Opus+ Version 1.0 Java API

Class LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger

  extended by opusplus.core.lilypond.LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger

public class LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger
extends java.lang.Object


Class encapsulating the piano stave 'auto' changing of Lilypond. We actually do it manually, from Lilypond's perspective, because we have slightly more control.

Adrian Marriott

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void printAutoChange(java.io.PrintStream out, int[] pitches)
          Passed the pitches of the current music element, this method will print out the necessary stave change strings to track pitches.
static void reset(VoiceType voiceType)
          Initializes the auto-changer to the default stave of the voice.
static boolean straddlesThreshold(int[] pitches, int threshold)
          Returns true if the pitches in the array 'straddle' the passed threshold pitch.
static void untanglePianoVoices()
          Untangles the voices in each piano stave.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LilypondPianoStaveAutoChanger()
Method Detail


public static void reset(VoiceType voiceType)
Initializes the auto-changer to the default stave of the voice.


public static void printAutoChange(java.io.PrintStream out,
                                   int[] pitches)
Passed the pitches of the current music element, this method will print out the necessary stave change strings to track pitches.


public static void untanglePianoVoices()
Untangles the voices in each piano stave.


public static boolean straddlesThreshold(int[] pitches,
                                         int threshold)
Returns true if the pitches in the array 'straddle' the passed threshold pitch. This is true when the threshold pitch falls between the minimum and maximum value found in the pitches array. i.e. min(pitches) < threshold < max(pitches). If the threshold is equal to either the minimum or maximum then this function return false.

Opus+ Version 1.0 Java API

Copyright © 2005-2010 Adrian Marriott.
All Rights Reserved.