the pitch representation of the passed scale
toString(PitchRep) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Returns the Lilypond string representing this tuplet.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.MusicalScale
Returns a string representation for the scale
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchDrumRep
Prints out the pitch representation as a table of the form PitchValue = Lilypond-String, i.e.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchFlatRep
Prints out the FlatPicthMgr as a table of the form PitchValue = Lilypond string, each record on a separate line.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.scales.PitchSharpRep
Prints out the pitch representation as a table of the form PitchValue = Lilypond-String, i.e.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedNoteOffsetStream
Displays the state of this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedRetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Displays the state of this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
Returns state of this object as a string.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Returns state of this object as a string.
toString(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Convenience function for rendering arrays of doubles as strings.
toString(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Convenience function for rendering arrays of integers as strings.
toString(int[][]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Convenience function for printing out 2D arrays of integers quickly.
toString(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Convenience function for rendering arrays of longs as strings.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.Stats
Returns the stats collected so far as a string.
toString(T[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an array of T's as a pretty-print string
toString(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an array list of T's as a pretty-print string
toString(double, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the passed double as a string represented as a number in full - none of this silly scientific E nonsense - with 'precision' decimal places and without thousands separators.
toString(File) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the absolute path of the passed file safely even if the passed object is null, in which case the string "null" is returned.
toString(String[], String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Flattens an array of strings into a single string with each element in the array separated by the 'sep' string
toString(ArrayList, ScaleId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Calls toString() on all the contents of an array and returns them as a single string to the caller.
toString(ArrayList, Scale) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Calls toString() on all the contents of an array and returns them as a single string to the caller.
toString(MusicElement, ScaleId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Conditionally 'stringifies' the passed music element using the pitch representation of the passed scale.
toString(MusicElement, Scale) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Conditionally 'stringifies' the passed music element using the pitch representation of the passed scale.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRange
Prints out a string containing the state of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns a simple string representation of all the voice/bar ranges covered by this table, e.g:
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
Returns a string representation of the state of this spacer
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Accumulation
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.AnsweringPhrase
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Continuo
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.Harmony
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.InterleavedContinuo
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetContinuo
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.OffsetPhrase
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.placement.Placement
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.placement.SinglePhrase
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
toString(ScaleId) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
toString(Scale) - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.FragmentCache
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.PlacementCache
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.rings.Ring
Prints out the contents of the ring starting at the head element, so the ring is always printed starting from the same place and forward in the 'next' direction.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.MirrorInvertTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.NOPTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RetrogradeTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in interface opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformFunctor
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Returns a string representation of this object.
toStringData() - Static method in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentInfo
Prints out the instrument data.
toStringDurations(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns all the durations in the contained music element list as a string of number values.
toStringDurations(MusicElement) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns the duration of the music element as an integer string.
toStringFragments(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a strings representation of all the passed fragments printed on a different line
toStringFragments(ArrayList, ScaleId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a strings representation of all the passed fragments printed on a different line using the printed representation of the scale ID.
toStringFragments(ArrayList, Scale) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a strings representation of all the passed fragments printed on a different line using the printed representation of the scale.
toStringFragments(Fragment[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a strings representation of all the passed fragments printed on a different line
toStringFragments(Fragment[], ScaleId) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a strings representation of all the passed fragments printed on a different line using the printed representation of the scale ID.
toStringFragments(Fragment[], Scale) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a strings representation of all the passed fragments printed on a different line using the printed representation of the scale.
toStringNonZero() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatistics
Returns a string representation of this instance
toStringPitches(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns all the pitches in the contained music element list as a string of number values.
toStringPitches(MusicElement) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns all the pitches in the contained music element as a string of number values.
toStringTypes(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Returns a string containing the types of each element.
toTableString() - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.NotatorBarRangeTable
Returns a somewhat intuitive rendering of the contents of this table.
totalDifferences(Hashtable, Hashtable) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the number of differences between the contents of the two passed Hashtables.
totalSimilarities(Hashtable, Hashtable) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the number of similarities between the contents of the two passed hashtables.
toUpper(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an uppercase version of the string passed.
toWordString(long) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
toXML(int, String) - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PF
Returns an XML formatted string holding the name and value of every parameter in the parameter frame.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.BalancedRandomIntegerStream
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.ChaoticIntegerStream
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.DisorderedRandomIntegerStream
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FibonacciIntegerStream
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.FileDataIntegerStream
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.GaussianIntegerStream
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in interface opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStream
Callers can ask each IntegerStream object to render itself as XML containing enough information so that it can be saved to file and then reloaded, such that it will operate producing exactly the same number sequence as before.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.MonotonicIntegerStream
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.NumerologyIntegerStream
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.PrimeIntegerStream
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.RandomIntegerStream
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
toXML(Hashtable) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns an XML formatted string of all the entries in in the passed hashtable.
toXML(ChordTupletTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
End point of a visitor pattern arrangement whereby rendering transforms as XML is encapsulated in this class in a type-safe way.
toXML(HarmonizingTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(InvertTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(ModulateTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(OctavationTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(NOPTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(PitchWidenTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(PitchShiftTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(RetrogradeTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(RotateTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(RunningInversionTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(ScaleChangerTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(ShuffleTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(SyncopateTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(ThickeningTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(ThinningTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(TimeWarpTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(DynamicsTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(PhraseShaperTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(MirrorInvertTransform) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(BalancedRandomIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(ChaoticIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(DisorderedRandomIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(FibonacciIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(FileDataIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(GaussianIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(MonotonicIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(NumerologyIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(PrimeIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(RandomIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(WeightedIntegerStream) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(Notator) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(CadenceNotator) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(IntroNotator) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(PhraseMaker) - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaSaver
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.CadenceNotator
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.IntroNotator
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.notator.Notator
Returns an XML representation of this notator such that it can be reconstructed from file an operate identically.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.PhraseCreator
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.PhraseMaker
Returns an XML representation of this phrase maker such that it can be reconstructed from file an operate identically.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.MirrorInvertTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.NOPTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RetrogradeTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
toXML(SysParaSaver) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformFunctor
Returns an XML representation of this object such that it can be re-constructed in the same state.
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Executes the transform on the passed fragment.
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ChordTupletTransform
Executes the transform on the passed music elements.
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Execute the transform on the passed fragment.
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.DynamicsTransform
Execute the transform on the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment.
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.HarmonizingTransform
Executes this transform on the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment.
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.InvertTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements.
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.MirrorInvertTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.MirrorInvertTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ModulateTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.NOPTransform
Leaves the passed fragment unchanged.
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.NOPTransform
Does nowt...
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.OctavationTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PhraseShaperTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchShiftTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.PitchWidenTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RetrogradeTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RetrogradeTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RotateTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.RunningInversionTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ScaleChangerTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ShuffleTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.SyncopateTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThickeningTransform
Applies this transform to the passed Music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.ThinningTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music elements
transform(Fragment) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Applies this transform to the passed fragment
transform(ArrayList) - Method in class opusplus.lib.transforms.TimeWarpTransform
Applies this transform to the passed music element
Transform - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
Implementation class for all fragment transforms that operate directly on the fragment passed.
Transform() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.Transform
transform(Fragment) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformFunctor
Executes the transform directly on the passed fragment.
transform(ArrayList) - Method in interface opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformFunctor
Executes the transform directly on the passed array list.
TransformFunctor - Interface in opusplus.lib.transforms
All fragment transformers should implement this interface.
TransformGroup - Class in opusplus.lib.transforms
This class is essentially a list of transforms which can be applied one after another to a fragment or a collection of fragments to produce new fragments.
TransformGroup() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Ctor which takes the name of this transform group
TransformGroup(TransformFunctor) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Full-state ctor which allows the caller a simple way of naming a particular transform for future use.
TransformGroup(TransformFunctor[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Full-state ctor
TransformGroup(ArrayList) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.transforms.TransformGroup
Full-state ctor
TransformGroupCache - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache
This class holds a collection of named transform groups that can be used throughout the composition at different points.
TransformGroupCache(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCache
Construct a transform group cache supplying an integer stream so it can also select transform groups at random.
TransformGroupCacheFiller - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache
Class which creates a number of transform group caches using a list of parameter frames, essentially one parameter frame for each of the transform group caches.
TransformGroupCacheFiller() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCacheFiller
No arg ctor
TransformGroupCacheFiller(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.TransformGroupCacheFiller
Full-state ctor
TransformGroupCacheRing - Class in opusplus.lib.rings
This singleton class holds a collection of transform group caches in a collection called a 'ring'.
TransformGroupCacheRing() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.TransformGroupCacheRing
TransformGroupCacheRingSelector - Interface in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
Interface which all transform group cache ring selectors should implement.
TransformGroupFactory - Class in opusplus.lib.factories
Factory class for creating transforms and transform groups in various ways.
TransformGroupFactory(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.TransformGroupFactory
Construct a transform group cache supplying an integer stream so it can also act as a transform group factory.
TransformGroupSelector - Interface in opusplus.lib.rings.transforms.selector
Interface for transform group selection strategies.
TransformType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Allows unambiguous reference to the transform types and provides an order to these types that can be used to define the order of weights or bias arrays.
triangularNumber(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
The additive analogue of a factorial i.e.
triangularOffset(int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Returns the offset in the triangular series of the passed triangular number X or a negative number if X is not a triangular number.
TrillArticulationType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Articulations which can only be applied to notes.
TrillType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Used to write out trills as actual fragments by the ArpeggioTrillNotator.
trunc(double, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Truncates the contents of the passed double so that only 'precision' decimal places are left
truncateToDuration(int) - Method in class opusplus.core.fragment.Fragment
Deletes elements from the end of this fragment until its total duration is less than or equal to the target duration.
truncateToDuration(ArrayList, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils
Deletes elements from the end of the list until its total duration is less than or equal to the target duration.
Tuplet - Class in opusplus.core.musicElements
A thing with several sequential pitches in a single duration - typically a triplet.
Tuplet() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Ctor does nothing
Tuplet(int[], NoteLength) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
Ctor that fully constructs a tuplet; its pitches, duration and its Lilypond representation.
TupletExtractionStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Used when extracting voices that fall within a certain range from within another fragment, such as one consisting entirely of chords with a huge spread over many octaves.


unbalance(Chord) - Method in class opusplus.lib.factories.ChordFactory
Doubles the top note of the passed chord by adding a new high note one octave above the existing one.
UnchangingCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
NOP cache selector.
UnchangingCacheSelector(CacheRing) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.UnchangingCacheSelector
Default ctor
UnchangingFragmentCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
NOP fragment cache selector which always returns the current cache.
UnchangingFragmentCacheSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.UnchangingFragmentCacheSelector
UnchangingPlacementCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
NOP placement cache selector which always returns the current cache.
UnchangingPlacementCacheSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.UnchangingPlacementCacheSelector
UnchangingTransformGroupCacheSelector - Class in opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector
NOP transform group cache selector which always returns the current cache.
UnchangingTransformGroupCacheSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.rings.cache.selector.UnchangingTransformGroupCacheSelector
UncooperativeNotatorCreationStrategy - Class in opusplus.lib.factories.strategies
Class implements a naive approach to creating notators at random.
UncooperativeNotatorCreationStrategy(IntegerStream, IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.UncooperativeNotatorCreationStrategy
Full-state ctor that takes two integer streams.
unfocus() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Unfocuses the iterator so that it ranges over the entire composition.
unfocus() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Unfocuses the iterator so that it ranges over the entire composition.
unsetBarRange() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Turns off the bar range information for this file.
unsetInstrumentName() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Turns off the instrument naming on this file.
unsetInstrumentSuffix() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Turns off the instrument suffix on this file.
unsetStaveNumber() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Unsets the stave number.
unsetVersion() - Method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondFileHandle
Turns off the versioning on this file
untanglePianoVoices() - Static method in class opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger
Untangles the voices in each piano stave.
unTie(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Chord
Unties this chord from those to which it is tied.
unTie(boolean) - Method in interface opusplus.core.musicElements.MusicElement
Unties this music element from those to which it is tied.
unTie(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Note
Unties this note from those to which it is tied.
unTie(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Rest
This method is a no-op.
unTie(boolean) - Method in class opusplus.core.musicElements.Tuplet
This method is a no-op.
up() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.StaveIterator
Returns the stave part above the current one on the page.
up() - Method in class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Returns the voice part above the current one on the page.
upperCaseXMLTagToClassName(String) - Method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Converts an underscore separated upper case XML tag name.
Utils - Class in opusplus.core.utilities
General utility functions that use specific classes within Opus+ concerned with musical material, and as such are probably best not be located in a general 'Misc' class
Utils() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.utilities.Utils


validMask(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed mask is valid, otherwise false.
validMask(int[], int, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed mask is valid, otherwise false.
validWeights(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed weights are valid, otherwise false.
validWeights(int[], int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Returns true if the passed weights are valid, otherwise false.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordConvertOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationPostProcess
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefOctave
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DissonanceTritoneChordSpec
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DurationStreamType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FileVersioningStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FragmentCreationStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentCategory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InversionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MajMinChordSpec
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MetronomeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ModulationStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorCreationStrategyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteOffsetStreamType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ParameterGroup
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFTableReconciliationStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PhraseShape
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchRepType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchSpec
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PlacementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.RestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScoreSection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SmoothingLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StaveType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SyncopateOp
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TransformType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TupletExtractionStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoiceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ZoneNotatorActions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in class opusplus.core.config.PFMap
Returns all the values in order.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordConvertOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationPostProcess
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefOctave
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DissonanceTritoneChordSpec
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DurationStreamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FileVersioningStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FragmentCreationStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InversionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MajMinChordSpec
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MetronomeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ModulationStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorCreationStrategyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteOffsetStreamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ParameterGroup
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFTableReconciliationStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PhraseShape
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchRepType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchSpec
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PlacementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.RestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScoreSection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SmoothingLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StaveType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SyncopateOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TransformType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TupletExtractionStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoiceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ZoneNotatorActions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.AccentType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioTrillPatternReuseStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ArpeggioType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.BarClearancePattern
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheRingSelectorStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.CacheSelectorStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Cadence
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordConvertOption
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationPostProcess
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordGenerationStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ChordNumber
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefOctave
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ClefType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DissonanceTritoneChordSpec
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumId
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumKitId
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DrumScaleId
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.DurationStreamType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.Dynamics
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FermataType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FileVersioningStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.FragmentCreationStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentCategory
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InstrumentId
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.InversionType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeySpec
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.KeyType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MajMinChordSpec
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MetronomeType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ModulationStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.MusicElementType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorCreationStrategyType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NotatorType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteLength
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteOffsetStreamType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.NoteType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.OuterVoiceChange
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ParameterGroup
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PersichettiHarmony
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFTableReconciliationStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PFXMLCompressionType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PhraseShape
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchRepType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PitchSpec
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.PlacementType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.RestType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleDegree
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleId
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScaleMode
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ScoreSection
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneInterval
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SemitoneModulation
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SerialismVoiceApplicationStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SmoothingLevel
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SpacerType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StaveType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.StemDirection
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.SyncopateOp
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TimeQuantization
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TransformType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillArticulationType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TrillType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.TupletExtractionStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.VoiceType
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
valueToEnum(int) - Static method in enum opusplus.core.constants.ZoneNotatorActions
Factory method that allows for the simple creation of enums from integers based on their actual value.
vectorCompare(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Each element in passed arrays is compared in turn, and the absolute difference between them is noted.
vectorDistance(int[], int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Each element in passed arrays is compared in turn, and the absolute difference between them is noted.
VELOCE - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
vibrato - Variable in class opusplus.core.instruments.InstrumentData
VIVACE - Static variable in class opusplus.core.music.Tempo
Voice - Class in opusplus.core.composition
This class represents a voice played by an instrument.
Voice(Stave, VoiceType) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.Voice
Ctor for the voice which takes the containing stave and the voice type.
VoiceIterator - Class in opusplus.core.composition.iterator
This class provides all the methods necessary to navigate around the staves of the current composition both reading and writing notes, chords and rests into the various voices.
VoiceIterator() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Constructor which attaches itself to the current composition and positions itself at the beginning of the first bar.
VoiceIterator(int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Constructor which attaches itself to the the current composition and positions itself at the voice offset and bar passed.
VoiceIterator(VoiceSelector) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Constructor which attaches itself to the current composition and positions itself at the beginning of the first bar.
VoiceIterator(VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Constructor which attaches itself to the selected voices from the current composition and positions itself at the voice offset and bar passed.
VoiceIterator(VoicePart) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Constructor which attaches itself to the current composition and positions itself at the voice part passed.
VoiceIterator(StaveSelector) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.iterator.VoiceIterator
Constructor which takes a stave selector to confine it to the voices on a particular set of staves.
VoiceLinearNotatorCreationStrategy - Class in opusplus.lib.factories.strategies
A notator creation strategy that assign each notator all the bars of a set of voices.
VoiceLinearNotatorCreationStrategy(IntegerStream, IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.VoiceLinearNotatorCreationStrategy
Full-state ctor that takes two integer streams.
VoicePart - Class in opusplus.core.composition
This class represents a single bars-worth of music played by a single instrument; or more precisely in the case of instruments such as the piano which have two voices, a bars-worth played by a single voice of a single instrument.
VoicePart(StavePart, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.VoicePart
Ctor that requires the parent stave part which owns this voice object and a parameter frame which specifies the constraints that apply to this voice in this bar.
VoicePartToPFReferenceStrategy - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Determines how VoicePart objects hold their PF objects.
VoiceSelector - Class in opusplus.core.composition.selector
Class which selects a set of the voices in the composition.
VoiceSelector() - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Default constructor which selects all the voices in the composition in-order down the page.
VoiceSelector(ArrayList) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Creates a voice selector on the list of passed voices
VoiceSelector(StaveSelector) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Wrapper for a stave selector which selects all the voices in the staves selected by the passed stave selector.
VoiceSelector(int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Ctor that selects a single voice based on its index down the page.
VoiceSelector(int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.composition.selector.VoiceSelector
Selects a sub-set of the voices as specified by an array absolute voice numbers.
VoiceType - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
On a stave with multiple voices this distinguishes between them.


WeightedBooleanStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Returns a random series of true/false values but weighted in the proportions specified.
WeightedBooleanStream(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedBooleanStream
Constructor which wraps an integer stream and returns the values of true or false on subsequent calls to getNext().
WeightedBooleanStream(IntegerStream, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedBooleanStream
Constructor which takes the integer stream to wrap and a percentage which affects the relative proportions of true and false returned.
WeightedDurationCombinationStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
This class converts a standard duration combination stream, that uses binary masks to bias the rhythmic patterns produced, to one which can use weights arrays.
WeightedDurationCombinationStream(IntegerStream, TimeSignature) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedDurationCombinationStream
Creates a duration stream that returns durations which exactly fill a bar of a length specified by the time signature.
WeightedDurationCombinationStream(IntegerStream, PF) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedDurationCombinationStream
Creates a duration stream that returns durations which exactly fill a bar of a length specified by the time signature contained in the passed parameter frame.
WeightedIntegerStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams
Adapter which takes a number stream and biases the values returned from the stream according to an array of weights.
WeightedIntegerStream(IntegerStream) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Ctor that takes an integer stream and uses a default weights array that does not effect the relative probability of returning the indexes of the array.
WeightedIntegerStream(IntegerStream, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.WeightedIntegerStream
Ctor that takes an integer stream and a weights array.
WeightedNoteOffsetStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
A note stream class which generates note offsets using an IntegerStream instance which is weighted to bias the numbers returned.
WeightedNoteOffsetStream(IntegerStream, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedNoteOffsetStream
Ctor that takes all the state necessary to encapsulate a sensible decision about the ranges of pitches to generate, and how to generate them.
WeightedRetentiveNoteOffsetStream - Class in opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams
A note stream which generates pitch information based on the last note it generated, but the probability of any particular interval is weighted.
WeightedRetentiveNoteOffsetStream(IntegerStream, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.WeightedRetentiveNoteOffsetStream
Ctor that takes all the state necessary to encapsulate a sensible decision about the ranges of pitches to generate, and how to generate them.
WholeScoreNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
Generates random musical phrases across a whole score using a particular integer stream and the class of the Notator provided.
WholeScoreNotator(IntegerStream, Class) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.WholeScoreNotator
Uses a particular integer stream to create an entire musical score using the class of Notator passed in.
writeHTML() - Method in class opusplus.lib.file.HTMLReviewFileWriter
Method which writes the actual HTML out to file.
writeOpusHTMLReviewFile(ArrayList) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.file.HTMLReviewFileWriter
Convenience function which creates an Opus+ HTML review file with the next version number, fills it with HTML suitable for the .pdf and the .midi files generated by Lilypond from the passed Lilypond file list, and then returns a handle to the new HTML file.


xmlTagToMemberName(String) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.ReflectionUtils
Converts a simple XML tag into a member name in the capitalized form, by adding the underscore prefix and capitalizing the first letter i.e.
xmlToBean(Object, String) - Static method in class opusplus.lib.file.SysParaLoader


zeroFill(double[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.DoubleArray
Fills the passed array with zero doubles
zeroFill(int[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray
Fills the passed array with zero integers
zeroFill(int[][]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.IntArray2D
Fills the passed 2D array with zero integers
zeroFill(long[]) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.maths.LongArray
Fills the passed array with zero longs
zeroPad(String, int) - Static method in class opusplus.core.utilities.Misc
Pads an integer string with zeros on the left to the field width.
ZoneNotator - Class in opusplus.lib.notator
ZoneNotator works by the user specifying 'zones' across the different sections of the composition.
ZoneNotator(IntegerStream, VoiceSelector, int, int) - Constructor for class opusplus.lib.notator.ZoneNotator
Ctor which takes an integer stream, a voice selection, a start and end bar number.
ZoneNotatorActions - Enum in opusplus.core.constants
Specifies the possible actions undertaken by the Zone Notator


_accentPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_accentWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_accumulationPlacementDispersePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_accumulationPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_answeringPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioDownPitchPatternResuseWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioDurationPatternResuseWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioNoteDurationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioPitchChainingPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioPrincipalPitchWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioTrillPlacementWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioTrillProbabilityWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioTripletNotePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioUpPitchPatternResuseWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_arpeggioWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_autoOttava - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_autoTie - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_balancedRandomIntegerStreamSeed - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_bar - Variable in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
_barBefore - Variable in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
_barCheck - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_barClearPatternWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_barPatternCacheSize - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_barsPerSeparateInstrumentScoreFile - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_barsPerSingleScoreFile - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_bassOnFirstBeat - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_cacheRing - Variable in class opusplus.lib.rings.CacheRingBase
_chaoticIntegerStreamMultiplier - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_chaoticIntegerStreamRatio - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_chaoticIntegerStreamStart - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_chordGeneration2nd3rd4thWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationChordSizeWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationDissonanceTritoneChordSpecWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationEnhanceIntervalPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationEnhanceIntervalWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationHarmonicProfileWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationInKey - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationInvertDownPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationInvertOffsetPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationInvertUpPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationMajMinChordSpecWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationMixedIntervalLowerWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationMixedIntervalUpperWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationMultiIntervalWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationNeighbourChordShiftVector - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationNeighbourChordWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationNumberedChordWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationPostProcessingWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationPureIntervalWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationSolidifyAddFifthPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationSpreadMaxPitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationSpreadMinPitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationSpreadProportionalPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordGenerationStrategyWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordTupletTransformChordNoteOrderArray - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordTupletTransformConvertChordPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordTupletTransformConvertTupletPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_chordTupletTransformTupletOptionWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_clef - Variable in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
_clefOctave - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_clefType - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_composer - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_continuoPlacementGapQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_continuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_continuoPlacementMaxRepeats - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_continuoPlacementMinRepeats - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_createArpeggioTrillPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_createSeparateInstrumentScores - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_createSingleScore - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_dedication - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_defaultIntegerStream - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_disorderedRandomIntegerStreamSeed - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_dottedChordMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_dottedDurationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_dottedNoteMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_dottedRestMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_dottedTupletMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_doubleDottedChordMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_doubleDottedDurationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_doubleDottedNoteMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_doubleDottedRestMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_doubleDottedTupletMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_drumKitName - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_durationStreamTypeWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_dynamicsPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_dynamicsWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fermataPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fermataWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fibonacciIntegerStreamMultiplier - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_fibonacciIntegerStreamSeed1 - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_fibonacciIntegerStreamSeed2 - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_fileDataIntegerStreamData - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_fragementCreationBarrelFallingPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentCacheRingSelectorWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentCreationCombPattern - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentCreationDistributeRestPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentCreationLeadingVoiceClosestPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentCreationStrategyWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentDurationUnits - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentLengthQuantization - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentNotatorDensitySensitiveWindowWidthInBars - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentNotatorMaxBarStep - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentNotatorMaxRandomJumps - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentNotatorMaxTargetDensity - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentNotatorMinBarStep - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentNotatorMinRandomJumps - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentNotatorMinTargetDensity - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentNotatorSpacerTimeQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentNotatorSpacerWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentNotatorTimeStepTickSize - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_fragmentSelectorPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_gap - Variable in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
_gaussianIntegerStreamSeed - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_gaussianSpread - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_generateExampleJavaCode - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_generationTime - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_graceNoteOnDottedChordPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_graceNoteOnDottedNotePercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_graceNoteOnDottedTupletPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_graceNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_graceNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_graceNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_graceNoteOnPlainChordPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_graceNoteOnPlainNotePercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_graceNoteOnPlainTupletPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_graceNotesEnabled - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_graceNotesInKey - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_harmonizingTransformHarmonizeLowerPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_harmonizingTransformInKeyPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_harmonizingTransformIntervalWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_harmonyNotatorCadenceTypeWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_harmonyNotatorChordSequenceTransformWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_harmonyNotatorDurationPatternTransformWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_harmonyNotatorReplaceChordSequencePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_harmonyNotatorReplaceDurationPatternPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_harmonyNotatorVoiceExtractionStrategyWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_harmonyPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_highAltoOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_highBassOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_highestAltoOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_highestBassOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_highestTrebleOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_highTrebleOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_infiniteLoopTimeout - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_initialTimeOffset - Variable in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
_instrumentCategoryWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_instrumentId - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_instruments - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_interleavedContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_interleavedContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_interleavedContinuoPlacementMinRepeats - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_intervalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_intervalNotatorDownWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_intervalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_intervalNotatorIgnoreChordsPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_intervalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_intervalNotatorUpWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_invertTransformPivotMaxNoteOffset - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_invertTransformPivotMinNoteOffset - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_is - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
_is - Variable in class opusplus.core.streams.elementStreams.DurationCombinationStream
_is - Variable in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategyBase
_is - Variable in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
_isnc - Variable in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategyBase
_javaFileVersioningStrategy - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lilypondCmdString - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lilypondVersion - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lineBreaks - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lowAltoOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lowBassOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lowestAltoOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lowestBassOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lowestTrebleOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lowTrebleOctavationThreshold - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lyFile - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lyFileVersioningStrategy - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_lyFileVersionNumberWidth - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxAltoPitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxArpeggioPitchJump - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxArpeggioPitchReverseJump - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxBassPitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxChordInterval - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxFragmentCaches - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxFragmentDuration - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxFragmentsPerCache - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxGraceNoteIntervalAbove - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxGraceNoteIntervalBelow - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxHairpinLength - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxInstrumentCategories - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxNotatorBarRangePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxNotatorVoiceSelectionPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxNoteOffsetJumpDown - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxNoteOffsetJumpUp - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxNotesInArpeggio - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxNotesInChord - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxNotesInGraceNote - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxNotesInTrill - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxNotesInTuplet - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxNumberBarsPerSection - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxNumberDifferentArpeggioNoteDurations - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxNumberDifferentTrillNoteDurations - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxNumberInitialNotatorInstances - Variable in class opusplus.lib.factories.strategies.NotatorCreationStrategyBase
_maxNumberNotatorTypes - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxNumberOfDrumKits - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxNumberOfInstruments - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxNumberOfSameInstrument - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxNumberOfSections - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxPassingNotes - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxPlacementCaches - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxPlacementsPerCache - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxRetries - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxSingleFragmentCacheFillerStrategyPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxSpacerIterationMultiplier - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxTransformGroupCaches - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxTransformGroupsPerCache - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxTransformsPerGroup - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxTreblePitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxTrillPitchDown - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxTrillPitchUp - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxTupletInterval - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxTupletSpan - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_maxZoneNotatorFragmentNames - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_maxZoneNotatorTransformGroupNames - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_meter - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_metronome - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minAltoPitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minBassPitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minChordInterval - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minFragmentCaches - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minFragmentDuration - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minFragmentsPerCache - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minHairpinLength - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minimumBarsPerScoreFile - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minNotatorBarRangePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minNotesInArpeggio - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minNotesInChord - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minNotesInGraceNote - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minNotesInTrill - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minNotesInTuplet - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minNumberBarsPerSection - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minNumberNotatorTypes - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minNumberOfDrumKits - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minNumberOfInstruments - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minNumberOfSections - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minPassingNotes - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minPlacementCaches - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minPlacementsPerCache - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minTransformGroupCaches - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_minTransformGroupsPerCache - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minTransformsPerGroup - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minTreblePitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_minTupletInterval - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_mixedArpeggioNoteDurationPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_mixedTrillNoteDurationPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_modulateTransformIntervalWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_modulateTransformModulationStrategyWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_monotonicIntegerStreamMax - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_monotonicIntegerStreamMaxRepeats - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_monotonicIntegerStreamMin - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_monotonicIntegerStreamMinRepeats - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_monotonicIntegerStreamRandomInit - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_monotonicIntegerStreamRepeatPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_monotonicIntegerStreamRepeatWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_musicElementTypeWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_notatorCreationStrategySelectionWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_notatorSelectionWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_noteGroups - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_noteOffsetStreamType - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_novelKeyTimeTempo - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_numBars - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_numBars - Variable in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
_numerologyIntegerStreamRadix - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_octavateTransformDownPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_octavateTransformModulationStrategyWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_offBefore - Variable in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
_offsetContinuoPlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_offsetContinuoPlacementMaxRepeats - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_offsetContinuoPlacementMinRepeats - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_offsetContinuoPlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_offsetPhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_offsetPhrasePlacementPhraseOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNoteOnDottedChordPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNoteOnDottedNotePercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNoteOnDottedTupletPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNoteOnDoubleDottedChordPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNoteOnDoubleDottedNotePercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNoteOnDoubleDottedTupletPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNoteOnPlainChordPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNoteOnPlainNotePercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNoteOnPlainTupletPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNotePatternWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNotePhraseFromChordModulationAxisWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNotePitchZoneWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNotesInKey - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_passingNoteTupletInterleavePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_perturbParameterGroupsDistancePercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_perturbParameterGroupsProbabilityPercentages - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_perturbPFTableOnReplay - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_pf - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.perturb.PFPerturbatorBase
_pfTable - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_pfXMLCompressionStrategy - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_phraseShaperTransformAdjacencyPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_phraseShaperTransformSwapPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_phraseShaperTransformWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pianoAutoChangeDownThresholdPitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_pianoAutoChangeUpThresholdPitch - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_pianoNoteStemsOpposing - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_pianoStaveAutoChange - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_pianoStaveSeparation - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_pitchRewritingProfileFollowModePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pitchShiftTransformModulationStrategyWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pitchShiftTransformShiftVector - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pitchStrataInKey - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pitchStrataMax - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pitchStrataMin - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pitchStrataOn - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pitchWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pitchWidenTransformIgnoreChordPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pitchWidenTransformInKeyPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_pitchWidenTransformWidenPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_placementCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_placementCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_placementCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_placementCacheRingSelectorWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_placementSelectorPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_placementTypeWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_plainChordMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_plainDurationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_plainNoteMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_plainRestMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_plainTupletMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_preferBreakScoreFilesAtSectionBoundaries - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_primeIntegerStreamStart - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_raggedLastBar - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_randomBooleanStreamSeed - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_randomIntegerStreamSeed - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_repeats - Variable in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
_reSeedOnReplay - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_retryPause - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_rotateTransformMaxLeftPlaces - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_rotateTransformMaxRightPlaces - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_runLilypondAutomatically - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_runningInversionTransformIgnoreChordPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_runningInversionTransformInKeyPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_runningInversionTransformReverseDirectionPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_saveParameterFramesToFile - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_scaleChangerTransformFromScale - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_scaleChangerTransformMoveUpPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_scaleChangerTransformToScale - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_scaleMode - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_scaleName - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_sectionalNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_sectionalNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_sectionalNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_selector - Variable in class opusplus.lib.placement.CommonPlacementBase
_serialismVoiceApplicationStrategyWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_serialRowLengthWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_serialRowModulationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_settingsXMLFile - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_shuffleTransformCutPoints - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_shuffleTransformNumShuffleParts - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_shuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMaxPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_shuffleTransformPreferNearPitchMinPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_singlePhrasePlacementInitialOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_slowPhraseDoublingWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_slowPhraseNotatorClearAllFragmentsOnVoiceChangePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_slowPhraseNotatorFragmentReuseStrategyWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_slowPhraseNotatorMatchOnTimeSignatureOnlyPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_soloPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_startBar - Variable in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
_stave - Variable in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
_staveParts - Variable in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
_staves - Variable in class opusplus.core.composition.selector.StaveSelectorBase
_strictSerialismPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_subtitle - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_suppressMetronomeForSingleInstrumentScores - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_syncopateTransformTiesAllowedPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_syncopateTypeTransformWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_tempo - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_thickeningTransformWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_thinningTransformWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_timeSignatureLower - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_timeSignatureUpper - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_timeWarpTransformShrinkPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_timeWarpTransformTiesAllowedPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_timeWindow - Variable in class opusplus.lib.notator.stencil.StencilSpacerBase
_title - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_totalValuesUsedCount - Variable in class opusplus.core.streams.numberStreams.IntegerStreamBase
_transformGroupCacheRingProbabalisticSelectorPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_transformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMaxSwitchInterval - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_transformGroupCacheRingRandomSelectorMinSwitchInterval - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_transformGroupCacheRingSelectorWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_transformGroupSelectorPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_transformRepeatMask - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_transformTypeWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillDurationPatternResuseWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillEqualAdjacentPitchesPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillNoteDurationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillOffsetQuantizationWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillPitchChainingPercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillPitchPatternResuseWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillPrincipalPitchWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillTripletNotePercentage - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillTypeWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_trillWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_usageStats - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFUsageStatsHolder
_useArticulations - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_useCadenceNotator - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_useCompoundStave - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_useDynamics - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_useIntroNotator - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_useShortInstrumentNames - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_useSystemParameterXMLReference - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_vItr - Variable in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
_voices - Variable in class opusplus.core.composition.Stave
_voices - Variable in class opusplus.core.composition.StavePart
_vpToPFReferenceStrategy - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_vSelector - Variable in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
_wis - Variable in class opusplus.lib.notator.NotatorBaseState
_workingDir - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.SysParametersReadOnly
_zoneNotatorActionWeights - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_zoneNotatorFragmentName - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_zoneNotatorLeaveNullNamesAsEmptyPercent - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers
_zoneNotatorTransformGroupName - Variable in class opusplus.core.config.PFMembers

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _
Opus+ Version 1.0 Java API

Copyright © 2005-2010 Adrian Marriott.
All Rights Reserved.